ref: df374851a0683f1446f33a4afef74c42f7d3eaaf
dir: /parser/pageparser/pagelexer_shortcode.go/
// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Package pageparser provides a parser for Hugo content files (Markdown, HTML etc.) in Hugo. // This implementation is highly inspired by the great talk given by Rob Pike called "Lexical Scanning in Go" // It's on YouTube, Google it!. // See slides here: package pageparser type lexerShortcodeState struct { currLeftDelimItem ItemType currRightDelimItem ItemType isInline bool currShortcodeName string // is only set when a shortcode is in opened state closingState int // > 0 = on its way to be closed elementStepNum int // step number in element paramElements int // number of elements (name + value = 2) found first openShortcodes map[string]bool // set of shortcodes in open state } // Shortcode syntax var ( leftDelimSc = []byte("{{") leftDelimScNoMarkup = []byte("{{<") rightDelimScNoMarkup = []byte(">}}") leftDelimScWithMarkup = []byte("{{%") rightDelimScWithMarkup = []byte("%}}") leftComment = []byte("/*") // comments in this context us used to to mark shortcodes as "not really a shortcode" rightComment = []byte("*/") ) func (l *pageLexer) isShortCodeStart() bool { return l.hasPrefix(leftDelimScWithMarkup) || l.hasPrefix(leftDelimScNoMarkup) } func lexShortcodeLeftDelim(l *pageLexer) stateFunc { l.pos += len(l.currentLeftShortcodeDelim()) if l.hasPrefix(leftComment) { return lexShortcodeComment } l.emit(l.currentLeftShortcodeDelimItem()) l.elementStepNum = 0 l.paramElements = 0 return lexInsideShortcode } func lexShortcodeComment(l *pageLexer) stateFunc { posRightComment := l.index(append(rightComment, l.currentRightShortcodeDelim()...)) if posRightComment <= 1 { return l.errorf("comment must be closed") } // we emit all as text, except the comment markers l.emit(tText) l.pos += len(leftComment) l.ignore() l.pos += posRightComment - len(leftComment) l.emit(tText) l.pos += len(rightComment) l.ignore() l.pos += len(l.currentRightShortcodeDelim()) l.emit(tText) return lexMainSection } func lexShortcodeRightDelim(l *pageLexer) stateFunc { l.closingState = 0 l.pos += len(l.currentRightShortcodeDelim()) l.emit(l.currentRightShortcodeDelimItem()) return lexMainSection } // either: // 1. param // 2. "param" or "param\" // 3. param="123" or param="123\" // 4. param="Some \"escaped\" text" func lexShortcodeParam(l *pageLexer, escapedQuoteStart bool) stateFunc { first := true nextEq := false var r rune for { r = if first { if r == '"' { // a positional param with quotes if l.paramElements == 2 { return l.errorf("got quoted positional parameter. Cannot mix named and positional parameters") } l.paramElements = 1 l.backup() return lexShortcodeQuotedParamVal(l, !escapedQuoteStart, tScParam) } first = false } else if r == '=' { // a named param l.backup() nextEq = true break } if !isAlphaNumericOrHyphen(r) { l.backup() break } } if l.paramElements == 0 { l.paramElements++ if nextEq { l.paramElements++ } } else { if nextEq && l.paramElements == 1 { return l.errorf("got named parameter '%s'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters", l.current()) } else if !nextEq && l.paramElements == 2 { return l.errorf("got positional parameter '%s'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters", l.current()) } } l.emit(tScParam) return lexInsideShortcode } func lexShortcodeQuotedParamVal(l *pageLexer, escapedQuotedValuesAllowed bool, typ ItemType) stateFunc { openQuoteFound := false escapedInnerQuoteFound := false escapedQuoteState := 0 Loop: for { switch r :=; { case r == '\\': if l.peek() == '"' { if openQuoteFound && !escapedQuotedValuesAllowed { l.backup() break