ref: d90e37e0c6e812f9913bf256c9c81aa05b7a08aa
dir: /hugolib/shortcode_test.go/
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" qt "" ) func CheckShortCodeMatch(t *testing.T, input, expected string, withTemplate func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error) { t.Helper() CheckShortCodeMatchAndError(t, input, expected, withTemplate, false) } func CheckShortCodeMatchAndError(t *testing.T, input, expected string, withTemplate func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error, expectError bool) { t.Helper() cfg, fs := newTestCfg() cfg.Set("markup", map[string]interface{}{ "defaultMarkdownHandler": "blackfriday", // TODO(bep) }) c := qt.New(t) // Need some front matter, see contentFile := `--- title: "Title" --- ` + input writeSource(t, fs, "content/", contentFile) b := newTestSitesBuilderFromDepsCfg(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg, WithTemplate: withTemplate}).WithNothingAdded() err := b.BuildE(BuildCfg{}) if err != nil && !expectError { t.Fatalf("Shortcode rendered error %s.", err) } if err == nil && expectError { t.Fatalf("No error from shortcode") } h := b.H c.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 1) c.Assert(len(h.Sites[0].RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 1) output := strings.TrimSpace(content(h.Sites[0].RegularPages()[0])) output = strings.TrimPrefix(output, "<p>") output = strings.TrimSuffix(output, "</p>") expected = strings.TrimSpace(expected) if output != expected { t.Fatalf("Shortcode render didn't match. got \n%q but expected \n%q", output, expected) } } func TestNonSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // notice the syntax diff from 0.12, now comment delims must be added CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{%/* movie 47238zzb */%}}", "{{% movie 47238zzb %}}", nil) } // Issue #929 func TestHyphenatedSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/hyphenated-video.html", `Playing Video {{ .Get 0 }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< hyphenated-video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", wt) } // Issue #1753 func TestNoTrailingNewline(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/a.html", `{{ .Get 0 }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "ab{{< a c >}}d", "abcd", wt) } func TestPositionalParamSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/video.html", `Playing Video {{ .Get 0 }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb 132 >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{<video 47238zzb>}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{<video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", wt) } func TestPositionalParamIndexOutOfBounds(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/video.html", `Playing Video {{ with .Get 1 }}{{ . }}{{ else }}Missing{{ end }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video Missing", wt) } // #5071 func TestShortcodeRelated(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/a.html", `{{ len (.Site.RegularPages.Related .Page) }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< a >}}", "0", wt) } func TestShortcodeInnerMarkup(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("shortcodes/a.html", `<div>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) tem.AddTemplate("shortcodes/b.html", `**Bold**: <div>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< a >}}B: <div>{{% b %}}**Bold**{{% /b %}}</div>{{< /a >}}", // This assertion looks odd, but is correct: for inner shortcodes with // the {{% we treats the .Inner content as markup, but not the shortcode // itself. "<div>B: <div>**Bold**: <div><strong>Bold</strong></div></div></div>", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{% b %}}This is **B**: {{< b >}}This is B{{< /b>}}{{% /b %}}", "<strong>Bold</strong>: <div>This is <strong>B</strong>: <strong>Bold</strong>: <div>This is B</div></div>", wt) } // some repro issues for panics in Go Fuzz testing func TestNamedParamSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/img.html", `<img{{ with .Get "src" }} src="{{.}}"{{end}}{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src="one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img class="aspen" >}}`, `<img class="aspen">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src= "one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src ="one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src = "one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src = "one" class = "aspen grove" >}}`, `<img src="one" class="aspen grove">`, wt) } // Issue #2294 func TestNestedNamedMissingParam(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/acc.html", `<div class="acc">{{ .Inner }}</div>`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/div.html", `<div {{with .Get "class"}} class="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/div2.html", `<div {{with .Get 0}} class="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% acc %}}{{% div %}}d1{{% /div %}}{{% div2 %}}d2{{% /div2 %}}{{% /acc %}}`, "<div class=\"acc\"><div >d1</div><div >d2</div></div>", wt) } func TestIsNamedParamsSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/bynameorposition.html", `{{ with .Get "id" }}Named: {{ . }}{{ else }}Pos: {{ .Get 0 }}{{ end }}`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/ifnamedparams.html", `<div id="{{ if .IsNamedParams }}{{ .Get "id" }}{{ else }}{{ .Get 0 }}{{end}}">`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< ifnamedparams id="name" >}}`, `<div id="name">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< ifnamedparams position >}}`, `<div id="position">`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< bynameorposition id="name" >}}`, `Named: name`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< bynameorposition position >}}`, `Pos: position`, wt) } func TestInnerSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside class="aspen" >}}`, `<div class="aspen"></div>`, wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside class="aspen" >}}More Here{{< /inside >}}`, "<div class=\"aspen\">More Here</div>", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside >}}More Here{{< /inside >}}`, "<div>More Here</div>", wt) } func TestInnerSCWithMarkdown(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { // Note: In Hugo 0.55 we made it so any outer {{%'s inner content was rendered as part of the surrounding // markup. This solved lots of problems, but it also meant that this test had to be adjusted. tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/wrapper.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/inside.html", `{{ .Inner }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< wrapper >}}{{% inside %}} # More Here [link]( and text {{% /inside %}}{{< /wrapper >}}`, "<div><h1 id=\"more-here\">More Here</h1>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">link</a> and text</p>\n</div>", wt) } func TestEmbeddedSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" %}}`, "<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"/> \n</figure>", nil) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" caption="This is a caption" %}}`, "<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"\n alt=\"This is a caption\"/> <figcaption>\n <p>This is a caption</p>\n </figcaption>\n</figure>", nil) } func TestNestedSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/scn1.html", `<div>Outer, inner is {{ .Inner }}</div>`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/scn2.html", `<div>SC2</div>`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% scn1 %}}{{% scn2 %}}{{% /scn1 %}}`, "<div>Outer, inner is <div>SC2</div></div>", wt) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< scn1 >}}{{% scn2 %}}{{< /scn1 >}}`, "<div>Outer, inner is <div>SC2</div></div>", wt) } func TestNestedComplexSC(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/row.html", `-row-{{ .Inner}}-rowStop-`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/column.html", `-col-{{.Inner }}-colStop-`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/aside.html", `-aside-{{ .Inner }}-asideStop-`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< row >}}1-s{{% column %}}2-**s**{{< aside >}}3-**s**{{< /aside >}}4-s{{% /column %}}5-s{{< /row >}}6-s`, "-row-1-s-col-2-<strong>s</strong>-aside-3-<strong>s</strong>-asideStop-4-s-colStop-5-s-rowStop-6-s", wt) // turn around the markup flag CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% row %}}1-s{{< column >}}2-**s**{{% aside %}}3-**s**{{% /aside %}}4-s{{< /column >}}5-s{{% /row %}}6-s`, "-row-1-s-col-2-<strong>s</strong>-aside-3-<strong>s</strong>-asideStop-4-s-colStop-5-s-rowStop-6-s", wt) } func TestParentShortcode(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/r1.html", `1: {{ .Get "pr1" }} {{ .Inner }}`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/r2.html", `2: {{ .Parent.Get "pr1" }}{{ .Get "pr2" }} {{ .Inner }}`) tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/r3.html", `3: {{ .Parent.Parent.Get "pr1" }}{{ .Parent.Get "pr2" }}{{ .Get "pr3" }} {{ .Inner }}`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< r1 pr1="p1" >}}1: {{< r2 pr2="p2" >}}2: {{< r3 pr3="p3" >}}{{< /r3 >}}{{< /r2 >}}{{< /r1 >}}`, "1: p1 1: 2: p1p2 2: 3: p1p2p3 ", wt) } func TestFigureOnlySrc(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< figure src="/found/here" >}}`, "<figure>\n <img src=\"/found/here\"/> \n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureCaptionAttrWithMarkdown(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< figure src="/found/here" caption="Something **bold** _italic_" >}}`, "<figure>\n <img src=\"/found/here\"\n alt=\"Something bold italic\"/> <figcaption>\n <p>Something <strong>bold</strong> <em>italic</em></p>\n </figcaption>\n</figure>", nil) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< figure src="/found/here" attr="Something **bold** _italic_" >}}`, "<figure>\n <img src=\"/found/here\"/> <figcaption>\n <p>Something <strong>bold</strong> <em>italic</em></p>\n </figcaption>\n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureImgWidth(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" alt="apple" width="100px" %}}`, "<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"\n alt=\"apple\" width=\"100px\"/> \n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureImgHeight(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" alt="apple" height="100px" %}}`, "<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"\n alt=\"apple\" height=\"100px\"/> \n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureImgWidthAndHeight(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" alt="apple" width="50" height="100" %}}`, "<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"\n