shithub: choc

ref: 3d1cf028d866c9fabce4cfdcaadbe87bba29256a
dir: /src/doomstat.h/

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// Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*- 
// $Id: doomstat.h 388 2006-02-24 19:14:22Z fraggle $
// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
// Copyright(C) 2005 Simon Howard
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307, USA.
//   All the global variables that store the internal state.
//   Theoretically speaking, the internal state of the engine
//    should be found by looking at the variables collected
//    here, and every relevant module will have to include
//    this header file.
//   In practice, things are a bit messy.

#ifndef __D_STATE__
#define __D_STATE__

// We need globally shared data structures,
//  for defining the global state variables.
#include "doomdata.h"
#include "d_net.h"

// We need the playr data structure as well.
#include "d_player.h"

// ------------------------
// Command line parameters.
extern  boolean	nomonsters;	// checkparm of -nomonsters
extern  boolean	respawnparm;	// checkparm of -respawn
extern  boolean	fastparm;	// checkparm of -fast

extern  boolean	devparm;	// DEBUG: launched with -devparm

// -----------------------------------------------------
// Game Mode - identify IWAD as shareware, retail etc.
extern GameMode_t	gamemode;
extern GameMission_t	gamemission;
extern GameVersion_t    gameversion;
extern char            *gamedescription;

// Set if homebrew PWAD stuff has been added.
extern  boolean	modifiedgame;

// -------------------------------------------
// Selected skill type, map etc.

// Defaults for menu, methinks.
extern  skill_t		startskill;
extern  int             startepisode;
extern	int		startmap;

extern  boolean		autostart;

// Selected by user. 
extern  skill_t         gameskill;
extern  int		gameepisode;
extern  int		gamemap;

// vertical movement from mouse/joystick disabled
extern  int             novert;

// Nightmare mode flag, single player.
extern  boolean         respawnmonsters;

// Netgame? Only true if >1 player.
extern  boolean	netgame;

// Flag: true only if started as net deathmatch.
// An enum might handle altdeath/cooperative better.
extern  boolean	deathmatch;	
// -------------------------
// Internal parameters for sound rendering.
// These have been taken from the DOS version,
//  but are not (yet) supported with Linux
//  (e.g. no sound volume adjustment with menu.

// These are not used, but should be (menu).
// From m_menu.c:
//  Sound FX volume has default, 0 - 15
//  Music volume has default, 0 - 15
// These are multiplied by 8.
extern int snd_SfxVolume;      // maximum volume for sound
extern int snd_MusicVolume;    // maximum volume for music

// Current music/sfx card - index useless
//  w/o a reference LUT in a sound module.
// Ideally, this would use indices found
//  in: /usr/include/linux/soundcard.h
extern int snd_MusicDevice;
extern int snd_SfxDevice;
// Config file? Same disclaimer as above.
extern int snd_DesiredMusicDevice;
extern int snd_DesiredSfxDevice;

// -------------------------
// Status flags for refresh.

// Depending on view size - no status bar?
// Note that there is no way to disable the
//  status bar explicitely.
extern  boolean statusbaractive;

extern  boolean automapactive;	// In AutoMap mode?
extern  boolean	menuactive;	// Menu overlayed?
extern  boolean	paused;		// Game Pause?

extern  boolean		viewactive;

extern  boolean		nodrawers;
extern  boolean		noblit;

extern	int		viewwindowx;
extern	int		viewwindowy;
extern	int		viewheight;
extern	int		viewwidth;
extern	int		scaledviewwidth;

// This one is related to the 3-screen display mode.
// ANG90 = left side, ANG270 = right
extern  int	viewangleoffset;

// Player taking events, and displaying.
extern  int	consoleplayer;	
extern  int	displayplayer;

// -------------------------------------
// Scores, rating.
// Statistics on a given map, for intermission.
extern  int	totalkills;
extern	int	totalitems;
extern	int	totalsecret;

// Timer, for scores.
extern  int	levelstarttic;	// gametic at level start
extern  int	leveltime;	// tics in game play for par

