ref: 1430facdb3ae25a92d515bc1daf71c860ef20f1e
dir: /src/setup/sound.c/
// // Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // Sound control menu #include <stdlib.h> #include "SDL_mixer.h" #include "textscreen.h" #include "m_config.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "mode.h" #include "sound.h" #define WINDOW_HELP_URL "" typedef enum { SFXMODE_DISABLED, SFXMODE_DIGITAL, SFXMODE_PCSPEAKER, NUM_SFXMODES } sfxmode_t; static char *sfxmode_strings[] = { "Disabled", "Digital", "PC speaker" }; typedef enum { MUSICMODE_DISABLED, MUSICMODE_OPL, MUSICMODE_GUS, MUSICMODE_NATIVE, NUM_MUSICMODES } musicmode_t; static char *musicmode_strings[] = { "Disabled", "OPL (Adlib/SB)", "GUS (emulated)", "Native MIDI", }; static char *opltype_strings[] = { "OPL2", "OPL3" }; static char *cfg_extension[] = { "cfg", NULL }; // Config file variables: int snd_sfxdevice = SNDDEVICE_SB; int snd_musicdevice = SNDDEVICE_SB; int snd_samplerate = 44100; int opl_io_port = 0x388; int snd_cachesize = 64 * 1024 * 1024; int snd_maxslicetime_ms = 28; char *snd_musiccmd = ""; static int numChannels = 8; static int sfxVolume = 8; static int musicVolume = 8; static int voiceVolume = 15; static int show_talk = 0; static int use_libsamplerate = 0; static float libsamplerate_scale = 0.65; static char *timidity_cfg_path = NULL; static char *gus_patch_path = NULL; static int gus_ram_kb = 1024; static int opl_type = 0; // DOS specific variables: these are unused but should be maintained // so that the config file can be shared between chocolate // doom and doom.exe static int snd_sbport = 0; static int snd_sbirq = 0; static int snd_sbdma = 0; static int snd_mport = 0; // GUI variables: static int snd_sfxmode; static int snd_musicmode; static void UpdateSndDevices(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(data)) { switch (snd_sfxmode) { case SFXMODE_DISABLED: snd_sfxdevice = SNDDEVICE_NONE; break; case SFXMODE_PCSPEAKER: snd_sfxdevice = SNDDEVICE_PCSPEAKER; break; case SFXMODE_DIGITAL: snd_sfxdevice = SNDDEVICE_SB; break; } switch (snd_musicmode) { case MUSICMODE_DISABLED: snd_musicdevice = SNDDEVICE_NONE; break; case MUSICMODE_NATIVE: snd_musicdevice = SNDDEVICE_GENMIDI; break; case MUSICMODE_OPL: snd_musicdevice = SNDDEVICE_SB; break; case MUSICMODE_GUS: snd_musicdevice = SNDDEVICE_GUS; break; } } static void UpdateExtraTable(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(extra_table)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_table_t, extra_table); switch (snd_musicmode) { case MUSICMODE_OPL: TXT_InitTable(extra_table, 2); TXT_SetColumnWidths(extra_table, 19, 4); TXT_AddWidgets(extra_table, TXT_NewLabel("OPL type"), TXT_NewDropdownList(&opl_type, opltype_strings, 2), NULL); break; case MUSICMODE_GUS: TXT_InitTable(extra_table, 1); TXT_AddWidgets(extra_table, TXT_NewLabel("GUS patch path:"), TXT_NewFileSelector(&gus_patch_path, 30, "Select path to GUS patches", TXT_DIRECTORY), NULL); break; case MUSICMODE_NATIVE: TXT_InitTable(extra_table, 1); TXT_AddWidgets(extra_table, TXT_NewLabel("Timidity configuration file:"), TXT_NewFileSelector(&timidity_cfg_path, 30, "Select Timidity config file", cfg_extension), NULL); break; } } void ConfigSound(void) { txt_window_t *window; txt_table_t *sfx_table; txt_table_t *music_table; txt_table_t *extra_table; txt_dropdown_list_t *sfx_mode_control; txt_dropdown_list_t *music_mode_control; int num_sfx_modes; // Work out what sfx mode we are currently using: if (snd_sfxdevice == SNDDEVICE_PCSPEAKER) { snd_sfxmode = SFXMODE_PCSPEAKER; } else if (snd_sfxdevice >= SNDDEVICE_SB) { snd_sfxmode = SFXMODE_DIGITAL; } else { snd_sfxmode = SFXMODE_DISABLED; } // Is music enabled? switch (snd_musicdevice) { case SNDDEVICE_GENMIDI: snd_musicmode = MUSICMODE_NATIVE; break; case SNDDEVICE_SB: case