ref: 1430facdb3ae25a92d515bc1daf71c860ef20f1e
dir: /src/hexen/sv_save.c/
// // Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc. // Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software // Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "h2def.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "i_swap.h" #include "p_local.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define MAX_TARGET_PLAYERS 512 #define MOBJ_NULL -1 #define MOBJ_XX_PLAYER -2 #define GET_BYTE (*SavePtr.b++) #define GET_WORD SHORT(*SavePtr.w++) #define GET_LONG LONG(*SavePtr.l++) #define MAX_MAPS 99 #define BASE_SLOT 6 #define REBORN_SLOT 7 #define REBORN_DESCRIPTION "TEMP GAME" #define MAX_THINKER_SIZE 256 // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { ASEG_GAME_HEADER = 101, ASEG_MAP_HEADER, ASEG_WORLD, ASEG_POLYOBJS, ASEG_MOBJS, ASEG_THINKERS, ASEG_SCRIPTS, ASEG_PLAYERS, ASEG_SOUNDS, ASEG_MISC, ASEG_END } gameArchiveSegment_t; typedef enum { TC_NULL, TC_MOVE_CEILING, TC_VERTICAL_DOOR, TC_MOVE_FLOOR, TC_PLAT_RAISE, TC_INTERPRET_ACS, TC_FLOOR_WAGGLE, TC_LIGHT, TC_PHASE, TC_BUILD_PILLAR, TC_ROTATE_POLY, TC_MOVE_POLY, TC_POLY_DOOR } thinkClass_t; typedef struct { thinkClass_t tClass; think_t thinkerFunc; void (*writeFunc)(); void (*readFunc)(); void (*restoreFunc) (); size_t size; } thinkInfo_t; typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; sector_t *sector; } ssthinker_t; // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- void P_SpawnPlayer(mapthing_t * mthing); // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void ArchiveWorld(void); static void UnarchiveWorld(void); static void ArchivePolyobjs(void); static void UnarchivePolyobjs(void); static void ArchiveMobjs(void); static void UnarchiveMobjs(void); static void ArchiveThinkers(void); static void UnarchiveThinkers(void); static void ArchiveScripts(void); static void UnarchiveScripts(void); static void ArchivePlayers(void); static void UnarchivePlayers(void); static void ArchiveSounds(void); static void UnarchiveSounds(void); static void ArchiveMisc(void); static void UnarchiveMisc(void); static void SetMobjArchiveNums(void); static void RemoveAllThinkers(void); static int GetMobjNum(mobj_t * mobj); static void SetMobjPtr(mobj_t **ptr, unsigned int archiveNum); static void RestoreSSThinker(ssthinker_t * sst); static void RestorePlatRaise(plat_t * plat); static void RestoreMoveCeiling(ceiling_t * ceiling); static void AssertSegment(gameArchiveSegment_t segType); static void ClearSaveSlot(int slot); static void CopySaveSlot(int sourceSlot, int destSlot); static void CopyFile(char *sourceName, char *destName); static boolean ExistingFile(char *name); static void OpenStreamOut(char *fileName); static void CloseStreamOut(void); static void StreamOutBuffer(void *buffer, int size); static void StreamOutByte(byte val); static void StreamOutWord(unsigned short val); static void StreamOutLong(unsigned int val); static void StreamOutPtr(void *ptr); // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- #define DEFAULT_SAVEPATH "hexndata/" char *SavePath = DEFAULT_SAVEPATH; // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static int MobjCount; static mobj_t **MobjList; static mobj_t ***TargetPlayerAddrs; static int TargetPlayerCount; static byte *SaveBuffer; static boolean SavingPlayers; static union { byte *b; short *w; int *l; } SavePtr; static FILE *SavingFP; // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Autogenerated functions for reading/writing structs: // // acsstore_t // static void StreamIn_acsstore_t(acsstore_t *str) { int i; // int map; str->map = GET_LONG; // int script; str->script = GET_LONG; // byte args[4]; for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { str->args[i] = GET_BYTE; } } static void StreamOut_acsstore_t(acsstore_t *str) { int i; // int map; StreamOutLong(str->map); // int script; StreamOutLong(str->script); // byte args[4]; for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { StreamOutByte(str->args[i]); } } // // ticcmd_t // (this is based on the Vanilla definition of the struct) // static void StreamIn_ticcmd_t(ticcmd_t *str) { // char forwardmove; str->forwardmove = GET_BYTE; // char sidemove; str->sidemove = GET_BYTE; // short angleturn; str->angleturn = GET_WORD; // short consistancy; str->consistancy = GET_WORD; // byte chatchar; str->chatchar = GET_BYTE; // byte buttons; str->buttons = GET_BYTE; // byte lookfly; str->lookfly = GET_BYTE; // byte arti; str->arti = GET_BYTE; } static void StreamOut_ticcmd_t(ticcmd_t *str) { // char forwardmove; StreamOutByte(str->forwardmove); // char sidemove; StreamOutByte(str->sidemove); // short angleturn; StreamOutWord(str->angleturn); // short consistancy; StreamOutWord(str->consistancy); // byte chatchar; StreamOutByte(str->chatchar); // byte buttons; StreamOutByte(str->buttons); // byte lookfly; StreamOutByte(str->lookfly); // byte arti; StreamOutByte(str->arti); } // // inventory_t // static void StreamIn_inventory_t(inventory_t *str) { // int type; str->type = GET_LONG; // int count; str->count = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_inventory_t(inventory_t *str) { // int type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // int count; StreamOutLong(str->count); } // // pspdef_t // static void StreamIn_pspdef_t(pspdef_t *str) { int state_num; // state_t *state; // This is a pointer; it is stored as an index into the states table. state_num = GET_LONG; if (state_num != 0) { str->state = states + state_num; } else { str->state = NULL; } // int tics; str->tics = GET_LONG; // fixed_t sx, sy; str->sx = GET_LONG; str->sy = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_pspdef_t(pspdef_t *str) { // state_t *state; // This is a pointer; store the index in the states table, // rather than the pointer itself. if (str->state != NULL) { StreamOutLong(str->state - states); } else { StreamOutLong(0); } // int tics; StreamOutLong(str->tics); // fixed_t sx, sy; StreamOutLong(str->sx); StreamOutLong(str->sy); } // // player_t // static void StreamIn_player_t(player_t *str) { int i; // mobj_t *mo; // Pointer value is reset on load. str->mo = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->mo = NULL; // playerstate_t playerstate; str->playerstate = GET_LONG; // ticcmd_t cmd; StreamIn_ticcmd_t(&str->cmd); // pclass_t class; str->class = GET_LONG; // fixed_t viewz; str->viewz = GET_LONG; // fixed_t viewheight; str->viewheight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t deltaviewheight; str->deltaviewheight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t bob; str->bob = GET_LONG; // int flyheight; str->flyheight = GET_LONG; // int lookdir; str->lookdir = GET_LONG; // boolean centering; str->centering = GET_LONG; // int health; str->health = GET_LONG; // int armorpoints[NUMARMOR]; for (i=0; i<NUMARMOR; ++i) { str->armorpoints[i] = GET_LONG; } // inventory_t inventory[NUMINVENTORYSLOTS]; for (i=0; i<NUMINVENTORYSLOTS; ++i) { StreamIn_inventory_t(&str->inventory[i]); } // artitype_t readyArtifact; str->readyArtifact = GET_LONG; // int artifactCount; str->artifactCount = GET_LONG; // int inventorySlotNum; str->inventorySlotNum = GET_LONG; // int powers[NUMPOWERS]; for (i=0; i<NUMPOWERS; ++i) { str->powers[i] = GET_LONG; } // int keys; str->keys = GET_LONG; // int pieces; str->pieces = GET_LONG; // signed int frags[MAXPLAYERS]; for (i=0; i<maxplayers; ++i) { str->frags[i] = GET_LONG; } // weapontype_t readyweapon; str->readyweapon = GET_LONG; // weapontype_t pendingweapon; str->pendingweapon = GET_LONG; // boolean weaponowned[NUMWEAPONS]; for (i=0; i<NUMWEAPONS; ++i) { str->weaponowned[i] = GET_LONG; } // int