shithub: hugo

ref: c66dc6c74fa3bbe308ccaade8c76071b49908129
dir: /hugolib/site.go/

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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package hugolib

import (












	_errors ""





	bp ""


// Site contains all the information relevant for constructing a static
// site.  The basic flow of information is as follows:
// 1. A list of Files is parsed and then converted into Pages.
// 2. Pages contain sections (based on the file they were generated from),
//    aliases and slugs (included in a pages frontmatter) which are the
//    various targets that will get generated.  There will be canonical
//    listing.  The canonical path can be overruled based on a pattern.
// 3. Taxonomies are created via configuration and will present some aspect of
//    the final page and typically a perm url.
// 4. All Pages are passed through a template based on their desired
//    layout based on numerous different elements.
// 5. The entire collection of files is written to disk.
type Site struct {

	// The owning container. When multiple languages, there will be multiple
	// sites.
	h *HugoSites


	taxonomies TaxonomyList

	Sections Taxonomy
	Info     *SiteInfo

	language *langs.Language

	siteCfg siteConfigHolder

	disabledKinds map[string]bool

	enableInlineShortcodes bool

	// Output formats defined in site config per Page Kind, or some defaults
	// if not set.
	// Output formats defined in Page front matter will override these.
	outputFormats map[string]output.Formats

	// All the output formats and media types available for this site.
	// These values will be merged from the Hugo defaults, the site config and,
	// finally, the language settings.
	outputFormatsConfig output.Formats
	mediaTypesConfig    media.Types

	siteConfigConfig SiteConfig

	// How to handle page front matter.
	frontmatterHandler pagemeta.FrontMatterHandler

	// We render each site for all the relevant output formats in serial with
	// this rendering context pointing to the current one.
	rc *siteRenderingContext

	// The output formats that we need to render this site in. This slice
	// will be fixed once set.
	// This will be the union of Site.Pages' outputFormats.
	// This slice will be sorted.
	renderFormats output.Formats

	// Logger etc.
	*deps.Deps `json:"-"`

	// The func used to title case titles.
	titleFunc func(s string) string

	relatedDocsHandler *page.RelatedDocsHandler

	publisher publisher.Publisher

	menus navigation.Menus

	// Shortcut to the home page. Note that this may be nil if
	// home page, for some odd reason, is disabled.
	home *pageState

	// The last modification date of this site.
	lastmod time.Time

	// Lazily loaded site dependencies
	init *siteInit

func (s *Site) Taxonomies() TaxonomyList {
	return s.taxonomies

type taxonomiesConfig map[string]string

func (t taxonomiesConfig) Values() []viewName {
	var vals []viewName
	for k, v := range t {
		vals = append(vals, viewName{singular: k, plural: v})
	sort.Slice(vals, func(i, j int) bool {
		return vals[i].plural < vals[j].plural

	return vals

type siteConfigHolder struct {
	sitemap          config.Sitemap
	taxonomiesConfig taxonomiesConfig
	timeout          time.Duration
	hasCJKLanguage   bool
	enableEmoji      bool

// Lazily loaded site dependencies.
type siteInit struct {
	prevNext          *lazy.Init
	prevNextInSection *lazy.Init
	menus             *lazy.Init
	taxonomies        *lazy.Init

func (init *siteInit) Reset() {

func (s *Site) initInit(init *lazy.Init, pctx pageContext) bool {
	_, err := init.Do()
	if err != nil {
	return err == nil

func (s *Site) prepareInits() {
	s.init = &siteInit{}

	var init lazy.Init

	s.init.prevNext = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		regularPages := s.RegularPages()
		for i, p := range regularPages {
			np, ok := p.(nextPrevProvider)
			if !ok {

			pos := np.getNextPrev()
			if pos == nil {

			pos.nextPage = nil
			pos.prevPage = nil

			if i > 0 {
				pos.nextPage = regularPages[i-1]

			if i < len(regularPages)-1 {
				pos.prevPage = regularPages[i+1]
		return nil, nil

	s.init.prevNextInSection = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {

		var sections page.Pages
		s.home.treeRef.m.collectSectionsRecursiveIncludingSelf(pageMapQuery{Prefix: s.home.treeRef.key}, func(n *contentNode) {
			sections = append(sections, n.p)

		setNextPrev := func(pas page.Pages) {
			for i, p := range pas {
				np, ok := p.(nextPrevInSectionProvider)
				if !ok {

				pos := np.getNextPrevInSection()
				if pos == nil {

				pos.nextPage = nil
				pos.prevPage = nil

				if i > 0 {
					pos.nextPage = pas[i-1]

				if i < len(pas)-1 {
					pos.prevPage = pas[i+1]

		for _, sect := range sections {
			treeRef := sect.(treeRefProvider).getTreeRef()

			var pas page.Pages
			treeRef.m.collectPages(pageMapQuery{Prefix: treeRef.key + cmBranchSeparator}, func(c *contentNode) {
				pas = append(pas, c.p)


