ref: d62ede8e9e5883e7ebb023e49b82f07b45edc1c7
dir: /hugolib/pages_map.go/
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "fmt" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "" radix "" "" "" ) func newPagesMap(s *Site) *pagesMap { return &pagesMap{ r: radix.New(), s: s, } } type pagesMap struct { r *radix.Tree s *Site } func (m *pagesMap) Get(key string) *pagesMapBucket { key = m.cleanKey(key) v, found := m.r.Get(key) if !found { return nil } return v.(*pagesMapBucket) } func (m *pagesMap) getKey(p *pageState) string { if !p.File().IsZero() { return m.cleanKey(p.File().Dir()) } return m.cleanKey(p.SectionsPath()) } func (m *pagesMap) getOrCreateHome() *pageState { var home *pageState b, found := m.r.Get("/") if !found { home = m.s.newPage(page.KindHome) m.addBucketFor("/", home, nil) } else { home = b.(*pagesMapBucket).owner } return home } func (m *pagesMap) initPageMeta(p *pageState, bucket *pagesMapBucket) error { var err error p.metaInit.Do(func() { if p.metaInitFn != nil { err = p.metaInitFn(bucket) } }) return err } func (m *pagesMap) initPageMetaFor(prefix string, bucket *pagesMapBucket) error { parentBucket := m.parentBucket(prefix) m.mergeCascades(bucket, parentBucket) if err := m.initPageMeta(bucket.owner, bucket); err != nil { return err } if !bucket.view { for _, p := range bucket.pages { ps := p.(*pageState) if err := m.initPageMeta(ps, bucket); err != nil { return err } for _, p := range ps.resources.ByType(pageResourceType) { if err := m.initPageMeta(p.(*pageState), bucket); err != nil { return err } } } // Now that the metadata is initialized (with dates, draft set etc.) // we can remove the pages that we for some reason should not include // in this build. tmp := bucket.pages[:0] for _, x := range bucket.pages { if m.s.shouldBuild(x) { if x.(*pageState).m.headless { bucket.headlessPages = append(bucket.headlessPages, x) } else { tmp = append(tmp, x) } } } bucket.pages = tmp } return nil } func (m *pagesMap) createSectionIfNotExists(section string) { key := m.cleanKey(section) _, found := m.r.Get(key) if !found { kind := m.s.kindFromSectionPath(section) p := m.s.newPage(kind, section) m.addBucketFor(key, p, nil) } } func (m *pagesMap) addBucket(p *pageState) { key := m.getKey(p) m.addBucketFor(key, p, nil) } func (m *pagesMap) addBucketFor(key string, p *pageState, meta map[string]interface{}) *pagesMapBucket { var isView bool switch p.Kind() { case page.KindTaxonomy, page.KindTaxonomyTerm: isView = true } disabled := !m.s.isEnabled(p.Kind()) var cascade map[string]interface{} if p.bucket != nil { cascade = p.bucket.cascade } bucket := &pagesMapBucket{ owner: p, view: isView, cascade: cascade, meta: meta, disabled: disabled, } p.bucket = bucket m.r.Insert(key, bucket) return bucket } func (m *pagesMap) addPage(p *pageState) { if !p.IsPage() { m.addBucket(p) return } if !m.s.isEnabled(page.KindPage) { return } key := m.getKey(p) var bucket *pagesMapBucket _, v, found := m.r.LongestPrefix(key) if !found { panic(fmt.Sprintf("[BUG] bucket with key %q not found", key)) } bucket = v.(*pagesMapBucket) bucket.pages = append(bucket.pages, p) } func (m *pagesMap) assemblePageMeta() error { var walkErr error m.r.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool { bucket := v.(*pagesMapBucket) if err := m.initPageMetaFor(s, bucket); err != nil { walkErr = err return true } return false }) return walkErr } func (m *pagesMap) assembleTaxonomies(s *Site) error { s.Taxonomies = make(TaxonomyList) type bucketKey struct { plural string termKey string } // Temporary cache. taxonomyBuckets := make(map[bucketKey]*pagesMapBucket) for singular, plural := range s.siteCfg.taxonomiesConfig { s.Taxonomies[plural] = make(Taxonomy) bkey := bucketKey{ plural: plural, } bucket := m.Get(plural) if bucket == nil { // Create the page and bucket n := s.newPage(page.KindTaxonomyTerm, plural) key := m.cleanKey(plural) bucket = m.addBucketFor(key, n, nil) if err := m.initPageMetaFor(key, bucket); err != nil { return err } } if bucket.meta == nil { bucket.meta = map[string]interface{}{ "singular": singular, "plural": plural, } } // Add it to the temporary cache. taxonomyBuckets[bkey] = bucket // Taxonomy entries used in page front matter will be picked up later, // but there may be some yet to be used. pluralPrefix := m.cleanKey(plural) + "/" m.r.WalkPrefix(pluralPrefix, func(k string, v interface{}) bool { tb := v.