ref: 387913ae403f85f5f4f67487b75e64fd8c03133e
dir: /src/level.cpp/
// level.c #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> #include "SDLU.h" #include "main.h" #include "level.h" #include "score.h" #include "random.h" #include "grays.h" #include "gameticks.h" #include "players.h" #include "graymonitor.h" #include "opponent.h" #include "gworld.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "music.h" #include "control.h" #include "tweak.h" #include "soundfx.h" #include "next.h" #include "hiscore.h" #include "victory.h" #include "blitter.h" #include "zap.h" #include "keyselect.h" #include "tutorial.h" #include "pause.h" MRect stageWindowZRect, stageWindowRect; Character character[2]; int level, players, credits, difficulty[2] = {kHardLevel, kHardLevel}; int difficultyTicks, backdropTicks, backdropFrame; #define kNumSplats 16 #define kIdleSplat -2 #define kFallingSplat -1 #define kTitleItems 8 #define kIncrementPerFrame 2 #define kSplatType 4 using std::min; using std::max; const int startSkip = 1; static MBoolean shouldFullRepaint = false; static int startMenuTime = 0; static int splatState[kNumSplats], splatColor[kNumSplats], splatSide[kNumSplats]; static MRect splatBlob[kNumSplats]; enum { kTitleItemTutorial, kTitleItem1PGame, kTitleItem2PGame, kTitleItemSolitaire, kTitleItemHighScores, kTitleItemControls, kTitleItemCredits, kTitleItemQuit, }; struct { const char* name; MRGBColor color1; MRGBColor color2; MRect rect; } titleItems[kTitleItems] = { { "\x03 Tutorial Mode", {204, 67,137}, {101, 74,207}, {155, 203, 207, 426} }, { "\x03 One Player Game", { 35, 31,240}, { 81,237,252}, {225, 179, 281, 451} }, { "\x03 Two Player Game", {212,194, 48}, {255,196, 56}, {297, 182, 352, 454} }, { "\x03 Solitaire Crisis", {102,247,106}, {125,237,179}, {358, 183, 428, 458} }, { "\x03 High Scores", {234,244,132}, {192,218, 85}, {429, 280, 478, 390} }, { "\x03 Controls", { 64, 88,212}, { 62, 87,205}, {430, 187, 479, 280} }, { "\x03 Credits", {245, 7, 78}, {254,128,156}, { 6, 370, 59, 423} }, { "\x03 Quit", {107,105,106}, {169,167,168}, {433, 390, 477, 446} } }; const int kCursorWidth = 32; const int kCursorHeight = 32; extern MBoolean useNewTitle; extern MBoolean widescreen; static void InsertCursor( MPoint mouseHere, SDL_Surface* scratch, SDL_Surface* surface ) { SkittlesFontPtr cursorFont = GetFont( picFont ); SDL_Rect cursorBackSDLRect = { 0, 0, kCursorWidth, kCursorHeight }; SDL_Rect cursorFrontSDLRect = { 0, 0, kCursorWidth, kCursorHeight }; MPoint mouseHereToo = mouseHere; cursorFrontSDLRect.x = mouseHere.h; cursorFrontSDLRect.y = mouseHere.v; SDLU_BlitSurface( surface, &cursorFrontSDLRect, scratch, &cursorBackSDLRect ); SDLU_AcquireSurface( surface ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( cursorFont, '\x05', &mouseHere, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( cursorFont, '\x04', &mouseHereToo, 255, 255, 255, 0 ); SDLU_ReleaseSurface( surface ); } static void RemoveCursor( MPoint mouseHere, SDL_Surface* scratch, SDL_Surface* surface ) { SDL_Rect cursorBackSDLRect = { 0, 0, kCursorWidth, kCursorHeight }; SDL_Rect cursorFrontSDLRect = { 0, 0, kCursorWidth, kCursorHeight }; cursorFrontSDLRect.x = mouseHere.h; cursorFrontSDLRect.y = mouseHere.v; SDLU_BlitSurface( scratch, &cursorBackSDLRect, surface, &cursorFrontSDLRect ); } static void GameStartMenuRepaint() { shouldFullRepaint = true; } void GameStartMenu( void ) { // NOTE: be wary of initializing variables here! This function can run top-to-bottom // multiple times in a row, thanks to "redo". Put initializations after redo. SDL_Surface* gameStartSurface; SDL_Surface* gameStartDrawSurface; SDL_Surface* cursorBackSurface; SDL_Rect backdropSDLRect = { 0, 0, 640, 480 }; SDL_Rect cursorBackSDLRect = { 0, 0, kCursorWidth, kCursorHeight }; SDL_Rect destSDLRect; MRect drawRect[4], chunkRect, tempRect; int blob, count, oldGlow, splat, chunkType, selected; int skip; MPoint mouse; MPoint dPoint; unsigned int black; int combo[2], comboBright[2], missBright[2]; SkittlesFontPtr smallFont = GetFont( picFont ); SkittlesFontPtr tinyFont = GetFont( picTinyFont ); SDL_Rect meterRect[2] = { { 30, 360, 110, 20 }, { 530, 360, 110, 20 } }; int titleGlow[kTitleItems]; int shouldAddBlob; const int kTitleGlowOff = useNewTitle? 