ref: 0ebaec5b10dde1aeae494a3afbeb633462f9ded3
dir: /src/zap.cpp/
// zap.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "SDLU.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include "main.h" #include "players.h" #include "zap.h" #include "grays.h" #include "soundfx.h" #include "gworld.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "gameticks.h" #include "level.h" #include "random.h" #include "tweak.h" #include "blitter.h" #include "font.h" #include "score.h" #include "hiscore.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> signed char death[2][kGridAcross][kGridDown]; int zapIteration[2]; int grenadeFrame[2] = {kBlastFrames + 1, kBlastFrames + 1}, zapScoreFrame[2]; MPoint zapScorePt[2]; MRect grenadeRect[2]; SkittlesFontPtr zapFont, zapOutline; char zapScore[2][20] = { "", "" }; int zapScoreWidth[2]; int zapScoreR[2], zapScoreG[2], zapScoreB[2]; int zapOffsetX[7][kZapFrames], zapOffsetY[7][kZapFrames]; using std::min; void ZapScoreDisplay( int player, int amount, int multiplier, int x, int y, int c ) { char *scan; if( amount > 0 && multiplier > 0 && x >= 0 && x < kGridAcross && y >= 0 && y < kGridDown && c >= kFirstBlob && c <= (kLastBlob+1) ) { zapScorePt[player].v = y * kBlobVertSize + 6; zapScorePt[player].h = x * kBlobHorizSize + 6; zapScoreR[player] = glowColors[c][0]; zapScoreG[player] = glowColors[c][1]; zapScoreB[player] = glowColors[c][2]; sprintf( zapScore[player], (multiplier == 1)? "%d": "%d*%d", amount, multiplier ); zapScoreWidth[player] = 0; scan = zapScore[player]; while( *scan ) zapScoreWidth[player] += zapFont->width[*scan++]; if( (zapScorePt[player].h + zapScoreWidth[player] + 8) > (kGridAcross * kBlobHorizSize) ) { zapScorePt[player].h = (kGridAcross * kBlobHorizSize) - zapScoreWidth[player] - 8; } } } void ZapBlobs( int player ) { int x, y, cluster, clusterCount = 0, multiplier, amount = 0; int zapFocusX = -1, zapFocusY = -1, zapFocusC = 0; zapScorePt[player].v = 0; zapScoreFrame[player] = 0; switch( chain[player] ) { case 1: multiplier = 1; break; default: multiplier = 2 << chain[player]; break; } for( y=kGridDown-1; y>=0; y-- ) { for( x=kGridAcross-1; x>=0; x-- ) { if( grid[player][x][y] >= kFirstBlob && grid[player][x][y] <= kLastBlob && suction[player][x][y] != kInDeath ) { cluster = SizeUp( grid[player], x, y, grid[player][x][y] ); if( cluster >= kBlobClusterSize ) { clusterCount++; zapFocusX = x; zapFocusY = y; zapFocusC = grid[player][x][y]; amount += cluster * 10; multiplier += cluster - kBlobClusterSize; RemoveBlobs( player, x, y, grid[player][x][y], 0 ); } } } } if( clusterCount > 0 ) { switch( clusterCount ) { case 1: break; case 2: multiplier += 3; break; case 3: multiplier += 6; break; case 4: multiplier += 12; break; default: multiplier += 24; break; } if( multiplier > 999 ) multiplier = 999; CalculateGrays( 1-player, amount * multiplier / difficulty[player] ); potentialCombo[player].value += amount * multiplier; if( players == 1 ) amount *= ((level <= kLevels)? level: 1); score[player] += amount * multiplier; ZapScoreDisplay( player, amount, multiplier, zapFocusX, zapFocusY, zapFocusC ); } blobTime[player] = GameTickCount( ); if( clusterCount > 0 ) { chain[player]++; role[player] = kKillBlobs; PlayStereoFrequency( player, kSquishy, zapIteration[player]++ ); } else { if( control[player] == kPlayerControl ) { SubmitCombo( &potentialCombo[player] ); } SetupGrays( player ); role[player] = kDropGrays; if( BusyDroppingGrays( player ) ) { PlayStereoFrequency( player, kWhistle, player ); } } } void RemoveBlobs( int player, int x, int y, int color, int generation ) { if( (x<0) || (x>=kGridAcross) || (y<0) || (y>=kGridDown) ) return; if( grid[player][x][y] == kGray ) { suction[player][x][y] = kGrayBlink1; death[player][x][y] = -8 - generation; return; } if( grid[player][x][y] != color || suction[player][x][y] == kInDeath ) return; suction[player][x][y] = kInDeath; death[player][x][y] = -12 - generation; RemoveBlobs( player, x-1, y, color, generation+3 ); RemoveBlobs( player, x+1, y, color, generation+3 ); RemoveBlobs( player, x, y-1, color, generation+3 ); RemoveBlobs( player, x, y+1, color, generation+3 ); } void KillBlobs( int player ) { int x,y; const int position[] = { 0, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 105,111,117,123,126,129,131,132,133,134,135,135,136,136,137,137,138,138,138,139,139,139,139,140,140,140 }; const int shading [] = { _5TO8(20), _5TO8(21), _5TO8(22), _5TO8(23), _5TO8(24), _5TO8(25), _5TO8(26), _5TO8(27), _5TO8(28), _5TO8(29), _5TO8(30), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(31), _5TO8(30), _5TO8(29), _5TO8(28), _5TO8(26), _5TO8(24), _5TO8(21), _5TO8(18), _5TO8(15), _5TO8(12), _5TO8(9), _5TO8(6), _5TO8(3), _5TO8(0) }; const int blobGraphic[kZapFrames] = { kDying, kDying, kDying, kDying, kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish4, kSquish4, kSquish4, kSquish4 }, grayGraphic[kZapFrames] = { kGrayBlink1, kGrayBlink1, kGrayBlink1, kGrayBlink1, kGrayBlink1, kGrayBlink1, kGrayBlink2, kGrayBlink2, kGrayBlink2, kGrayBlink2, kGrayBlink2, kGrayBlink2, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3, kGrayBlink3 }; MRect myRect; MBoolean busy = false; MPoint dPoint, oPoint; char *scan; if( blobTime[player] > GameTickCount( ) ) return; blobTime[player]++; SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSurface[player] ); // clear grenade sprite if( grenadeFrame[player] <= kBlastFrames ) { CleanSpriteArea( player, &grenadeRect[player] ); if( grenadeFrame[player] == kBlastFrames ) grenadeFrame[player]++; } for( x=0; x<kGridAcross; x++ ) { for( y=0; y<kGridDown; y++ ) { if( grid[player][x][y] >= kFirstBlob && // if a blob is dying grid[player][x][y] <= kLastBlob && suction[player][x][y] == kInDeath ) { death[player][x][y]++; busy = true; CalcBlobRect( x, y, &myRect ); if( death[player][x][y] >= 0 && death[player][x][y] <= kZapFrames ) // draw its death { if( death[player][x][y] == kZapFrames ) { grid[player][x][y] = kEmpty; suction[player][x][y] = kNoSuction; charred[player][x][y] = kNoCharring; SurfaceDrawBlob( player, &myRect, kEmpty, kNoSuction, kNoCharring ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &myRect ); } else { SurfaceDrawBlob( player, &myRect, grid[player][x][y], blobGraphic[ death[player][x][y] ], kNoCharring ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &myRect ); } CleanChunks( player, x, y, death[player][x][y], character[player].zapStyle ); } else { SurfaceDrawBlob( player, &myRect, grid[player][x][y], (blobTime[player] & 2)? kFlashDarkBlob: kNoSuction, kNoCharring ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &myRect ); } } else { if( grid[player][x][y] == kGray && // gray dying suction[player][x][y] == kGrayBlink1 ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &myRect ); if( death[player][x][y] >= 0 && death[player][x][y] <= kZapFrames ) { if( death[player][x][y] == kZapFrames ) { grid[player][x][y] = kEmpty; suction[player][x][y] = kNoSuction; SurfaceDrawBlob( player, &myRect, kEmpty, kNoSuction, kNoCharring ); } else { SurfaceDrawBoard( player, &myRect ); SurfaceDrawAlpha( &myRect, kGray, kLight, grayGraphic[ death[player][x][y] ] ); busy = true; } CleanSpriteArea( player, &myRect ); } death[player][x][y]++; } } } } // draw score info above blobs but below chunks and explosions if( zapScoreFrame[player] < arrsize(position) ) { = zapScorePt[player].v - (position[zapScoreFrame[player] ]); myRect.left = zapScorePt[player].h; myRect.bottom = zapScorePt[player].v - (position[zapScoreFrame[player] - 1]) + 15; myRect.right = myRect.left + zapScoreWidth[player]; CleanSpriteArea( player, &myRect ); if( zapScoreFrame[player] < arrsize(position)-1 ) { SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); dPoint.v = oPoint.v =; dPoint.h = oPoint.h = myRect.left; scan = zapScore[player]; while( *scan ) { SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( zapFont, *scan, &dPoint, zapScoreR[player], zapScoreG[player], zapScoreB[player], shading[zapScoreFrame[player]] ); SurfaceBlitWeightedCharacter( zapOutline, *scan, &oPoint, 0, 0, 0, shading[zapScoreFrame[player]] ); scan++; } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); zapScoreFrame[player]++; busy = true; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for( x=0; x<kGridAcross; x++ ) { for( y=0; y<kGridDown; y++ ) { if( grid[player][x][y] >= kFirstBlob && // if a blob is dying grid[player][x][y] <= kLastBlob && suction[player][x][y] == kInDeath && death[player][x][y] >= 0 && death[player][x][y] < kZapFrames ) // draw chunks (after all that stuff) { DrawChunks( player, x, y, death[player][x][y], character[player].zapStyle ); } } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSurface[player] ); if( grenadeFrame[player] < kBlastFrames ) { busy = true; SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); = grenadeFrame[player] * kBlastHeight; myRect.left = 0; myRect.bottom = + kBlastHeight; myRect.right = kBlastWidth; SurfaceBlitAlpha( playerSpriteSurface[player], blastSurface, blastMaskSurface, playerSpriteSurface[player], &grenadeRect[player], &myRect, &myRect, &grenadeRect[player] ); grenadeFrame[player]++; SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); } if( !busy && role[player] == kKillBlobs ) { blobTime[player] = GameTickCount( ); halfway[player] = false; role[player] = kDropBlobs; } } int SizeUp( signed char myGrid[kGridAcross][kGridDown], int x, int y, int color ) { int total; total = GetChainSize( myGrid, x, y, color ); CleanSize( myGrid, x, y, color ); return total; } int GetChainSize( signed char myGrid[kGridAcross][kGridDown], int x, int y, int color ) { int total; if( (x<0) || (x>=kGridAcross) || (y<0) || (y>=kGridDown) ) return 0; if( myGrid[x][y] != color ) return 0; myGrid[x][y] = -color; total = 1 + GetChainSize( myGrid, x-1, y, color ) + GetChainSize( myGrid, x+1, y, color ) + GetChainSize( myGrid, x, y-1, color ) + GetChainSize( myGrid, x, y+1, color ); return total; } void CleanWithPolish( signed char myGrid[kGridAcross][kGridDown], signed char polish[kGridAcross][kGridDown], int x, int y, int color ) { if( (x<0) || (x>=kGridAcross) || (y<0) || (y>=kGridDown) ) return; if( myGrid[x][y] == -color ) { myGrid[x][y] = color; polish[x][y] = true; CleanWithPolish( myGrid, polish, x-1, y, color ); CleanWithPolish( myGrid, polish, x+1, y, color ); CleanWithPolish( myGrid, polish, x, y-1, color ); CleanWithPolish( myGrid, polish, x, y+1, color ); } } void CleanSize( signed char myGrid[kGridAcross][kGridDown], int x, int y, int color ) { if( (x<0) || (x>=kGridAcross) || (y<0) || (y>=kGridDown) ) return; if( myGrid[x][y] == -color ) { myGrid[x][y] = color; CleanSize( myGrid, x-1, y, color ); CleanSize( myGrid, x+1, y, color ); CleanSize( myGrid, x, y-1, color ); CleanSize( myGrid, x, y+1, color ); } } void CleanChunks( int player, int x, int y, int level, int style ) { int count, color, type; MRect chunkRect; SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); for( count=-3; count<=3; count++ ) { if( count != 0 ) { if( level > 0 ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &chunkRect ); GetZapStyle( player, &chunkRect, &color, &type, count, level-1, style ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &chunkRect ); } if( level < kZapFrames ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &chunkRect ); GetZapStyle( player, &chunkRect, &color, &type, count, level, style ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &chunkRect ); } } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); } void DrawChunks( int player, int x, int y, int level, int style ) { int count, color, type; MRect