Loop } else if openQuoteFound { // the coming quoute is inside escapedInnerQuoteFound = true escapedQuoteState = 1 } } case r == eof, r == '\n': return l.errorf("unterminated quoted string in shortcode parameter-argument: '%s'", l.current()) case r == '"': if escapedQuoteState == 0 { if openQuoteFound { l.backup() break Loop } else { openQuoteFound = true l.ignore() } } else { escapedQuoteState = 0 } } } if escapedInnerQuoteFound { l.ignoreEscapesAndEmit(typ) } else { l.emit(typ) } r := if r == '\\' { if l.peek() == '"' { // ignore the escaped closing quote l.ignore() l.ignore() } } else if r == '"' { // ignore closing quote l.ignore() } else { // handled by next state l.backup() } return lexInsideShortcode } // Inline shortcodes has the form {{< myshortcode.inline >}} var inlineIdentifier = []byte("inline ") // scans an alphanumeric inside shortcode func lexIdentifierInShortcode(l *pageLexer) stateFunc { lookForEnd := false Loop: for { switch r :=; { case isAlphaNumericOrHyphen(r): // Allow forward slash inside names to make it possible to create namespaces. case r == '/': case r == '.': l.isInline = l.hasPrefix(inlineIdentifier) if !l.isInline { return l.errorf("period in shortcode name only allowed for inline identifiers") } default: l.backup() word := string(l.input[l.start:l.pos]) if l.closingState > 0 && !l.openShortcodes[word] { return l.errorf("closing tag for shortcode '%s' does not match start tag", word) } else if l.closingState > 0 { l.openShortcodes[word] = false lookForEnd = true } l.closingState = 0 l.currShortcodeName = word l.openShortcodes[word] = true l.elementStepNum++ if l.isInline { l.emit(tScNameInline) } else { l.emit(tScName) } break Loop } } if lookForEnd { return lexEndOfShortcode } return lexInsideShortcode } func lexEndOfShortcode(l *pageLexer) stateFunc { l.isInline = false if l.hasPrefix(l.currentRightShortcodeDelim()) { return lexShortcodeRightDelim } switch r :=; { case isSpace(r): l.ignore() default: return l.errorf("unclosed shortcode") } return lexEndOfShortcode } // scans the elements inside shortcode tags func lexInsideShortcode(l *pageLexer) stateFunc { if l.hasPrefix(l.currentRightShortcodeDelim()) { return lexShortcodeRightDelim } switch r :=; { case r == eof: // eol is allowed inside shortcodes; this may go to end of document before it fails return l.errorf("unclosed shortcode action") case isSpace(r), isEndOfLine(r): l.ignore() case r == '=': l.ignore() return lexShortcodeQuotedParamVal(l, l.peek() != '\\', tScParamVal) case r == '/': if l.currShortcodeName == "" { return l.errorf("got closing shortcode, but none is open") } l.closingState++ l.isInline = false l.emit(tScClose) case r == '\\': l.ignore() if l.peek() == '"' { return lexShortcodeParam(l, true) } case l.elementStepNum > 0 && (isAlphaNumericOrHyphen(r) || r == '"'): // positional params can have quotes l.backup() return lexShortcodeParam(l, false) case isAlphaNumeric(r): l.backup() return lexIdentifierInShortcode default: return l.errorf("unrecognized character in shortcode action: %#U. Note: Parameters with non-alphanumeric args must be quoted", r) } return lexInsideShortcode } func (l *pageLexer) currentLeftShortcodeDelimItem() ItemType { return l.currLeftDelimItem } func (l *pageLexer) currentRightShortcodeDelimItem() ItemType { return l.currRightDelimItem } func (l *pageLexer) currentLeftShortcodeDelim() []byte { if l.currLeftDelimItem == tLeftDelimScWithMarkup { return leftDelimScWithMarkup } return leftDelimScNoMarkup } func (l *pageLexer) currentRightShortcodeDelim() []byte { if l.currRightDelimItem == tRightDelimScWithMarkup { return rightDelimScWithMarkup } return rightDelimScNoMarkup }