mana[NUMMANA]; for (i=0; i<NUMMANA; ++i) { str->mana[i] = GET_LONG; } // int attackdown, usedown; str->attackdown = GET_LONG; str->usedown = GET_LONG; // int cheats; str->cheats = GET_LONG; // int refire; str->refire = GET_LONG; // int killcount, itemcount, secretcount; str->killcount = GET_LONG; str->itemcount = GET_LONG; str->secretcount = GET_LONG; // char message[80]; for (i=0; i<80; ++i) { str->message[i] = GET_BYTE; } // int messageTics; str->messageTics = GET_LONG; // short ultimateMessage; str->ultimateMessage = GET_WORD; // short yellowMessage; str->yellowMessage = GET_WORD; // int damagecount, bonuscount; str->damagecount = GET_LONG; str->bonuscount = GET_LONG; // int poisoncount; str->poisoncount = GET_LONG; // mobj_t *poisoner; // Pointer value is reset. str->poisoner = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->poisoner = NULL; // mobj_t *attacker; // Pointer value is reset. str->attacker = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->attacker = NULL; // int extralight; str->extralight = GET_LONG; // int fixedcolormap; str->fixedcolormap = GET_LONG; // int colormap; str->colormap = GET_LONG; // pspdef_t psprites[NUMPSPRITES]; for (i=0; i<NUMPSPRITES; ++i) { StreamIn_pspdef_t(&str->psprites[i]); } // int morphTics; str->morphTics = GET_LONG; // unsigned int jumpTics; str->jumpTics = GET_LONG; // unsigned int worldTimer; str->worldTimer = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_player_t(player_t *str) { int i; // mobj_t *mo; StreamOutPtr(str->mo); // playerstate_t playerstate; StreamOutLong(str->playerstate); // ticcmd_t cmd; StreamOut_ticcmd_t(&str->cmd); // pclass_t class; StreamOutLong(str->class); // fixed_t viewz; StreamOutLong(str->viewz); // fixed_t viewheight; StreamOutLong(str->viewheight); // fixed_t deltaviewheight; StreamOutLong(str->deltaviewheight); // fixed_t bob; StreamOutLong(str->bob); // int flyheight; StreamOutLong(str->flyheight); // int lookdir; StreamOutLong(str->lookdir); // boolean centering; StreamOutLong(str->centering); // int health; StreamOutLong(str->health); // int armorpoints[NUMARMOR]; for (i=0; i<NUMARMOR; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->armorpoints[i]); } // inventory_t inventory[NUMINVENTORYSLOTS]; for (i=0; i<NUMINVENTORYSLOTS; ++i) { StreamOut_inventory_t(&str->inventory[i]); } // artitype_t readyArtifact; StreamOutLong(str->readyArtifact); // int artifactCount; StreamOutLong(str->artifactCount); // int inventorySlotNum; StreamOutLong(str->inventorySlotNum); // int powers[NUMPOWERS]; for (i=0; i<NUMPOWERS; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->powers[i]); } // int keys; StreamOutLong(str->keys); // int pieces; StreamOutLong(str->pieces); // signed int frags[MAXPLAYERS]; for (i=0; i<maxplayers; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->frags[i]); } // weapontype_t readyweapon; StreamOutLong(str->readyweapon); // weapontype_t pendingweapon; StreamOutLong(str->pendingweapon); // boolean weaponowned[NUMWEAPONS]; for (i=0; i<NUMWEAPONS; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->weaponowned[i]); } // int mana[NUMMANA]; for (i=0; i<NUMMANA; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->mana[i]); } // int attackdown, usedown; StreamOutLong(str->attackdown); StreamOutLong(str->usedown); // int cheats; StreamOutLong(str->cheats); // int refire; StreamOutLong(str->refire); // int killcount, itemcount, secretcount; StreamOutLong(str->killcount); StreamOutLong(str->itemcount); StreamOutLong(str->secretcount); // char message[80]; for (i=0; i<80; ++i) { StreamOutByte(str->message[i]); } // int messageTics; StreamOutLong(str->messageTics); // short ultimateMessage; StreamOutWord(str->ultimateMessage); // short yellowMessage; StreamOutWord(str->yellowMessage); // int damagecount, bonuscount; StreamOutLong(str->damagecount); StreamOutLong(str->bonuscount); // int poisoncount; StreamOutLong(str->poisoncount); // mobj_t *poisoner; StreamOutPtr(str->poisoner); // mobj_t *attacker; StreamOutPtr(str->attacker); // int extralight; StreamOutLong(str->extralight); // int fixedcolormap; StreamOutLong(str->fixedcolormap); // int colormap; StreamOutLong(str->colormap); // pspdef_t psprites[NUMPSPRITES]; for (i=0; i<NUMPSPRITES; ++i) { StreamOut_pspdef_t(&str->psprites[i]); } // int morphTics; StreamOutLong(str->morphTics); // unsigned int jumpTics; StreamOutLong(str->jumpTics); // unsigned int worldTimer; StreamOutLong(str->worldTimer); } // // thinker_t // static void StreamIn_thinker_t(thinker_t *str) { // struct thinker_s *prev, *next; // Pointers are discarded: str->prev = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->prev = NULL; str->next = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->next = NULL; // think_t function; // Function pointer is discarded: str->function = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->function = NULL; } static void StreamOut_thinker_t(thinker_t *str) { // struct thinker_s *prev, *next; StreamOutPtr(str->prev); StreamOutPtr(str->next); // think_t function; StreamOutPtr(&str->function); } // // mobj_t // static void StreamInMobjSpecials(mobj_t *mobj) { unsigned int special1, special2; special1 = GET_LONG; special2 = GET_LONG; mobj->special1.i = special1; mobj->special2.i = special2; switch (mobj->type) { // Just special1 case MT_BISH_FX: case MT_HOLY_FX: case MT_DRAGON: case MT_THRUSTFLOOR_UP: case MT_THRUSTFLOOR_DOWN: case MT_MINOTAUR: case MT_SORCFX1: SetMobjPtr(&mobj->special1.m, special1); break; // Just special2 case MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR: case MT_LIGHTNING_ZAP: SetMobjPtr(&mobj->special2.m, special2); break; // Both special1 and special2 case MT_HOLY_TAIL: case MT_LIGHTNING_CEILING: SetMobjPtr(&mobj->special1.m, special1); SetMobjPtr(&mobj->special2.m, special2); break; default: break; } } static void StreamIn_mobj_t(mobj_t *str) { unsigned int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // fixed_t x, y, z; str->x = GET_LONG; str->y = GET_LONG; str->z = GET_LONG; // struct mobj_s *snext, *sprev; // Pointer values are discarded: str->snext = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->snext = NULL; str->sprev = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->sprev = NULL; // angle_t angle; str->angle = GET_LONG; // spritenum_t sprite; str->sprite = GET_LONG; // int frame; str->frame = GET_LONG; // struct mobj_s *bnext, *bprev; // Values are read but discarded; this will be restored when the thing's // position is set. str->bnext = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->bnext = NULL; str->bprev = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->bprev = NULL; // struct subsector_s *subsector; // Read but discard: pointer will be restored when thing position is set. str->subsector = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->subsector = NULL; // fixed_t floorz, ceilingz; str->floorz = GET_LONG; str->ceilingz = GET_LONG; // fixed_t floorpic; str->floorpic = GET_LONG; // fixed_t radius, height; str->radius = GET_LONG; str->height = GET_LONG; // fixed_t momx, momy, momz; str->momx = GET_LONG; str->momy = GET_LONG; str->momz = GET_LONG; // int validcount; str->validcount = GET_LONG; // mobjtype_t type; str->type = GET_LONG; // mobjinfo_t *info; // Pointer value is read but discarded. str->info = (void *) (intptr_t) GET_LONG; str->info = NULL; // int tics; str->tics = GET_LONG; // state_t *state; // Restore as index into states table. i = GET_LONG; str->state = &states[i]; // int damage; str->damage = GET_LONG; // int flags; str->flags = GET_LONG; // int flags2; str->flags2 = GET_LONG; // specialval_t