Merge pull request #36 from noahcampbell/master
Use / for template names regardless of platform.
Merge pull request #35 from noahcampbell/master
Support for non-standard formats.
Move timezone tests to integration test.
Add additional details to date test cases.
Provide better support for various date formats.
Merge pull request #26 from noahcampbell/master
Started new release notes, added nitro step for aliases
Adding correct canonical link to alias pages
Adding support for aliases (redirects)
Merge branch 'redirect' of into rozza-redirect
Merge branch 'master' of
Add redirect to page parameters and redirects example
Add support for continuous testing.
Merge pull request #25 from noahcampbell/master
Better reporting when the template is missing.
Nitro timer is encapsulated.
Adding benchmark for parsing pages using unicode.
Adding ability to read from io.Reader
Introduce unit testing for page.go
Remove unreachable code path.
Using a composite literal to create a page.
Support pages without folders
Provide better error handling
Merge pull request #22 from nsabine/master
Merge pull request #21 from duncanbeevers/master
Added examples to
Added .Content variable to docs
Merge pull request #20 from VonC/version
Make sure hugo --version prints the version and does *nothing* else.
Fixing missing trailing slash in baseUrl
Populated page Site metadata. Enables accessing Indexes from Page template.
Merge pull request #19 from nsabine/master
Merge pull request #15 from hhatto/update-doc
update document for content directory
Merge branch 'master' of
removing erroneous debugging output
Merge pull request #12 from imrehg/docfix
Fix example in docs that wouldn't work in practice
Merge pull request #11 from noahcampbell/master
Fixing link to contributor page on github
Shrinking the readme to just the basics to avoid dupe with doc site
Including documentation on indexes
Renaming indexes template to indexes.html
Added support for indexes of indexes & ordered indexes
Removing OSX files from repo. Updating .gitignore to not track these files.
Merge pull request #8 from SebastianM/doc-json-fix
Merge pull request #10 from noahcampbell/master
Fix JSON syntax error in example configuration
Adding error message when no content pages exists.
Updating the .gitignore for windows and vim users.
Fixed section labels causing panic on windows.
copying static content to destination
Using MkdirAll instead of my own logic
Adding support for destination dir, split out static
permalink now respects pretty urls
create content at any level of nesting
fixing issue with some urls missing '/'
fixing bug with server not finding right path
adding more verbose output to server functionality
create missing directories recurisvely
Improving installation instructions
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'doc-fix' of into brandonblack-doc-fix
minor: adding some more instructions for building from source
Adding proper command line option parsing
Default is now pretty urls (without .html)
Adding better source build instructions
Render shortcodes before index and section rss feeds
proper BaseUrl handling (if has trailing slash or not)
Accidentally left in debugging code
Now support for config files as yaml, json or toml
adding helper to create absolute url
Adding total time to generated stats.
Writing relative links to absolute so they work in feeds
Fix bug with JSON front matter parsing.
Better error handling for parsing front matter
Merge pull request #3 from tychoish/rst-fix
rst: fixing rst output processing
Adding version number to command line options
Adding support for TOML, updating documentation
YAML support similar to jekyll (start and end with '---')
Merge pull request #2 from tychoish/yaml-rst-support
fix: changing terminal yaml line, generalizing forematter splitting
fixes: returning json parsing, error messages, yaml header offsets