Restarted work on hub save code. Brought in multiple filepath handling
Added graphical intro loading screen, and -nograph parameter which
Numerous fixes/adjustments: removed bodyque, restored "is turbo" (found
Documented most of the questflags. Misc fixes: Removed "is turbo!"
Finished second passes through p_map and p_maputl - modules are largely
Finished second sweep of p_inter.c for missed code and bugs. Significant
Finished second pass through p_mobj.c - module should now be finalized
Implemented "blockingline" variable so that missiles can trigger
Verified various changes in a second sweep through IDA. Fixes:
Add win_opendir.c module for MSVC++ builds which contains public domain
Fix end game confirmation message.
Fix for menu messages - unpause when dismissed.
Weird side effects of sigil -1 turned out to be due to small error in
Fix to LEGO cheat so it doesn't cause an invalid access to invsigil[-1]
Strife changed lowerAndCrush ceiling actions so that they actually do
Programmer should attack the player and not his own location :)
Added mobjinfo/state adjustments for various skill levels. Changed sky
- Update strife codeblocks project
Eliminated the rest of the notion of an episode, added proper sky
Added beginnings of Strife hub save code. ATTN fraggle: please add
Significant work on savegames.
Fix warnings about unhandled enumeration values.
Enable useyfont parameter of M_DialogDimMsg for proper dimensioning of
Correction to use ev->data1 in ST_Responder for normal keys. Fixes
Identified dword_88604 as st_keystate and made static to ST_Responder.
Code for line types 196 and 212 (thought I committed that already o_O),
Identified quest #7 (killed Blue Acolytes), fixed a bug in P_SpawnMobj
Implemented cross type 179 and fixed cross type 184. I *believe* that
ALL line types implemented in P_UseSpecialLine!
+ stonecold, jimmy, gripper, donnytrump, and lego cheats added
+ Fixed fluke with upWaitDownStay plat type
Added buildDown16 stairs to EV_BuildStairs, and implemented all new S/W
Started work on P_UseSpecialLine cuz I was bored.
Implementation of teleflags for EV_Teleport. Fix to somewhat serious bug
Added linetype 180 to P_ShootSpecialLine and vetted other line types.
Rewrote P_GiveItemToPlayer to exactly match binary, particularly with
P_CrossSpecialLine is approximately 95% complete.
Fixed firing of missiles when looking up/down so that the aimslope
Working health bars on the status bar, and numerous fixes to
+ topo cheat added to am_map
Most status bar drawing finished.
Functional inventory status bar cursor and item rendering. Fix for
+ P_PlayerThink: Inventorydown bug fixed
+ Line types 194 and 211 added
+ Several more line types added
+ Fixed a minor fluke with type 165 in EV_VerticalDoor
+ EV_VerticalDoor: Missed type 165 added
+ SetVideoMode - center window on desktop when not in fullscreen mode
Bug fixes: It's SPECTRALs that aren't hit by tracers, not MVIS things
Massive work on the HUD. Multiline messages now work properly and are
Had to manually correct almost every single mobjinfo name string as
More use of DEH_String and DEH_snprintf, especially in the dialog
Tons of warnings fixed - now only 7 warnings at warning level 3, and
Upped warning level and started fixing warnings - can't believe some
Revisions to objective macro and addition of voice with objective for
+ Change in P_DamageMobj due to fluke with specrtal checks
+ healthamounts array added
+ Fixed a fluke in A_TeleportBeacon
+ A_TeleportBeacon done
+ A_TeleportBeacon done
+ A_AcolyteSpecial fixed
+ A_Tracer, A_BurnSpread and A_AcolyteSpecial done
+ AM_drawPlayers and AM_drawThings done
+ AM_drawWalls updated/finished
Vetted all existing floor types and modified/added ones which changed.
+ P_PlayerThink and P_DeathThink done
Started work on normal single-player exit lines.
Had to majorly deconflict p_doors.c; kept my version of lock switch in
+ EV_VerticalDoor finished
Work on cheats and on teleportation effects.
+ EV_DoLockedDoor completed
Some reformatting, change of some strings to use DEH_String and
Fully implemented all finale code, including "intermission" speeches by
+ P_FindSlidingDoorType fixed where it was returning a null slidetype
+ Sliding door implementation
Use DEH_snprintf where appropriate.
Started finale slideshow stuff, added/tweaked quest flags, and did some
+ Fix for flaming death in P_KillMobj
+ P_DamageMobj mapped out
+ stonecold/workparm variables added
+ Updating pagetics in D_DoAdvanceDemo to ticrates
Call I_UpdateSound periodically to free finished sounds back to the
+ Minor fix for P_KillMobj. Suppose to make the player hop slightly when
I munged up A_CrusaderAttack pretty good, but it's fixed now.
+ Fixes for the power coupling
+ P_KillMobj mapped out
Functional demosequence for storyboard intro and exit outro.
+ Fixed flag clearing issue in P_ChangeSwitchTexture
+ return fix for P_ItemBehavior
+ externalized isregistered