special1; // specialval_t special2; // Read in special values: there are special cases to deal with with // mobj pointers. StreamInMobjSpecials(str); // int health; str->health = GET_LONG; // int movedir; str->movedir = GET_LONG; // int movecount; str->movecount = GET_LONG; // struct mobj_s *target; i = GET_LONG; SetMobjPtr(&str->target, i); // int reactiontime; str->reactiontime = GET_LONG; // int threshold; str->threshold = GET_LONG; // struct player_s *player; // Saved as player number. i = GET_LONG; if (i == 0) { str->player = NULL; } else { str->player = &players[i - 1]; str->player->mo = str; } // int lastlook; str->lastlook = GET_LONG; // fixed_t floorclip; str->floorclip = GET_LONG; // int archiveNum; str->archiveNum = GET_LONG; // short tid; str->tid = GET_WORD; // byte special; str->special = GET_BYTE; // byte args[5]; for (i=0; i<5; ++i) { str->args[i] = GET_BYTE; } } static void StreamOutMobjSpecials(mobj_t *mobj) { unsigned int special1, special2; boolean corpse; corpse = (mobj->flags & MF_CORPSE) != 0; special1 = mobj->special1.i; special2 = mobj->special2.i; switch (mobj->type) { // Just special1 case MT_BISH_FX: case MT_HOLY_FX: case MT_DRAGON: case MT_THRUSTFLOOR_UP: case MT_THRUSTFLOOR_DOWN: case MT_MINOTAUR: case MT_SORCFX1: case MT_MSTAFF_FX2: if (corpse) { special1 = MOBJ_NULL; } else { special1 = GetMobjNum(mobj->special1.m); } break; // Just special2 case MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR: case MT_LIGHTNING_ZAP: if (corpse) { special2 = MOBJ_NULL; } else { special2 = GetMobjNum(mobj->special2.m); } break; // Both special1 and special2 case MT_HOLY_TAIL: case MT_LIGHTNING_CEILING: if (corpse) { special1 = MOBJ_NULL; special2 = MOBJ_NULL; } else { special1 = GetMobjNum(mobj->special1.m); special2 = GetMobjNum(mobj->special2.m); } break; // Miscellaneous case MT_KORAX: special1 = 0; // Searching index break; default: break; } // Write special values to savegame file. StreamOutLong(special1); StreamOutLong(special2); } static void StreamOut_mobj_t(mobj_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // fixed_t x, y, z; StreamOutLong(str->x); StreamOutLong(str->y); StreamOutLong(str->z); // struct mobj_s *snext, *sprev; StreamOutPtr(str->snext); StreamOutPtr(str->sprev); // angle_t angle; StreamOutLong(str->angle); // spritenum_t sprite; StreamOutLong(str->sprite); // int frame; StreamOutLong(str->frame); // struct mobj_s *bnext, *bprev; StreamOutPtr(str->bnext); StreamOutPtr(str->bprev); // struct subsector_s *subsector; StreamOutPtr(str->subsector); // fixed_t floorz, ceilingz; StreamOutLong(str->floorz); StreamOutLong(str->ceilingz); // fixed_t floorpic; StreamOutLong(str->floorpic); // fixed_t radius, height; StreamOutLong(str->radius); StreamOutLong(str->height); // fixed_t momx, momy, momz; StreamOutLong(str->momx); StreamOutLong(str->momy); StreamOutLong(str->momz); // int validcount; StreamOutLong(str->validcount); // mobjtype_t type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // mobjinfo_t *info; StreamOutPtr(str->info); // int tics; StreamOutLong(str->tics); // state_t *state; // Save as index into the states table. StreamOutLong(str->state - states); // int damage; StreamOutLong(str->damage); // int flags; StreamOutLong(str->flags); // int flags2; StreamOutLong(str->flags2); // specialval_t special1; // specialval_t special2; // There are lots of special cases for the special values: StreamOutMobjSpecials(str); // int health; StreamOutLong(str->health); // int movedir; StreamOutLong(str->movedir); // int movecount; StreamOutLong(str->movecount); // struct mobj_s *target; if ((str->flags & MF_CORPSE) != 0) { StreamOutLong(MOBJ_NULL); } else { StreamOutLong(GetMobjNum(str->target)); } // int reactiontime; StreamOutLong(str->reactiontime); // int threshold; StreamOutLong(str->threshold); // struct player_s *player; // Stored as index into players[] array, if there is a player pointer. if (str->player != NULL) { StreamOutLong(str->player - players + 1); } else { StreamOutLong(0); } // int lastlook; StreamOutLong(str->lastlook); // fixed_t floorclip; StreamOutLong(str->floorclip); // int archiveNum; StreamOutLong(str->archiveNum); // short tid; StreamOutWord(str->tid); // byte special; StreamOutByte(str->special); // byte args[5]; for (i=0; i<5; ++i) { StreamOutByte(str->args[i]); } } // // floormove_t // static void StreamIn_floormove_t(floormove_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = sectors + i; // floor_e type; str->type = GET_LONG; // int crush; str->crush = GET_LONG; // int direction; str->direction = GET_LONG; // int newspecial; str->newspecial = GET_LONG; // short texture; str->texture = GET_WORD; // fixed_t floordestheight; str->floordestheight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t speed; str->speed = GET_LONG; // int delayCount; str->delayCount = GET_LONG; // int delayTotal; str->delayTotal = GET_LONG; // fixed_t stairsDelayHeight; str->stairsDelayHeight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t stairsDelayHeightDelta; str->stairsDelayHeightDelta = GET_LONG; // fixed_t resetHeight; str->resetHeight = GET_LONG; // short resetDelay; str->resetDelay = GET_WORD; // short resetDelayCount; str->resetDelayCount = GET_WORD; // byte textureChange; str->textureChange = GET_BYTE; } static void StreamOut_floormove_t(floormove_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // floor_e type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // int crush; StreamOutLong(str->crush); // int direction; StreamOutLong(str->direction); // int newspecial; StreamOutLong(str->newspecial); // short texture; StreamOutWord(str->texture); // fixed_t floordestheight; StreamOutLong(str->floordestheight); // fixed_t speed; StreamOutLong(str->speed); // int delayCount; StreamOutLong(str->delayCount); // int delayTotal; StreamOutLong(str->delayTotal); // fixed_t stairsDelayHeight; StreamOutLong(str->stairsDelayHeight); // fixed_t stairsDelayHeightDelta; StreamOutLong(str->stairsDelayHeightDelta); // fixed_t resetHeight; StreamOutLong(str->resetHeight); // short resetDelay; StreamOutWord(str->resetDelay); // short resetDelayCount; StreamOutWord(str->resetDelayCount); // byte textureChange; StreamOutByte(str->textureChange); } // // plat_t // static void StreamIn_plat_t(plat_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = sectors + i; // fixed_t speed; str->speed = GET_LONG; // fixed_t low; str->low = GET_LONG; // fixed_t high; str->high = GET_LONG; // int wait; str->wait = GET_LONG; // int count; str->count = GET_LONG; // plat_e status; str->status = GET_LONG; // plat_e oldstatus; str->oldstatus = GET_LONG; // int crush; str->crush = GET_LONG; // int tag; str->tag = GET_LONG; // plattype_e type; str->type = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_plat_t(plat_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // fixed_t speed; StreamOutLong(str->speed); // fixed_t low; StreamOutLong(str->low); // fixed_t high; StreamOutLong(str->high); // int wait; StreamOutLong(str->wait); // int count; StreamOutLong(str->count); // plat_e status; StreamOutLong(str->status); // plat_e oldstatus; StreamOutLong(str->oldstatus); // int crush; StreamOutLong(str->crush); // int tag; StreamOutLong(str->tag); // plattype_e type; StreamOutLong(str->type); } // // ceiling_t // static void StreamIn_ceiling_t(ceiling_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = sectors + i; // ceiling_e type; str->type = GET_LONG; // fixed_t bottomheight, topheight; str->bottomheight = GET_LONG; str->topheight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t speed; str->speed = GET_LONG; // int