ref: a71f0ed6bf7bac612633c2c2b745d6bf2b45d314
dir: /cc1/expr.c/
#include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "../inc/cc.h" #include "../inc/sizes.h" #include "cc1.h" Node *expr(void); bool cmpnode(Node *np, TUINT val) { Symbol *sym; Type *tp; TUINT mask, nodeval; if (!np || !np->constant) return 0; sym = np->sym; tp = sym->type; switch (tp->op) { case PTR: case INT: mask = (val > 1) ? ones(np->type->size) : -1; nodeval = (tp->sign) ? sym->u.i : sym->u.u; return (nodeval & mask) == (val & mask); case FLOAT: return sym->u.f == val; } return 0; } bool isnodecmp(int op) { switch (op) { case OEQ: case ONE: case OLT: case OGE: case OLE: case OGT: return 1; default: return 0; } } static Node * promote(Node *np) { Type *tp; Node *new; unsigned r, ur = uinttype->n.rank; tp = np->type; r = tp->n.rank; if (r > ur || tp == inttype || tp == uinttype) return np; tp = (r == ur) ? uinttype : inttype; if ((new = convert(np, tp, 1)) != NULL) return new; return np; } static void typeconv(Node **p1, Node **p2) { Type *tp1, *tp2; Node *np1, *np2; int n; np1 = promote(*p1); np2 = promote(*p2); tp1 = np1->type; tp2 = np2->type; if (tp1 != tp2) { if ((n = tp1->n.rank - tp2->n.rank) > 0) np2 = convert(np2, tp1, 1); else if (n < 0) np1 = convert(np1, tp2, 1); } *p1 = np1; *p2 = np2; } static void chklvalue(Node *np) { if (!np->lvalue) error("lvalue required in operation"); if (np->type == voidtype) error("invalid use of void expression"); } Node * decay(Node *np) { Type *tp = np->type; switch (tp->op) { case ARY: tp = tp->type; if (np->op == OPTR) { Node *new = np->left; free(np); new->type = mktype(tp, PTR, 0, NULL); return new; } case FTN: np = node(OADDR, mktype(tp, PTR, 0, NULL), np, NULL); default: return np; } } static Node * integerop(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { if (BTYPE(lp) != INT || BTYPE(rp) != INT) error("operator requires integer operands"); typeconv(&lp, &rp); return simplify(op, lp->type, lp, rp); } static Node * numericaluop(char op, Node *np) { switch (BTYPE(np)) { case INT: np = promote(np); case FLOAT: if (op == ONEG && np->op == ONEG) return np->left; if (op == OADD) return np; return simplify(op, np->type, np, NULL); default: error("unary operator requires numerical operand"); } } static Node * integeruop(char op, Node *np) { if (BTYPE(np) != INT) error("unary operator requires integer operand"); np = promote(np); if (op == OCPL && np->op == OCPL) return np->left; return simplify(op, np->type, np, NULL); } Node * convert(Node *np, Type *newtp, char iscast) { Type *oldtp = np->type; if (eqtype(newtp, oldtp)) return np; switch (oldtp->op) { case ENUM: case INT: case FLOAT: switch (newtp->op) { case PTR: if (!iscast || oldtp->op == FLOAT) return NULL; /* PASSTHROUGH */ case INT: case FLOAT: case ENUM: case VOID: break; default: return NULL; } break; case PTR: switch (newtp->op) { case ENUM: case INT: case VOID: if (!iscast) return NULL; break; case PTR: if (iscast || newtp == pvoidtype || oldtp == pvoidtype) { /* TODO: * we assume conversion between pointers * do not need any operation, but due to * alignment problems that may be false */ np->type = newtp; return np; } default: return NULL; } default: return NULL; } return castcode(np, newtp); } static Node * parithmetic(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { Type *tp; Node *size; tp = lp->type; size = sizeofnode(tp->type); if (op == OSUB && BTYPE(rp) == PTR) { if (tp != rp->type) goto incorrect; lp = node(OSUB, inttype, lp, rp); return node(ODIV, inttype, lp, size); } if (BTYPE(rp) != INT) goto incorrect; rp = convert(promote(rp), sizettype, 0); rp = simplify(OMUL, sizettype, rp, size); rp = convert(rp, tp, 1); return simplify(OADD, tp, lp, rp); incorrect: errorp("incorrect arithmetic operands"); return node(OADD, tp, lp, rp); } static Node * arithmetic(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { switch (BTYPE(lp)) { case INT: case FLOAT: switch (BTYPE(rp)) { case INT: case FLOAT: typeconv(&lp, &rp); break; case PTR: if (op == OADD || op == OSUB) return parithmetic(op, rp, lp); default: goto incorrect; } break; case PTR: return parithmetic(op, lp, rp); default: incorrect: errorp("incorrect arithmetic operands"); } return simplify(op, lp->type, lp, rp); } static Node * pcompare(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { switch (BTYPE(rp)) { case INT: if (cmpnode(rp, 0)) rp = convert(rp, pvoidtype, 1); break; case PTR: if (lp->type != rp->type) warn("comparision between different pointer types"); break; default: errorp("incompatibles type in comparision"); } return simplify(op, inttype, lp, rp); } static Node * compare(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { lp = decay(lp); rp = decay(rp); switch (BTYPE(lp)) { case INT: case FLOAT: switch (BTYPE(rp)) { case INT: case FLOAT: typeconv(&lp, &rp); break; case PTR: return pcompare(op, rp, lp); default: goto nocompat; } break; case PTR: return pcompare(op, lp, rp); default: nocompat: errorp("incompatibles type in comparision"); } return simplify(op, inttype, lp, rp); } int negop(int op) { switch (op) { case OAND: return OOR; case OOR: return OAND; case OEQ: return ONE; case ONE: return OEQ; case OLT: return OGE; case OGE: return OLT; case OLE: return OGT; case OGT: return OLE; } return op; } Node * negate(Node *np) { np->op = negop(np->op); return np; } static Node * exp2cond(Node *np, char neg) { np = decay(np); if (isnodecmp(np->op)) return (neg) ? negate(np) : np; return compare((neg) ? OEQ : ONE, np, constnode(zero)); } static Node * logic(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { lp = exp2cond(lp, 0); rp = exp2cond(rp, 0); return simplify(op, inttype, lp, rp); } static Node * field(Node *np) { Symbol *sym; namespace = np->type->ns; next(); namespace = NS_IDEN; sym = yylval.sym; if (yytoken != IDEN) unexpected(); next(); switch (BTYPE(np)) { case STRUCT: case UNION: if ((sym->flags & ISDECLARED) == 0) error("incorrect field in struct/union"); np = node(OFIELD, sym->type, np, varnode(sym)); np->lvalue = 1; return np; default: error("request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union", yylval.sym->name); } } static Node * content(char op, Node *np) { np = decay(np); switch (BTYPE(np)) { case ARY: case FTN: case PTR: if (np->op == OADDR) { Node *new = np->left; new->type = np->type->type; free(np); np = new; } else { np = node(op, np->type->type, np, NULL); } np->lvalue = 1; return np; default: error("invalid argument of memory indirection"); } } static Node * array(Node *lp, Node *rp) { Type *tp; Node *np; if (BTYPE(lp) != INT && BTYPE(rp) != INT) error("array subscript is not an integer"); np = arithmetic(OADD, decay(lp), decay(rp)); tp = np->type; if (tp->op != PTR) errorp("subscripted value is neither array nor pointer"); return content(OPTR, np); } static Node * assignop(char op, Node *lp, Node *rp) { int force = 0; Type *tp = lp->type; rp = decay(rp); if (BTYPE(rp) == INT && tp->op == PTR && cmpnode(rp, 0)) { tp = pvoidtype; force = 1; } if ((rp = convert(rp, tp, force)) == NULL) { errorp((op == OINIT) ? "incorrect initiliazer" : "incompatible types when assigning"); return lp; } return node(op, lp->type, lp, rp); } static Node * incdec(Node *np, char op) { Type *tp = np->type; Node *inc; chklvalue(np); switch (BTYPE(np)) { case PTR: if (!tp->defined) error("invalid use of indefined type"); inc = sizeofnode(tp->type); break; case INT: case FLOAT: inc = constnode(one); break; default: errorp("wrong type