Fix bug in listdcl
Link the symbol with the type
Add find fuction
Returns the next character in ahead
Add NDEBUG guards in a abort call
Add lenght definition in arrays
Add intermediate code for symbol definition
Add parsing of initializers
Store operators characters in yytext
Remove unneeded goto in spec
Move curfun to flow.c
Change the name of ctype to storage
Add function operator
Fix del_ctx function
Move ahead call out of label
Remove context parameter from lookup
Catch a pointer to the current function
Making exp return NULL if doesn't match a expression
Added tree structure for default
Added tree structure for case
Added tree structure for return
Added tree structure for continue
Added tree structure for break statement
Added control about nesting levels
Fixed clean rule in Makefile
Added tree structure for goto statement
Added tree structure for label statement
Rewrite of ahead function
Removed TOKSIZ_MAX macro
Added support for different namespace in the symbol table
Changed name of parsing functions for statement
Added tree struct for while statement
Added tree struct for do/while statement
Added tree struct for for statement
Added tree struct for if statement
Fixed bug in lexical analysis of operators
Print the tree with pretty indent
Moving tree printing once the full function is parsed
Added switch parsing
Reducing scope of variables in asign
Fixed bug parsing statements
Make simplest next()
Added suppor for printing tree in compound nodes
Fixed bug printing represetation of postdecrement
Added nodes of type node_comp
Added freesyms function
Added xrealloc function
Fixed bug in compound function
Change of style
Added prtree function
Fixed column count in case of tabs
Fixed bug reading pointer modifiers
New function operator in lexical analysis
Removed return value in listdcl
Fixed bug checking repetition of const keyword
Changed user options to shorter forms
Rewriting of symbol module
Removed global variable yyhash
Changed tree representation
Changed type of nodeop to returning a symbol
Fixed bug in declarator function
Removed type struct
Added restict field to the ctype struct
Removed pointers from types.
Removed unused fields of ctype struct
Joined op and btype fields in types
Build syntax tree while parsing
Fixed bug in functions declarations
Reorder functions in type.c
Removed again debug information in parse calls
Fixed bug declaring and initializating ctype struct
Fixed bugs in declarator
Added signed and unsigned handling in parser
Added tree module
Added wrapper.c
Fixed bug testing function declaration
Split decl into decl and listdcl
Join types.h and symbol.h
Renamed -> token from PTR to INDIR
Removed unused isfunction function
Refactoring of specifier function
Changed name of RESTRICTED token to RESTRICT
Added ctype struct
Added sizes.h header
Modified name of shift tokens
Rewrite the expression parser
Expect ; in all the statement, not only in expressions
Small modifications in parameters of expect and open_file
Add ahead function
Convert next in void function
Unified keywords and symbols
Improved lexical analysis
Install symbols for integer constant
Unified keywords and symbols
Improved lexical analysis
Changing name of tokens
Removed debug information about gramatic
Added symbol table
Added correct handling of numline and numcolum
Removed compiling warning