alt=\"apple\" width=\"50\" height=\"100\"/> \n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureLinkNoTarget(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< figure src="/found/here" link="/jump/here/on/clicking" >}}`, "<figure><a href=\"/jump/here/on/clicking\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"/> </a>\n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureLinkWithTarget(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< figure src="/found/here" link="/jump/here/on/clicking" target="_self" >}}`, "<figure><a href=\"/jump/here/on/clicking\" target=\"_self\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"/> </a>\n</figure>", nil) } func TestFigureLinkWithTargetAndRel(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< figure src="/found/here" link="/jump/here/on/clicking" target="_blank" rel="noopener" >}}`, "<figure><a href=\"/jump/here/on/clicking\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">\n <img src=\"/found/here\"/> </a>\n</figure>", nil) } // #1642 func TestShortcodeWrappedInPIssue(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wt := func(tem tpl.TemplateManager) error { tem.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/bug.html", `xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`) return nil } CheckShortCodeMatch(t, ` {{< bug >}} {{< bug >}} `, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", wt) } func TestExtractShortcodes(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile() b.WithTemplates( "default/single.html", `EMPTY`, "_internal/shortcodes/tag.html", `tag`, "_internal/shortcodes/legacytag.html", `{{ $_hugo_config := "{ \"version\": 1 }" }}tag`, "_internal/shortcodes/sc1.html", `sc1`, "_internal/shortcodes/sc2.html", `sc2`, "_internal/shortcodes/inner.html", `{{with .Inner }}{{ . }}{{ end }}`, "_internal/shortcodes/inner2.html", `{{.Inner}}`, "_internal/shortcodes/inner3.html", `{{.Inner}}`, ).WithContent("", `--- title: "Shortcodes Galore!" --- `) b.CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) s := b.H.Sites[0] /*errCheck := func(s string) func(name string, assert *require.Assertions, shortcode *shortcode, err error) { return func(name string, assert *require.Assertions, shortcode *shortcode, err error) { c.Assert(err, name, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) c.Assert(err.Error(), name, qt.Equals, s) } }*/ // Make it more regexp friendly strReplacer := strings.NewReplacer("[", "{", "]", "}") str := func(s *shortcode) string { if s == nil { return "<nil>" } var version int if != nil { version = } return strReplacer.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%s;inline:%t;closing:%t;inner:%v;params:%v;ordinal:%d;markup:%t;version:%d;pos:%d",, s.isInline, s.isClosing, s.inner, s.params, s.ordinal, s.doMarkup, version, s.pos)) } regexpCheck := func(re string) func(c *qt.C, shortcode *shortcode, err error) { return func(c *qt.C, shortcode *shortcode, err error) { c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(str(shortcode), qt.Matches, ".*"+re+".*") } } for _, test := range []struct { name string input string check func(c *qt.C, shortcode *shortcode, err error) }{ {"one shortcode, no markup", "{{< tag >}}", regexpCheck("tag.*closing:false.*markup:false")}, {"one shortcode, markup", "{{% tag %}}", regexpCheck("tag.*closing:false.*markup:true;version:2")}, {"one shortcode, markup, legacy", "{{% legacytag %}}", regexpCheck("tag.*closing:false.*markup:true;version:1")}, {"outer shortcode markup", "{{% inner %}}{{< tag >}}{{% /inner %}}", regexpCheck("inner.*closing:true.*markup:true")}, {"inner shortcode markup", "{{< inner >}}{{% tag %}}{{< /inner >}}", regexpCheck("inner.*closing:true.*;markup:false;version:2")}, {"one pos param", "{{% tag param1 %}}", regexpCheck("tag.*params:{param1}")}, {"two pos params", "{{< tag param1 param2>}}", regexpCheck("tag.*params:{param1 param2}")}, {"one named param", `{{% tag param1="value" %}}`, regexpCheck("tag.*params:map{param1:value}")}, {"two named params", `{{< tag param1="value1" param2="value2" >}}`, regexpCheck("tag.*params:map{param\\d:value\\d param\\d:value\\d}")}, {"inner", `{{< inner >}}Inner Content{{< / inner >}}`, regexpCheck("inner;inline:false;closing:true;inner:{Inner Content};")}, // issue #934 {"inner self-closing", `{{< inner />}}`, regexpCheck("inner;.*inner:{}")}, { "nested inner", `{{< inner >}}Inner Content->{{% inner2 param1 %}}inner2txt{{% /inner2 %}}Inner close->{{< / inner >}}`, regexpCheck("inner;.*inner:{Inner Content->.*Inner close->}"), }, { "nested, nested inner", `{{< inner >}}inner2->{{% inner2 param1 %}}inner2txt->inner3{{< inner3>}}inner3txt{{</ inner3 >}}{{% /inner2 %}}final close->{{< / inner >}}`, regexpCheck("inner:{inner2-> inner2.*{{inner2txt->inner3.*final close->}"), }, {"closed without content", `{{< inner param1 >}}{{< / inner >}}`, regexpCheck("inner.