crush; str->crush = GET_LONG; // int direction; str->direction = GET_LONG; // int tag; str->tag = GET_LONG; // int olddirection; str->olddirection = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_ceiling_t(ceiling_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // ceiling_e type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // fixed_t bottomheight, topheight; StreamOutLong(str->bottomheight); StreamOutLong(str->topheight); // fixed_t speed; StreamOutLong(str->speed); // int crush; StreamOutLong(str->crush); // int direction; StreamOutLong(str->direction); // int tag; StreamOutLong(str->tag); // int olddirection; StreamOutLong(str->olddirection); } // // light_t // static void StreamIn_light_t(light_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = sectors + i; // lighttype_t type; str->type = GET_LONG; // int value1; str->value1 = GET_LONG; // int value2; str->value2 = GET_LONG; // int tics1; str->tics1 = GET_LONG; // int tics2; str->tics2 = GET_LONG; // int count; str->count = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_light_t(light_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // lighttype_t type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // int value1; StreamOutLong(str->value1); // int value2; StreamOutLong(str->value2); // int tics1; StreamOutLong(str->tics1); // int tics2; StreamOutLong(str->tics2); // int count; StreamOutLong(str->count); } // // vldoor_t // static void StreamIn_vldoor_t(vldoor_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = §ors[i]; // vldoor_e type; str->type = GET_LONG; // fixed_t topheight; str->topheight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t speed; str->speed = GET_LONG; // int direction; str->direction = GET_LONG; // int topwait; str->topwait = GET_LONG; // int topcountdown; str->topcountdown = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_vldoor_t(vldoor_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // vldoor_e type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // fixed_t topheight; StreamOutLong(str->topheight); // fixed_t speed; StreamOutLong(str->speed); // int direction; StreamOutLong(str->direction); // int topwait; StreamOutLong(str->topwait); // int topcountdown; StreamOutLong(str->topcountdown); } // // phase_t // static void StreamIn_phase_t(phase_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = §ors[i]; // int index; str->index = GET_LONG; // int base; str->base = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_phase_t(phase_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // int index; StreamOutLong(str->index); // int base; StreamOutLong(str->base); } // // acs_t // static void StreamIn_acs_t(acs_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // mobj_t *activator; i = GET_LONG; SetMobjPtr(&str->activator, i); // line_t *line; i = GET_LONG; if (i != -1) { str->line = &lines[i]; } else { str->line = NULL; } // int side; str->side = GET_LONG; // int number; str->number = GET_LONG; // int infoIndex; str->infoIndex = GET_LONG; // int delayCount; str->delayCount = GET_LONG; // int stack[ACS_STACK_DEPTH]; for (i=0; i<ACS_STACK_DEPTH; ++i) { str->stack[i] = GET_LONG; } // int stackPtr; str->stackPtr = GET_LONG; // int vars[MAX_ACS_SCRIPT_VARS]; for (i=0; i<MAX_ACS_SCRIPT_VARS; ++i) { str->vars[i] = GET_LONG; } // int *ip; i = GET_LONG; str->ip = (int *) (ActionCodeBase + i); } static void StreamOut_acs_t(acs_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // mobj_t *activator; StreamOutLong(GetMobjNum(str->activator)); // line_t *line; if (str->line != NULL) { StreamOutLong(str->line - lines); } else { StreamOutLong(-1); } // int side; StreamOutLong(str->side); // int number; StreamOutLong(str->number); // int infoIndex; StreamOutLong(str->infoIndex); // int delayCount; StreamOutLong(str->delayCount); // int stack[ACS_STACK_DEPTH]; for (i=0; i<ACS_STACK_DEPTH; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->stack[i]); } // int stackPtr; StreamOutLong(str->stackPtr); // int vars[MAX_ACS_SCRIPT_VARS]; for (i=0; i<MAX_ACS_SCRIPT_VARS; ++i) { StreamOutLong(str->vars[i]); } // int *ip; StreamOutLong((byte *) str->ip - ActionCodeBase); } // // polyevent_t // static void StreamIn_polyevent_t(polyevent_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // int polyobj; str->polyobj = GET_LONG; // int speed; str->speed = GET_LONG; // unsigned int dist; str->dist = GET_LONG; // int angle; str->angle = GET_LONG; // fixed_t xSpeed; str->xSpeed = GET_LONG; // fixed_t ySpeed; str->ySpeed = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_polyevent_t(polyevent_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // int polyobj; StreamOutLong(str->polyobj); // int speed; StreamOutLong(str->speed); // unsigned int dist; StreamOutLong(str->dist); // int angle; StreamOutLong(str->angle); // fixed_t xSpeed; StreamOutLong(str->xSpeed); // fixed_t ySpeed; StreamOutLong(str->ySpeed); } // // pillar_t // static void StreamIn_pillar_t(pillar_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = §ors[i]; // int ceilingSpeed; str->ceilingSpeed = GET_LONG; // int floorSpeed; str->floorSpeed = GET_LONG; // int floordest; str->floordest = GET_LONG; // int ceilingdest; str->ceilingdest = GET_LONG; // int direction; str->direction = GET_LONG; // int crush; str->crush = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_pillar_t(pillar_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // int ceilingSpeed; StreamOutLong(str->ceilingSpeed); // int floorSpeed; StreamOutLong(str->floorSpeed); // int floordest; StreamOutLong(str->floordest); // int ceilingdest; StreamOutLong(str->ceilingdest); // int direction; StreamOutLong(str->direction); // int crush; StreamOutLong(str->crush); } // // polydoor_t // static void StreamIn_polydoor_t(polydoor_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // int polyobj; str->polyobj = GET_LONG; // int speed; str->speed = GET_LONG; // int dist; str->dist = GET_LONG; // int totalDist; str->totalDist = GET_LONG; // int direction; str->direction = GET_LONG; // fixed_t xSpeed, ySpeed; str->xSpeed = GET_LONG; str->ySpeed = GET_LONG; // int tics; str->tics = GET_LONG; // int waitTics; str->waitTics = GET_LONG; // podoortype_t type; str->type = GET_LONG; // boolean close; str->close = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_polydoor_t(polydoor_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // int polyobj; StreamOutLong(str->polyobj); // int speed; StreamOutLong(str->speed); // int dist; StreamOutLong(str->dist); // int totalDist; StreamOutLong(str->totalDist); // int direction; StreamOutLong(str->direction); // fixed_t xSpeed, ySpeed; StreamOutLong(str->xSpeed); StreamOutLong(str->ySpeed); // int tics; StreamOutLong(str->tics); // int waitTics; StreamOutLong(str->waitTics); // podoortype_t type; StreamOutLong(str->type); // boolean close; StreamOutLong(str->close); } // // floorWaggle_t // static void StreamIn_floorWaggle_t(floorWaggle_t *str) { int i; // thinker_t thinker; StreamIn_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; i = GET_LONG; str->sector = §ors[i]; // fixed_t originalHeight; str->originalHeight = GET_LONG; // fixed_t accumulator; str->accumulator = GET_LONG; // fixed_t accDelta; str->accDelta = GET_LONG; // fixed_t targetScale; str->targetScale = GET_LONG; // fixed_t scale; str->scale = GET_LONG; // fixed_t scaleDelta; str->scaleDelta = GET_LONG; // int ticker; str->ticker = GET_LONG; // int state; str->state = GET_LONG; } static void StreamOut_floorWaggle_t(floorWaggle_t *str) { // thinker_t thinker; StreamOut_thinker_t(&str->thinker); // sector_t *sector; StreamOutLong(str->sector - sectors); // fixed_t originalHeight; StreamOutLong(str->originalHeight); // fixed_t accumulator; StreamOutLong(str->accumulator); // fixed_t accDelta; StreamOutLong(str->accDelta); // fixed_t targetScale; StreamOutLong(str->targetScale); // fixed_t scale; StreamOutLong(str->scale); // fixed_t scaleDelta; StreamOutLong(str->scaleDelta); // int ticker; StreamOutLong(str->ticker); // int state; StreamOutLong(str->state); } //========================================================================== // // SV_SaveGame // //========================================================================== void SV_SaveGame(int slot, char *description) { char fileName[100]; char versionText[HXS_VERSION_TEXT_LENGTH]; unsigned int i; // Open the output file M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex6.hxs", SavePath); OpenStreamOut(fileName); // Write game save description StreamOutBuffer(description, HXS_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); // Write version info memset(versionText, 0, HXS_VERSION_TEXT_LENGTH); M_StringCopy(versionText, HXS_VERSION_TEXT, HXS_VERSION_TEXT_LENGTH); StreamOutBuffer(versionText, HXS_VERSION_TEXT_LENGTH); // Place a header marker StreamOutLong(ASEG_GAME_HEADER); // Write current map and difficulty StreamOutByte(gamemap); StreamOutByte(gameskill); // Write global script info for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACS_WORLD_VARS; ++i) { StreamOutLong(WorldVars[i]); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACS_STORE + 1; ++i) { StreamOut_acsstore_t(&ACSStore[i]); } ArchivePlayers(); // Place a termination marker StreamOutLong(ASEG_END); // Close the output file CloseStreamOut(); // Save out the current map SV_SaveMap(true); // true = save player info // Clear all save files at destination slot ClearSaveSlot(slot); // Copy base slot to destination slot CopySaveSlot(BASE_SLOT, slot); } //========================================================================== // // SV_SaveMap // //========================================================================== void SV_SaveMap(boolean savePlayers) { char fileName[100]; SavingPlayers = savePlayers; // Open the output file M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex6%02d.hxs", SavePath, gamemap); OpenStreamOut(fileName); // Place a header marker StreamOutLong(ASEG_MAP_HEADER); // Write the level timer StreamOutLong(leveltime); // Set the mobj archive numbers SetMobjArchiveNums(); ArchiveWorld(); ArchivePolyobjs(); ArchiveMobjs(); ArchiveThinkers(); ArchiveScripts(); ArchiveSounds(); ArchiveMisc(); // Place a termination marker StreamOutLong(ASEG_END); // Close the output file CloseStreamOut(); } //========================================================================== // // SV_LoadGame // //========================================================================== void SV_LoadGame(int slot) { int i; char fileName[100]; player_t playerBackup[MAXPLAYERS]; mobj_t *mobj; // Copy all needed save files to the base slot if (slot != BASE_SLOT) { ClearSaveSlot(BASE_SLOT); CopySaveSlot(slot, BASE_SLOT); } // Create the name M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex6.hxs", SavePath); // Load the file M_ReadFile(fileName, &SaveBuffer); // Set the save pointer and skip the description field SavePtr.b = SaveBuffer + HXS_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH; // Check the version text if (strcmp((char *) SavePtr.b, HXS_VERSION_TEXT)) { // Bad version return; } SavePtr.b += HXS_VERSION_TEXT_LENGTH; AssertSegment(ASEG_GAME_HEADER); gameepisode = 1; gamemap = GET_BYTE; gameskill = GET_BYTE; // Read global script info for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACS_WORLD_VARS; ++i) { WorldVars[i] = GET_LONG; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACS_STORE + 1; ++i) { StreamIn_acsstore_t(&ACSStore[i]); } // Read the player structures UnarchivePlayers(); AssertSegment(ASEG_END); Z_Free(SaveBuffer); // Save player structs for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { playerBackup[i] = players[i]; } // Load the current map SV_LoadMap(); // Don't need the player mobj relocation info for load game Z_Free(TargetPlayerAddrs); // Restore player structs inv_ptr = 0; curpos = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { mobj = players[i].mo; players[i] = playerBackup[i]; players[i].mo = mobj; if (i == consoleplayer) { players[i].readyArtifact = players[i].inventory[inv_ptr].type; } } } //========================================================================== // // SV_UpdateRebornSlot // // Copies the base slot to the reborn slot. // //========================================================================== void SV_UpdateRebornSlot(void) { ClearSaveSlot(REBORN_SLOT); CopySaveSlot(BASE_SLOT, REBORN_SLOT); } //========================================================================== // // SV_ClearRebornSlot // //========================================================================== void SV_ClearRebornSlot(void) { ClearSaveSlot(REBORN_SLOT); } //========================================================================== // // SV_MapTeleport // //========================================================================== void SV_MapTeleport(int map, int position) { int i; int j; char fileName[100]; player_t playerBackup[MAXPLAYERS]; mobj_t *targetPlayerMobj; mobj_t *mobj; int inventoryPtr; int currentInvPos; boolean rClass; boolean playerWasReborn; boolean oldWeaponowned[NUMWEAPONS]; int oldKeys = 0; int oldPieces = 0; int bestWeapon; if (!deathmatch) { if (P_GetMapCluster(gamemap) == P_GetMapCluster(map)) { // Same cluster - save map without saving player mobjs SV_SaveMap(false); } else { // Entering new cluster - clear base slot ClearSaveSlot(BASE_SLOT); } } // Store player structs for later rClass = randomclass; randomclass = false; for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { playerBackup[i] = players[i]; } // Save some globals that get trashed during the load inventoryPtr = inv_ptr; currentInvPos = curpos; // Only SV_LoadMap() uses TargetPlayerAddrs, so it's NULLed here // for the following check (player mobj redirection) TargetPlayerAddrs = NULL; gamemap = map; M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex6%02d.hxs", SavePath, gamemap); if (!deathmatch && ExistingFile(fileName)) { // Unarchive map SV_LoadMap(); } else { // New map G_InitNew(gameskill, gameepisode, gamemap); // Destroy all freshly spawned players for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { P_RemoveMobj(players[i].mo); } } } // Restore player structs targetPlayerMobj = NULL; for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) { continue; } players[i] = playerBackup[i]; P_ClearMessage(&players[i]); players[i].attacker = NULL; players[i].poisoner = NULL; if (netgame) { if (players[i].playerstate == PST_DEAD) { // In a network game, force all players to be alive players[i].playerstate = PST_REBORN; } if (!deathmatch) { // Cooperative net-play, retain keys and weapons oldKeys = players[i].keys; oldPieces = players[i].pieces; for (j = 0; j < NUMWEAPONS; j++) { oldWeaponowned[j] = players[i].weaponowned[j]; } } } playerWasReborn = (players[i].playerstate == PST_REBORN); if (deathmatch) { memset(players[i].frags, 0, sizeof(players[i].frags)); mobj = P_SpawnMobj(playerstarts[0][i].x << 16, playerstarts[0][i].y << 16, 0, MT_PLAYER_FIGHTER); players[i].mo = mobj; G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer(i); P_RemoveMobj(mobj); } else { P_SpawnPlayer(&playerstarts[position][i]); } if (playerWasReborn && netgame && !deathmatch) { // Restore keys and weapons when