(*pagesMapBucket) termKey := strings.TrimPrefix(k, pluralPrefix) if tb.meta == nil { tb.meta = map[string]interface{}{ "singular": singular, "plural": plural, "term": tb.owner.Title(), "termKey": termKey, } } bucket.pages = append(bucket.pages, tb.owner) bkey.termKey = termKey taxonomyBuckets[bkey] = tb return false }) } addTaxonomy := func(singular, plural, term string, weight int, p page.Page) error { bkey := bucketKey{ plural: plural, } termKey := s.getTaxonomyKey(term) b1 := taxonomyBuckets[bkey] var b2 *pagesMapBucket bkey.termKey = termKey b, found := taxonomyBuckets[bkey] if found { b2 = b } else { // Create the page and bucket n := s.newTaxonomyPage(term, plural, termKey) meta := map[string]interface{}{ "singular": singular, "plural": plural, "term": term, "termKey": termKey, } key := m.cleanKey(path.Join(plural, termKey)) b2 = m.addBucketFor(key, n, meta) if err := m.initPageMetaFor(key, b2); err != nil { return err } b1.pages = append(b1.pages, b2.owner) taxonomyBuckets[bkey] = b2 } w := page.NewWeightedPage(weight, p, b2.owner) s.Taxonomies[plural].add(termKey, w) b1.owner.m.Dates.UpdateDateAndLastmodIfAfter(p) b2.owner.m.Dates.UpdateDateAndLastmodIfAfter(p) return nil } m.r.Walk(func(k string, v interface{}) bool { b := v.(*pagesMapBucket) if b.view { return false } for singular, plural := range s.siteCfg.taxonomiesConfig { for _, p := range b.pages { vals := getParam(p, plural, false) w := getParamToLower(p, plural+"_weight") weight, err := cast.ToIntE(w) if err != nil { m.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Unable to convert taxonomy weight %#v to int for %q", w, p.Path()) // weight will equal zero, so let the flow continue } if vals != nil { if v, ok := vals.([]string); ok { for _, idx := range v { if err := addTaxonomy(singular, plural, idx, weight, p); err != nil { m.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Failed to add taxonomy %q for %q: %s", plural, p.Path(), err) } } } else if v, ok := vals.(string); ok { if err := addTaxonomy(singular, plural, v, weight, p); err != nil { m.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Failed to add taxonomy %q for %q: %s", plural, p.Path(), err) } } else { m.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Invalid %s in %q\n", plural, p.Path()) } } } } return false }) for _, plural := range s.siteCfg.taxonomiesConfig { for k := range s.Taxonomies[plural] { s.Taxonomies[plural][k].Sort() } } return nil } func (m *pagesMap) cleanKey(key string) string { key = filepath.ToSlash(strings.ToLower(key)) key = strings.Trim(key, "/") return "/" + key } func (m *pagesMap) mergeCascades(b1, b2 *pagesMapBucket) { if b1.cascade == nil { b1.cascade = make(maps.Params) } if b2 != nil && b2.cascade != nil { for k, v := range b2.cascade { if _, found := b1.cascade[k]; !found { b1.cascade[k] = v } } } } func (m *pagesMap) parentBucket(prefix string) *pagesMapBucket { if prefix == "/" { return nil } _, parentv, found := m.r.LongestPrefix(path.Dir(prefix)) if !found { panic(fmt.Sprintf("[BUG] parent bucket not found for %q", prefix)) } return parentv.(*pagesMapBucket) } func (m *pagesMap) withEveryPage(f func(p *pageState)) { m.r.Walk(func(k string, v interface{}) bool { b := v.(*pagesMapBucket) f(b.owner) if !b.view { for _, p := range b.pages { f(p.(*pageState)) } } return false }) } type pagesMapBucket struct { // Set if the pages in this bucket is also present in another bucket. view bool // Some additional metatadata attached to this node. meta map[string]interface{} // Cascading front matter. cascade map[string]interface{} owner *pageState // The branch node // When disableKinds is enabled for this node. disabled bool // Used to navigate the sections tree parent *pagesMapBucket bucketSections []*pagesMapBucket pagesInit sync.Once pages page.Pages headlessPages page.Pages pagesAndSectionsInit sync.Once pagesAndSections page.Pages sectionsInit sync.Once sections page.Pages } func (b *pagesMapBucket) isEmpty() bool { return len(b.pages) == 0 && len(b.headlessPages) == 0 && len(b.bucketSections) == 0 } func (b *pagesMapBucket) getPages() page.Pages { b.pagesInit.Do(func() { page.SortByDefault(b.pages) }) return b.pages } func (b *pagesMapBucket) getPagesAndSections() page.Pages { b.pagesAndSectionsInit.Do(func() { var pas page.Pages pas = append(pas, b.getPages()...) for _, p := range b.bucketSections { pas = append(pas, p.owner) } b.pagesAndSections = pas page.SortByDefault(b.pagesAndSections) }) return b.pagesAndSections } func (b *pagesMapBucket) getSections() page.Pages { b.sectionsInit.Do(func() { for _, p := range b.bucketSections { b.sections = append(b.sections, p.owner) } page.SortByDefault(b.sections) }) return b.sections }