ref: 9ddcbf1be2343ebb4d7853fecf8528e862def846
dir: /base/fs.c/
/* * The File object * and p9.create create a file object representing an * open file descriptor. This object's methods are then used * for performing I/O and other operations. * * The file object holds a reference to a system resource, the * open file descriptor, which you likely want to release as * soon as it's not needed anymore. * To help with that the file implements both __gc and __close * metamethods, which will close it for you as soon as the file * falls out of reach. * file:close() will close the file descriptor immediately. * file:keep() will prevent automatic closing of the file * descriptor, which may be needed in some situations. * * During module load the standard file descriptors 0 through 2 * are wrapped in File objects and get stashed in p9.fd table: * p9.fd[0] thus refers to the standard input, and so on. * Being reachable through the module these aren't subject to * garbage collection -- at least until Lua state is closed. * You may use this table for stashing files for similar reasons. * TODO: use this table to implement access to arbitrary * already-open file descriptors. */ typedef struct File File; struct File { int fd; int keep; }; static int filenew(lua_State *L, int fd) { File *f; f = lua_newuserdatauv(L, sizeof(File), 0); f->fd = fd; f->keep = 0; luaL_setmetatable(L, "p9-File"); return 1; } static int fileclose(lua_State *L) { File *f; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); if(f->keep || f->fd == -1) return 0; if(close(f->fd) == -1) return error(L, "close: %r"); f->fd = -1; return 0; } static int openmode(lua_State *L, char *s) { int i, n, mode; char r, w, x; char buf[64], *f[10], *p; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s", s); mode = r = w = x = 0; n = getfields(buf, f, sizeof f, 1, " \t\n"); if(n < 1) return OREAD; for(i = 0; p = f[i], i < n; i++){ if(strcmp(p, "r") == 0 || strcmp(p, "read") == 0) r = 1; else if(strcmp(p, "w") == 0 || strcmp(p, "write") == 0) w = 1; else if(strcmp(p, "rw") == 0 || strcmp(p, "rdwr") == 0) r = w = 1; else if(strcmp(p, "x") == 0 || strcmp(p, "exec") == 0) x = 1; else if(strcmp(p, "trunc") == 0) mode |= OTRUNC; else if(strcmp(p, "cexec") == 0) mode |= OCEXEC; else if(strcmp(p, "rclose") == 0) mode |= ORCLOSE; else if(strcmp(p, "excl") == 0) mode |= OEXCL; else return luaL_error(L, "unknown mode flag '%s'", p); } if(x) mode |= OEXEC; else if(r && w) mode |= ORDWR; else if(r) mode |= OREAD; else if(w) mode |= OWRITE; return mode; } static ulong createperm(lua_State *L, char *s) { int i, n; ulong perm; char buf[64], *f[10], *p; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s", s); perm = 0; n = getfields(buf, f, sizeof f, 1, " \t\n"); if(n < 1) return 0644; for(i = 0; p = f[i], i < n; i++){ if(isdigit(p[0])) perm |= strtol(p, nil, 8); else if(strcmp(p, "dir") == 0) perm |= DMDIR; else if(strcmp(p, "tmp") == 0) perm |= DMTMP; else if(strcmp(p, "excl") == 0) perm |= DMEXCL; else if(strcmp(p, "append") == 0) perm |= DMAPPEND; else return luaL_error(L, "unknown permission flag '%s'", p); } return perm; } static int p9_open(lua_State *L) { const char *file; int mode; int fd; file = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); mode = openmode(L, luaL_optstring(L, 2, "read")); if((fd = open(file, mode)) == -1) return error(L, "open: %r"); return filenew(L, fd); } static int p9_create(lua_State *L) { const char *file; int fd, mode; ulong perm; file = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); mode = openmode(L, luaL_optstring(L, 2, "rdwr")); perm = createperm(L, luaL_optstring(L, 3, "644")); if((fd = create(file, mode, perm)) == -1) return error(L, "create: %r"); return filenew(L, fd); } static int p9_pipe(lua_State *L) { int fd[2]; if(pipe(fd) == -1) return error(L, "pipe: %r"); filenew(L, fd[0]); filenew(L, fd[1]); return 2; } static int p9_file_close(lua_State *L) { File *f; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); if(close(f->fd) == -1) return error(L, "close: %r"); f->fd = -1; return 0; } static int p9_file_keep(lua_State *L) { File *f; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); f->keep = 1; return 1; } static int seekmode(lua_State *L, char *s) { if(strcmp(s, "set") == 0) return 0; if(strcmp(s, "cur") == 0) return 1; if(strcmp(s, "end") == 0) return 2; return luaL_error(L, "unknown seek mode '%s'", s); } static int p9_file_seek(lua_State *L) { File *f; int type; vlong