150: 192; const bool secretCreditsItem = !useNewTitle; const int kLeftSide = 0, kRightSide = 1, kGlow = 2, kCursor = 3; redo: combo[0] = combo[1] = 0; comboBright[0] = comboBright[1] = 0; missBright[0] = missBright[1] = 0; skip = 1; selected = -1; mouse.h = mouse.v = 0; if( finished ) return; if( musicSelection != 13 ) ChooseMusic( 13 ); for( count=0; count<kTitleItems; count++ ) { titleGlow[count] = kTitleGlowOff; } if (secretCreditsItem) { titleGlow[kTitleItemCredits] = 0; } for( count=0; count<kNumSplats; count++ ) { splatState[count] = kIdleSplat; } // make background surface gameStartSurface = LoadPICTAsSurface( picGameStart, 32 ); black = SDL_MapRGB( gameStartSurface->format, 0, 0, 0 ); // make cursor backing store cursorBackSurface = SDLU_InitSurface( &cursorBackSDLRect, 32 ); SDL_FillRect( cursorBackSurface, &cursorBackSDLRect, black ); // make drawing surface gameStartDrawSurface = SDLU_InitSurface( &backdropSDLRect, 32 ); if (!useNewTitle) { SDLU_BlitSurface(gameStartSurface, &gameStartSurface->clip_rect, gameStartDrawSurface, &gameStartDrawSurface->clip_rect); } else { // Prepare new title screen SDL_FillRect(gameStartDrawSurface, &gameStartDrawSurface->clip_rect, black); // Copy logo from original title screen to where we want it SDL_Rect r1 = {0, 0, 640, 150}; SDL_Rect r2 = {0, 70, 640, 150}; SDLU_BlitSurface(gameStartSurface, &r1, gameStartDrawSurface, &r2); // Now we're going to draw title items on gameStartSurface SDL_FillRect(gameStartSurface, &gameStartSurface->clip_rect, black); SDLU_AcquireSurface(gameStartSurface); SkittlesFontPtr font = GetFont(picFont); int left = 225; dPoint.h = left; dPoint.v = 215; for (int i = 0; i < kTitleItems; i++) { auto &item = titleItems[i]; item.rect.left = dPoint.h; = dPoint.v - 6; item.rect.bottom = dPoint.v + 16 + 6; auto nameLength = strlen(; for (int charNo = 0; charNo < nameLength; charNo++) { char c =[charNo]; float p = charNo / (float) (nameLength - 1); int red = * (1.0f - p) + * p; int green = * (1.0f - p) + * p; int blue = * (1.0f - p) + * p; SurfaceBlitCharacter(font, c, &dPoint, red, green, blue, 1); } item.rect.right = dPoint.h; dPoint.h = left; dPoint.v += 24; } SDLU_ReleaseSurface(gameStartSurface); } // darken menu items for( count=0; count<kTitleItems; count++ ) { SurfaceBlitColorOver( gameStartSurface, gameStartDrawSurface, &titleItems[count].rect, &titleItems[count].rect, 0, 0, 0, titleGlow[count] ); } SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( gameStartDrawSurface, &backdropSDLRect, &backdropSDLRect ); SDLU_Present(); WaitForRelease(); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); DoFullRepaint = GameStartMenuRepaint; shouldAddBlob = 5; startMenuTime = MTickCount( ); while( ( selected == -1 || !SDLU_Button() ) && !finished ) { startMenuTime += skip; UpdateSound(); // Add a new falling blob --shouldAddBlob; if (shouldAddBlob <= 0) { for( blob=0; blob<kNumSplats; blob++ ) { if( splatState[blob] == kIdleSplat ) { splatSide[blob] = RandomBefore(2); splatBlob[blob].top = -24 - RandomBefore(15); splatBlob[blob].left = (splatSide[blob] == 0)? RandomBefore( 110 ): 640 - kBlobHorizSize - RandomBefore( 110 ); splatBlob[blob].bottom = splatBlob[blob].top + kBlobVertSize; splatBlob[blob].right = splatBlob[blob].left + kBlobHorizSize; splatColor[blob] = ((startMenuTime >> 2) % kBlobTypes) + 1; splatState[blob] = kFallingSplat; break; } } shouldAddBlob = 5; } // Erase and redraw falling blobs and chunks SDLU_AcquireSurface( gameStartDrawSurface ); // Take the cursor out of the scene RemoveCursor( mouse, cursorBackSurface, gameStartDrawSurface ); drawRect[kCursor].top = mouse.v; drawRect[kCursor].left = mouse.h; drawRect[kCursor].bottom = mouse.v + kCursorHeight; drawRect[kCursor].right = mouse.h + kCursorWidth; // Inverted rectangles mean "nothing to do." drawRect[kLeftSide].top = drawRect[kRightSide].top = drawRect[kGlow].top = drawRect[kLeftSide].left = drawRect[kRightSide].left = drawRect[kGlow].left = 9999; drawRect[kLeftSide].bottom = drawRect[kRightSide].bottom = drawRect[kGlow].bottom = drawRect[kLeftSide].right = drawRect[kRightSide].right = drawRect[kGlow].right = -9999; // Get cursor position SDLU_GetMouse( &mouse ); if( mouse.v > (widescreen ? 400 : 460) ) mouse.v = (widescreen ? 400 : 460); // Erase falling blobs for( blob=0; blob<kNumSplats; blob++ ) { if( splatState[blob] == kFallingSplat ) { SDL_FillRect( gameStartDrawSurface, SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &splatBlob[blob], &destSDLRect ), black ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[splatSide[blob]], &splatBlob[blob], &drawRect[splatSide[blob]] ); OffsetMRect( &splatBlob[blob], 0, startSkip * (6 + (splatBlob[blob].bottom / 20)) ); } else if( splatState[blob] >= kIncrementPerFrame ) { for( splat=-3; splat<=3; splat++ ) { if( splat ) { chunkRect = splatBlob[blob]; GetZapStyle( 0, &chunkRect, &splatColor[blob], &chunkType, splat, splatState[blob]-kIncrementPerFrame, kSplatType ); SDL_FillRect( gameStartDrawSurface, SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &chunkRect, &destSDLRect ), black ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[splatSide[blob]], &chunkRect, &drawRect[splatSide[blob]] ); } } SDL_FillRect( gameStartDrawSurface, SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &splatBlob[blob], &destSDLRect ), black ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[splatSide[blob]], &splatBlob[blob], &drawRect[splatSide[blob]] ); } } // Draw combo meters for( count=0; count<2; count++ ) { int