ref: f441e1db75872457deb4aacf39500f3cc6185554
dir: /src/cmd/cc/posix/cc.c/
/* * FIXME: scc is a pure C99 source code, except this file that is * intended for a POSIX.2008 environment. This situation creates * a problem where some systems require the macro _ANSI_SOURCE to * limit the namespace to a pure ISO namespace. NetBSD has a bug * and using POSIX_C_SOURCE and _ANSI_SOURCE at the same time * generates a syntax error in the system headers. A patch was * sent to NetBSD, but this temporary fix is added here until the * patch arrives to the stable release. */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #undef _ANSI_SOURCE #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "config.h" #include <scc/arg.h> #include <scc/scc.h> #include <scc/sysincludes.h> #include <scc/sysld.h> enum { CC1, TEEIR, CC2, TEEQBE, QBE, TEEAS, AS, LD, LAST_TOOL, }; static struct tool { char cmd[PATH_MAX]; char bin[32]; char *outfile; struct items args; unsigned nparams; int in, out, init; pid_t pid; } tools[] = { [CC1] = {.cmd = "cc1"}, [TEEIR] = {.bin = "tee", .cmd = "tee"}, [CC2] = {.cmd = "cc2"}, [TEEQBE] = {.bin = "tee", .cmd = "tee"}, [QBE] = {.bin = "qbe"}, [TEEAS] = {.bin = "tee", .cmd = "tee"}, [AS] = {.bin = "as", .cmd = "as"}, [LD] = {.bin = "ld", .cmd = "ld"}, }; char *argv0; static char *arch, *sys, *abi, *format; static char *objfile, *outfile; static char *prefix, *libprefix; static char *tmpdir; static size_t tmpdirln; static struct items objtmp, objout, linkargs; static int Mflag, Eflag, Sflag, Wflag, cflag, dflag, kflag, sflag, Qflag = 1; /* TODO: Remove Qflag */ static int devnullfd = -1; extern int failure; static void terminate(void) { unsigned i; if (!kflag) { for (i = 0; i < objtmp.n; ++i) unlink(objtmp.s[i]); } } static void addarg(int tool, char *arg) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; char *p, buff[FILENAME_MAX]; size_t len, cnt; int n; if (t->args.n < 1) t->args.n = 1; if (!arg || arg[0] == '-') { newitem(&t->args, arg); return; } if (!strcmp(arg, "%c")) { for (n = 0; n < linkargs.n; ++n) newitem(&t->args, linkargs.s[n]); return; } for (cnt = 0 ; *arg && cnt < FILENAME_MAX; ++arg) { if (*arg != '%') { buff[cnt++] = *arg; continue; } switch (*++arg) { case 'a': p = arch; break; case 's': p = sys; break; case 'p': p = libprefix; break; case 'b': p = abi; break; case 'o': p = outfile; break; default: buff[cnt++] = *arg; continue; } len = strlen(p); if (len + cnt >= FILENAME_MAX) die("cc: pathname too long"); memcpy(buff+cnt, p, len); cnt += len; } if (cnt >= FILENAME_MAX) abort(); buff[cnt] = '\0'; newitem(&t->args, xstrdup(buff)); } static void setargv0(int tool, char *arg) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; if (t->args.n > 0) t->args.s[0] = arg; else newitem(&t->args, arg); } static char * cc12fmt(int tool) { if (tool == CC1) return "%s"; if (Qflag && !strcmp(arch, "amd64") && !strcmp(abi, "sysv")) return "%s-qbe_%s-%s"; return "%s-%s-%s"; } static int inittool(int tool) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; char *crt, *fmt; int n; if (t->init) return tool; switch (tool) { case CC1: if (Wflag) addarg(tool, "-w"); for (n = 0; sysincludes[n]; ++n) { addarg(tool, "-I"); addarg(tool, sysincludes[n]); } case CC2: fmt = cc12fmt(tool); n = snprintf(t->bin, sizeof(t->bin), fmt, t->cmd, arch, abi); if (n < 0 || n >= sizeof(t->bin)) die("cc: target tool name is too long"); case QBE: n = snprintf(t->cmd, sizeof(t->cmd), "%s/libexec/scc/%s", prefix, t->bin); if (n < 0 || n >= sizeof(t->cmd)) die("cc: target tool path is too long"); break; case LD: t->outfile = outfile; if (sflag) addarg(tool, "-s"); for (n = 0; ldcmd[n]; n++) addarg(tool, ldcmd[n]); break; case AS: addarg(tool, "-o"); break; default: break; } setargv0(tool, t->bin); t->nparams = t->args.n; t->init = 1; return tool; } static char * outfname(char *path, char *type) { char *new, sep, *p; size_t newsz, pathln; int tmpfd, n; if (path) { sep = '.'; if (p = strrchr(path, '/')) path = p + 1; pathln = strlen(path); if (p = strrchr(path, '.')) pathln -= strlen(p); } else { sep = '/'; type = "scc-XXXXXX"; path = tmpdir; pathln = tmpdirln; } newsz = pathln + 1 + strlen(type) + 1; new = xmalloc(newsz); n = snprintf(new, newsz, "%.*s%c%s", (int)pathln, path, sep, type); if (n < 0 || n >= newsz) die("cc: wrong output filename"); if (sep == '/') { if ((tmpfd = mkstemp(new)) < 0) die("cc: could not create output file '%s': %s", new, strerror(errno)); close(tmpfd); } return new; } static int settool(int tool, char *infile, int nexttool) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; unsigned i; int fds[2]; static int fdin = -1; switch (tool) { case TEEIR: t->outfile = outfname(infile, "ir"); addarg(tool, t->outfile); break; case TEEQBE: t->outfile = outfname(infile, "qbe"); addarg(tool, t->outfile); break; case TEEAS: t->outfile = outfname(infile, "s"); addarg(tool, t->outfile); break; case AS: if (cflag && outfile) { objfile = outfile; } else { objfile = (cflag || kflag) ? infile : NULL; objfile = outfname(objfile, "o"); } t->outfile = objfile; addarg(tool, t->outfile); break; default: break; } if (fdin > -1) { t->in = fdin; fdin = -1; } else { t->in = -1; if (infile) addarg(tool, infile); } if (nexttool < LAST_TOOL) { if (pipe(fds)) die("cc: pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); t->out = fds[1]; fdin = fds[0]; } else { t->out = -1; } addarg(tool, NULL); return tool; } static void spawn(int tool) { char **ap; struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; switch (t->pid = fork()) { case -1: die("cc: %s: %s", t->bin, strerror(errno)); case 0: if (t->out > -1) dup2(t->out, 1); if (t->in > -1) dup2(t->in, 0); if (!dflag && tool != CC1 && tool != LD) dup2(devnullfd, 2); if (dflag) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", t->cmd); for (ap = t->args.s+1; *ap; ap++) fprintf(stderr, " %s", *ap); putc('\n', stderr); } execvp(t->cmd, t->args.s); if (dflag) { fprintf(stderr, "cc: execvp %s: %s\n", t->cmd, strerror(errno)); } abort(); default: if (t->in > -1) close(t->in); if (t->out > -1) close(t->out); break; } } static int toolfor(char *file) { char *dot = strrchr(file, '.'); if (Eflag) return CC1; if (dot) { if (!strcmp(dot, ".c")) return CC1; if (!strcmp(dot, ".ir")) return CC2; if (!strcmp(dot, ".qbe")) return QBE; if (!strcmp(dot, ".s")) return AS; if (!strcmp(dot, ".o")) return LD; if (!strcmp(dot, ".a")) return LD; } else if (!strcmp(file, "-")) { return CC1; } die("cc: unrecognized filetype of %s", file); } static int valid(int tool, struct tool *t) { int st; if (waitpid(t->pid, &st, 0) == -1 || WIFSIGNALED(st)) goto internal; if (WIFEXITED(st) && WEXITSTATUS(st) == 0) return 1; if (!failure && (tool == CC1 || tool == LD)) goto fail; internal: if (!failure) fprintf(stderr, "cc:%s: internal error\n", t->bin); fail: failure = 1; return 0; } static int validatetools(void) { struct tool *t; unsigned i; int tool, st, failed = LAST_TOOL; for (tool = 0; tool < LAST_TOOL; ++tool) { t = &tools[tool]; if (!t->pid) continue; if (!valid(tool, t)) failed = tool; if (tool >= failed && t->outfile) unlink(t->outfile); t->args.n = t->nparams; t->pid = 0; } if (failed < LAST_TOOL) { unlink(objfile); return 