n, off; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); n = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); type = seekmode(L, luaL_optstring(L, 3, "set")); if((off = seek(f->fd, n, type)) == -1) return error(L, "seek: %r"); lua_pushinteger(L, off); return 1; } static int p9_file_read(lua_State *L) { File *f; long n, nbytes; vlong offset; char *buf; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); nbytes = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, Iosize); offset = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, -1); buf = getbuffer(L, nbytes); if(offset == -1) n = read(f->fd, buf, nbytes); else n = pread(f->fd, buf, nbytes, offset); if(n == -1) return error(L, "read: %r"); lua_pushlstring(L, buf, n); return 1; } static int slurp(lua_State *L, int fd, long nbytes) { int all; long n, nr, tot; char *buf; luaL_Buffer b; all = (nbytes == -1) ? 1 : 0; luaL_buffinit(L, &b); for(tot = 0; all || tot < nbytes; tot += nr){ n = all ? Iosize : min(Iosize, nbytes - tot); buf = luaL_prepbuffsize(&b, n); if((nr = read(fd, buf, n)) == -1) return error(L, "read: %r"); if(nr == 0) break; luaL_addsize(&b, nr); } luaL_pushresult(&b); return 1; } static int p9_file_slurp(lua_State *L) { File *f; long nbytes; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); nbytes = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, -1); slurp(L, f->fd, nbytes); return 1; } static int p9_file_write(lua_State *L) { File *f; lua_Integer offset; size_t nbytes; const char *buf; long n; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); buf = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &nbytes); nbytes = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, nbytes); offset = luaL_optinteger(L, 4, -1); if(offset == -1) n = write(f->fd, buf, nbytes); else n = pwrite(f->fd, buf, nbytes, offset); if(n != nbytes) return error(L, "write: %r"); lua_pushinteger(L, n); return 1; } static int p9_file_path(lua_State *L) { File *f; char *buf; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); buf = getbuffer(L, Iosize); if(fd2path(f->fd, buf, Iosize) != 0) return error(L, "fd2path: %r"); lua_pushstring(L, buf); return 1; } static int p9_file_iounit(lua_State *L) { File *f; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); lua_pushinteger(L, iounit(f->fd)); return 1; } static int p9_file_dup(lua_State *L) { int fd; File *f; f = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); if((fd = dup(f->fd, -1)) == -1) return error(L, "dup: %r"); return filenew(L, fd); } static int p9_file_set(lua_State *L) { int fd; File *this, *that; this = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "p9-File"); that = luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "p9-File"); if((fd = dup(that->fd, this->fd)) == -1) return error(L, "dup: %r"); this->fd = fd; lua_pushvalue(L, 1); return 1; } static luaL_Reg p9_file_proto[] = { {"close", p9_file_close}, {"keep", p9_file_keep}, {"read", p9_file_read}, {"slurp", p9_file_slurp}, {"write", p9_file_write}, {"seek", p9_file_seek}, {"iounit", p9_file_iounit}, {"path", p9_file_path}, {"dup", p9_file_dup}, {"set", p9_file_set}, {"__gc", fileclose}, {"__close", fileclose}, {"__index", nil}, /* placeholder for ourselves */ {nil, nil}, }; /* * Assorted functions that don't work with or create Files */ static int p9_remove(lua_State *L) { const char *file; file = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); if(remove(file) == -1) return error(L, "remove: %r"); lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } static int accessmode(lua_State *L, const char *s) { int i, n, mode; char buf[64], *f[10], *p; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s", s); n = getfields(buf, f, sizeof f, 1, " \t\n"); mode = 0; for(i = 0; p = f[i], i < n; i++){ if(strcmp(p, "exist") == 0 || strcmp(p, "exists") == 0) mode |= AEXIST; else if(strcmp(p, "r") == 0 || strcmp(p, "read") == 0) mode |= AREAD; else if(strcmp(p, "w") == 0 || strcmp(p, "write") == 0) mode |= AWRITE; else if(strcmp(p, "rw") == 0 || strcmp(p, "rdwr") == 0) mode |= AREAD|AWRITE; else if(strcmp(p, "x") == 0 || strcmp(p, "exec") == 0) mode |= AEXEC; else return luaL_error(L, "unknown access flag '%s'", p); } return mode; } static int p9_access(lua_State *L) { const char *path; int mode; path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); mode = accessmode(L, luaL_optstring(L, 2, "exists")); lua_pushboolean(L, access(path, mode) == 0 ? 1 : 0 ); return 1; }