ref: d400e426eb04cfc4cb78fa82e7bcdc20150f3305
dir: /bin/live/
#!/bin/rc # live 'grep ~ *' # tilde will be replaced by the typed text, enter runs the # command. there's a very limited line-editing in the form # of backspace, and ^W and ^U, which just kill the whole line. rfork e bs='' cu='' cw='' del='' nl=`{unicode -t 0x0a} cmd0=$1 cmd=echo killme=please fn prep { n=`{wc -c /env/buf} if(! ~ $n(1) 0){ cmd=`{echo $cmd0 | sed 's/~/'^`{cat /env/buf}^'/'} echo -n $cmd } if not echo -n $cmd0 } fn run { echo $cmd @{eval $cmd} & killme=$apid } fn stop { if(test -f /proc/$killme/notepg) echo kill >/proc/$killme/notepg } >/env/buf >/dev/text echo scroll >/dev/wctl >[3]/dev/consctl </dev/cons { echo rawon >[1=3] while(c=`{read -c 1}){ >/dev/text switch($c){ case $"nl run case $del stop exit case $cw $cu stop >/env/buf prep case $bs stop read -c `{echo `{wc -c </env/buf} - 1 | bc} </env/buf >/env/tmp cp /env/tmp /env/buf prep case * echo -n $"c >>/env/buf prep } } }