ref: e5568488051a571df48401e03f1304b95dbc9028
dir: /content/en/news/0.20.2-relnotes/
--- date: 2017-04-16T13:53:58-04:00 categories: ["Releases"] description: "Hugo 0.20.2 adds support for plain text partials included into HTML templates" link: "" title: "Hugo 0.20.2" draft: false author: bep aliases: [/0-20-2/] --- Hugo `0.20.2` adds support for plain text partials included into `HTML` templates. This was a side-effect of the big new [Custom Output Format]( feature in `0.20`, and while the change was intentional and there was an ongoing discussion about fixing it in [#3273](//, it did break some themes. There were valid workarounds for these themes, but we might as well get it right. The most obvious use case for this is inline `CSS` styles, which you now can do without having to name your partials with a `html` suffix. A simple example: In `layouts/partials/mystyles.css`: body { background-color: {{ .Param "colors.main" }} } Then in `config.toml` (note that by using the `.Param` lookup func, we can override the color in a page’s front matter if we want): [params] [params.colors] main = "green" text = "blue" And then in `layouts/partials/head.html` (or the partial used to include the head section into your layout): <head> <style type="text/css"> {{ partial "mystyles.css" . | safeCSS }} </style> </head> Of course, `0.20` also made it super-easy to create external `CSS` stylesheets based on your site and page configuration. A simple example: Add “CSS” to your home page’s `outputs` list, create the template `/layouts/index.css` using Go template syntax for the dynamic parts, and then include it into your `HTML` template with: {{ with .OutputFormats.Get "css" }} <link rel="{{ .Rel }}" type="{{ .MediaType.Type }}" href="{{ .Permalink | safeURL }}"> {{ end }}`