ref: 06411a4af49b020ced2d40e295afe72605caaec8
dir: /cc1/cpp.c/
#include <ctype.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "../inc/sizes.h" #include "../inc/cc.h" #include "cc1.h" /* TODO: preprocessor error must not rise recover */ static char *argp; static unsigned arglen; static unsigned numif; static Symbol *lastmacro; static void nextcpp(void) { next(); if (yytoken == EOFTOK) { error("unterminated argument list invoking macro \"%s\"", lastmacro->name); } if (yylen + 1 > arglen) { error("argument overflow invoking macro \"%s\"", lastmacro->name); } memcpy(argp, yytext, yylen); argp += yylen; *argp++ = ' '; arglen -= yylen + 1; } static void paren(void) { for (;;) { nextcpp(); switch (yytoken) { case ')': return; case '(': paren(); break; } } } static void parameter(void) { for (;;) { nextcpp(); switch (yytoken) { case ')': case ',': argp -= 2; *argp++ = '\0'; return; case '(': paren(); break; } } } static bool parsepars(char *buffer, char **listp, int nargs) { int n; if (nargs == -1) return 1; if (ahead() != '(') return 0; next(); n = 0; argp = buffer; arglen = INPUTSIZ; if (ahead() != ')') { do { *listp++ = argp; parameter(); } while (++n < NR_MACROARG && yytoken == ','); } if (n == NR_MACROARG) error("too much parameters in macro \"%s\"", lastmacro->name); if (n != nargs) { error("macro \"%s\" passed %d arguments, but it takes %d", lastmacro->name, n, nargs); } return 1; } /* * sym->u.s is a string with the following format: * dd#string * where dd is the number of arguments of the macro * (-1 if it is a macro without arguments), and string * is the macro definition, where @dd@ indicates the * parameter number dd */ bool expand(Symbol *sym) { unsigned len; char *arglist[NR_MACROARG], buffer[INPUTSIZ]; char c, *bp, *arg, *s = sym->u.s; lastmacro = sym; if (!parsepars(buffer, arglist, atoi(s))) return 0; bp = addinput(NULL); len = INPUTSIZ-1; for (s += 3; c = *s; ++s) { if (c != '@') { if (len-- == 0) goto expansion_too_long; *bp++ = c; } else { unsigned size; arg = arglist[atoi(++s)]; size = strlen(arg); if (size > len) goto expansion_too_long; memcpy(bp, arg, size); bp += size; len -= size; s += 2; } } *bp = '\0'; return 1; expansion_too_long: error("expansion of macro \"%s\" is too long", lastmacro->name); } /* * Parse an argument list (par0, par1, ...) and creates * an array with pointers to all the arguments in the * list */ static char * parseargs(char *s, char *args[NR_MACROARG], int *nargs) { int n; size_t len; char *endp, c; n = -1; if (*s != '(') goto set_nargs; n = 0; while (isspace(*s++)) /* nothing */; if (*s == ')') goto set_nargs; for (n = 1; n <= NR_MACROARG; ++n) { while (isspace(*s)) ++s; if (!isalnum(*s) && *s != '_') error("macro arguments must be identifiers"); for (endp = s; isalnum(*endp) || *endp == '_'; ++endp) /* nothing */; if ((len = endp - s) > IDENTSIZ) error("macro argument too long"); *args++ = s; for (s = endp; isspace(*s); ++s) *s = '\0'; c = *s; *s++ = '\0'; if (c == ')') break; if (c == ',') continue; else error("macro parameters must be comma-separated"); } if (n > NR_MACROARG) error("too much parameters in macro"); set_nargs: *nargs = n; return s; } /* * Copy a define string, and substitute formal arguments of the * macro into strings in the form @XX, where XX is the position * of the argument in the argument list. */ static char * copydefine(char *s, char *args[], char *buff, int bufsiz, int nargs) { unsigned ncopy; int n; size_t len; char arroba[6], *par, *endp, **bp; while (*s && bufsiz > 0) { if (!isalnum(*s) && *s != '_') { --bufsiz; *buff++ = *s++; continue; } /* * found an identifier, is it one of the macro arguments? */ for (endp = s+1; isalnum(*endp) || *endp == '_'; ++endp) /* nothing */; len = endp - s; for (bp =args, n = 0; n < nargs; ++bp, n++) { if (strncmp(s, *bp, len)) continue; sprintf(arroba, "@%02d@", n); break; } if (n == nargs || nargs == -1) par = s, ncopy = len; else par = arroba, ncopy = 4; if ((bufsiz -= ncopy) < 0) goto too_long; memcpy(buff, par, ncopy); buff += ncopy; s = endp; } if (*s == '\0') { *buff = '\0'; return s; } too_long: error("macro definition too long"); } static char * mkdefine(char *s, Symbol *sym) { int nargs; char *args[NR_MACROARG], buff[LINESIZ+1]; s = parseargs(s, args, &nargs); sprintf(buff, "%02d#", nargs); while (isspace(*s)) ++s; if (*s != '\0') s = copydefine(s, args, buff+3, LINESIZ-3, nargs); sym->u.s = xstrdup(buff); return s; } static char * define(char *s) { char *t; size_t len; Symbol *sym; if (!isalnum(*s) && *s != '_') goto bad_define; for (t = s; isalnum(*t) || *t == '_'; ++t) /* nothing */; if ((len = t - s) > IDENTSIZ) goto too_long; strncpy(yytext, s, len); yytext[len] = '\0'; sym = lookup(NS_CPP); if ((sym->flags & ISDEFINED) && sym->ns == NS_CPP) { warn("'%s' redefined", yytext); free(sym->u.s); } sym->flags |= ISDEFINED; sym->ns = NS_CPP; for (s = t; isspace(*s); ++s) /* nothing */; for (t = s + strlen(s); isspace(*--t); *t = '\0') /* nothing */; return mkdefine(s, sym); too_long: error("macro identifier too long"); bad_define: error("macro names must be identifiers"); } static char * include(char *s) { char fname[FILENAME_MAX], delim, c, *p; size_t len; if ((c = *s++) == '>') delim = '>'; else if (c == '"') delim = '"'; else goto bad_include; for (p = s; (c = *p) && c != delim; ++p) /* nothing */; if (c == '\0') goto bad_include; len = p - s; if (delim == '"') { if (len >= FILENAME_MAX) goto too_long; strncpy(fname, s, len); fname[len] = '\0'; if (!addinput(fname)) goto not_found; } else { abort(); } return p+1; not_found: error("included file '%s' not found", fname); too_long: error("file name in include too long"); bad_include: error("#include expects \"FILENAME\" or <FILENAME>"); } static char * line(char *s) { char *p, *q; if (!isdigit(*s)) goto bad_line; for (p = s; isdigit(*p); ++p) /* nothing */; switch (*p) { case ' ': case '\t': while (isspace(*p)) ++p; if (*p != '"') goto bad_line; for (q = p+1; *q && *q != '"'; ++q) /* nothing */; if (*q == '\0') goto bad_line; *q = '\0'; setfname(p); p = q+1; /* passthrough */ case '\0': setfline(atoi(s)-1); return p; default: goto bad_file; } bad_file: error("second parameter of #line is not a valid filename"); bad_line: error("first parameter of #line is not a positive integer"); } static char * pragma(char *s) { while (*s) ++s; return s; } static char * usererr(char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u:error: #error %s\n", getfname(), getfline(), s); exit(-1); } static char * ifclause(char *s, int isdef) { unsigned curif, len; char *endp; Symbol *sym; while (isspace(*s)) ++s; for (endp = s; isalnum(*endp) || *endp == '_'; ++endp) /* nothing */; if ((len = endp - s) > IDENTSIZ) error("..."); memcpy(yytext, s, len); yytext[len] = '\0'; while (isspace(*endp)) ++endp; if (*endp != '\0') error("trailing characters after preprocessor directive"); curif = numif++; sym = lookup(NS_CPP); if ((sym->flags & ISDEFINED) != 0 == isdef) return endp; while (curif != numif) { if (!moreinput()) error("found EOF while ..."); } return ""; } static char * ifdef(char *s) { return ifclause(s, 1); } static char * ifndef(char *s) { return ifclause(s, 0); } static char * endif(char *s) { if (numif == 0) error("#endif without #if"); --numif; return NULL; } char * preprocessor(char *p) { char *q; unsigned short n; static struct { char *name; char *(*fun)(char *); } *bp, cmds[] = { "define", define, "include", include, "ifdef", ifdef, "ifndef", ifndef, "endif", endif, "line", line, "pragma", pragma, "error", usererr, NULL, NULL }; while (isspace(*p)) ++p; if (*p != '#') return p; for (++p; isspace(*p); ++p) /* nothing */; if (*p == '\0') return p; for (q = p; isalpha(*q); ++q) /* nothing */; if ((n = q - p) == 0) goto incorrect; while (isspace(*q)) ++q; for (bp = cmds; bp->name; ++bp) { if (strncmp(bp->name, p, n)) continue; if ((q = (*bp->fun)(q)) == NULL) return NULL; while (isspace(*q)) ++q; if (*q != '\0') error("trailing characters after preprocessor directive"); return q; } incorrect: error("incorrect preprocessor directive"); }