*inner:{}")}, {"inline", `{{< my.inline >}}Hi{{< /my.inline >}}`, regexpCheck("my.inline;inline:true;closing:true;inner:{Hi};")}, } { test := test t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) counter := 0 placeholderFunc := func() string { counter++ return fmt.Sprintf("HAHA%s-%dHBHB", shortcodePlaceholderPrefix, counter) } p, err := pageparser.ParseMain(strings.NewReader(test.input), pageparser.Config{}) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) handler := newShortcodeHandler(nil, s, placeholderFunc) iter := p.Iterator() short, err := handler.extractShortcode(0, 0, iter) test.check(c, short, err) }) } } func TestShortcodesInSite(t *testing.T) { baseURL := "http://foo/bar" tests := []struct { contentPath string content string outFile string expected interface{} }{ { "sect/", `a{{< b >}}c`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc1/index.html"), "<p>abc</p>\n", }, // Issue #1642: Multiple shortcodes wrapped in P // Deliberately forced to pass even if they maybe shouldn't. { "sect/", `a {{< b >}} {{< c >}} {{< d >}} e`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc2/index.html"), "<p>a</p>\n\n<p>b<br />\nc\nd</p>\n\n<p>e</p>\n", }, { "sect/", `a {{< b >}} {{< c >}} {{< d >}} e`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc3/index.html"), "<p>a</p>\n\n<p>b<br />\nc</p>\n\nd\n\n<p>e</p>\n", }, { "sect/", `a {{< b >}} {{< b >}} {{< b >}} {{< b >}} {{< b >}} `, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc4/index.html"), "<p>a\nb\nb\nb\nb\nb</p>\n", }, // #2192 #2209: Shortcodes in markdown headers { "sect/", `# {{< b >}} ## {{% c %}}`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc5/index.html"), `-hbhb">b</h1>`, }, // #2223 pygments { "sect/", "\n```bash\nb = {{< b >}} c = {{% c %}}\n```\n", filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc6/index.html"), `<span class="nv">b</span>`, }, // #2249 { "sect/", `_Shortcodes:_ *b: {{< b >}} c: {{% c %}}*`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc7/index.html"), "<div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p><em>Shortcodes:</em> <strong>b: b c: c</strong></p>\n</div>\n", }, { "sect/doc8.rst", `**Shortcodes:** *b: {{< b >}} c: {{% c %}}*`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc8/index.html"), "<div class=\"document\">\n\n\n<p><strong>Shortcodes:</strong> <em>b: b c: c</em></p>\n</div>", }, { "sect/doc9.mmark", ` --- menu: main: parent: 'parent' --- **Shortcodes:** *b: {{< b >}} c: {{% c %}}*`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc9/index.html"), "<p><strong>Shortcodes:</strong> <em>b: b c: c</em></p>\n", }, // Issue #1229: Menus not available in shortcode. { "sect/", `--- menu: main: identifier: 'parent' tags: - Menu --- **Menus:** {{< menu >}}`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc10/index.html"), "<p><strong>Menus:</strong> 1</p>\n", }, // Issue #2323: Taxonomies not available in shortcode. { "sect/", `--- tags: - Bugs --- **Tags:** {{< tags >}}`, filepath.FromSlash("public/sect/doc11/index.html"), "<p><strong>Tags:</strong> 2</p>\n", }, { "sect/", `--- title: "Foo" --- {{% html-indented-v1 %}}`, "public/sect/doc12/index.html", "<h1>Hugo!</h1>", }, } temp := tests[:0] for _, test := range tests { if strings.HasSuffix(test.contentPath, ".ad") && !asciidocext.Supports() { t.Log("Skip Asciidoc test case as no Asciidoc present.") continue } else if strings.HasSuffix(test.contentPath, ".rst") && !rst.Supports() { t.Log("Skip Rst test case as no rst2html present.") continue } temp = append(temp, test) } tests = temp sources := make([][2]string, len(tests)) for i, test := range tests { sources[i] = [2]string{filepath.FromSlash(test.contentPath), test.content} } addTemplates := func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error { templ.AddTemplate("_default/single.html", "{{.Content}} Word Count: {{ .WordCount }}") templ.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/b.html", `b`) templ.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/c.html", `c`) templ.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/d.html", `d`) templ.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/html-indented-v1.html", "{{ $_hugo_config := `{ \"version\": 1 }` }}"+` <h1>Hugo!</h1> `) templ.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/menu.html", `{{ len (index .Page.Menus "main").Children }}`) templ.AddTemplate("_internal/shortcodes/tags.html", `{{ len .Page.Site.Taxonomies.tags }}`) return nil } cfg, fs := newTestCfg() cfg.Set("defaultContentLanguage", "en") cfg.Set("baseURL", baseURL) cfg.Set("uglyURLs", false) cfg.Set("verbose", true) cfg.Set("pygmentsUseClasses", true) cfg.Set("pygmentsCodefences", true) cfg.Set("markup", map[string]interface{}{ "defaultMarkdownHandler": "blackfriday", // TODO(bep) }) writeSourcesToSource(t, "content", fs, sources...) s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{WithTemplate: addTemplates, Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{}) for i, test := range tests { test := test t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test=%d;contentPath=%s", i, test.contentPath), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() th := newTestHelper(s.Cfg, s.Fs, t) expected := cast.ToStringSlice(test.expected) th.assertFileContent(filepath.FromSlash(test.outFile), expected...) }) } } func TestShortcodeMultipleOutputFormats(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() siteConfig := ` baseURL = "" paginate = 1 disableKinds = ["section", "term", "taxonomy", "RSS", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404"] [outputs] home = [ "HTML", "AMP", "Calendar" ] page = [ "HTML", "AMP", "JSON" ] ` pageTemplate := `--- title: "%s" --- # Doc {{< myShort >}} {{< noExt >}} {{%% onlyHTML %%}} {{< myInner >}}{{< myShort >}}{{< /myInner >}} ` pageTemplateCSVOnly := `--- title: "%s" outputs: ["CSV"] --- # Doc CSV: {{< myShort >}} ` b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", siteConfig) b.WithTemplates( "layouts/_default/single.html", `Single