reborn in co-op players[i].keys = oldKeys; players[i].pieces = oldPieces; for (bestWeapon = 0, j = 0; j < NUMWEAPONS; j++) { if (oldWeaponowned[j]) { bestWeapon = j; players[i].weaponowned[j] = true; } } players[i].mana[MANA_1] = 25; players[i].mana[MANA_2] = 25; if (bestWeapon) { // Bring up the best weapon players[i].pendingweapon = bestWeapon; } } if (targetPlayerMobj == NULL) { // The poor sap targetPlayerMobj = players[i].mo; } } randomclass = rClass; // Redirect anything targeting a player mobj if (TargetPlayerAddrs) { for (i = 0; i < TargetPlayerCount; i++) { *TargetPlayerAddrs[i] = targetPlayerMobj; } Z_Free(TargetPlayerAddrs); } // Destroy all things touching players for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { P_TeleportMove(players[i].mo, players[i].mo->x, players[i].mo->y); } } // Restore trashed globals inv_ptr = inventoryPtr; curpos = currentInvPos; // Launch waiting scripts if (!deathmatch) { P_CheckACSStore(); } // For single play, save immediately into the reborn slot if (!netgame) { SV_SaveGame(REBORN_SLOT, REBORN_DESCRIPTION); } } //========================================================================== // // SV_GetRebornSlot // //========================================================================== int SV_GetRebornSlot(void) { return (REBORN_SLOT); } //========================================================================== // // SV_RebornSlotAvailable // // Returns true if the reborn slot is available. // //========================================================================== boolean SV_RebornSlotAvailable(void) { char fileName[100]; M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex%d.hxs", SavePath, REBORN_SLOT); return ExistingFile(fileName); } //========================================================================== // // SV_LoadMap // //========================================================================== void SV_LoadMap(void) { char fileName[100]; // Load a base level G_InitNew(gameskill, gameepisode, gamemap); // Remove all thinkers RemoveAllThinkers(); // Create the name M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex6%02d.hxs", SavePath, gamemap); // Load the file M_ReadFile(fileName, &SaveBuffer); SavePtr.b = SaveBuffer; AssertSegment(ASEG_MAP_HEADER); // Read the level timer leveltime = GET_LONG; UnarchiveWorld(); UnarchivePolyobjs(); UnarchiveMobjs(); UnarchiveThinkers(); UnarchiveScripts(); UnarchiveSounds(); UnarchiveMisc(); AssertSegment(ASEG_END); // Free mobj list and save buffer Z_Free(MobjList); Z_Free(SaveBuffer); } //========================================================================== // // SV_InitBaseSlot // //========================================================================== void SV_InitBaseSlot(void) { ClearSaveSlot(BASE_SLOT); } //========================================================================== // // ArchivePlayers // //========================================================================== static void ArchivePlayers(void) { int i; StreamOutLong(ASEG_PLAYERS); for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { StreamOutByte(playeringame[i]); } for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) { continue; } StreamOutByte(PlayerClass[i]); StreamOut_player_t(&players[i]); } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchivePlayers // //========================================================================== static void UnarchivePlayers(void) { int i; AssertSegment(ASEG_PLAYERS); for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { playeringame[i] = GET_BYTE; } for (i = 0; i < maxplayers; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) { continue; } PlayerClass[i] = GET_BYTE; StreamIn_player_t(&players[i]); P_ClearMessage(&players[i]); } } //========================================================================== // // ArchiveWorld // //========================================================================== static void ArchiveWorld(void) { int i; int j; sector_t *sec; line_t *li; side_t *si; StreamOutLong(ASEG_WORLD); for (i = 0, sec = sectors; i < numsectors; i++, sec++) { StreamOutWord(sec->floorheight >> FRACBITS); StreamOutWord(sec->ceilingheight >> FRACBITS); StreamOutWord(sec->floorpic); StreamOutWord(sec->ceilingpic); StreamOutWord(sec->lightlevel); StreamOutWord(sec->special); StreamOutWord(sec->tag); StreamOutWord(sec->seqType); } for (i = 0, li = lines; i < numlines; i++, li++) { StreamOutWord(li->flags); StreamOutByte(li->special); StreamOutByte(li->arg1); StreamOutByte(li->arg2); StreamOutByte(li->arg3); StreamOutByte(li->arg4); StreamOutByte(li->arg5); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (li->sidenum[j] == -1) { continue; } si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]]; StreamOutWord(si->textureoffset >> FRACBITS); StreamOutWord(si->rowoffset >> FRACBITS); StreamOutWord(si->toptexture); StreamOutWord(si->bottomtexture); StreamOutWord(si->midtexture); } } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchiveWorld // //========================================================================== static void UnarchiveWorld(void) { int i; int j; sector_t *sec; line_t *li; side_t *si; AssertSegment(ASEG_WORLD); for (i = 0, sec = sectors; i < numsectors; i++, sec++) { sec->floorheight = GET_WORD << FRACBITS; sec->ceilingheight = GET_WORD << FRACBITS; sec->floorpic = GET_WORD; sec->ceilingpic = GET_WORD; sec->lightlevel = GET_WORD; sec->special = GET_WORD; sec->tag = GET_WORD; sec->seqType = GET_WORD; sec->specialdata = 0; sec->soundtarget = 0; } for (i = 0, li = lines; i < numlines; i++, li++) { li->flags = GET_WORD; li->special = GET_BYTE; li->arg1 = GET_BYTE; li->arg2 = GET_BYTE; li->arg3 = GET_BYTE; li->arg4 = GET_BYTE; li->arg5 = GET_BYTE; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (li->sidenum[j] == -1) { continue; } si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]]; si->textureoffset = GET_WORD << FRACBITS; si->rowoffset = GET_WORD << FRACBITS; si->toptexture = GET_WORD; si->bottomtexture = GET_WORD; si->midtexture = GET_WORD; } } } //========================================================================== // // SetMobjArchiveNums // // Sets the archive numbers in all mobj structs. Also sets the MobjCount // global. Ignores player mobjs if SavingPlayers is false. // //========================================================================== static void SetMobjArchiveNums(void) { mobj_t *mobj; thinker_t *thinker; MobjCount = 0; for (thinker =; thinker != &thinkercap; thinker = thinker->next) { if (thinker->function == P_MobjThinker) { mobj = (mobj_t *) thinker; if (mobj->player && !SavingPlayers) { // Skipping player mobjs continue; } mobj->archiveNum = MobjCount++; } } } //========================================================================== // // ArchiveMobjs // //========================================================================== static void ArchiveMobjs(void) { int count; thinker_t *thinker; StreamOutLong(ASEG_MOBJS); StreamOutLong(MobjCount); count = 0; for (thinker =; thinker != &thinkercap; thinker = thinker->next) { if (thinker->function != P_MobjThinker) { // Not a mobj thinker continue; } if (((mobj_t *) thinker)->player && !SavingPlayers) { // Skipping player mobjs continue; } count++; StreamOut_mobj_t((mobj_t *) thinker); } if (count != MobjCount) { I_Error("ArchiveMobjs: bad mobj count"); } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchiveMobjs // //========================================================================== static void UnarchiveMobjs(void) { int i; mobj_t *mobj; AssertSegment(ASEG_MOBJS); TargetPlayerAddrs = Z_Malloc(MAX_TARGET_PLAYERS * sizeof(mobj_t **), PU_STATIC, NULL); TargetPlayerCount = 0; MobjCount = GET_LONG; MobjList = Z_Malloc(MobjCount * sizeof(mobj_t *), PU_STATIC, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MobjCount; i++) { MobjList[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(mobj_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < MobjCount; i++) { mobj = MobjList[i]; StreamIn_mobj_t(mobj); // Restore broken pointers. mobj->info = &mobjinfo[mobj->type]; P_SetThingPosition(mobj); mobj->floorz = mobj->subsector->sector->floorheight; mobj->ceilingz = mobj->subsector->sector->ceilingheight; mobj->thinker.function = P_MobjThinker; P_AddThinker(&mobj->thinker); } P_CreateTIDList(); P_InitCreatureCorpseQueue(true); // true = scan for corpses } //========================================================================== // // GetMobjNum // //========================================================================== static int GetMobjNum(mobj_t * mobj) { if (mobj == NULL) { return MOBJ_NULL; } if (mobj->player && !SavingPlayers) { return MOBJ_XX_PLAYER; } return mobj->archiveNum; } //========================================================================== // // SetMobjPtr // //========================================================================== static void SetMobjPtr(mobj_t **ptr, unsigned int archiveNum) { if (archiveNum == MOBJ_NULL) { *ptr = NULL; } else if (archiveNum == MOBJ_XX_PLAYER) { if (TargetPlayerCount == MAX_TARGET_PLAYERS) { I_Error("RestoreMobj: exceeded MAX_TARGET_PLAYERS"); } TargetPlayerAddrs[TargetPlayerCount++] = ptr; *ptr = NULL; } else { *ptr = MobjList[archiveNum]; } } //========================================================================== // // Thinker types list. // // This is used by ArchiveThinkers and UnarchiveThinkers, below. // // Original comment: // "This list has been prioritized using frequency estimates" // //========================================================================== static thinkInfo_t ThinkerInfo[] = { { TC_MOVE_FLOOR, T_MoveFloor, StreamOut_floormove_t, StreamIn_floormove_t, RestoreSSThinker, sizeof(floormove_t) }, { TC_PLAT_RAISE, T_PlatRaise, StreamOut_plat_t, StreamIn_plat_t, RestorePlatRaise, sizeof(plat_t) }, { TC_MOVE_CEILING, T_MoveCeiling, StreamOut_ceiling_t, StreamIn_ceiling_t, RestoreMoveCeiling, sizeof(ceiling_t) }, { TC_LIGHT, T_Light, StreamOut_light_t, StreamIn_light_t, NULL, sizeof(light_t) }, { TC_VERTICAL_DOOR, T_VerticalDoor, StreamOut_vldoor_t, StreamIn_vldoor_t, RestoreSSThinker, sizeof(vldoor_t) }, { TC_PHASE, T_Phase, StreamOut_phase_t, StreamIn_phase_t, NULL, sizeof(phase_t) }, { TC_INTERPRET_ACS, T_InterpretACS, StreamOut_acs_t, StreamIn_acs_t, NULL, sizeof(acs_t) }, { TC_ROTATE_POLY, T_RotatePoly, StreamOut_polyevent_t, StreamIn_polyevent_t, NULL, sizeof(polyevent_t) }, { TC_BUILD_PILLAR, T_BuildPillar, StreamOut_pillar_t, StreamIn_pillar_t, RestoreSSThinker, sizeof(pillar_t) }, { TC_MOVE_POLY, T_MovePoly, StreamOut_polyevent_t, StreamIn_polyevent_t, NULL, sizeof(polyevent_t) }, { TC_POLY_DOOR, T_PolyDoor, StreamOut_polydoor_t, StreamIn_polydoor_t, NULL, sizeof(polydoor_t) }, { TC_FLOOR_WAGGLE, T_FloorWaggle, StreamOut_floorWaggle_t, StreamIn_floorWaggle_t, RestoreSSThinker, sizeof(floorWaggle_t) }, { TC_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0}, }; //========================================================================== // // ArchiveThinkers // //========================================================================== static void ArchiveThinkers(void) { thinker_t *thinker; thinkInfo_t *info; StreamOutLong(ASEG_THINKERS); for (thinker =; thinker != &thinkercap; thinker = thinker->next) { for (info = ThinkerInfo; info->tClass != TC_NULL; info++) { if (thinker->function == info->thinkerFunc) { StreamOutByte(info->tClass); info->writeFunc(thinker); break; } } } // Add a termination marker StreamOutByte(TC_NULL); } //========================================================================== // // UnarchiveThinkers // //========================================================================== static void UnarchiveThinkers(void) { int tClass; thinker_t *thinker; thinkInfo_t *info; AssertSegment(ASEG_THINKERS); while ((tClass = GET_BYTE) != TC_NULL) { for (info = ThinkerInfo; info->tClass != TC_NULL; info++) { if (tClass == info->tClass) { thinker = Z_Malloc(info->size, PU_LEVEL, NULL); info->readFunc(thinker); thinker->function = info->thinkerFunc; if (info->restoreFunc) { info->restoreFunc(thinker); } P_AddThinker(thinker); break; } } if (info->tClass == TC_NULL) { I_Error("UnarchiveThinkers: Unknown tClass %d in " "savegame", tClass); } } } //========================================================================== // // RestoreSSThinker // //========================================================================== static void RestoreSSThinker(ssthinker_t *sst) { sst->sector->specialdata = sst->thinker.function; } //========================================================================== // // RestorePlatRaise // //========================================================================== static void RestorePlatRaise(plat_t *plat) { plat->sector->specialdata = T_PlatRaise; P_AddActivePlat(plat); } //========================================================================== // // RestoreMoveCeiling // //========================================================================== static void RestoreMoveCeiling(ceiling_t *ceiling) { ceiling->sector->specialdata = T_MoveCeiling; P_AddActiveCeiling(ceiling); } //========================================================================== // // ArchiveScripts // //========================================================================== static void ArchiveScripts(void) { int i; StreamOutLong(ASEG_SCRIPTS); for (i = 0; i < ACScriptCount; i++) { StreamOutWord(ACSInfo[i].state); StreamOutWord(ACSInfo[i].waitValue); } for (i = 0; i< MAX_ACS_MAP_VARS; ++i) { StreamOutLong(MapVars[i]); } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchiveScripts // //========================================================================== static void UnarchiveScripts(void) { int i; AssertSegment(ASEG_SCRIPTS); for (i = 0; i < ACScriptCount; i++) { ACSInfo[i].state = GET_WORD; ACSInfo[i].waitValue = GET_WORD; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACS_MAP_VARS; ++i) { MapVars[i] = GET_LONG; } } //========================================================================== // // ArchiveMisc // //========================================================================== static void ArchiveMisc(void) { int ix; StreamOutLong(ASEG_MISC); for (ix = 0; ix < maxplayers; ix++) { StreamOutLong(localQuakeHappening[ix]); } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchiveMisc // //========================================================================== static void UnarchiveMisc(void) { int ix; AssertSegment(ASEG_MISC); for (ix = 0; ix < maxplayers; ix++) { localQuakeHappening[ix] = GET_LONG; } } //========================================================================== // // RemoveAllThinkers // //========================================================================== static void RemoveAllThinkers(void) { thinker_t *thinker; thinker_t *nextThinker; thinker =; while (thinker != &thinkercap) { nextThinker = thinker->next; if (thinker->function == P_MobjThinker) { P_RemoveMobj((mobj_t *) thinker); } else { Z_Free(thinker); } thinker = nextThinker; } P_InitThinkers(); } //========================================================================== // // ArchiveSounds // //========================================================================== static