ref: 387913ae403f85f5f4f67487b75e64fd8c03133e
dir: /src/support/cmixer.cpp/
// Adapted from cmixer by rxi ( /* ** Copyright (c) 2017 rxi ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ** of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to ** deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the ** rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or ** sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ** furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ** all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ** AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ** LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ** FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS ** IN THE SOFTWARE. **/ #include "cmixer.h" #include <SDL.h> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <list> using namespace cmixer; #define CLAMP(x, a, b) ((x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define FX_BITS (12) #define FX_UNIT (1 << FX_BITS) #define FX_MASK (FX_UNIT - 1) #define FX_FROM_FLOAT(f) ((long)((f) * FX_UNIT)) #define DOUBLE_FROM_FX(f) ((double)f / FX_UNIT) #define FX_LERP(a, b, p) ((a) + ((((b) - (a)) * (p)) >> FX_BITS)) #define BUFFER_MASK (BUFFER_SIZE - 1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global mixer static struct Mixer { SDL_mutex* sdlAudioMutex; std::list<Source*> sources; // Linked list of active (playing) sources int32_t pcmmixbuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; // Internal master buffer int samplerate; // Master samplerate int gain; // Master gain (fixed point) void Init(int samplerate); void Process(int16_t* dst, int len); void Lock(); void Unlock(); void SetMasterGain(double newGain); } gMixer = {}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global init/shutdown static bool sdlAudioSubSystemInited = false; static SDL_AudioDeviceID sdlDeviceID = 0; void cmixer::InitWithSDL() { if (sdlAudioSubSystemInited) throw std::runtime_error("SDL audio subsystem already inited"); if (0 != SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)) throw std::runtime_error("couldn't init SDL audio subsystem"); sdlAudioSubSystemInited = true; // Init SDL audio SDL_AudioSpec fmt = {}; fmt.freq = 44100; fmt.format = AUDIO_S16; fmt.channels = 2; fmt.samples = 1024; fmt.callback = [](void* udata, Uint8* stream, int size) { gMixer.Process((int16_t*) stream, size / 2); }; SDL_AudioSpec got; sdlDeviceID = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &fmt, &got, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE); if (!sdlDeviceID) throw std::runtime_error(SDL_GetError()); // Init library gMixer.Init(got.freq); gMixer.SetMasterGain(0.5); // Start audio SDL_PauseAudioDevice(sdlDeviceID, 0); } void cmixer::ShutdownWithSDL() { if (sdlDeviceID) { SDL_CloseAudioDevice(sdlDeviceID); sdlDeviceID = 0; } if (gMixer.sdlAudioMutex) { SDL_DestroyMutex(gMixer.sdlAudioMutex); gMixer.sdlAudioMutex = nullptr; } if (sdlAudioSubSystemInited) { SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO); sdlAudioSubSystemInited = false; } } double cmixer::GetMasterGain() { return DOUBLE_FROM_FX(gMixer.gain); } void cmixer::SetMasterGain(double newGain) { gMixer.SetMasterGain(newGain); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global mixer impl void Mixer::Lock() { SDL_LockMutex(sdlAudioMutex); } void Mixer::Unlock() { SDL_UnlockMutex(sdlAudioMutex); } void Mixer::Init(int newSamplerate) { sdlAudioMutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); samplerate = newSamplerate; gain = FX_UNIT; } void Mixer::SetMasterGain(double newGain) { if (newGain < 0) newGain = 0; gain = FX_FROM_FLOAT(newGain); } void Mixer::Process(int16_t* dst, int len) { // Process in chunks of BUFFER_SIZE if `len` is larger than BUFFER_SIZE while (len > BUFFER_SIZE) { Process(dst, BUFFER_SIZE); dst += BUFFER_SIZE; len -= BUFFER_SIZE; } // Zeroset internal buffer memset(pcmmixbuf, 0, len * sizeof(pcmmixbuf[0])); // Process active sources Lock(); for (auto si = sources.begin(); si != sources.end();) { auto& s = **si; s.Process(len); // Remove source from list if it is no longer playing if (s.state != CM_STATE_PLAYING) { = false; si = sources.erase(si); } else { ++si; } } Unlock(); // Copy internal buffer to destination and clip for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int x = (pcmmixbuf[i] * gain) >> FX_BITS; dst[i] = CLAMP(x, -32768, 32767); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Source implementation Source::Source() { ClearPrivate(); active = false; } void Source::ClearPrivate() { samplerate = 0; length = 0; end = 0; state = CM_STATE_STOPPED; position = 0; lgain = 0; rgain = 0; rate = 0; nextfill = 0; loop = false; rewind = true; interpolate = false; // DON'T touch active. The source may still be in gMixer! gain = 0; pan = 0; onComplete = nullptr; } void Source::Clear() { gMixer.Lock(); ClearPrivate(); ClearImplementation(); gMixer.Unlock(); } void Source::Init(int theSampleRate, int theLength) { this->samplerate = theSampleRate; this->length = theLength; SetGain(1); SetPan(0); SetPitch(1); SetLoop(false); Stop(); } Source::~Source() { gMixer.Lock(); if (active) { gMixer.sources.remove(this); } gMixer.Unlock(); } void Source::Rewind() { RewindImplementation(); position = 0; rewind = false; end = length; nextfill = 0; } void Source::FillBuffer(int offset, int fillLength) { FillBuffer(pcmbuf + offset, fillLength); } void Source::Process(int len) { int32_t* dst = gMixer.pcmmixbuf; // Do rewind if flag is set if (rewind) { Rewind(); } // Don't process if not playing if (state != CM_STATE_PLAYING) { return; } // Process audio while (len > 0) { // Get current position frame int frame = int(position >> FX_BITS); // Fill buffer if required if (frame + 3 >= nextfill) { FillBuffer((nextfill * 2) & BUFFER_MASK, BUFFER_SIZE / 2); nextfill += BUFFER_SIZE / 4; } // Handle reaching the end of the playthrough if (frame >= end) { // As streams continiously fill the raw buffer in a loop we simply // increment the end idx by one length and continue reading from it for // another play-through end = frame + this->length; // Set state and stop processing if we're not set to loop if (!loop) { state = CM_STATE_STOPPED; if (onComplete != nullptr) onComplete(); break; } } // Work out how many frames we should process in the loop int n = MIN(nextfill - 2, end) - frame; int count = (n << FX_BITS) / rate; count = MAX(count, 1); count = MIN(count, len / 2); len -= count * 2; // Add audio to master buffer if (rate == FX_UNIT) { // Add audio to buffer -- basic n = frame * 2; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { dst[0] += (pcmbuf[(n ) & BUFFER_MASK] * lgain) >> FX_BITS; dst[1] += (pcmbuf[(n + 1) & BUFFER_MASK] * rgain) >> FX_BITS; n += 2; dst += 2; } this->position += count * FX_UNIT; } else if (interpolate) { // Resample audio (with linear interpolation) and add to buffer for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { n = int(position >> FX_BITS) * 2; int p = position & FX_MASK; int a = pcmbuf[(n ) & BUFFER_MASK]; int b = pcmbuf[(n + 2) & BUFFER_MASK]; dst[0] += (FX_LERP(a, b, p) * lgain) >> FX_BITS; n++; a = pcmbuf[(n ) & BUFFER_MASK]; b = pcmbuf[(n + 2) & BUFFER_MASK]; dst[1] += (FX_LERP(a, b, p) * rgain) >> FX_BITS; position += rate; dst += 2; } } else { // Resample audio (without interpolation) and add to buffer for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { n = int(position >> FX_BITS) * 2; dst[0] += (pcmbuf[(n ) & BUFFER_MASK] * lgain) >> FX_BITS; dst[1] += (pcmbuf[(n + 1) & BUFFER_MASK] * rgain) >> FX_BITS; position += rate; dst += 2; } } } } double Source::GetLength() const { return length / (double) samplerate; } double Source::GetPosition() const { return ((position >> FX_BITS) % length) / (double) samplerate; } int Source::GetState() const { return state; } void Source::RecalcGains() { double l = this->gain * (pan <= 0. ? 