HTML: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}`, "layouts/_default/single.json", `Single JSON: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}`, "layouts/_default/single.csv", `Single CSV: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}`, "layouts/index.html", `Home HTML: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}`, "layouts/index.amp.html", `Home AMP: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}`, "layouts/index.ics", `Home Calendar: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}`, "layouts/shortcodes/myShort.html", `ShortHTML`, "layouts/shortcodes/myShort.amp.html", `ShortAMP`, "layouts/shortcodes/myShort.csv", `ShortCSV`, "layouts/shortcodes/myShort.ics", `ShortCalendar`, "layouts/shortcodes/myShort.json", `ShortJSON`, "layouts/shortcodes/noExt", `ShortNoExt`, "layouts/shortcodes/onlyHTML.html", `ShortOnlyHTML`, "layouts/shortcodes/myInner.html", `myInner:--{{- .Inner -}}--`, ) b.WithContent("", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, "Home"), "sect/", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, "Single"), "sect/", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplateCSVOnly, "Single CSV"), ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) h := b.H b.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 1) s := h.Sites[0] home := s.getPage(page.KindHome) b.Assert(home, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(len(home.OutputFormats()), qt.Equals, 3) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Home HTML", "ShortHTML", "ShortNoExt", "ShortOnlyHTML", "myInner:--ShortHTML--", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/amp/index.html", "Home AMP", "ShortAMP", "ShortNoExt", "ShortOnlyHTML", "myInner:--ShortAMP--", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.ics", "Home Calendar", "ShortCalendar", "ShortNoExt", "ShortOnlyHTML", "myInner:--ShortCalendar--", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/sect/mypage/index.html", "Single HTML", "ShortHTML", "ShortNoExt", "ShortOnlyHTML", "myInner:--ShortHTML--", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/sect/mypage/index.json", "Single JSON", "ShortJSON", "ShortNoExt", "ShortOnlyHTML", "myInner:--ShortJSON--", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/amp/sect/mypage/index.html", // No special AMP template "Single HTML", "ShortAMP", "ShortNoExt", "ShortOnlyHTML", "myInner:--ShortAMP--", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/sect/mycsvpage/index.csv", "Single CSV", "ShortCSV", ) } func BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens(b *testing.B) { type input struct { in []byte replacements map[string]string expect []byte } data := []struct { input string replacements map[string]string expect []byte }{ {"Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, []byte("Hello World.")}, {strings.Repeat("A", 100) + " HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 100) + " Hello World.")}, {strings.Repeat("A", 500) + " HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 500) + " Hello World.")}, {strings.Repeat("ABCD ", 500) + " HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("ABCD ", 500) + " Hello World.")}, {strings.Repeat("A ", 3000) + " HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB." + strings.Repeat("BC ", 1000) + " HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A ", 3000) + " Hello World." + strings.Repeat("BC ", 1000) + " Hello World.")}, } in := make([]input, b.N*len(data)) cnt := 0 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { for _, this := range data { in[cnt] = input{[]byte(this.input), this.replacements, this.expect} cnt++ } } b.ResetTimer() cnt = 0 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { for j := range data { currIn := in[cnt] cnt++ results, err := replaceShortcodeTokens(, currIn.replacements) if err != nil { b.Fatalf("[%d] failed: %s", i, err) continue } if len(results) != len(currIn.expect) { b.Fatalf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens, got \n%q but expected \n%q", j, results, currIn.expect) } } } } func TestReplaceShortcodeTokens(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for i, this := range []struct { input string prefix string replacements map[string]string expect interface{} }{ {"Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "Hello World."}, {"Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, false}, {"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-1HBHB", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-1HBHB": "World"}, "World"}, {"Hello World!", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{}, "Hello World!"}, {"!HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "!World"}, {"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB!", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "World!"}, {"!HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB!", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "!World!"}, {"_{_PREFIX-1HBHB", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "_{_PREFIX-1HBHB"}, {"Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "To You My Old Friend Who Told Me This Fantastic Story"}, "Hello To You My Old Friend Who Told Me This Fantastic Story."}, {"A HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB asdf HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB.", "A", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "v1", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "v2"}, "A v1 asdf v2."