		// The root section only goes one level down.
		treeRef := s.home.getTreeRef()

		var pas page.Pages
		treeRef.m.collectPages(pageMapQuery{Prefix: treeRef.key + cmBranchSeparator}, func(c *contentNode) {
			pas = append(pas, c.p)


		return nil, nil

	s.init.menus = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return nil, nil

	s.init.taxonomies = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		err := s.pageMap.assembleTaxonomies()
		return nil, err


type siteRenderingContext struct {

func (s *Site) Menus() navigation.Menus {
	return s.menus

func (s *Site) initRenderFormats() {
	formatSet := make(map[string]bool)
	formats := output.Formats{}
	s.pageMap.pageTrees.WalkRenderable(func(s string, n *contentNode) bool {
		for _, f := range n.p.m.configuredOutputFormats {
			if !formatSet[f.Name] {
				formats = append(formats, f)
				formatSet[f.Name] = true
		return false

	// Add the per kind configured output formats
	for _, kind := range allKindsInPages {
		if siteFormats, found := s.outputFormats[kind]; found {
			for _, f := range siteFormats {
				if !formatSet[f.Name] {
					formats = append(formats, f)
					formatSet[f.Name] = true

	s.renderFormats = formats

func (s *Site) GetRelatedDocsHandler() *page.RelatedDocsHandler {
	return s.relatedDocsHandler

func (s *Site) Language() *langs.Language {
	return s.language

func (s *Site) isEnabled(kind string) bool {
	if kind == kindUnknown {
		panic("Unknown kind")
	return !s.disabledKinds[kind]

// reset returns a new Site prepared for rebuild.
func (s *Site) reset() *Site {
	return &Site{Deps: s.Deps,
		disabledKinds:          s.disabledKinds,
		titleFunc:              s.titleFunc,
		relatedDocsHandler:     s.relatedDocsHandler.Clone(),
		siteRefLinker:          s.siteRefLinker,
		outputFormats:          s.outputFormats,
		rc:                     s.rc,
		outputFormatsConfig:    s.outputFormatsConfig,
		frontmatterHandler:     s.frontmatterHandler,
		mediaTypesConfig:       s.mediaTypesConfig,
		language:               s.language,
		h:                      s.h,
		publisher:              s.publisher,
		siteConfigConfig:       s.siteConfigConfig,
		enableInlineShortcodes: s.enableInlineShortcodes,
		init:                   s.init,
		PageCollections:        s.PageCollections,
		siteCfg:                s.siteCfg,


// newSite creates a new site with the given configuration.
func newSite(cfg deps.DepsCfg) (*Site, error) {
	if cfg.Language == nil {
		cfg.Language = langs.NewDefaultLanguage(cfg.Cfg)
	if cfg.Logger == nil {
		panic("logger must be set")

	ignoreErrors := cast.ToStringSlice(cfg.Language.Get("ignoreErrors"))
	ignorableLogger := loggers.NewIgnorableLogger(cfg.Logger, ignoreErrors...)

	disabledKinds := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, disabled := range cast.ToStringSlice(cfg.Language.Get("disableKinds")) {
		disabledKinds[disabled] = true

	if disabledKinds["taxonomyTerm"] {
		// Correct from the value it had before Hugo 0.73.0.
		if disabledKinds[page.KindTaxonomy] {
			disabledKinds[page.KindTerm] = true
		} else {
			disabledKinds[page.KindTaxonomy] = true

		delete(disabledKinds, "taxonomyTerm")
	} else if disabledKinds[page.KindTaxonomy] && !disabledKinds[page.KindTerm] {
		// This is a potentially ambigous situation. It may be correct.
		ignorableLogger.Errorf(constants.ErrIDAmbigousDisableKindTaxonomy, `You have the value 'taxonomy' in the disabledKinds list. In Hugo 0.73.0 we fixed these to be what most people expect (taxonomy and term).
But this also means that your site configuration may not do what you expect. If it is correct, you can suppress this message by following the instructions below.`)


	var (
		mediaTypesConfig    []map[string]interface{}
		outputFormatsConfig []map[string]interface{}

		siteOutputFormatsConfig output.Formats
		siteMediaTypesConfig    media.Types
		err                     error

	// Add language last, if set, so it gets precedence.
	for _, cfg := range []config.Provider{cfg.Cfg, cfg.Language} {
		if cfg.IsSet("mediaTypes") {
			mediaTypesConfig = append(mediaTypesConfig, cfg.GetStringMap("mediaTypes"))
		if cfg.IsSet("outputFormats") {
			outputFormatsConfig = append(outputFormatsConfig, cfg.GetStringMap("outputFormats"))

	siteMediaTypesConfig, err = media.DecodeTypes(mediaTypesConfig...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	siteOutputFormatsConfig, err = output.DecodeFormats(siteMediaTypesConfig, outputFormatsConfig...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rssDisabled := disabledKinds[kindRSS]
	if rssDisabled {
		// Legacy
		tmp := siteOutputFormatsConfig[:0]
		for _, x := range siteOutputFormatsConfig {
			if !strings.EqualFold(x.Name, "rss") {
				tmp = append(tmp, x)
		siteOutputFormatsConfig = tmp

	var siteOutputs map[string]interface{}
	if cfg.Language.IsSet("outputs") {
		siteOutputs = cfg.Language.GetStringMap("outputs")