argument to increment or decrement"); return np; } return arithmetic(op, np, inc); } static Node * address(char op, Node *np) { chklvalue(np); if (np->symbol && (np->sym->flags & ISREGISTER)) error("address of register variable '%s' requested", yytext); if (np->op == OPTR) { Node *new = np->left; free(np); return new; } return node(op, mktype(np->type, PTR, 0, NULL), np, NULL); } static Node * negation(char op, Node *np) { switch (BTYPE(np)) { case FTN: case ARY: case INT: case FLOAT: case PTR: return exp2cond(np, 1); default: error("invalid argument of unary '!'"); } } static Symbol * notdefined(Symbol *sym) { int isdef; if (namespace == NS_CPP && !strcmp(sym->name, "defined")) { disexpand = 1; next(); expect('('); sym = yylval.sym; expect(IDEN); expect(')'); isdef = (sym->flags & ISDECLARED) != 0; sym = newsym(NS_IDEN); sym->type = inttype; sym->flags |= ISCONSTANT; sym->u.i = isdef; disexpand = 0; return sym; } errorp("'%s' undeclared", yytext); sym->type = inttype; return install(sym->ns, yylval.sym); } /************************************************************* * grammar functions * *************************************************************/ static Node * primary(void) { Node *np; Symbol *sym; sym = yylval.sym; switch (yytoken) { case CONSTANT: np = constnode(sym); next(); break; case IDEN: if ((sym->flags & ISDECLARED) == 0) sym = notdefined(sym); if (sym->flags & ISCONSTANT) { np = constnode(sym); break; } sym->flags |= ISUSED; np = varnode(sym); next(); break; default: unexpected(); } return np; } static Node *assign(void); static Node * arguments(Node *np) { int toomany;; TINT n; Node *par = NULL, *arg; Type *argtype, **targs, *tp = np->type; if (tp->op == PTR && tp->type->op == FTN) { np = content(OPTR, np); tp = np->type; } if (tp->op != FTN) error("function or function pointer expected"); targs = tp->; expect('('); n = tp->n.elem; if (yytoken == ')') goto no_pars; toomany = 0; do { arg = decay(assign()); argtype = *targs; if (argtype == ellipsistype) { n = 0; switch (arg->type->op) { case INT: arg = promote(arg); break; case FLOAT: if (arg->type == floattype) arg = convert(arg, doubletype, 1); break; } par = node(OPAR, arg->type, par, arg); continue; } if (--n < 0) { if (!toomany) errorp("too many arguments in function call"); toomany = 1; continue; } ++targs; if ((arg = convert(arg, argtype, 0)) != NULL) { par = node(OPAR, arg->type, par, arg); continue; } errorp("incompatible type for argument %d in function call", tp->n.elem - n + 1); } while (accept(',')); no_pars: if (n > 0 && *targs != ellipsistype) errorp("too few arguments in function call"); expect(')'); return node(OCALL, np->type->type, np, par); } static Node * postfix(Node *lp) { Node *rp; if (!lp) lp = primary(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case '[': next(); rp = expr(); lp = array(lp, rp); expect(']'); break; case DEC: case INC: lp = incdec(lp, (yytoken == INC) ? OINC : ODEC); next(); break; case INDIR: lp = content(OPTR, lp); case '.': lp = field(lp); break; case '(': lp = arguments(lp); break; default: return lp; } } } static Node *unary(void); static Type * typeof(Node *np) { Type *tp; if (np == NULL) unexpected(); tp = np->type; freetree(np); return tp; } static Type * sizeexp(void) { Type *tp; expect('('); switch (yytoken) { case TYPE: case TYPEIDEN: tp = typename(); break; default: tp = typeof(unary()); break; } expect(')'); return tp; } static Node *cast(void); static Node * unary(void) { Node *(*fun)(char, Node *); char op; Type *tp; switch (yytoken) { case SIZEOF: next(); tp = (yytoken == '(') ? sizeexp() : typeof(unary()); if (!tp->defined) errorp("sizeof applied to an incomplete type"); return sizeofnode(tp); case INC: case DEC: op = (yytoken == INC) ? OA_ADD : OA_SUB; next(); return incdec(unary(), op); case '!': op = 0; fun = negation; break; case '+': op = OADD; fun = numericaluop; break; case '-': op = ONEG; fun = numericaluop; break; case '~': op = OCPL; fun = integeruop; break; case '&': op = OADDR; fun = address; break; case '*': op = OPTR; fun = content; break; default: return postfix(NULL); } next(); return (*fun)(op, cast()); } static Node * cast(void) { Node *lp, *rp; Type *tp; static int nested; if (!accept('(')) return unary(); switch (yytoken) { case TQUALIFIER: case TYPE: tp = typename(); switch (tp->op) { case ARY: error("cast specify an array type"); case FTN: error("cast specify a function type"); default: expect(')'); lp = cast(); if ((rp = convert(lp, tp, 1)) == NULL) error("bad type convertion requested"); rp->lvalue = lp->lvalue; } break; default: if (nested == NR_SUBEXPR) error("too expressions nested by parentheses"); ++nested; rp = expr(); --nested; expect(')'); rp = postfix(rp); break; } return rp; } static Node * mul(void) { Node *np, *(*fun)(char, Node *, Node *); char op; np = cast(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case '*': op = OMUL; fun = arithmetic; break; case '/': op = ODIV; fun = arithmetic; break; case '%': op = OMOD; fun = integerop; break; default: return np; } next(); np = (*fun)(op, np, cast()); } } static Node * add(void) { char op; Node *np; np = mul(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case '+': op = OADD; break; case '-': op = OSUB; break; default: return np; } next(); np = arithmetic(op, np, mul()); } } static Node * shift(void) { char op; Node *np; np = add(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case SHL: op = OSHL; break; case SHR: op = OSHR; break; default: return np; } next(); np = integerop(op, np, add()); } } static Node * relational(void) { char op; Node *np; np = shift(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case '<': op = OLT; break; case '>': op = OGT; break; case GE: op = OGE; break; case LE: op = OLE; break; default: return np; } next(); np = compare(op, np, shift()); } } static Node * eq(void) { char op; Node *np; np = relational(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case EQ: op = OEQ; break; case NE: op = ONE; break; default: return np; } next(); np = compare(op, np, relational()); } } static Node * bit_and(void) { Node *np; np = eq(); while (accept('&')) np = integerop(OBAND, np, eq()); return np; } static Node * bit_xor(void) { Node *np; np = bit_and(); while (accept('^')) np = integerop(OBXOR, np, bit_and()); return np; } static Node * bit_or(void) { Node *np; np = bit_xor(); while (accept('|')) np = integerop(OBOR, np, bit_xor()); return np; } static Node * and(void) { Node *np; np = bit_or(); while (accept(AND)) np = logic(OAND, np, bit_or()); return np; } static Node * or(void) { Node *np; np = and(); while (accept(OR)) np = logic(OOR, np, and()); return np; } static Node * ternary(void) { Node *cond; cond = or(); while (accept('?')) { Node *ifyes, *ifno, *np; cond = exp2cond(cond, 0); ifyes = promote(expr()); expect(':'); ifno = promote(ternary()); typeconv(&ifyes, &ifno); if (cond->constant) { TINT i = cond->sym->u.i; freetree(cond); if (i == 0) { freetree(ifyes); return ifno; } else { freetree(ifno); return ifyes; } } np = node(OCOLON, ifyes->type, ifyes, ifno); cond = node(OASK, np->type, cond, np); } return cond; } static Node * assign(void) { Node *np, *(*fun)(char , Node *, Node *); char op; np = ternary(); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case '=': op = OASSIGN; fun = assignop; break; case MUL_EQ: op = OA_MUL; fun = arithmetic; break; case DIV_EQ: op = OA_DIV; fun = arithmetic; break; case MOD_EQ: op = OA_MOD; fun = integerop; break; case