}, {"Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-1HBHB. Go HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-2HBHB, Go, Go HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-3HBHB Go Go!.", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-1HBHB": "Europe", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-2HBHB": "Jonny", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE2-3HBHB": "Johnny"}, "Hello Europe. Go Jonny, Go, Go Johnny Go Go!."}, {"A HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "B"}, "A B A."}, {"A HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A"}, false}, {"A HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB but not the second.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "B"}, "A A but not the second."}, {"An HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "B"}, "An A."}, {"An HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "B"}, "An A B."}, {"A HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-3HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-3HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "B", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-3HBHB": "C"}, "A A B C A C."}, {"A HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-3HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-3HBHB.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "A", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "B", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-3HBHB": "C"}, "A A B C A C."}, // Issue #1148 remove p-tags 10 => {"Hello <p>HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB</p>. END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "Hello World. END."}, {"Hello <p>HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB</p>. <p>HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB</p> END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World", "HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-2HBHB": "THE"}, "Hello World. THE END."}, {"Hello <p>HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB. END</p>.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "Hello <p>World. END</p>."}, {"<p>Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB</p>. END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "<p>Hello World</p>. END."}, {"Hello <p>HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB12", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": "World"}, "Hello <p>World12"}, { "Hello HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB. HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB-HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB END", "P", map[string]string{"HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-1HBHB": strings.Repeat("BC", 100)}, fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s. %s-%s %s %s %s END", strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100)), }, } { results, err := replaceShortcodeTokens([]byte(this.input), this.replacements) if b, ok := this.expect.(bool); ok && !b { if err == nil { t.Errorf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens didn't return an expected error", i) } } else { if err != nil { t.Errorf("[%d] failed: %s", i, err) continue } if !reflect.DeepEqual(results, []byte(this.expect.(string))) { t.Errorf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens, got \n%q but expected \n%q", i, results, this.expect) } } } } func TestShortcodeGetContent(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() contentShortcode := ` {{- $t := .Get 0 -}} {{- $p := .Get 1 -}} {{- $k := .Get 2 -}} {{- $page := $.Page.Site.GetPage "page" $p -}} {{ if $page }} {{- if eq $t "bundle" -}} {{- .Scratch.Set "p" ($page.Resources.GetMatch (printf "%s*" $k)) -}} {{- else -}} {{- $.Scratch.Set "p" $page -}} {{- end -}}P1:{{ .Page.Content }}|P2:{{ $p := ($.Scratch.Get "p") }}{{ $p.Title }}/{{ $p.Content }}| {{- else -}} {{- errorf "Page %s is nil" $p -}} {{- end -}} ` var templates []string var content []string contentWithShortcodeTemplate := `--- title: doc%s weight: %d --- Logo:{{< c "bundle" "b1" "logo.png" >}}:P1: {{< c "page" "section1/p1" "" >}}:BP1:{{< c "bundle" "b1" "bp1" >}}` simpleContentTemplate := `--- title: doc%s weight: %d --- C-%s` templates = append(templates, []string{"shortcodes/c.html", contentShortcode}...) templates = append(templates, []string{"_default/single.html", "Single Content: {{ .Content }}"}...) templates = append(templates, []string{"_default/list.html", "List Content: {{ .Content }}"}...) content = append(content, []string{"b1/", fmt.Sprintf(contentWithShortcodeTemplate, "b1", 1)}...) content = append(content, []string{"b1/logo.png", "PNG logo"}...) content = append(content, []string{"b1/", fmt.Sprintf(simpleContentTemplate, "bp1", 1, "bp1")}...) content = append(content, []string{"section1/", fmt.Sprintf(contentWithShortcodeTemplate, "s1", 2)}...) content = append(content, []string{"section1/", fmt.Sprintf(simpleContentTemplate, "s1p1", 2, "s1p1")}...) content = append(content, []string{"section2/", fmt.Sprintf(simpleContentTemplate, "b1", 1, "b1")}...) content = append(content, []string{"section2/", fmt.Sprintf(contentWithShortcodeTemplate, "bp1", 1)}...) builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithDefaultMultiSiteConfig() builder.WithContent(content...).WithTemplates(templates...).CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) s := builder.H.Sites[0] builder.