ref: b843da74b79d585a30bd2b3f13e7c63d105baf94
dir: /src/cmd/cc/cc1/code.c/
#include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <scc/scc.h> #include "cc1.h" static void emitbin(int, void *), emitcast(int, void *), emitsym(int, void *), emitexp(int, void *), emitsymid(int, void *), emittext(int, void *), emitfun(int, void *), emitdcl(int, void *), emitinit(int, void *), emittype(int, void *), emitbuilt(int, void *); char *optxt[] = { [OADD] = "+", [OSUB] = "-", [OMUL] = "*", [OINC] = ":i", [ODEC] = ":d", [OPTR] = "@", [OMOD] = "%", [ODIV] = "/", [OSHL] = "l", [OSHR] = "r", [OLT] = "<", [OGT] = ">", [OGE] = "]", [OLE] = "[", [OEQ] = "=", [ONE] = "!", [OBAND] = "&", [OBXOR] = "^", [OBOR] = "|", [OASSIGN] = ":", [OA_MUL] = ":*", [OA_DIV] = ":/", [OA_MOD] = ":%", [OA_ADD] = ":+", [OA_SUB] = ":-", [OA_SHL] = ":l", [OA_SHR] = ":r", [OA_AND] = ":&", [OA_XOR] = ":^", [OA_OR] = ":|", [OADDR] = "'", [OSNEG] = "_", [ONEG] = "n", [OCPL] = "~", [OAND] = "a", [OOR] = "o", [OASK] = "?", [OCOMMA] = ",", [OLABEL] = "L%d\n", [ODEFAULT] = "\tf\tL%d\n", [OBSWITCH] = "\ts", [OESWITCH] = "\tt\tL%d\n", [OCASE] = "\tv\tL%d", [OJUMP] = "\tj\tL%d\n", [OBRANCH] = "\ty\tL%d", [OEFUN] = "}\n", [OELOOP] = "\tb\n", [OBLOOP] = "\te\n", [ORET] = "\th", [OPAR] = "p", [OCALL] = "c", [OCALLE] = "z", [OFIELD] = "." }; void (*opcode[])(int, void *) = { [OADD] = emitbin, [OSUB] = emitbin, [OMUL] = emitbin, [OINC] = emitbin, [ODEC] = emitbin, [OPTR] = emitbin, [OMOD] = emitbin, [ODIV] = emitbin, [OSHL] = emitbin, [OSHR] = emitbin, [OLT] = emitbin, [OGT] = emitbin, [OGE] = emitbin, [OLE] = emitbin, [OEQ] = emitbin, [ONE] = emitbin, [OBAND] = emitbin, [OBXOR] = emitbin, [OBOR] = emitbin, [OASSIGN] = emitbin, [OA_MUL] = emitbin, [OA_DIV] = emitbin, [OA_MOD] = emitbin, [OA_ADD] = emitbin, [OA_SUB] = emitbin, [OA_SHL] = emitbin, [OA_SHR] = emitbin, [OA_AND] = emitbin, [OA_XOR] = emitbin, [OA_OR] = emitbin, [OADDR] = emitbin, [OSNEG] = emitbin, [ONEG] = emitbin, [OCPL] = emitbin, [OAND] = emitbin, [OOR] = emitbin, [OCOMMA] = emitbin, [OCAST] = emitcast, [OSYM] = emitsym, [OASK] = emitbin, [OCOLON] = emitbin, [OFIELD]= emitbin, [OEXPR] = emitexp, [OLABEL] = emitsymid, [ODEFAULT] = emitsymid, [OCASE] = emitsymid, [OJUMP] = emitsymid, [OBRANCH] = emitsymid, [OEFUN] = emittext, [OELOOP] = emittext, [OBLOOP] = emittext, [OFUN] = emitfun, [ORET] = emittext, [ODECL] = emitdcl, [OBSWITCH] = emittext, [OESWITCH] = emitsymid, [OPAR] = emitbin, [OCALL] = emitbin, [OCALLE] = emitbin, [OINIT] = emitinit, [OBUILTIN] = emitbuilt, [OTYP] = emittype, }; static FILE *outfp; void icode(void) { outfp = stdout; } void freetree(Node *np) { if (!np) return; freetree(np->left); freetree(np->right); free(np); } static void emitnode(Node *np) { if (np) (*opcode[np->op])(np->op, np); } Node * prtree(char *s, Node *np) { FILE *tmp = outfp; outfp = stderr; fprintf(outfp, "DBG prtree %s", s); emitnode(np); putc('\n', outfp); outfp = tmp; return np; } void emit(int op, void *arg) { extern int failure; if (failure || onlycpp || onlyheader) return; (*opcode[op])(op, arg); } static void emitvar(Symbol *sym) { int c; short flags = sym->flags; if (flags & SLOCAL) c = 'T'; else if (flags & SPRIVATE) c = 'Y'; else if (flags & SGLOBAL) c = 'G'; else if (flags & SREGISTER) c = 'R'; else if (flags & SFIELD) c = 'M'; else if (flags & SEXTERN) c = 'X'; else c = 'A'; fprintf(outfp, "%c%u", c, sym->id); } static void emitconst(Node *np) { Symbol *sym = np->sym; Type *tp = np->type; TUINT u; switch (tp->op) { case PTR: case INT: case ENUM: u = (tp->prop & TSIGNED) ? (TUINT) sym->u.i : sym->u.u; fprintf(outfp, "#%c%llX", np->type->letter, (long long) u & ones(tp->size)); break; default: abort(); } } static void emitsym(int op, void *arg) { Node *np = arg; if ((np->sym->flags & SINITLST) == 0) { /* * When we have a compound literal we are going * to call to emitnode for every element of it, * and it means that we will have two '\t' * for the first element */ putc('\t', outfp); } (np->flags & NCONST) ? emitconst(np) : emitvar(np->sym); } static void emitletter(Type *tp) { int letter; letter = (tp->prop&TELLIPSIS) ? 'E' : tp->letter; putc(letter, outfp); switch (tp->op) { case ARY: case STRUCT: case UNION: fprintf(outfp, "%u", tp->id); } } static void emittype(int op, void *arg) { TINT n; Symbol **sp; char *tag; Type *tp = arg; if (!(tp->prop & TDEFINED)) return; switch (tp->op) { case ARY: emitletter(tp); putc('\t', outfp); emitletter(tp->type); fprintf(outfp, "\t#%c%llX\n", sizettype->letter, (long long) tp->n.elem); return; case UNION: case STRUCT: emitletter(tp); tag = tp->tag->name; fprintf(outfp, "\t\"%s\t#%c%lX\t#%c%X\n", (tag) ? tag : "", sizettype->letter, tp->size, sizettype->letter, tp->align); n = tp->n.elem; for (sp = tp->p.fields; n-- > 0; ++sp) emit(ODECL, *sp); break; case PTR: case FTN: case ENUM: return; default: abort(); } } static void emitstring(Symbol *sym, Type *tp) { char *bp, *s, *lim; int n; bp = sym->u.s; lim = &sym->u.s[tp->n.elem]; while (bp < lim) { s = bp; while (bp < lim && isprint(*bp)) ++bp; if ((n = bp - s) > 1) fprintf(outfp, "\t#\"%.*s\n", n, s); else bp = s; if (bp == lim) break; do { fprintf(outfp, "\t#%c%02X\n", chartype->letter, (*bp++) & 0xFF); } while (bp < lim && !isprint(*bp)); } } static Node * zeronode(Type *tp) { return simplify(convert(constnode(zero), tp, 0)); } static int emitpadding(Type *tp, SIZET *addr) { SIZET n; int i; n = *addr & tp->align-1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) emitexp(OEXPR, zeronode(chartype)); *addr += n; return n; } static void emitdesig(Node *np, Type *tp, SIZET *addr) { Symbol *sym; SIZET n; Node *aux; Type *p; emitpadding(tp, addr); if (!np) { sym = NULL; } else { if (!np->sym) goto emit_expression; sym = np->sym; if (sym->flags & SSTRING) { emitstring(sym, tp); *addr += tp->n.elem; return; } if ((sym->flags & SINITLST) == 0) goto emit_expression; } switch (tp->op) { case PTR: case INT: case