// --------------------------------------
// DEMO playback/recording related stuff.
// No demo, there is a human player in charge?
// Disable save/end game?
extern  boolean	usergame;

extern  boolean	demoplayback;
extern  boolean	demorecording;

// Round angleturn in ticcmds to the nearest 256.  This is used when
// recording Vanilla demos in netgames.

extern boolean lowres_turn;

// Quit after playing a demo from cmdline.
extern  boolean		singledemo;	

extern  gamestate_t     gamestate;

// Internal parameters, fixed.
// These are set by the engine, and not changed
//  according to user inputs. Partly load from
//  WAD, partly set at startup time.

extern	int		gametic;

// Bookkeeping on players - state.
extern	player_t	players[MAXPLAYERS];

// Alive? Disconnected?
extern  boolean		playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];

// Player spawn spots for deathmatch.
#define MAX_DM_STARTS   10
extern  mapthing_t      deathmatchstarts[MAX_DM_STARTS];
extern  mapthing_t*	deathmatch_p;

// Player spawn spots.
extern  mapthing_t      playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS];

// Intermission stats.
// Parameters for world map / intermission.
extern  wbstartstruct_t		wminfo;	

// LUT of ammunition limits for each kind.
// This doubles with BackPack powerup item.
extern  int		maxammo[NUMAMMO];

// Internal parameters, used for engine.

// File handling stuff.
extern  char *          configdir;
extern	char		basedefault[1024];
extern  FILE*		debugfile;

// if true, load all graphics at level load
extern  boolean         precache;

// wipegamestate can be set to -1
//  to force a wipe on the next draw
extern  gamestate_t     wipegamestate;

extern  int             mouseSensitivity;
// debug flag to cancel adaptiveness
extern  boolean         singletics;	

extern  int             bodyqueslot;

// Needed to store the number of the dummy sky flat.
// Used for rendering,
//  as well as tracking projectiles etc.
extern int		skyflatnum;

// Netgame stuff (buffers and pointers, i.e. indices).

extern	int		rndindex;

extern	int		maketic;
extern  int             nettics[MAXPLAYERS];

extern  ticcmd_t        netcmds[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
extern	int		ticdup;

// $Log$
// Revision 1.12  2006/02/24 19:14:22  fraggle
// Remove redundant stuff relating to the old network code
// Revision 1.11  2006/02/23 19:12:01  fraggle
// Add lowres_turn to indicate whether we generate angleturns which are
// 8-bit as opposed to 16-bit.  This is used when recording demos without
// -longtics enabled.  Sync this option between clients in a netgame, so
// that if one player is recording a Vanilla demo, all clients record
// in lowres.
// Revision 1.10  2006/02/19 13:42:27  fraggle
// Move tic number expansion code to common code.  Parse game data packets
// received from the server.
// Strip down d_net.[ch] to work through the new networking code.  Remove
// game sync code.
// Remove i_net.[ch] as it is no longer needed.
// Working networking!
// Revision 1.9  2005/10/24 18:50:39  fraggle
// Allow the game version to emulate to be specified from the command line
// and set compatibility options accordingly.
// Revision 1.8  2005/10/16 01:18:10  fraggle
// Global "configdir" variable with directory to store config files in.
// Create a function to find the filename for a savegame slot.  Store
// savegames in the config dir.
// Revision 1.7  2005/09/11 20:25:56  fraggle
// Second configuration file to allow chocolate doom-specific settings.
// Adjust some existing command line logic (for graphics settings and
// novert) to adjust for this.
// Revision 1.6  2005/09/04 15:59:45  fraggle
// 'novert' command line option to disable vertical mouse movement
// Revision 1.5  2005/09/04 14:51:19  fraggle
// Display the correct quit messages according to which game is being played.
// Remove "language" variable (do this through gettext, if ever)
// Revision 1.4  2005/08/31 21:21:18  fraggle
// Better IWAD detection and identification. Support '-iwad' to specify
// the IWAD to use.
// Revision 1.3  2005/07/23 18:56:07  fraggle
// Remove unneccessary pragmas
// Revision 1.2  2005/07/23 16:44:55  fraggle
// Update copyright to GNU GPL
// Revision  2005/07/23 16:20:09  fraggle
// Initial import