ref: b00898d90c39c522aa074b10448d6c72c4176683
dir: /cc1/cc1.h/
struct user_opt { unsigned char implicit; unsigned char mixdcls; unsigned char npromote; unsigned char useless; unsigned char charsign; unsigned char pcompare; }; extern struct user_opt options; extern void error(const char *fmt, ...); extern void warn(signed char flag, const char *fmt, ...); extern void unexpected(void); /* definitions of types */ #define CTX_OUTER 0 #define CTX_FUNC 1 enum { NS_IDEN = 0, NS_TAG, NS_LABEL, NS_STRUCTS, NR_NAMESPACES }; typedef struct ctype Type; typedef struct symbol Symbol; struct ctype { uint8_t op; /* type builder operator */ uint8_t ns; char letter; /* letter of the type */ bool defined; /* type defined (is not a forward reference) */ struct ctype *type; /* base type */ struct ctype *next; /* next element in the hash */ Type **pars; /* type parameters */ union { unsigned char rank; /* convertion rank */ short elem; /* number of type parameters */ } n; }; /* definition of symbols */ struct symbol { char *name; Type *type; short id; uint8_t ctx; uint8_t ns; uint8_t token; bool isglobal : 1; bool isstatic : 1; bool isauto : 1; bool isregister : 1; bool isdefined : 1; bool isfield : 1; bool isparameter : 1; union { int i; char *s; uint8_t token; } u; struct symbol *next; struct symbol *hash; }; extern bool eqtype(Type *tp1, Type *tp2); extern Type *ctype(int8_t type, int8_t sign, int8_t size), *mktype(Type *tp, uint8_t op, short nelem, void *data); extern Symbol *lookup(char *s, unsigned char ns), *install(char *s, unsigned char ns); extern void pushctx(void), popctx(void); typedef struct caselist Caselist; extern void compound(Symbol *lbreak, Symbol *lcont, Caselist *lswitch); extern Type *typename(void); extern Type *voidtype, *pvoidtype, *booltype, *uchartype, *chartype, *uinttype, *inttype, *ushortype, *shortype, *longtype, *ulongtype, *ullongtype, *llongtype, *floattype, *doubletype, *ldoubletype; enum { FTN = 1, ENUM, TYPEIDEN, VOID, FLOAT, INT, BOOL, STRUCT, UNION, PTR, ARY, CHAR, DOUBLE, SHORT, LONG, COMPLEX, UNSIGNED, SIGNED }; #define CONST (1<<0) #define VOLATILE (1<<1) #define RESTRICT (1<<2) #define TYPEDEF 1 #define EXTERN 2 #define STATIC 3 #define AUTO 4 #define REGISTER 5 #define accept(t) ((yytoken == (t)) ? next() : 0) extern uint8_t ahead(void); enum tokens { TQUALIFIER = 128, TYPE, IDEN, SCLASS, CONSTANT, SIZEOF, INDIR, INC, DEC, SHL, SHR, LE, GE, EQ, NE, AND, OR, MUL_EQ, DIV_EQ, MOD_EQ, ADD_EQ, SUB_EQ, AND_EQ, XOR_EQ, OR_EQ, SHL_EQ, SHR_EQ, ELLIPSIS, STRING, CASE, DEFAULT, IF, ELSE, SWITCH, WHILE, DO, FOR, GOTO, CONTINUE, BREAK, RETURN, EOFTOK, NOTOK }; struct yystype { Symbol *sym; uint8_t token; }; extern struct yystype yylval; extern char yytext[]; extern uint8_t yytoken; extern uint8_t next(void); extern void expect(uint8_t tok); typedef struct node { uint8_t op; Type *type; Symbol *sym; bool lvalue : 1; bool symbol: 1; bool constant : 1; struct node *left, *rigth; } Node; enum { OPTR = 1, OADD, OSIZE, OMUL, OSUB, OINC, ODEC, ODIV, OMOD, OSHL, OSHR, OBAND, OBXOR, OBOR, OASSIGN, OA_MUL, OA_DIV, OA_MOD, OA_ADD, OA_SUB, OA_SHL, OA_SHR, OA_AND, OA_XOR, OA_OR, OADDR,ONEG, OCPL, OEXC, OCOMMA, OCAST, OSYM, OASK, OFIELD, OTYP, /* TODO: This order is important, but must be changed */ OAND, OOR, /* * Complementary relational operators only differ in less * significant bit */ OEQ = 0x40, ONE, OLT, OGE, OLE, OGT }; /*TODO: clean these declarations */ extern void emitdcl(Symbol *), emitefun(void), emitexp(Node *), emitprint(Node *), emitlabel(Symbol *), emitjump(Symbol *, Node *), emitbloop(void), emiteloop(void), emitswitch(short, Node *), emitcase(Symbol *, Node *), emitret(Type *tp), emitfun(Symbol *sym), emitdefault(Symbol *), emitstruct(Symbol *sym), emitestruct(void); extern Node *node(uint8_t op, Type *tp, Node *left, Node *rigth); extern Node *symbol(Symbol *sym); extern void freetree(Node *np); #define NEGATE(n, v) ((n)->op ^= (v)) #define ISNODECMP(n) ((n)->op >= OEQ) #define ISNODELOG(n) ((n)->op >= OAND) extern Node *expr(void); extern void extdecl(void), decl(void);