SNDDEVICE_ADLIB: case SNDDEVICE_AWE32: snd_musicmode = MUSICMODE_OPL; break; case SNDDEVICE_GUS: snd_musicmode = MUSICMODE_GUS; break; default: snd_musicmode = MUSICMODE_DISABLED; break; } // Doom has PC speaker sound effects, but others do not: if (gamemission == doom) { num_sfx_modes = NUM_SFXMODES; } else { num_sfx_modes = NUM_SFXMODES - 1; } // Build the window window = TXT_NewWindow("Sound configuration"); TXT_SetWindowHelpURL(window, WINDOW_HELP_URL); TXT_SetWindowPosition(window, TXT_HORIZ_CENTER, TXT_VERT_TOP, TXT_SCREEN_W / 2, 5); TXT_AddWidgets(window, TXT_NewSeparator("Sound effects"), sfx_table = TXT_NewTable(2), NULL); TXT_SetColumnWidths(sfx_table, 19, 15); TXT_AddWidgets(sfx_table, TXT_NewLabel("Sound effects"), sfx_mode_control = TXT_NewDropdownList(&snd_sfxmode, sfxmode_strings, num_sfx_modes), TXT_NewLabel("Sound channels"), TXT_NewSpinControl(&numChannels, 1, 8), TXT_NewLabel("SFX volume"), TXT_NewSpinControl(&sfxVolume, 0, 15), NULL); if (gamemission == strife) { TXT_AddWidgets(sfx_table, TXT_NewLabel("Voice volume"), TXT_NewSpinControl(&voiceVolume, 0, 15), NULL); TXT_AddWidget(window, TXT_NewCheckBox("Show text with voices", &show_talk)); } TXT_AddWidgets(window, TXT_NewSeparator("Music"), music_table = TXT_NewTable(2), extra_table = TXT_NewTable(1), NULL); TXT_SetColumnWidths(music_table, 19, 15); TXT_AddWidgets(music_table, TXT_NewLabel("Music"), music_mode_control = TXT_NewDropdownList(&snd_musicmode, musicmode_strings, NUM_MUSICMODES), TXT_NewLabel("Music volume"), TXT_NewSpinControl(&musicVolume, 0, 15), NULL); TXT_SignalConnect(sfx_mode_control, "changed", UpdateSndDevices, NULL); TXT_SignalConnect(music_mode_control, "changed", UpdateSndDevices, NULL); // Update extra_table when the music mode is changed, and build it now. TXT_SignalConnect(music_mode_control, "changed", UpdateExtraTable, extra_table); UpdateExtraTable(music_mode_control, extra_table); } void BindSoundVariables(void) { M_BindIntVariable("snd_sfxdevice", &snd_sfxdevice); M_BindIntVariable("snd_musicdevice", &snd_musicdevice); M_BindIntVariable("snd_channels", &numChannels); M_BindIntVariable("snd_samplerate", &snd_samplerate); M_BindIntVariable("sfx_volume", &sfxVolume); M_BindIntVariable("music_volume", &musicVolume); M_BindIntVariable("use_libsamplerate", &use_libsamplerate); M_BindFloatVariable("libsamplerate_scale", &libsamplerate_scale); M_BindIntVariable("gus_ram_kb", &gus_ram_kb); M_BindStringVariable("gus_patch_path", &gus_patch_path); M_BindStringVariable("timidity_cfg_path", &timidity_cfg_path); M_BindIntVariable("snd_sbport", &snd_sbport); M_BindIntVariable("snd_sbirq", &snd_sbirq); M_BindIntVariable("snd_sbdma", &snd_sbdma); M_BindIntVariable("snd_mport", &snd_mport); M_BindIntVariable("snd_maxslicetime_ms", &snd_maxslicetime_ms); M_BindStringVariable("snd_musiccmd", &snd_musiccmd); M_BindIntVariable("snd_cachesize", &snd_cachesize); M_BindIntVariable("opl_io_port", &opl_io_port); M_BindIntVariable("opl_type", &opl_type); if (gamemission == strife) { M_BindIntVariable("voice_volume", &voiceVolume); M_BindIntVariable("show_talk", &show_talk); } timidity_cfg_path = M_StringDuplicate(""); gus_patch_path = M_StringDuplicate(""); // Default sound volumes - different games use different values. switch (gamemission) { case doom: default: sfxVolume = 8; musicVolume = 8; break; case heretic: case hexen: sfxVolume = 10; musicVolume = 10; break; case strife: sfxVolume = 8; musicVolume = 13; break; } // Before SDL_mixer version 1.2.11, MIDI music caused the game // to crash when it looped. If this is an old SDL_mixer version, // disable MIDI. #ifdef __MACOSX__ { const SDL_version *v = Mix_Linked_Version(); if (SDL_VERSIONNUM(v->major, v->minor, v->patch) < SDL_VERSIONNUM(1, 2, 11)) { snd_musicdevice = SNDDEVICE_NONE; } } #endif }