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 3) builder.AssertFileContent("public/en/section1/index.html", "List Content: <p>Logo:P1:|P2:logo.png/PNG logo|:P1: P1:|P2:docs1p1/<p>C-s1p1</p>\n|", "BP1:P1:|P2:docbp1/<p>C-bp1</p>", ) builder.AssertFileContent("public/en/b1/index.html", "Single Content: <p>Logo:P1:|P2:logo.png/PNG logo|:P1: P1:|P2:docs1p1/<p>C-s1p1</p>\n|", "P2:docbp1/<p>C-bp1</p>", ) builder.AssertFileContent("public/en/section2/s2p1/index.html", "Single Content: <p>Logo:P1:|P2:logo.png/PNG logo|:P1: P1:|P2:docs1p1/<p>C-s1p1</p>\n|", "P2:docbp1/<p>C-bp1</p>", ) } // func TestShortcodeParentResourcesOnRebuild(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).Running().WithSimpleConfigFile() b.WithTemplatesAdded( "index.html", ` {{ $b := .Site.GetPage "b1" }} b1 Content: {{ $b.Content }} {{$p := $b.Resources.GetMatch "p1*" }} Content: {{ $p.Content }} {{ $article := .Site.GetPage "blog/article" }} Article Content: {{ $article.Content }} `, "shortcodes/c.html", ` {{ range .Page.Parent.Resources }} * Parent resource: {{ .Name }}: {{ .RelPermalink }} {{ end }} `) pageContent := ` --- title: MyPage --- SHORTCODE: {{< c >}} ` b.WithContent("b1/", pageContent, "b1/logo.png", "PNG logo", "b1/", pageContent, "blog/", pageContent, "blog/logo-article.png", "PNG logo", "blog/", pageContent, ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) assert := func(matchers ...string) { allMatchers := append(matchers, "Parent resource: logo.png: /b1/logo.png", "Article Content: <p>SHORTCODE: \n\n* Parent resource: logo-article.png: /blog/logo-article.png", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", allMatchers..., ) } assert() b.EditFiles("content/b1/", pageContent+" Edit.") b.Build(BuildCfg{}) assert("Edit.") } func TestShortcodePreserveOrder(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) contentTemplate := `--- title: doc%d weight: %d --- # doc {{< s1 >}}{{< s2 >}}{{< s3 >}}{{< s4 >}}{{< s5 >}} {{< nested >}} {{< ordinal >}} {{< scratch >}} {{< ordinal >}} {{< scratch >}} {{< ordinal >}} {{< scratch >}} {{< /nested >}} ` ordinalShortcodeTemplate := `ordinal: {{ .Ordinal }}{{ .Page.Scratch.Set "ordinal" .Ordinal }}` nestedShortcode := `outer ordinal: {{ .Ordinal }} inner: {{ .Inner }}` scratchGetShortcode := `scratch ordinal: {{ .Ordinal }} scratch get ordinal: {{ .Page.Scratch.Get "ordinal" }}` shortcodeTemplate := `v%d: {{ .Ordinal }} sgo: {{ .Page.Scratch.Get "o2" }}{{ .Page.Scratch.Set "o2" .Ordinal }}|` var shortcodes []string var content []string shortcodes = append(shortcodes, []string{"shortcodes/nested.html", nestedShortcode}...) shortcodes = append(shortcodes, []string{"shortcodes/ordinal.html", ordinalShortcodeTemplate}...) shortcodes = append(shortcodes, []string{"shortcodes/scratch.html", scratchGetShortcode}...) for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { sc := fmt.Sprintf(shortcodeTemplate, i) sc = strings.Replace(sc, "%%", "%", -1) shortcodes = append(shortcodes, []string{fmt.Sprintf("shortcodes/s%d.html", i), sc}...) } for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ { content = append(content, []string{fmt.Sprintf("", i), fmt.Sprintf(contentTemplate, i, i)}...) } builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithDefaultMultiSiteConfig() builder.WithContent(content...).WithTemplatesAdded(shortcodes...).CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) s := builder.H.Sites[0] c.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 3) builder.AssertFileContent("public/en/p1/index.html", `v1: 0 sgo: |v2: 1 sgo: 0|v3: 2 sgo: 1|v4: 3 sgo: 2|v5: 4 sgo: 3`) builder.AssertFileContent("public/en/p1/index.html", `outer ordinal: 5 inner: ordinal: 0 scratch ordinal: 1 scratch get ordinal: 0 ordinal: 2 scratch ordinal: 3 scratch get ordinal: 2 ordinal: 4 scratch ordinal: 5 scratch get ordinal: 4`) } func TestShortcodeVariables(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile() builder.WithContent("", `--- title: "Hugo Rocks!" --- # doc {{< s1 >}} `).WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/shortcodes/s1.html", ` Name: {{ .Name }} {{ with .Position }} File: {{ .Filename }} Offset: {{ .Offset }} Line: {{ .LineNumber }} Column: {{ .ColumnNumber }} String: {{ . | safeHTML }} {{ end }} `).CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) s := builder.H.Sites[0] c.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 1) builder.AssertFileContent("public/page/index.html", filepath.FromSlash("File: content/"), "Line: 7", "Column: 4", "Offset: 40", filepath.FromSlash("String: \"content/\""), "Name: s1", ) } func TestInlineShortcodes(t *testing.T) { for _, enableInlineShortcodes := range []bool{true, false} { enableInlineShortcodes := enableInlineShortcodes t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("enableInlineShortcodes=%t", enableInlineShortcodes), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() conf := fmt.Sprintf(` baseURL = "" enableInlineShortcodes = %t `, enableInlineShortcodes) b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("toml", conf) shortcodeContent := `FIRST:{{< myshort.inline "first" >}} Page: {{ .Page.Title }} Seq: {{ seq 3 }} Param: {{ .Get 0 }} {{< /myshort.inline >}}:END: SECOND:{{< myshort.inline "second" />}}:END NEW INLINE: {{< n1.inline "5" >}}W1: {{ seq (.Get 0) }}{{< /n1.inline >}}:END: INLINE IN INNER: {{< outer >}}{{< n2.inline >}}W2: {{ seq 4 }}{{< /n2.inline >}}{{< /outer >}}:END: REUSED INLINE IN INNER: {{< outer >}}{{< n1.inline "3" />}}{{< /outer >}}:END: ## MARKDOWN DELIMITER: {{% mymarkdown.inline %}}**Hugo Rocks!