tpl: Add basic tests for all namespace init funcs
tpl: Add docshelper for template funcs
tpl/partials: Remouve unused method
tpl: Fix the remaining template funcs namespace issues
tpl/urls: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/transform: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/time: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/safe: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/os: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/inflect: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/images: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/encoding: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/crypto: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/collections: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/compare: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/data: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/strings: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl/math: Make it a package that stands on its own
tpl: Add TemplateFuncsNamespaceRegistry
releaser: Disable shaky test
docs: Replace with
tpl: Add template function namespaces
Render 404 in default language only
netlify: Add some security headers
livereload: Fix data race in close
docs: Fix typos
vendor: Update cobra and pflag
hubolib: Narrow a test assertion
releaser: Fix broken test build
releaser: Skip Git test on Travis
release: Add relase notes for 0.20.6
hugolib: Avoid in /index/index.html
docs: Regenerate commands docs
commands: Make first letter of flags' usage lowercase
vendor: Update cobra and pflag
releaser: Fix some of the fpm fields for deb
hugolib: Make missing GitInfo a WARNING
docs: Add notes about some output format behaviour
releaser: Fix ldflags setting
docs: Remove temp release notes
docs: Add relase notes for 0.20.5
docs: Add a time to 0.20.4 release docs
releaser: Add relase notes for release of 0.20.4
Add -linkmode external
Set extldflags to static when building
releaser: Add relase notes to /docs for release of 0.20.3
release: Adjust release notes for 0.20.3
releaser: Add relase notes draft for release of 0.20.3
releaser: Fix a Go vet complaint
Automate the Hugo release process
hugolib: Fix handling of zero-length files
hugolib: Prevent decoding pageParam in common cases
helpers: Delete RenderingContext.getConfig
hugolib: Ignore non-source files on partial rebuild
tplimpl: Add translation links to the default sitemap template
commands: Import Octopress image tag in Jekyll importer
Fix check-vendor logic in Makefile
Remove check-vendor from make check
Add check-vendor target to Makefile
hugolib: Log WARNING only on unknown /data files
docs: Add txtpen as alternative commenting service
docs: Fix .Data.Pages range in sample
docs: Add 0.20.2 release notes
tplimpl: Allow text partials in HTML templates
vendor: Update dependencies
docs: Add Netlify badge if on Netlify
Get versions back to 0.20-DEV
Prepare release 0.20.1
docs: Add 0.20.1 release notes
output: Fix base theme vs project base template logic
docs: Add to the showcase
hugolib, output: Do not lower case template names
hugolib: Must recreate Paginator on live-reload
hugolib: Avoid recreating the Paginator on copy
hugolib: Avoid processing the same notify event twice
hugolib: Final fix of rssURI deprecation
hugolib: Only show rssUri deprecation WARNING if it is actually set
all Bump to 0.21-DEV
all: Prepare Hugo 0.20 release version
docs: AddHugo 0.20 Release Notes
docs: Add Emacs plugin easy-hugo
docs: Add to the showcase
hugolib: Remove unused line
hugolib: Delay deletion of Page.Now()
docs: Add docs about output format linking
hugolib, output: Add NotAlternative to OutputFormat
hugolib: Deprecate rssURI
hubolib: Do not add missing trailing slash to command line baseURL
hugolib: Add .Site.Params.mainSections
hugolib: Only do link transforms etc. on HTML type of pages
all: Document the Output Formats feature
hugolib: Update deprecation vs Hugo 0.20
output: Add some sane defaults for output format
tpl: Set RenderingContext.Config in markdownify
helpers: Add new properties to ContentSpec
all: Handle all errors