1. : 1. - pan); double r = this->gain * (pan >= 0. ? 1. : 1. + pan); this->lgain = FX_FROM_FLOAT(l); this->rgain = FX_FROM_FLOAT(r); } void Source::SetGain(double newGain) { gain = newGain; RecalcGains(); } void Source::SetPan(double newPan) { pan = CLAMP(newPan, -1.0, 1.0); RecalcGains(); } void Source::SetPitch(double newPitch) { double newRate; if (newPitch > 0.) { newRate = samplerate / (double) gMixer.samplerate * newPitch; } else { newRate = 0.001; } rate = FX_FROM_FLOAT(newRate); } void Source::SetLoop(bool newLoop) { loop = newLoop; } void Source::SetInterpolation(bool newInterpolation) { interpolate = newInterpolation; } void Source::Play() { gMixer.Lock(); state = CM_STATE_PLAYING; if (!active) { active = true; gMixer.sources.push_front(this); } gMixer.Unlock(); } void Source::Pause() { state = CM_STATE_PAUSED; } void Source::TogglePause() { if (state == CM_STATE_PAUSED) Play(); else if (state == CM_STATE_PLAYING) Pause(); } void Source::Stop() { state = CM_STATE_STOPPED; rewind = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WavStream implementation #define WAV_PROCESS_LOOP(X) \ while (n--) \ { \ X \ dst += 2; \ idx++; \ } WavStream::WavStream() : Source() { ClearImplementation(); } void WavStream::ClearImplementation() { bitdepth = 0; channels = 0; idx = 0; userBuffer.clear(); } void WavStream::RewindImplementation() { idx = 0; } void WavStream::FillBuffer(int16_t* dst, int len) { int x, n; len /= 2; while (len > 0) { n = MIN(len, length - idx); len -= n; if (bitdepth == 16 && channels == 1) { WAV_PROCESS_LOOP({ dst[0] = dst[1] = data16()[idx]; }); } else if (bitdepth == 16 && channels == 2) { WAV_PROCESS_LOOP({ x = idx * 2; dst[0] = data16()[x]; dst[1] = data16()[x + 1]; }); } else if (bitdepth == 8 && channels == 1) { WAV_PROCESS_LOOP({ dst[0] = dst[1] = (data8()[idx] - 128) << 8; }); } else if (bitdepth == 8 && channels == 2) { WAV_PROCESS_LOOP({ x = idx * 2; dst[0] = (data8()[x] - 128) << 8; dst[1] = (data8()[x + 1] - 128) << 8; }); } // Loop back and continue filling buffer if we didn't fill the buffer if (len > 0) { idx = 0; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LoadWAVFromFile for testing static std::vector<char> LoadFile(char const* filename) { std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); auto pos = ifs.tellg(); std::vector<char> bytes(pos); ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);[0], pos); return bytes; } static const char* FindChunk(const char* data, int len, const char* id, int* size) { // TODO : Error handling on malformed wav file int idlen = strlen(id); const char* p = data + 12; next: *size = *((uint32_t*)(p + 4)); if (memcmp(p, id, idlen)) { p += 8 + *size; if (p > data + len) return NULL; goto next; } return p + 8; } void cmixer::WavStream::InitFromWAVFile(const char* path) { int sz; auto filebuf = LoadFile(path); auto len = filebuf.size(); const char* data =; const char* p = (char*)data; // Check header if (memcmp(p, "RIFF", 4) || memcmp(p + 8, "WAVE", 4)) throw std::invalid_argument("bad wav header"); // Find fmt subchunk p = FindChunk(data, len, "fmt ", &sz); if (!p) throw std::invalid_argument("no fmt subchunk"); // Load fmt info int format = *((uint16_t*)(p)); int channels = *((uint16_t*)(p + 2)); int samplerate = *((uint32_t*)(p + 4)); int bitdepth = *((uint16_t*)(p + 14)); if (format != 1) throw std::invalid_argument("unsupported format"); if (channels == 0 || samplerate == 0 || bitdepth == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("bad format"); // Find data subchunk p = FindChunk(data, len, "data", &sz); if (!p) throw std::invalid_argument("no data subchunk"); Clear(); Init(samplerate, sz / (channels * bitdepth / 8)); this->bitdepth = bitdepth; this->channels = channels; this->idx = 0; userBuffer.reserve(sz); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) userBuffer.push_back(p[i]); }