0; } return 1; } static int buildfile(char *file, int tool) { int nexttool; for (; tool < LAST_TOOL; tool = nexttool) { switch (tool) { case CC1: if (Eflag || Mflag) nexttool = LAST_TOOL; else nexttool = kflag ? TEEIR : CC2; break; case TEEIR: nexttool = CC2; break; case CC2: if (Qflag) nexttool = kflag ? TEEQBE : QBE; else nexttool = (Sflag || kflag) ? TEEAS : AS; break; case TEEQBE: nexttool = QBE; break; case QBE: nexttool = (Sflag || kflag) ? TEEAS : AS; break; case TEEAS: nexttool = Sflag ? LAST_TOOL : AS; break; case AS: nexttool = LAST_TOOL; break; default: nexttool = LAST_TOOL; continue; } spawn(settool(inittool(tool), file, nexttool)); } return validatetools(); } static void build(struct items *chain, int link) { int i, tool; for (i = 0; i < chain->n; ++i) { if (!strcmp(chain->s[i], "-l")) { newitem(&linkargs, chain->s[i++]); newitem(&linkargs, chain->s[i]); continue; } tool = toolfor(chain->s[i]); if (tool == LD) { newitem(&linkargs, chain->s[i]); continue; } if (buildfile(chain->s[i], tool)) { newitem(&linkargs, objfile); newitem((!link || kflag) ? &objout : &objtmp, objfile); } } } static void usage(void) { fputs("usage: cc [options] file...\n", stderr); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct items linkchain = { .n = 0, }; int link, n; atexit(terminate); if (!(arch = getenv("ARCH"))) arch = ARCH; if (!(sys = getenv("SYS"))) sys = SYS; if (!(abi = getenv("ABI"))) abi = ABI; if (!(format = getenv("FORMAT"))) format = FORMAT; if (!(prefix = getenv("SCCPREFIX"))) prefix = PREFIX; if (!(libprefix = getenv("SCCLIBPREFIX"))) libprefix = LIBPREFIX; ARGBEGIN { case 'D': addarg(CC1, "-D"); addarg(CC1, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'M': Mflag = 1; addarg(CC1, "-M"); break; case 'E': Eflag = 1; addarg(CC1, "-E"); break; case 'I': addarg(CC1, "-I"); addarg(CC1, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'L': addarg(LD, "-L"); addarg(LD, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'O': EARGF(usage()); break; case 'S': Sflag = 1; break; case 'U': addarg(CC1, "-U"); addarg(CC1, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'c': cflag = 1; break; case 'd': dflag = 1; break; case 'g': addarg(AS, "-g"); addarg(LD, "-g"); break; case 'k': kflag = 1; break; case 'l': newitem(&linkchain, "-l"); newitem(&linkchain, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'm': arch = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'o': outfile = EARGF(usage()); break; case 's': sflag = 1; break; case 't': sys = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'w': Wflag = 0; break; case 'W': Wflag = 1; break; case 'q': Qflag = 0; break; case 'Q': Qflag = 1; break; case '-': fprintf(stderr, "cc: ignored parameter --%s\n", EARGF(usage())); break; default: usage(); } ARGOPERAND { operand: newitem(&linkchain, ARGOP()); } ARGEND for (; *argv; --argc, ++argv) goto operand; if (Eflag && linkchain.n == 0) newitem(&linkchain, "-"); if (Eflag && Mflag || (Eflag || Mflag) && (Sflag || kflag) || linkchain.n == 0 || linkchain.n > 1 && cflag && outfile) usage(); if (!dflag) { if ((devnullfd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY)) < 0) fputs("cc: could not open /dev/null\n", stderr); } if (!outfile) outfile = "a.out"; if (!(tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR")) || !tmpdir[0]) tmpdir = "."; tmpdirln = strlen(tmpdir); build(&linkchain, (link = !(Mflag || Eflag || Sflag || cflag))); if (!(link || cflag)) return failure; if (link && !failure) { inittool(LD); spawn(settool(LD, NULL, LAST_TOOL)); validatetools(); } return failure; }