bright = comboBright[count]; int mBright = missBright[count]; if( bright || mBright ) { SDL_FillRect( gameStartDrawSurface, &meterRect[count], black ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[count], SDLU_SDLRectToMRect( &meterRect[count], &tempRect ), &drawRect[count] ); if( mBright > 1 ) { dPoint.v = meterRect[count].y; dPoint.h = meterRect[count].x + 10; SurfaceBlitCharacter( smallFont, 'M', &dPoint, mBright, mBright >> 2, mBright >> 2, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( smallFont, 'I', &dPoint, mBright, mBright >> 2, mBright >> 2, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( smallFont, 'S', &dPoint, mBright, mBright >> 2, mBright >> 2, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( smallFont, 'S', &dPoint, mBright, mBright >> 2, mBright >> 2, 1 ); missBright[count] -= 8; } else if( (combo[count] >= 10) && (bright > 1) ) { char number[16] = { 0 }; char* scan; sprintf( number, "%d", combo[count] ); dPoint.v = meterRect[count].y + 3; dPoint.h = meterRect[count].x; SurfaceBlitCharacter( tinyFont, 'C', &dPoint, bright, bright, bright, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( tinyFont, 'O', &dPoint, bright, bright, bright, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( tinyFont, 'M', &dPoint, bright, bright, bright, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( tinyFont, 'B', &dPoint, bright, bright, bright, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( tinyFont, 'O', &dPoint, bright, bright, bright, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( tinyFont, ' ', &dPoint, bright, bright, bright, 1 ); dPoint.v -= 3; for( scan = number; *scan; scan++ ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( smallFont, *scan, &dPoint, bright>>2, bright>>2, bright, 1 ); } comboBright[count] -= 16; } else { comboBright[count] = 0; } } } // Redraw falling blobs for( blob=0; blob<kNumSplats; blob++ ) { if( splatState[blob] == kFallingSplat ) { int bottom = widescreen? 420: 480; if( splatBlob[blob].bottom >= bottom ) { splatBlob[blob].top = bottom - kBlobVertSize; splatBlob[blob].bottom = bottom; splatState[blob] = 1; // Process combos if( mouse.v > bottom && mouse.h >= (splatBlob[blob].left - 30) && mouse.h <= (splatBlob[blob].right + 10) ) { combo[splatSide[blob]]++; comboBright[splatSide[blob]] = 255; } else { if( combo[splatSide[blob]] >= 10 ) missBright[splatSide[blob]] = 255; combo[splatSide[blob]] = 0; comboBright[splatSide[blob]] = 0; } } else { SurfaceDrawSprite( &splatBlob[blob], splatColor[blob], kNoSuction ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[splatSide[blob]], &splatBlob[blob], &drawRect[splatSide[blob]] ); } } if( splatState[blob] >= 0 && splatState[blob] <= kZapFrames ) { if( splatState[blob] <= (kZapFrames - kIncrementPerFrame) ) { chunkType = 0; for( splat=-3; splat<=3; splat++ ) { if( splat ) { chunkRect = splatBlob[blob]; GetZapStyle( 0, &chunkRect, &splatColor[blob], &chunkType, splat, splatState[blob], kSplatType ); SurfaceDrawSprite( &chunkRect, splatColor[blob], chunkType ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[splatSide[blob]], &chunkRect, &drawRect[splatSide[blob]] ); } } SurfaceDrawSprite( &splatBlob[blob], splatColor[blob], chunkType ); UnionMRect( &drawRect[splatSide[blob]], &splatBlob[blob], &drawRect[splatSide[blob]] ); } splatState[blob] += kIncrementPerFrame; if( splatState[blob] > kZapFrames ) splatState[blob] = kIdleSplat; } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( gameStartDrawSurface ); // Find mouse coords selected = -1; for( count=0; count<kTitleItems; count++ ) { if( MPointInMRect( mouse, &titleItems[count].rect ) ) { selected = count; break; } } if (secretCreditsItem) { titleGlow[kTitleItemCredits] = 0; } // update glows for (int glowUpdate=0; glowUpdate < kTitleItems; ++glowUpdate) { const MRect& titleRect = titleItems[glowUpdate].rect; oldGlow = titleGlow[glowUpdate]; if( selected == glowUpdate ) { titleGlow[glowUpdate] -= (6 * startSkip); if( titleGlow[glowUpdate] < 0 ) titleGlow[glowUpdate] = 0; } else { titleGlow[glowUpdate] += (6 * startSkip); if( titleGlow[glowUpdate] > kTitleGlowOff ) titleGlow[glowUpdate] = kTitleGlowOff; } if( titleGlow[glowUpdate] != oldGlow ) { SurfaceBlitColorOver( gameStartSurface, gameStartDrawSurface, &titleRect, &titleRect, 0, 0, 0, titleGlow[glowUpdate] ); drawRect[kGlow].top = min<short>(drawRect[kGlow].top,; drawRect[kGlow].left = min<short>(drawRect[kGlow].left, titleRect.left); drawRect[kGlow].bottom = max<short>(drawRect[kGlow].bottom, titleRect.bottom); drawRect[kGlow].right = max<short>(drawRect[kGlow].right, titleRect.right); } } // Reinsert the cursor into the scene InsertCursor( mouse, cursorBackSurface, gameStartDrawSurface ); drawRect[kCursor].top = min<short>( drawRect[kCursor].top, mouse.v ); drawRect[kCursor].left = min<short>( drawRect[kCursor].left, mouse.h ); drawRect[kCursor].bottom = max<short>( drawRect[kCursor].bottom, mouse.v + kCursorHeight ); drawRect[kCursor].right = max<short>( drawRect[kCursor].right, mouse.h + kCursorWidth ); // Copy down everything if( shouldFullRepaint ) { SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( gameStartDrawSurface, &gameStartDrawSurface->clip_rect, &gameStartDrawSurface->clip_rect ); shouldFullRepaint = false; } else { for( count=0; count<4; count++ ) { if( drawRect[count].left < drawRect[count].right ) { SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &drawRect[count], &destSDLRect ); SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( gameStartDrawSurface, &destSDLRect, &destSDLRect ); } } } SDLU_Present(); // Skip frames? Or delay? if( startMenuTime <= MTickCount( ) ) { startMenuTime = MTickCount( ); skip = 2; } else { skip = 1; while( startMenuTime > MTickCount( ) ) { SDLU_Yield(); } } } DoFullRepaint = NoPaint; if( finished ) { selected = kTitleItemQuit; } switch( selected ) { case kTitleItemTutorial: case kTitleItem1PGame: case kTitleItem2PGame: case kTitleItemSolitaire: PlayMono( kChime ); break; } SDL_FreeSurface( gameStartSurface ); SDL_FreeSurface( gameStartDrawSurface ); SDL_FreeSurface( cursorBackSurface ); QuickFadeOut( NULL ); switch( selected ) { case kTitleItemTutorial: InitGame( kAutoControl, kNobodyControl ); level = kTutorialLevel; BeginRound( true ); InitTutorial( ); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); break; case kTitleItem1PGame: case kTitleItem2PGame: case kTitleItemSolitaire: { int player2[] = { 0, kAIControl, kPlayerControl, kNobodyControl }; InitGame( kPlayerControl, player2[selected] ); BeginRound( true ); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); break; } case kTitleItemHighScores: ShowHiscore(); ShowBestCombo(); break; case kTitleItemControls: { int currentID = RandomBefore(kLevels) * 100; DrawPICTInSurface( boardSurface[0], picBoard + currentID ); DrawPICTInSurface( g_frontSurface, picBackdrop + currentID ); SDLU_Present(); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); HandleDialog( kControlsDialog ); QuickFadeOut( NULL ); goto redo; } case kTitleItemCredits: { SharewareVictory(); goto redo; } case kTitleItemQuit: finished = true; break; } } void ShowGameOverScreen( void ) { unsigned int timer = MTickCount() + (60*3); QuickFadeOut(NULL); DrawPICTInSurface( g_frontSurface, picGameOver ); SDL_Rect widescreenCropBackup = g_widescreenCrop; g_widescreenCrop.y = 30; SDLU_Present(); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); do { if( MTickCount() > timer ) break; SDLU_Yield(); } while( !AnyKeyIsPressed( ) && !SDLU_Button() ); QuickFadeOut( NULL ); g_widescreenCrop = widescreenCropBackup; } void InitStage( void ) { = stageWindowZRect.left = 0; stageWindowZRect.bottom = 32; stageWindowZRect.right = 64; stageWindowRect = stageWindowZRect; CenterRectOnScreen( &stageWindowRect, 0.5, 0.65 ); } void DrawStage( void ) { SDL_Surface* levelSurface; SDL_Rect sourceSDLRect, destSDLRect; MRect numberRect = { 0, kNumberHorizSize/8, kNumberVertSize, kNumberHorizSize*9/8 }; switch( players ) { case 0: case 2: break; case 1: SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &stageWindowZRect, &sourceSDLRect ); SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &stageWindowRect, &destSDLRect ); levelSurface = SDLU_InitSurface( &sourceSDLRect, 32 ); SDLU_AcquireSurface( levelSurface ); SDLU_BlitSurface( boardSurface[0], &sourceSDLRect, levelSurface, &sourceSDLRect ); if( level < 10 ) { OffsetMRect( &numberRect, kNumberHorizSize*3/8, 0 ); } DrawCharacter( kCharacterStage, &numberRect ); OffsetMRect( &numberRect, kNumberHorizSize, 0 ); DrawCharacter( kCharacterStage+1, &numberRect ); if( level < 10 ) { OffsetMRect( &numberRect, kNumberHorizSize, 0 ); DrawCharacter( level + '0', &numberRect ); } else { OffsetMRect( &numberRect, kNumberHorizSize*3/4, 0 ); DrawCharacter( (level / 10) + '0', &numberRect ); OffsetMRect( &numberRect, kNumberHorizSize, 0 ); DrawCharacter( (level % 10) + '0', &numberRect ); } SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( levelSurface, &sourceSDLRect, &destSDLRect ); SDLU_ReleaseSurface( levelSurface ); SDL_FreeSurface( levelSurface ); break; } } void InitGame( int player1, int player2 ) { playerWindowVisible[0] = true; nextWindowVisible[0] = true; scoreWindowVisible[0] = true; grayMonitorVisible[0] = true; if( player2 == kNobodyControl ) { playerWindowVisible[1] = false; nextWindowVisible[1] = false; scoreWindowVisible[1] = false; grayMonitorVisible[1] = false; CenterRectOnScreen( &playerWindowRect[0], 0.5, 0.5 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &scoreWindowRect[0], 0.5, 0.89 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &grayMonitorRect[0], 0.5, 0.11 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &nextWindowRect[0], 0.3, 0.25 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &stageWindowRect, 