ref: 21cbbb0f5ac29f141d12f85da6ecabcd9af1ab85
dir: /test/test.lua/
#!/bin/lu9 local p9 = require "p9" local dump = (function() local ok, inspect = pcall(require, "inspect") if ok then return function(v) print(inspect(v)) end end return print end)() local function tmp() return string.format("/tmp/lua.%x", math.random(1e10)) end local function rc() os.execute("prompt='p9; ' rc -i") end p9.rfork("env name") os.execute("ramfs") -- File I/O do local s = string.rep("ABCD", 2048*2) -- 16k > standard 8k buffer local f = tmp() local fd = p9.create(f, "w") fd:write(s) fd:close() fd = assert(fd:slurp() == s) fd:close() fd =, "r") assert(fd:slurp(2048) == string.rep("ABCD", 512)) fd:close() fd =, "r") assert(fd:slurp(16*1024 + 999) == s) fd:close() fd =, "r") assert(fd:seek(0, "end") == 16*1024) assert(fd:seek(8192, "set") == 8192 and fd:slurp() == string.rep("ABCD", 2*1024)) fd:seek(0) assert(fd:seek(16*1024 - 4, "cur") == 16*1024 - 4 and fd:slurp() == "ABCD") fd:close() end -- File objects -- Closing -- Make sure it's closed local fd do local f <close> = p9.create(tmp()) fd = f.fd end assert(p9.file(fd):close() == nil) -- Make sure it's not closed local fd do local f = p9.create(tmp()) fd = f.fd end assert(p9.file(fd):seek(0)) p9.file(fd):close() -- file:path() do local f = p9.create("/tmp/fd2path") assert(f:path() == "/tmp/fd2path") f:close() end -- file:iounit() do local f = assert("/srv/slashmnt")) assert(f:iounit() ~= 0) f:close() end -- file:dup() do local a, b = assert(p9.pipe()) local c = assert(a:dup()) a:write("hello") assert(b:read() == "hello") c:write("world") assert(b:read() == "world") a:close() b:close() c:close() a = assert("/lib/glass")) local buf = a:read() b = assert("/lib/bullshit")) b = assert(a:dup(b)) b:seek(0) assert(b:read() == buf) end -- access do assert(p9.access("/dev/null")) assert(p9.access("/dev/null", "read write")) assert(p9.access("/bin/rc", "exec")) end -- pipe do local p₀, p₁ = assert(p9.pipe()) p₀:write("ABCD") assert(p₁:read() == "ABCD") p₀:close(); p₁:close() end -- wstat do local name = tmp() assert(p9.create(name, nil, "644")):close() assert(p9.wstat(name, {name = "notyourbusiness", mode = "append 777"})) local st = assert(p9.stat("/tmp/notyourbusiness")) assert(st.mode.file and st.mode.append and st.mode.perm == "rwxrwxrwx") end -- Filesystem do -- Create a test tree local function File(data) return { type = "file", perm = "644", data = data } end local function Dir(children) return { type = "dir", perm = "dir 755", children = children } end local function mkfs(path, d) assert(p9.create(path, nil, d.perm)) for name, c in pairs(d.children) do local new = path .. "/" .. name if c.type == "dir" then mkfs(new, c) else local f <close> = assert(p9.create(new, "w", c.perm)) f:write( end end end local fs = Dir { a = File "a", b = Dir {}, c = Dir { ca = File "ca", cb = Dir { cba = File "cba", }, cc = File "cc", }, d = File "d", } local function walk(fs) dump(fs.perm) for _, e in pairs(fs.children) do if e.type == "dir" then walk(e) end end end local ok, err = pcall(mkfs, "/tmp/fs", fs) if not ok then print(err) end -- Stat a file assert(p9.stat("/tmp/fs/a").mode.file) -- Walking -- Walking a file (or any other error) must report an error local e = {} for w in p9.walk("/tmp/fs/a", e) do assert(false) end assert(e.error == "walk in a non-directory") -- Without error object an error must be thrown assert(false == pcall(function() for w in p9.walk("tmp/fs/a") do end end)) -- Same should happen if the iterator function fails inside -- the loop because of dirread(2) failure, but this kind of -- failure is hard to simulate. -- Walking a directory local function compare(path, fs) assert(fs.type == "dir") for f in p9.walk(path) do local new = path .. "/" .. if f.mode.dir then if compare(new, fs.children[]) == false then return false end else if fs.children[] == nil then error("file does not exist in proto") end end end return true end assert(compare("/tmp/fs", fs) == true) end -- Namespaces -- bind and unmount work do local f assert(p9.bind("#|", "/n/pipe")) f = assert("/n/pipe/data")) assert(p9.unmount("/n/pipe")) assert("/n/pipe/data") == nil) end -- mount works do assert(p9.mount("/srv/cwfs", "/n/test")) assert("/n/test/lib/glass")) end -- Process control -- No idea how to test some of this do assert(p9.sleep(0) == true) end -- wdir do local cwd = assert(p9.wdir()) assert(p9.wdir("/dev") and p9.wdir() == "/dev") assert(p9.wdir(cwd)) end -- proc info do assert(p9.user() and p9.sysname()) assert( and p9.ppid()) end -- Fork & Exec do local us, them = p9.pipe() if p9.rfork("proc nowait fd") == 0 then them:dup(p9.file(0)) them:dup(p9.file(1)) them:close() p9.exec("cat") else them:close() us:write("HELLO CAT") us:write("") assert(us:slurp() == "HELLO CAT") us:close() end local ok = p9.exec("/dev/mordor") assert(not ok) -- Wait local N = 9 for i = 1, N do if p9.rfork("proc") == 0 then p9.exec("sleep", "0") end end for i = 1, N do local ok, w = p9.wait() end local ok = p9.wait() assert(not ok) -- Wait (status) if p9.rfork("proc") == 0 then p9.sleep(0) p9.exits("i failed you") end local ok, w = p9.wait() assert(not ok and w.status:match("i failed you")) end -- Environment variables do local e assert(p9.env["sure-is-empty"] == nil) -- Set and get a string variable p9.env.test = "ABC"; assert(p9.env.test == "ABC") -- Delete a variable p9.env.test = nil; assert(p9.env.test == nil) -- Set and get a list variable p9.env.test = {"a", "b", "c"} e = p9.env.test assert(type(e) == "table" and #e == 3 and e[1] == "a" and e[2] == "b" and e[3] == "c") -- Ensure it's understood by rc os.execute("echo -n $#test $test >/env/res") assert(p9.env.res == "3 a b c") -- Ensure we understand rc os.execute("test=(d e f)") e = p9.env.test assert(type(e) == "table" and #e == 3 and e[1] == "d" and e[2] == "e" and e[3] == "f") p9.env.test = nil end -- Misc. -- cleanname do assert(p9.cleanname("/usr///./glenda/.") == "/usr/glenda") end