void ArchiveSounds(void) { seqnode_t *node; sector_t *sec; int difference; int i; StreamOutLong(ASEG_SOUNDS); // Save the sound sequences StreamOutLong(ActiveSequences); for (node = SequenceListHead; node; node = node->next) { StreamOutLong(node->sequence); StreamOutLong(node->delayTics); StreamOutLong(node->volume); StreamOutLong(SN_GetSequenceOffset(node->sequence, node->sequencePtr)); StreamOutLong(node->currentSoundID); for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++) { if (node->mobj == (mobj_t *) & polyobjs[i].startSpot) { break; } } if (i == po_NumPolyobjs) { // Sound is attached to a sector, not a polyobj sec = R_PointInSubsector(node->mobj->x, node->mobj->y)->sector; difference = (int) ((byte *) sec - (byte *) & sectors[0]) / sizeof(sector_t); StreamOutLong(0); // 0 -- sector sound origin } else { StreamOutLong(1); // 1 -- polyobj sound origin difference = i; } StreamOutLong(difference); } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchiveSounds // //========================================================================== static void UnarchiveSounds(void) { int i; int numSequences; int sequence; int delayTics; int volume; int seqOffset; int soundID; int polySnd; int secNum; mobj_t *sndMobj; AssertSegment(ASEG_SOUNDS); // Reload and restart all sound sequences numSequences = GET_LONG; i = 0; while (i < numSequences) { sequence = GET_LONG; delayTics = GET_LONG; volume = GET_LONG; seqOffset = GET_LONG; soundID = GET_LONG; polySnd = GET_LONG; secNum = GET_LONG; if (!polySnd) { sndMobj = (mobj_t *) & sectors[secNum].soundorg; } else { sndMobj = (mobj_t *) & polyobjs[secNum].startSpot; } SN_StartSequence(sndMobj, sequence); SN_ChangeNodeData(i, seqOffset, delayTics, volume, soundID); i++; } } //========================================================================== // // ArchivePolyobjs // //========================================================================== static void ArchivePolyobjs(void) { int i; StreamOutLong(ASEG_POLYOBJS); StreamOutLong(po_NumPolyobjs); for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++) { StreamOutLong(polyobjs[i].tag); StreamOutLong(polyobjs[i].angle); StreamOutLong(polyobjs[i].startSpot.x); StreamOutLong(polyobjs[i].startSpot.y); } } //========================================================================== // // UnarchivePolyobjs // //========================================================================== static void UnarchivePolyobjs(void) { int i; fixed_t deltaX; fixed_t deltaY; AssertSegment(ASEG_POLYOBJS); if (GET_LONG != po_NumPolyobjs) { I_Error("UnarchivePolyobjs: Bad polyobj count"); } for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++) { if (GET_LONG != polyobjs[i].tag) { I_Error("UnarchivePolyobjs: Invalid polyobj tag"); } PO_RotatePolyobj(polyobjs[i].tag, (angle_t) GET_LONG); deltaX = GET_LONG - polyobjs[i].startSpot.x; deltaY = GET_LONG - polyobjs[i].startSpot.y; PO_MovePolyobj(polyobjs[i].tag, deltaX, deltaY); } } //========================================================================== // // AssertSegment // //========================================================================== static void AssertSegment(gameArchiveSegment_t segType) { if (GET_LONG != segType) { I_Error("Corrupt save game: Segment [%d] failed alignment check", segType); } } //========================================================================== // // ClearSaveSlot // // Deletes all save game files associated with a slot number. // //========================================================================== static void ClearSaveSlot(int slot) { int i; char fileName[100]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAPS; i++) { M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex%d%02d.hxs", SavePath, slot, i); remove(fileName); } M_snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%shex%d.hxs", SavePath, slot); remove(fileName); } //========================================================================== // // CopySaveSlot // // Copies all the save game files from one slot to another. // //========================================================================== static void CopySaveSlot(int sourceSlot, int destSlot) { int i; char sourceName[100]; char destName[100]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAPS; i++) { M_snprintf(sourceName, sizeof(sourceName), "%shex%d%02d.hxs", SavePath, sourceSlot, i); if (ExistingFile(sourceName)) { M_snprintf(destName, sizeof(destName), "%shex%d%02d.hxs", SavePath, destSlot, i); CopyFile(sourceName, destName); } } M_snprintf(sourceName, sizeof(sourceName), "%shex%d.hxs", SavePath, sourceSlot); if (ExistingFile(sourceName)) { M_snprintf(destName, sizeof(destName), "%shex%d.hxs", SavePath, destSlot); CopyFile(sourceName, destName); } } //========================================================================== // // CopyFile // //========================================================================== static void CopyFile(char *sourceName, char *destName) { int length; byte *buffer; length = M_ReadFile(sourceName, &buffer); M_WriteFile(destName, buffer, length); Z_Free(buffer); } //========================================================================== // // ExistingFile // //========================================================================== static boolean ExistingFile(char *name) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(name, "rb")) != NULL) { fclose(fp); return true; } else { return false; } } //========================================================================== // // OpenStreamOut // //========================================================================== static void OpenStreamOut(char *fileName) { SavingFP = fopen(fileName, "wb"); } //========================================================================== // // CloseStreamOut // //========================================================================== static void CloseStreamOut(void) { if (SavingFP) { fclose(SavingFP); } } //========================================================================== // // StreamOutBuffer // //========================================================================== static void StreamOutBuffer(void *buffer, int size) { fwrite(buffer, size, 1, SavingFP); } //========================================================================== // // StreamOutByte // //========================================================================== static void StreamOutByte(byte val) { fwrite(&val, sizeof(byte), 1, SavingFP); } //========================================================================== // // StreamOutWord // //========================================================================== static void StreamOutWord(unsigned short val) { val = SHORT(val); fwrite(&val, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, SavingFP); } //========================================================================== // // StreamOutLong // //========================================================================== static void StreamOutLong(unsigned int val) { val = LONG(val); fwrite(&val, sizeof(int), 1, SavingFP); } //========================================================================== // // StreamOutPtr // //========================================================================== static void StreamOutPtr(void *val) { long ptr; // Write a pointer value. In Vanilla Hexen pointers are 32-bit but // nowadays they might be larger. Whatever value we write here isn't // going to be much use when we reload the game. ptr = (long) val; StreamOutLong((unsigned int) (ptr & 0xffffffff)); }