0.3, 0.65 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &opponentWindowRect, 0.3, 0.5 ); } else { playerWindowVisible[1] = true; nextWindowVisible[1] = true; scoreWindowVisible[1] = true; grayMonitorVisible[1] = true; CenterRectOnScreen( &playerWindowRect[0], kLeftPlayerWindowCenter, 0.5 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &scoreWindowRect[0], kLeftPlayerWindowCenter, 0.89 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &grayMonitorRect[0], kLeftPlayerWindowCenter, 0.11 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &nextWindowRect[0], 0.46, 0.25 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &playerWindowRect[1], kRightPlayerWindowCenter, 0.5 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &scoreWindowRect[1], kRightPlayerWindowCenter, 0.89 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &grayMonitorRect[1], kRightPlayerWindowCenter, 0.11 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &nextWindowRect[1], 0.54, 0.25 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &stageWindowRect, 0.5, 0.65 ); CenterRectOnScreen( &opponentWindowRect, 0.5, 0.5 ); } // In widescreen mode, move score/gray windows closer to the playfield // so they fit in the cropped screen. if (widescreen) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { grayMonitorRect[i].top = playerWindowRect[i].top - 32 - 4; grayMonitorRect[i].bottom = playerWindowRect[i].top - 4; scoreWindowRect[i].top = playerWindowRect[i].bottom + 4; scoreWindowRect[i].bottom = playerWindowRect[i].bottom + 16 + 4; } } nextWindowVisible[0] = ( player1 == kAutoControl )? false: true; players = (player1 == kPlayerControl) + (player2 == kPlayerControl); if( players < 2 ) { difficulty[0] = difficulty[1] = kHardLevel; } control[0] = player1; control[1] = player2; score[0] = score[1] = displayedScore[0] = displayedScore[1] = 0; roundStartScore[0] = roundStartScore[1] = 0; level = 1; credits = (player2 == kNobodyControl)? 1: 5; } MBoolean InitCharacter( int player, int level ) { const Character characterList[] = { { -1 }, // no zero'th character { 0, 3, 1, { 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 }, 13, 9, 0, 25, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, true }, { 1, 6, 2, { 10, 9, 8, 8, 9, 10 }, 12, 7, 1, 20, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(223), 7, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, true }, { 2, 9, 3, { 7, 7, 7, 11, 7, 7 }, 10, 6, 2, 17, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { 3, 12, 4, { 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 }, 8, 5, 3, 13, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(32767), 4, 0, _15TO8_8_8(16912), 4 }, false }, { 4, 15, 0, { 5, 9, 10, 10, 9, 5 }, 7, 4, 4, 10, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(32767), 1, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { 5, 17, 1, { 4, 7, 11, 11, 6, 3 }, 7, 2, 5, 8, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(14835), 8, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { 6, 18, 2, { 7, 9, 10, 10, 9, 7 }, 6, 4, 6, 7, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { 7, 20, 3, { 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 }, 5, 3, 7, 5, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(9696), 2, 0, _15TO8_8_8(21151), 3 }, false }, { 8, 21, 4, { 11, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9 }, 4, 3, 8, 5, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(32738), 5, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { 9, 22, 0, { 11, 7, 11, 7, 11, 7 }, 3, 1, 9, 4, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(32356), 5, 0, _15TO8_8_8(17392), 3 }, false }, { 10, 23, 1, { 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 }, 2, 1, 10, 2, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(6337), 1, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { 11, 24, 2, { 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 }, 2, 1, 11, 2, { 1, _15TO8_8_8(32767), 7, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, false }, { -1 }, // skip { 13, 24, 1, { 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 }, 10, 5, 0, 30, { 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0, 0, _15TO8_8_8(0), 0 }, true } }; character[player] = characterList[level]; return (character[player].picture != -1); } void PrepareStageGraphics( int type ) { int player; MRect blobBoard = { 0, 0, kGridDown * kBlobVertSize, kGridAcross * kBlobHorizSize }; backgroundID = type * 100; DrawPICTInSurface( boardSurface[0], picBoard + backgroundID ); // NOTE: Many levels have no right-side board, so we copy the left // side over to the right side. This way, if DrawPICTInSurface flunks, // we still have a valid picture. SDLU_BlitSurface( boardSurface[0], &boardSurface[0]->clip_rect, boardSurface[1], &boardSurface[1]->clip_rect ); DrawPICTInSurface( boardSurface[1], picBoardRight + backgroundID ); DrawPICTInSurface( backdropSurface, picBackdrop + backgroundID ); DrawPICTInSurface( nextSurface, picNext + backgroundID ); for( player=0; player<=1; player++ ) { SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSurface[player] ); SurfaceDrawBoard( player, &blobBoard ); SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSurface[player] ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &blobBoard ); } BeginOpponent( type ); RedrawBoardContents( 0 ); RedrawBoardContents( 1 ); RefreshAll( ); backdropTicks = MTickCount( ); backdropFrame = 0; } void BeginRound( MBoolean changeMusic ) { int player, count, count2; InitGrays( ); InitPotentialCombos( ); switch( players ) { case 0: case 1: if( InitCharacter( 1, level ) ) { score[1] = roundStartScore[1] = displayedScore[1] = 0; character[0] = character[1]; character[0].zapStyle = RandomBefore(5); } else { TotalVictory( ); return; } if( control[1] == kNobodyControl ) { InitRandom( 3 ); } else { InitRandom( 5 ); } break; case 2: score[0] = score[1] = roundStartScore[0] = roundStartScore[1] = displayedScore[0] = displayedScore[1] = 0; InitRandom( 5 ); SelectRandomLevel( ); InitCharacter( 0, level ); SelectRandomLevel( ); InitCharacter( 1, level ); character[0].hints = (difficulty[0] == kEasyLevel) || (difficulty[0] == kMediumLevel); character[1].hints = (difficulty[1] == kEasyLevel) || (difficulty[1] == kMediumLevel); break; } for( player=0; player<=1; player++ ) { for( count=0; count<kGridAcross; count++ ) { grays[player][count] = 0; for( count2=0; count2<kGridDown; count2++ ) { grid[player][count][count2] = kEmpty; suction[player][count][count2] = kNoSuction; charred[player][count][count2] = kNoCharring; glow[player][count][count2] = false; } } nextA[player] = GetPiece( player ); nextB[player] = GetPiece( player ); nextM[player] = false; nextG[player] = false; halfway[player] = false; unallocatedGrays[player] = 0; anim[player] = 0; lockGrays[player] = 0; roundStartScore[player] = score[player]; RedrawBoardContents(player); if( control[player] != kNobodyControl ) { role[player] = kWaitForRetrieval; } else { role[player] = kIdlePlayer; } } PrepareStageGraphics( character[1].picture ); if( changeMusic ) ChooseMusic( character[1].music ); blobTime[0] = blobTime[1] = boredTime[0] = boredTime[1] = hintTime[0] = hintTime[1] = timeAI[0] = timeAI[1] = fadeCharTime[0] = fadeCharTime[1] = messageTime = startTime = blinkTime[0] = blinkTime[1] = GameTickCount( ); blinkTime[1] += 60; if( players == 2 ) InitDifficulty( ); SDLU_Present(); } void IncrementLevel( void ) { level++; } void SelectRandomLevel( void ) { level = RandomBefore(kLevels) + 1; } void InitDifficulty( ) { MRect blobBoard = { 0, 0, kGridDown * kBlobVertSize, kGridAcross * kBlobHorizSize }; int player; const int selectionRow = 5; int count; MRect blobRect; for( player=0; player<=1; player++ ) { // Set up variables role[player] = kChooseDifficulty; colorA[player] = RandomBefore(kBlobTypes)+1; colorB[player] = kEmpty; switch( difficulty[player] ) { case kEasyLevel: blobX[player] = 1; break; case kMediumLevel: blobX[player] = 2; break; case kHardLevel: blobX[player] = 3; break; case kUltraLevel: blobX[player] = 4; break; } blobY[player] = selectionRow; blobR[player] = upRotate; blobTime[player] = GameTickCount( ) + (60*8); animTime[player] = GameTickCount( ); shadowDepth[player] = kBlobShadowDepth; magic[player] = false; grenade[player] = false; DrawPICTInSurface( boardSurface[player], picSelectDifficulty + backgroundID ); SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSurface[player] ); SurfaceDrawBoard( player, &blobBoard ); grid[player][0][selectionRow] = kGray; suction[player][0][selectionRow] = kEasyGray; charred[player][0][selectionRow] = kNoCharring; CalcBlobRect( 0, selectionRow, &blobRect ); SurfaceDrawBlob( player, &blobRect, kGray, kEasyGray, kNoCharring ); grid[player][kGridAcross-1][selectionRow] = kGray; suction[player][kGridAcross-1][selectionRow] = kHardGray; charred[player][kGridAcross-1][selectionRow] = kNoCharring; CalcBlobRect( kGridAcross-1, selectionRow, &blobRect ); SurfaceDrawBlob( player, &blobRect, kGray, kHardGray, kNoCharring ); CalcBlobRect( 1, selectionRow, &blobRect ); -= 4; blobRect.bottom += 4; blobRect.left += 4; blobRect.right -= 4; for( count=1; count<=4; count++ ) { DrawCharacter( count + '0', &blobRect ); OffsetMRect( &blobRect, kBlobHorizSize, 0 ); } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSurface[player] ); DrawSpriteBlobs( player, kNoSuction ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &blobBoard ); } } void ChooseDifficulty( int player ) { MRect blobBoard = { 0, 0, kGridDown * kBlobVertSize, kGridAcross * kBlobHorizSize }; const int selectionRow = 5; const int difficultyMap[kGridAcross] = {kEasyLevel, kEasyLevel, kMediumLevel, kHardLevel, kUltraLevel, kUltraLevel}; const int fallingSpeed[kGridAcross] = {0, 15, 9, 7, 4, 0}; const