ref: acfcdefc522706869302970518bb7b06c1455867
dir: /cc.h/
#ifndef CC_H #define CC_H #ifndef __bool_true_and_false_defined #include <stdbool.h> #endif #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) extern unsigned linenum; extern unsigned columnum; extern const char *filename; struct user_opt { unsigned char implicit; unsigned char c99; unsigned char mixdcls; unsigned char useless; unsigned char repeat; unsigned char charsign; }; extern struct user_opt options; extern void error(const char *fmt, ...); extern void die(const char *fmt, ...); extern void warn(char flag, const char *fmt, ...); extern void *xmalloc(size_t size); extern void *xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); extern char *xstrdup(const char *s); extern void *xrealloc(void *buff, register size_t size); /* definitions of types */ #define CTX_OUTER 0 #define CTX_FUNC 1 enum { NS_IDEN = 0, NS_LABEL, NS_TAG, NR_NAMESPACES, NS_KEYWORD, NS_FREE }; struct funpars; struct symbol; struct ctype { uint8_t op; /* type builder operator */ short size; /* size of variables */ short nelem; /* number of elements in arrays */ unsigned defined : 1; /* type defined (is not a forward reference) */ unsigned cplex : 1; /* complex specifier */ unsigned imag : 1; unsigned sign : 1; /* sign type */ struct symbol *sym; /* symbol of the tag identifier */ struct ctype *type; /* base type */ struct ctype *next; /* next element in the hash */ union { struct funpar *pars; /* function parameters */ struct field *fields; /* aggregate fields */ } u; }; typedef struct ctype Type; struct field { struct symbol *sym; struct field *next; }; struct funpar { Type *type; struct funpar *next; }; /* definition of symbols */ union value { char c; int i; struct symbol *sym; uint8_t ns, token; short offset; }; struct symbol { char *name; Type *type; short id; uint8_t ctx; uint8_t token; uint8_t ns; struct { bool isglobal : 1; bool isstatic : 1; bool isauto : 1; bool isregister : 1; } s; union value u; struct symbol *next; struct symbol *hash; }; typedef struct symbol Symbol; extern void freesyms(uint8_t ns); extern Type *qualifier(Type *tp, uint8_t qlf), *ctype(int8_t type, int8_t sign, int8_t size, int8_t cplex), *mktype(Type *tp, uint8_t op, Symbol *tag, uint16_t nelem); extern Symbol *lookup(char *s, unsigned char ns), *install(char *s, unsigned char ns); extern void context(void (*fun)(void)); extern Type *voidtype, *uchartype, *chartype, *uinttype, *inttype, *ushortype, *shortype, *longtype, *ulongtype, *ullongtype, *llongtype, *floattype, *cfloattype, *ifloattype, *doubletype, *cdoubletype, *idoubletype, *ldoubletype, *cldoubletype,*ildoubletype; #define ISQUAL(t) (isqual((t)->op)) #define UNQUAL(t) (ISQUAL(t) ? (t)->type : (t)) #define BTYPE(t) (UNQUAL(t)->op) #define isfun(op) ((op) == FTN) #define isptr(op) ((op) == PTR) #define isary(op) ((op) == ARY) #define isarith(op) ((op) & ARITH) #define isaddr(op) ((op) & POINTER) #define isrecord(op) ((op) & RECORD) #define isqual(op) ((op) & TQUALIFIER) #define ARITH 8 #define RECORD 16 #define POINTER 32 #define ATYPE(x) (ARITH | (x)) #define RTYPE(x) (RECORD | (x)) #define PTYPE(x) (POINTER| (x)) #define FTN 1 #define ENUM 2 #define TYPENAME 3 #define VOID 4 #define FLOAT ATYPE(1) #define INT ATYPE(2) #define BOOL ATYPE(3) #define STRUCT RTYPE(1) #define UNION RTYPE(2) #define PTR PTYPE(1) #define ARY PTYPE(2) #define CHAR (ARY+1) #define DOUBLE (ARY+2) #define SHORT (ARY+3) #define LONG (ARY+4) #define COMPLEX (ARY+5) #define IMAGINARY (ARY+6) #define UNSIGNED (ARY+7) #define SIGNED (ARY+8) #define CONST (1<<0) #define VOLATILE (1<<1) #define RESTRICT (1<<2) #define TYPEDEF 1 #define EXTERN 2 #define STATIC 3 #define AUTO 4 #define REGISTER 5 #define accept(t) ((bool) (yytoken == (t) ? next() : 0)) #define ahead() yyntoken enum tokens { TQUALIFIER = 128, TYPE, IDEN, SCLASS, CONSTANT, SIZEOF, INDIR, INC, DEC, SHL, SHR, LE, GE, EQ, NE, AND, OR, MUL_EQ, DIV_EQ, MOD_EQ, ADD_EQ, SUB_EQ, AND_EQ, XOR_EQ, OR_EQ, SHL_EQ, SHR_EQ, ELLIPSIS, CASE, DEFAULT, IF, ELSE, SWITCH, WHILE, DO, FOR, GOTO, CONTINUE, BREAK, RETURN, EOFTOK, NOTOK }; union yystype { Symbol *sym; uint8_t token; }; extern union yystype yylval; extern char yytext[]; extern uint8_t yytoken, yyntoken; extern uint8_t next(void); extern void expect(uint8_t tok); typedef struct node { void (*code)(struct node *); Type *type; union unode { Symbol *sym; char op; } u; struct node *childs[]; } Node; typedef void (*Inst)(Node *); enum { OCAST, OPTR, OADD, OARY }; extern void emitsym(Node *), emitunary(Node *), emitbin(Node *); extern Node *node(void (*code)(Node *), Type *tp, union unode u, uint8_t nchilds), *unarycode(char op, Type *tp, Node *child), *bincode(char op, Node *np1, Node *np2); #define SYM(s) ((union unode) {.sym = s}) #define OP(s) ((union unode) {.op = s}) #endif