chunkRect; SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); for( count=-3; count<=3; count++ ) { if( count != 0 ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &chunkRect ); color = grid[player][x][y]; GetZapStyle( player, &chunkRect, &color, &type, count, level, style ); SurfaceDrawSprite( &chunkRect, color, type ); } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); } void CleanSplat( int player, int x, int y, int level ) { int count, color, type; MRect chunkRect; SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); for( count=-2; count<=2; count++ ) { if( count != 0 ) { if( level > 0 ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &chunkRect ); GetZapStyle( player, &chunkRect, &color, &type, count, level-1, 4 ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &chunkRect ); } if( level < kZapFrames ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &chunkRect ); GetZapStyle( player, &chunkRect, &color, &type, count, level, 4 ); CleanSpriteArea( player, &chunkRect ); } } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); } void DrawSplat( int player, int x, int y, int level ) { int count, color = kGray, type; MRect chunkRect; SDLU_AcquireSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); for( count=-2; count<=2; count++ ) { if( level < kZapFrames && count != 0 ) { CalcBlobRect( x, y, &chunkRect ); GetZapStyle( player, &chunkRect, &color, &type, count, level, 4 ); SurfaceDrawAlpha( &chunkRect, kGray, kLight, type ); } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( playerSpriteSurface[player] ); } void InitZapStyle( void ) { int count, which; double x; const double position[kZapFrames] = {0, 10, 20, 28, 35, 42, 48, 54, 60, 64, 68, 70, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 75, 75, 75}; const double offset[7] = {-30, -50, -70, 0, -110, -130, -150}; zapFont = GetFont( picZapFont ); zapOutline = GetFont( picZapOutlineFont ); for( count=0; count<kZapFrames; count++ ) { for( which=0; which<7; which++ ) { x = d2r(offset[which]); zapOffsetX[which][count] = (int) floor( 0.5 + position[count] * cos( x ) ); zapOffsetY[which][count] = (int) floor( 0.5 + position[count] * sin( x ) ); } } } void GetZapStyle( int player, MRect *myRect, int *color, int *type, int which, int level, int style ) { const int chunkGraphic[] = { kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish1, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish2, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish3, kSquish4, kSquish4, kSquish4, kSquish4, kSquish4 }; (void) color; // later *type = chunkGraphic[level]; switch( style ) { case 0: { const int direction[7][2] = { {0, -2}, {-2,-1}, {-2,1}, {0,0}, {2,-1}, {2,1}, {0, 2} }; const int position[kZapFrames] = {0, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 24, 26, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44 }; OffsetMRect( myRect, direction[which+3][0] * position[level], direction[which+3][1] * position[level] ); break; } case 1: { const int xVelocity = 3; const int yOffset[3][kZapFrames] = { { -4, -8, -12, -17, -22, -26, -30, -33, -36, -39, -41, -42, -43, -44, -44, -44, -43, -42, -41, -39 }, { -4, -7, -10, -14, -18, -21, -23, -25, -26, -27, -27, -27, -26, -25, -23, -21, -18, -14, -10, -7 }, { -2, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -10, -11, -11, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -3, -1 } }; OffsetMRect( myRect, xVelocity * level * which, yOffset[abs(which)-1][level] ); break; } case 2: { const int position[kZapFrames] = {0, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44 }; OffsetMRect( myRect, 0, position[level] * which ); break; } case 3: { double fLevel = ((double)level) / 2; OffsetMRect( myRect, (int)((player? -1.0: 1.0) * abs(which) * fLevel * (fLevel-1)), (int)((which-3) * fLevel) ); break; } case 4: { OffsetMRect( myRect, zapOffsetX[which+3][level], zapOffsetY[which+3][level] ); break; } } }