int startGrays[kGridAcross] = {0, 0, 0, 10, 20, 0}; const int difficultyFrame[] = { kNoSuction, blobBlinkAnimation, blobBlinkAnimation, blobJiggleAnimation, blobCryAnimation, kNoSuction }; int oldX = blobX[player]; PlayerControl( player ); if( blobX[player] != oldX ) anim[player] = 0; UpdateTweak( player, difficultyFrame[blobX[player]] ); if( GameTickCount( ) >= blobTime[player] ) { if( player == 1 && PICTExists( picBoardRight + backgroundID ) ) { DrawPICTInSurface( boardSurface[player], picBoardRight + backgroundID ); } else { DrawPICTInSurface( boardSurface[player], picBoard + backgroundID ); } SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSurface[player] ); SurfaceDrawBoard( player, &blobBoard ); SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSurface[player] ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &blobBoard ); grid[player][0][selectionRow] = kEmpty; grid[player][5][selectionRow] = kEmpty; suction[player][0][selectionRow] = kNoSuction; suction[player][5][selectionRow] = kNoSuction; difficulty[player] = difficultyMap[ blobX[player] ]; character[player].dropSpeed = fallingSpeed[ blobX[player] ]; unallocatedGrays[player] = lockGrays[player] = startGrays[blobX[player]]; character[player].hints = (startGrays[blobX[player]] == 0); role[player] = kWaitingToStart; PlayStereoFrequency( player, kPause, player ); } } const char *gameCredits[][6] = { { "Programming", "John Stiles", "", "", "", "" }, { "Artwork", "Kate Davis", "Leanne Stiles", "Arnauld de la Grandiere", "Bob Frasure", "Ryan Bliss" }, { "Music", "Leanne Stiles", "fmod", "Lizardking", "Armadon, Explizit", "Leviathan, Nemesis" }, { "Music", "Jester, Pygmy", "Siren", "Sirrus", "Scaven, FC", "Spring" }, { "Music", "Timewalker", "Jason, Silents", "Chromatic Dragon", "Ng Pei Sin", "" }, { "Open Source", "gcc, mingw", "SDL", "libpng", "IJG", "zlib" }, { "Special Thanks", "Sam Lantinga", "Carey Lening", "", "", "" }, { "", "", "", "", "", "" } }; void SharewareVictory( void ) { SkittlesFontPtr textFont, titleFont; SDL_Surface* backBuffer; SDL_Surface* frontBuffer; SDL_Rect creditSrcSDLRect, bufferSrcSDLRect, bufferDstSDLRect; MRect creditSrcRect = { 0, 0, 369, 150 }; MRect bufferSrcRect = { 0, 50, 480, 300 }; MRect bufferDstRect = { 0, 0, 480, 250 }; MPoint dPoint = { 450, 50 }, lPoint, cPoint; int scroll, ticks, x, y; int delay = 2; const char* text; int thisFade; const char fade[120] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, //1 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, //2 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, //3 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, //4 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, //5 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, //6 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, //7 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, //8 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11, //9 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, //10 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 //11 }; titleFont = GetFont( picFont ); textFont = GetFont( picTinyFont ); SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &creditSrcRect, &creditSrcSDLRect ); SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &bufferSrcRect, &bufferSrcSDLRect ); SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &bufferDstRect, &bufferDstSDLRect ); DrawPICTInSurface( g_frontSurface, picSharewareVictory ); SDLU_Present(); backBuffer = SDLU_InitSurface( &bufferDstSDLRect, 32 ); SDLU_BlitSurface( g_frontSurface, &bufferSrcSDLRect, backBuffer, &bufferDstSDLRect ); frontBuffer = SDLU_InitSurface( &bufferDstSDLRect, 32 ); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); ChooseMusic( 12 ); ticks = MTickCount(); for( scroll=0; scroll<1500; scroll++ ) { SDLU_AcquireSurface( frontBuffer ); SDLU_BlitSurface( backBuffer, &bufferDstSDLRect, frontBuffer, &bufferDstSDLRect ); ticks += 3; lPoint = dPoint; for( y=0; y<8; y++ ) { if( y != 3 && y != 4 ) { cPoint.v = lPoint.v + 25; cPoint.h = lPoint.h; if( cPoint.v > 480 ) break; if( cPoint.v > 0 ) { text = gameCredits[y][0]; thisFade = fade[cPoint.v >> 2]; while( *text ) { SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( titleFont, *text++, &cPoint, 255, 255, 0, _5TO8(thisFade) ); } } lPoint.v += 50; } for( x=1; x<6; x++ ) { if( gameCredits[y][x][0] ) { cPoint.v = lPoint.v; cPoint.h = lPoint.h + 20; if( cPoint.v > 480 ) break; if( cPoint.v > 0 ) { text = gameCredits[y][x]; thisFade = fade[cPoint.v >> 2]; while( *text ) { SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( textFont, *text++, &cPoint, 255, 255, 0, _5TO8(thisFade) ); } } lPoint.v += 20; } } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( frontBuffer ); dPoint.v--; SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( frontBuffer, &bufferDstSDLRect, &bufferSrcSDLRect ); SDLU_Present(); do { if( SDLU_Button() ) goto out; SDLU_Yield(); } while( ticks >= MTickCount() ); } do { SDLU_Yield(); } while( !AnyKeyIsPressed( ) && !SDLU_Button() ); out: QuickFadeOut( NULL ); SDL_FreeSurface( backBuffer ); SDL_FreeSurface( frontBuffer ); } void RegisteredVictory( void ) { SkittlesFontPtr textFont, titleFont, bubbleFont; SDL_Surface* backBuffer; SDL_Surface* frontBuffer; MPoint dPoint[] = { { 230, 340 }, { 230, 30 }, { 230, 30 }, { 30, 30 }, { 30, 340 }, { 230, 340 }, { 230, 30 } }; MPoint bubblePoint, textPoint, shadowPoint; MPoint setPoint[7][6]; MPoint msgSetPoint[7][2]; int ticks; int vertScroll, picture, weight, line, minimum; int scrollDir[] = {1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1}; int spacing[] = {40, 19, 19, 19, 23, 19, 23 }; const char* text; SDL_Rect fullSDLRect = { 0, 0, 640, 480 }; SDL_Rect highSDLRect = { 0, 0, 640, 480 }; SDL_Rect lowSDLRect = { 0, 250, 640, 480 }; SDL_Rect backBufferSDLRect = { 0, 0, 640, 730 }; SDL_Rect scrollSDLRect; const char *messages[7][2] = { { "Congratulations!", "" }, { "You've managed to vaporize all", "of the rampaging candies!" }, { "Your quick thinking and sharp", "reflexes have saved the day." }, { "", "" }, { "", "" }, { "", "" }, { "Thanks for playing Candy Crisis!", "" }, }; // In widescreen mode, move vertical text positions closer to the center if (widescreen) { for (auto& dp : dPoint) { if (dp.v >= 130) { dp.v -= 20; } else { dp.v += 20; } } } textFont = GetFont( picFont ); titleFont = GetFont( picHiScoreFont ); bubbleFont = GetFont( picBubbleFont ); ChooseMusic( 14 ); for( picture=0; picture<7; picture++ ) { for( line=0; line<2; line++ ) { if (dPoint[picture].v >= 130) { msgSetPoint[picture][line].v = (widescreen? 120: 100) + line * 30; } else { msgSetPoint[picture][line].v = (widescreen? 380: 300) + line * 30; } msgSetPoint[picture][line].h = 320 - (GetTextWidth( titleFont, messages[picture][line] ) / 2); } for( line=0; line<6; line++ ) { SkittlesFontPtr font; if( line == 0 ) { font = titleFont; textPoint.v = 45; } else { font = textFont; textPoint.v = 65 + (spacing[picture] * line); } textPoint.h = (bubbleFont->width['*'] - GetTextWidth( font, gameCredits[picture][line] )) / 2; setPoint[picture][line].v = dPoint[picture].v + textPoint.v; setPoint[picture][line].h = dPoint[picture].h + textPoint.h; } minimum = 640; for( line=1; line<6; line++ ) { if( setPoint[picture][line].h < minimum ) minimum = setPoint[picture][line].h; } for( line=1; line<6; line++ ) { setPoint[picture][line].h = minimum; } } backBuffer = SDLU_InitSurface( &backBufferSDLRect, 32 ); frontBuffer = SDLU_InitSurface( &fullSDLRect, 32 ); for( picture = 0; picture<7; picture++ ) { scrollSDLRect = ( scrollDir[picture] > 0 )? highSDLRect: lowSDLRect; DrawPICTInSurface( backBuffer, picture + picVictory1 ); SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( backBuffer, &scrollSDLRect, &fullSDLRect ); SDLU_Present(); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); ticks = MTickCount(); for( vertScroll = 0; vertScroll < 250; vertScroll++ ) { SDLU_AcquireSurface( frontBuffer ); SDLU_BlitSurface( backBuffer, &scrollSDLRect, frontBuffer, &fullSDLRect ); weight = vertScroll - 20; for( line=0; line<2; line++ ) { textPoint = msgSetPoint[picture][line]; shadowPoint.v = textPoint.v + 1; shadowPoint.h = textPoint.h + 1; text = messages[picture][line]; while( *text && weight > 0 ) { int fixedWeight = (weight > 31)? 31: weight; SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( titleFont, *text, &shadowPoint, 0, 0, 0, _5TO8(fixedWeight) ); SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( titleFont, *text, &textPoint, 255, 255, 255, _5TO8(fixedWeight) ); weight--; text++; } } bubblePoint = dPoint[picture]; weight = ( vertScroll <= 210 )? vertScroll - 10: 241 - vertScroll; if( weight < 0 ) weight = 0; if( weight > 31 ) weight = 31; if( weight > 0 ) { int bubbleWeight = (weight+1)>>1; SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( bubbleFont, '*', &bubblePoint, 255, 255, 255, _5TO8(bubbleWeight) ); for( line=0; line<6; line++ ) { SkittlesFontPtr font = (line == 0)? titleFont: textFont; textPoint = setPoint[picture][line]; text = gameCredits[picture][line]; while( *text ) { SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( font, *text++, &textPoint, 0, 0, 0, _5TO8(weight) ); } } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( frontBuffer ); SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( frontBuffer, &fullSDLRect, &fullSDLRect ); SDLU_Present(); scrollSDLRect.y += scrollDir[picture]; ticks += 4; do { if( SDLU_Button() ) vertScroll = 250; SDLU_Yield(); } while( ticks >= MTickCount() ); } QuickFadeOut( NULL ); } SDL_FreeSurface( backBuffer ); SDL_FreeSurface( frontBuffer ); } void TotalVictory( void ) { AddHiscore( score[0] ); QuickFadeOut( NULL ); DoFullRepaint = NoPaint; RegisteredVictory( ); showStartMenu = true; }