Add smartDashes flag for Blackfriday
Remove anchor from fork link in README
Turn all README headlines into imperative mode
Trim down 'Adding Compile Information to Hugo' in README
Improve README
Preserve Unicode marks in MakePath
Show usage when new site creation fails
Improve error message on new site command
Add force flag
The missing static directory shouldn't fail the build
Fix some typos in docs
Add CLA assist to the contribution workflow in README
Disable LiveReload when Hugo is not running as a server
Load livereload.js from "/"
Create minimal in archetype file
Fix typo in shortcode tests
Insert code tag for server-side syntax highlighting
Rename prettiyPath to prettifyPath
Unexport internal path helper
Fix In func given an []interface{}
Use https
Correct number of args to Errorf
Apply project wide go fmt
Add Param to release notes
Add Param to the docs
Add Param(key) to Node and Page
Docs: Add pointers to the new site
Expose canonifyURLs as a command flag
Add `dict` func to release notes
Add dictionary function to be passed into a template
Docs: Added `hasCJKLanguage` global config flag and `isCJKLanguage` FrontMatter
Fix comment for NormalizeHugoFlags
Remove Go 1.3 from README
WordCount and Summary support CJK Language
Remove RuneCount from doc
Add Mmark GitHub-flavoured markdown to release notes
Add GitHub style code fence support to mmark
Docs: Added RIDING BYTES to Showcase Page
Adding to showcase
Let Cobra do the usage error logging
Improve command text for import command
Add Jekyll import to release notes
Hugo import from jekyll
Fix strange carousel width on
Rename NormalizeHugoFlagsFunc to NormalizeHugoFlags
is it .md instead of .ad?
Used leading slash more consistently
Marked the whole path as code
Use filepath as the last default sort key for pages
Add the base64 template funcs to release notes
Add base64Decode and base64Encode template functions
Allow for any (short) line begining or ending with html comment
Change port number from 1414 to 1313 (default)
Remove superfluous `g` in docs
Tools: Add more to tools to the list
Add singularize template func
Add pluralize template func
correct spelling for 'including' and 'counterpart'
Press: Update URL to Spencer Lyon’s “Hugo and GitHub Pages”
Press: New URL to Kenny Woo’s blog about Hugo
dead link
Link no longer works - Dead link
Show both baseURL and bind address in `hugo server` output
Update .travis.yml for Go 1.5.1
Test builds on OS X
Fix typo in
Revert "docs: Fix URL to (https → http) in Showcase"
docs: Fix typo in url extras
docs: Fix URL to (https → http) in Showcase
Add to Showcase
docs: Optimize recent thumbnail images in Showcase
docs: Fix formatting in overview/
docs: Add a few more blog articles to Press
Add "control code" and "trailing space" to alias validation
Move isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch to /commands
Validate aliases to prevent directory traversal etc.
Complete the Url-to-URL transition in docs
Complete the Url-to-URL transition in tests
Add helpers.NormalizeHugoFlagsFunc() to handle flag name changes
Docs: extend the migration tool list and add a cross-reference in the start guide
Docs: Add a section about tools around Hugo
WordCount Summary support UTF-8 string
docs: Change redirect documentation to aliases
Convert example/blog to use new syntax for Hugo v0.14+
docs: Remove empty sourceLink from two sites in Showcase
Add to Showcase
Adding to the showcases.
Docs: Add to Showcase page
Docs: Add new french mag article by @humboldtux to Press page
Added details about generated files and development flows
Add a 404.html file if a new theme is created
showcase layout improved when thumbnails are different proportions
Add NoDesk to Showcase
Add NoDesk to Showcase
Describe the use of custom archetypes in the docs