ADD_EQ: op = OA_ADD; fun = arithmetic; break; case SUB_EQ: op = OA_SUB; fun = arithmetic; break; case SHL_EQ: op = OA_SHL; fun = integerop; break; case SHR_EQ: op = OA_SHR; fun = integerop; break; case AND_EQ: op = OA_AND; fun = integerop; break; case XOR_EQ: op = OA_XOR; fun = integerop; break; case OR_EQ: op = OA_OR; fun = integerop; break; default: return np; } chklvalue(np); next(); np = (fun)(op, np, assign()); } } Node * constexpr(void) { Node *np; np = ternary(); if (!np->constant) { freetree(np); return NULL; } return np; } Node * iconstexpr(void) { Node *np; if ((np = constexpr()) == NULL) return NULL; if (np->type->op != INT) { freetree(np); return NULL; } return convert(np, inttype, 0); } Node * expr(void) { Node *lp, *rp; lp = assign(); while (accept(',')) { rp = assign(); lp = node(OCOMMA, rp->type, lp, rp); } return lp; } Node * condexpr(void) { Node *np; np = exp2cond(expr(), 0); if (np->constant) warn("conditional expression is constant"); return np; } struct designator { TINT pos; struct designator *next; }; static TINT arydesig(Type *tp) { TINT npos; Node *np; if (tp->op != ARY) errorp("array index in non-array initializer"); next(); np = iconstexpr(); npos = np->sym->u.i; freetree(np); expect(']'); return npos; } static TINT fielddesig(Type *tp) { TINT npos; int ons; Symbol *sym, **p; if (tp->op != STRUCT || tp->op != UNION) errorp("field name not in record or union initializer"); ons = namespace; namespace = tp->ns; next(); namespace = ons; if (yytoken != IDEN) unexpected(); sym = yylval.sym; if ((sym->flags & ISDECLARED) == 0) { errorp(" unknown field '%s' specified in initializer", sym->name); return 0; } for (p = tp->p.fields; *p != sym; ++p) /* nothing */; return p - tp->p.fields; } static struct designator * designation(Type *tp) { struct designator *des = NULL, *d; TINT (*fun)(Type *); for (;;) { switch (yytoken) { case '[': fun = arydesig; break; case '.': fun = fielddesig; break; default: if (des) expect('='); return des; } d = xmalloc(sizeof(*d)); d->next = NULL; if (!des) { des = d; } else { des->next = d; des = d; } des->pos = (*fun)(tp); } } static void initlist(Symbol *sym, Type *tp) { struct designator *des; int toomany = 0; TINT n; Type *newtp; for (n = 0; ; ++n) { if ((des = designation(tp)) == NULL) { des = xmalloc(sizeof(*des)); des->pos = n; } else { n = des->pos; } switch (tp->op) { case ARY: if (tp->defined && n >= tp->n.elem) { if (!toomany) warn("excess elements in array initializer"); toomany = 1; sym = NULL; } newtp = tp->type; break; case STRUCT: if (n >= tp->n.elem) { if (!toomany) warn("excess elements in struct initializer"); toomany = 1; sym = NULL; } else { sym = tp->p.fields[n]; newtp = sym->type; } break; default: newtp = tp; warn("braces around scalar initializer"); if (n > 0) { if (!toomany) warn("excess elements in scalar initializer"); toomany = 1; sym = NULL; } break; } initializer(sym, newtp, n); if (!accept(',')) break; } expect('}'); if (tp->op == ARY && !tp->defined) { tp->n.elem = n + 1; tp->defined = 1; } } void initializer(Symbol *sym, Type *tp, int nelem) { Node *np; int flags = sym->flags; if (tp->op == FTN) error("function '%s' is initialized like a variable", sym->name); if (accept('{')) { initlist(sym, tp); return; } np = assign(); /* if !sym it means there are too much initializers */ if (!sym) return; if (nelem >= 0) return; np = assignop(OINIT, varnode(sym), np); if ((flags & (ISEXTERN|ISTYPEDEF)) != 0) { if (!np->right->constant) errorp("initializer element is not constant"); emit(OINIT, np); } else if ((flags & (ISEXTERN|ISTYPEDEF)) != 0) { errorp("'%s' has both '%s' and initializer", sym->name, (flags&ISEXTERN) ? "extern" : "typedef"); } else { np->op = OASSIGN; emit(OEXPR, np); } }