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dir: /hugolib/taxonomy.go/

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package hugolib

import (

// The TaxonomyList is a list of all taxonomies and their values
// e.g. List['tags'] => TagTaxonomy (from above)
type TaxonomyList map[string]Taxonomy

func (tl TaxonomyList) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("TaxonomyList(%d)", len(tl))

// A Taxonomy is a map of keywords to a list of pages.
// For example
//    TagTaxonomy['technology'] = WeightedPages
//    TagTaxonomy['go']  =  WeightedPages2
type Taxonomy map[string]WeightedPages

// WeightedPages is a list of Pages with their corresponding (and relative) weight
// [{Weight: 30, Page: *1}, {Weight: 40, Page: *2}]
type WeightedPages []WeightedPage

// A WeightedPage is a Page with a weight.
type WeightedPage struct {
	Weight int

func (w WeightedPage) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("WeightedPage(%d,%q)", w.Weight, w.Page.Title)

// OrderedTaxonomy is another representation of an Taxonomy using an array rather than a map.
// Important because you can't order a map.
type OrderedTaxonomy []OrderedTaxonomyEntry

// OrderedTaxonomyEntry is similar to an element of a Taxonomy, but with the key embedded (as name)
// e.g:  {Name: Technology, WeightedPages: Taxonomyedpages}
type OrderedTaxonomyEntry struct {
	Name          string
	WeightedPages WeightedPages

// Get the weighted pages for the given key.
func (i Taxonomy) Get(key string) WeightedPages {
	return i[key]

// Count the weighted pages for the given key.
func (i Taxonomy) Count(key string) int { return len(i[key]) }

func (i Taxonomy) add(key string, w WeightedPage) {
	i[key] = append(i[key], w)

// TaxonomyArray returns an ordered taxonomy with a non defined order.
func (i Taxonomy) TaxonomyArray() OrderedTaxonomy {
	ies := make([]OrderedTaxonomyEntry, len(i))
	count := 0
	for k, v := range i {
		ies[count] = OrderedTaxonomyEntry{Name: k, WeightedPages: v}
	return ies

// Alphabetical returns an ordered taxonomy sorted by key name.
func (i Taxonomy) Alphabetical() OrderedTaxonomy {
	name := func(i1, i2 *OrderedTaxonomyEntry) bool {
		return i1.Name < i2.Name

	ia := i.TaxonomyArray()
	return ia

// ByCount returns an ordered taxonomy sorted by # of pages per key.
// If taxonomies have the same # of pages, sort them alphabetical
func (i Taxonomy) ByCount() OrderedTaxonomy {
	count := func(i1, i2 *OrderedTaxonomyEntry) bool {
		li1 := len(i1.WeightedPages)
		li2 := len(i2.WeightedPages)

		if li1 == li2 {
			return i1.Name < i2.Name
		return li1 > li2

	ia := i.TaxonomyArray()
	return ia

// Pages returns the Pages for this taxonomy.
func (ie OrderedTaxonomyEntry) Pages() Pages {
	return ie.WeightedPages.Pages()

// Count returns the count the pages in this taxonomy.
func (ie OrderedTaxonomyEntry) Count() int {
	return len(ie.WeightedPages)

// Term returns the name given to this taxonomy.
func (ie OrderedTaxonomyEntry) Term() string {
	return ie.Name

// Reverse reverses the order of the entries in this taxonomy.
func (t OrderedTaxonomy) Reverse() OrderedTaxonomy {
	for i, j := 0, len(t)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]

	return t

// A type to implement the sort interface for TaxonomyEntries.
type orderedTaxonomySorter struct {
	taxonomy OrderedTaxonomy
	by       oiBy

// Closure used in the Sort.Less method.
type oiBy func(i1, i2 *OrderedTaxonomyEntry) bool

func (by oiBy) Sort(taxonomy OrderedTaxonomy) {
	ps := &orderedTaxonomySorter{
		taxonomy: taxonomy,
		by:       by, // The Sort method's receiver is the function (closure) that defines the sort order.

// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *orderedTaxonomySorter) Len() int {
	return len(s.taxonomy)

// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *orderedTaxonomySorter) Swap(i, j int) {
	s.taxonomy[i], s.taxonomy[j] = s.taxonomy[j], s.taxonomy[i]

// Less is part of sort.Interface. It is implemented by calling the "by" closure in the sorter.
func (s *orderedTaxonomySorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return[i], &s.taxonomy[j])

// Pages returns the Pages in this weighted page set.
func (wp WeightedPages) Pages() Pages {
	pages := make(Pages, len(wp))
	for i := range wp {
		pages[i] = wp[i].Page
	return pages

// Prev returns the previous Page relative to the given Page in
// this weighted page set.
func (wp WeightedPages) Prev(cur *Page) *Page {
	for x, c := range wp {
		if c.Page.UniqueID() == cur.UniqueID() {
			if x == 0 {
				return wp[len(wp)-1].Page
			return wp[x-1].Page
	return nil

// Next returns the next Page relative to the given Page in
// this weighted page set.
func (wp WeightedPages) Next(cur *Page) *Page {
	for x, c := range wp {
		if c.Page.UniqueID() == cur.UniqueID() {
			if x < len(wp)-1 {
				return wp[x+1].Page
			return wp[0].Page
	return nil

func (wp WeightedPages) Len() int      { return len(wp) }
func (wp WeightedPages) Swap(i, j int) { wp[i], wp[j] = wp[j], wp[i] }

// Sort stable sorts this weighted page set.
func (wp WeightedPages) Sort() { sort.Stable(wp) }

// Count returns the number of pages in this weighted page set.
func (wp WeightedPages) Count() int { return len(wp) }

func (wp WeightedPages) Less(i, j int) bool {
	if wp[i].Weight == wp[j].Weight {
		if wp[i].Page.Date.Equal(wp[j].Page.Date) {
			return wp[i].Page.Title < wp[j].Page.Title
		return wp[i].Page.Date.After(wp[i].Page.Date)
	return wp[i].Weight < wp[j].Weight

// TODO mimic PagesSorter for WeightedPages