ENUM: aux = sym ? *sym->u.init : zeronode(tp); *addr += aux->type->size; emitexp(OEXPR, aux); break; case UNION: aux = (sym) ? sym->u.init[0] : NULL; emitdesig(aux, aux->type, addr); emitpadding(tp, addr); break; case STRUCT: case ARY: for (n = 0; n < tp->n.elem; ++n) { aux = (sym) ? sym->u.init[n] : NULL; p = (tp->op == ARY) ? tp->type : tp->p.fields[n]->type; emitdesig(aux, p, addr); } emitpadding(tp, addr); break; default: abort(); } if (sym) { free(sym->u.init); sym->u.init = NULL; } freetree(np); return; emit_expression: emitexp(OEXPR, np); *addr += tp->size; } static void emitinit(int op, void *arg) { Node *np = arg; SIZET addr = 0; fputs("\t(\n", outfp); emitdesig(np, np->type, &addr); fputs(")\n", outfp); } static void emitdcl(int op, void *arg) { Symbol *sym = arg; if (sym->flags & SEMITTED) return; emitvar(sym); putc('\t', outfp); if (sym->type->op == FTN) { emitletter(sym->type->type); putc('\t', outfp); } emitletter(sym->type); fprintf(outfp, "\t\"%s", (sym->name) ? sym->name : ""); if (sym->flags & SFIELD) fprintf(outfp, "\t#%c%llX", sizettype->letter, sym->u.i); sym->flags |= SEMITTED; if ((sym->flags & SHASINIT) == 0) putc('\n', outfp); } static void emitcast(int op, void *arg) { Node *np = arg, *lp = np->left; emitnode(lp); if (np->type != voidtype) fprintf(outfp, "\tg%c", np->type->letter); } static void emitbin(int op, void *arg) { Node *np = arg; char *s; emitnode(np->left); emitnode(np->right); /* do not print in OCOLON case */ if ((s = optxt[op]) != NULL) { fprintf(outfp, "\t%s", s); emitletter(np->type); } } static void emitbuilt(int op, void *arg) { Node *np = arg; emitnode(np->left); emitnode(np->right); fprintf(outfp, "\t\"%s\tm", np->sym->name); emitletter(np->type); } static void emitexp(int op, void *arg) { Node *np = arg; emitnode(np); putc('\n', outfp); freetree(np); } static void emitfun(int op, void *arg) { Symbol *sym = arg, **sp; emitdcl(op, arg); fputs("{\n", outfp); for (sp = sym->; sp && *sp; ++sp) emit(ODECL, *sp); fputs("\\\n", outfp); } static void emittext(int op, void *arg) { fputs(optxt[op], outfp); } static void emitsymid(int op, void *arg) { Symbol *sym = arg; fprintf(outfp, optxt[op], sym->id); } Node * node(int op, Type *tp, Node *lp, Node *rp) { Node *np; np = xmalloc(sizeof(*np)); np->op = op; np->type = tp; np->sym = NULL; np->flags = 0; np->left = lp; np->right = rp; if (lp) np->flags |= lp->flags & NEFFECT; if (rp) np->flags |= rp->flags & NEFFECT; return np; } Node * varnode(Symbol *sym) { Node *np; Type *tp = sym->type; np = node(OSYM, sym->type, NULL, NULL); np->type = sym->type; np->flags = (tp->op != FTN && tp->op != ARY) ? NLVAL : 0; np->sym = sym; return np; } Node * constnode(Symbol *sym) { Node *np; np = node(OSYM, sym->type, NULL, NULL); np->type = sym->type; np->flags = NCONST; np->sym = sym; return np; } Node * sizeofnode(Type *tp) { Symbol *sym; sym = newsym(NS_IDEN, NULL); sym->type = sizettype; sym->u.i = tp->size; return constnode(sym); }