**{{% /mymarkdown.inline %}} ` b.WithContent("", `--- title: "Hugo" --- `+shortcodeContent) b.WithContent("", `--- title: "Hugo Home" --- `+shortcodeContent) b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/_default/single.html", ` CONTENT:{{ .Content }} TOC: {{ .TableOfContents }} `) b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/index.html", ` CONTENT:{{ .Content }} TOC: {{ .TableOfContents }} `) b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/shortcodes/outer.html", `Inner: {{ .Inner }}`) b.CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) shouldContain := []string{ "Seq: [1 2 3]", "Param: first", "Param: second", "NEW INLINE: W1: [1 2 3 4 5]", "INLINE IN INNER: Inner: W2: [1 2 3 4]", "REUSED INLINE IN INNER: Inner: W1: [1 2 3]", `<li><a href="#markdown-delimiter-hugo-rocks">MARKDOWN DELIMITER: <strong>Hugo Rocks!</strong></a></li>`, } if enableInlineShortcodes { b.AssertFileContent("public/page-md-shortcode/index.html", shouldContain..., ) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", shouldContain..., ) } else { b.AssertFileContent("public/page-md-shortcode/index.html", "FIRST::END", "SECOND::END", "NEW INLINE: :END", "INLINE IN INNER: Inner: :END:", "REUSED INLINE IN INNER: Inner: :END:", ) } }) } } // func TestShortcodeNamespaced(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile() builder.WithContent("", `--- title: "Hugo Rocks!" --- # doc hello: {{< hello >}} test/hello: {{< test/hello >}} `).WithTemplatesAdded( "layouts/shortcodes/hello.html", `hello`, "layouts/shortcodes/test/hello.html", `test/hello`).CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) s := builder.H.Sites[0] c.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 1) builder.AssertFileContent("public/page/index.html", "hello: hello", "test/hello: test/hello", ) } // func TestShortcodeEmoji(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() v := viper.New() v.Set("enableEmoji", true) builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithViper(v) builder.WithContent("", `--- title: "Hugo Rocks!" --- # doc {{< event >}}10:30-11:00 My :smile: Event {{< /event >}} `).WithTemplatesAdded( "layouts/shortcodes/event.html", `<div>{{ "\u29BE" }} {{ .Inner }} </div>`) builder.Build(BuildCfg{}) builder.AssertFileContent("public/page/index.html", "⦾ 10:30-11:00 My 😄 Event", ) } func TestShortcodeTypedParams(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile() builder.WithContent("", `--- title: "Hugo Rocks!" --- # doc types positional: {{< hello true false 33 3.14 >}} types named: {{< hello b1=true b2=false i1=33 f1=3.14 >}} types string: {{< hello "true" trues "33" "3.14" >}} `).WithTemplatesAdded( "layouts/shortcodes/hello.html", `{{ range $i, $v := .Params }} - {{ printf "%v: %v (%T)" $i $v $v }} {{ end }} {{ $b1 := .Get "b1" }} Get: {{ printf "%v (%T)" $b1 $b1 | safeHTML }} `).Build(BuildCfg{}) s := builder.H.Sites[0] c.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 1) builder.AssertFileContent("public/page/index.html", "types positional: - 0: true (bool) - 1: false (bool) - 2: 33 (int) - 3: 3.14 (float64)", "types named: - b1: true (bool) - b2: false (bool) - f1: 3.14 (float64) - i1: 33 (int) Get: true (bool) ", "types string: - 0: true (string) - 1: trues (string) - 2: 33 (string) - 3: 3.14 (string) ", ) } func TestShortcodeRef(t *testing.T) { for _, plainIDAnchors := range []bool{false, true} { plainIDAnchors := plainIDAnchors t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("plainIDAnchors=%t", plainIDAnchors), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() v := viper.New() v.Set("baseURL", "") v.Set("blackfriday", map[string]interface{}{ "plainIDAnchors": plainIDAnchors, }) v.Set("markup", map[string]interface{}{ "defaultMarkdownHandler": "blackfriday", // TODO(bep) }) builder := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithViper(v) for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ { builder.WithContent(fmt.Sprintf("", i), `--- title: "Hugo Rocks!" --- [Page 1]({{< ref "" >}}) [Page 1 with anchor]({{< relref "" >}}) [Page 2]({{< ref "" >}}) [Page 2 with anchor]({{< relref "" >}}) ## Doc `) } builder.Build(BuildCfg{}) if plainIDAnchors { builder.AssertFileContent("public/page2/index.html", ` <a href="/page1/#doc">Page 1 with anchor</a> <a href="">Page 2</a> <a href="/page2/#doc">Page 2 with anchor</a></p> <h2 id="doc">Doc</h2> `, ) } else { builder.AssertFileContent("public/page2/index.html", ` <p><a href="">Page 1</a> <a href="/page1/#doc:45ca767ba77bc1445a0acab74f80812f">Page 1 with anchor</a> <a href="">Page 2</a> <a href="/page2/#doc:8e3cdf52fa21e33270c99433820e46bd">Page 2 with anchor</a></p> <h2 id="doc:8e3cdf52fa21e33270c99433820e46bd">Doc</h2> `, ) } }) } } // func TestShortcodeNoInner(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithContent("", `--- title: "No Inner!" --- {{< noinner >}}{{< /noinner >}} `).WithTemplatesAdded( "layouts/shortcodes/noinner.html", `No inner here.`) err := b.BuildE(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(err.Error(), qt.Contains, `failed to extract shortcode: shortcode "noinner" has no .Inner, yet a closing tag was provided`) }