		// Check and correct taxonomy kinds vs pre Hugo 0.73.0.
		v1, hasTaxonomyTerm := siteOutputs["taxonomyterm"]
		v2, hasTaxonomy := siteOutputs[page.KindTaxonomy]
		_, hasTerm := siteOutputs[page.KindTerm]
		if hasTaxonomy && hasTaxonomyTerm {
			siteOutputs[page.KindTaxonomy] = v1
			siteOutputs[page.KindTerm] = v2
			delete(siteOutputs, "taxonomyTerm")
		} else if hasTaxonomy && !hasTerm {
			// This is a potentially ambigous situation. It may be correct.
			ignorableLogger.Errorf(constants.ErrIDAmbigousOutputKindTaxonomy, `You have configured output formats for 'taxonomy' in your site configuration. In Hugo 0.73.0 we fixed these to be what most people expect (taxonomy and term).
But this also means that your site configuration may not do what you expect. If it is correct, you can suppress this message by following the instructions below.`)
		if !hasTaxonomy && hasTaxonomyTerm {
			siteOutputs[page.KindTaxonomy] = v1
			delete(siteOutputs, "taxonomyterm")

	outputFormats, err := createSiteOutputFormats(siteOutputFormatsConfig, siteOutputs, rssDisabled)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	taxonomies := cfg.Language.GetStringMapString("taxonomies")

	var relatedContentConfig related.Config

	if cfg.Language.IsSet("related") {
		relatedContentConfig, err = related.DecodeConfig(cfg.Language.Get("related"))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		relatedContentConfig = related.DefaultConfig
		if _, found := taxonomies["tag"]; found {
			relatedContentConfig.Add(related.IndexConfig{Name: "tags", Weight: 80})

	titleFunc := helpers.GetTitleFunc(cfg.Language.GetString("titleCaseStyle"))

	frontMatterHandler, err := pagemeta.NewFrontmatterHandler(cfg.Logger, cfg.Cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	timeout := 30 * time.Second
	if cfg.Language.IsSet("timeout") {
		v := cfg.Language.Get("timeout")
		if n := cast.ToInt(v); n > 0 {
			timeout = time.Duration(n) * time.Millisecond
		} else {
			d, err := time.ParseDuration(cast.ToString(v))
			if err == nil {
				timeout = d

	siteConfig := siteConfigHolder{
		sitemap:          config.DecodeSitemap(config.Sitemap{Priority: -1, Filename: "sitemap.xml"}, cfg.Language.GetStringMap("sitemap")),
		taxonomiesConfig: taxonomies,
		timeout:          timeout,
		hasCJKLanguage:   cfg.Language.GetBool("hasCJKLanguage"),
		enableEmoji:      cfg.Language.Cfg.GetBool("enableEmoji"),

	s := &Site{

		language:      cfg.Language,
		disabledKinds: disabledKinds,

		outputFormats:       outputFormats,
		outputFormatsConfig: siteOutputFormatsConfig,
		mediaTypesConfig:    siteMediaTypesConfig,

		enableInlineShortcodes: cfg.Language.GetBool("enableInlineShortcodes"),
		siteCfg:                siteConfig,

		titleFunc: titleFunc,

		rc: &siteRenderingContext{output.HTMLFormat},

		frontmatterHandler: frontMatterHandler,
		relatedDocsHandler: page.NewRelatedDocsHandler(relatedContentConfig),


	return s, nil


// NewSite creates a new site with the given dependency configuration.
// The site will have a template system loaded and ready to use.
// Note: This is mainly used in single site tests.
func NewSite(cfg deps.DepsCfg) (*Site, error) {
	s, err := newSite(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err = applyDeps(cfg, s); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return s, nil

// NewSiteDefaultLang creates a new site in the default language.
// The site will have a template system loaded and ready to use.
// Note: This is mainly used in single site tests.
// TODO(bep) test refactor -- remove
func NewSiteDefaultLang(withTemplate ...func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error) (*Site, error) {
	v := viper.New()
	if err := loadDefaultSettingsFor(v); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return newSiteForLang(langs.NewDefaultLanguage(v), withTemplate...)

// NewEnglishSite creates a new site in English language.
// The site will have a template system loaded and ready to use.
// Note: This is mainly used in single site tests.
// TODO(bep) test refactor -- remove
func NewEnglishSite(withTemplate ...func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error) (*Site, error) {
	v := viper.New()
	if err := loadDefaultSettingsFor(v); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return newSiteForLang(langs.NewLanguage("en", v), withTemplate...)

// newSiteForLang creates a new site in the given language.
func newSiteForLang(lang *langs.Language, withTemplate ...func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error) (*Site, error) {
	withTemplates := func(templ tpl.TemplateManager) error {
		for _, wt := range withTemplate {
			if err := wt(templ); err != nil {
				return err
		return nil

	cfg := deps.DepsCfg{WithTemplate: withTemplates, Cfg: lang}

	return NewSiteForCfg(cfg)


// NewSiteForCfg creates a new site for the given configuration.
// The site will have a template system loaded and ready to use.
// Note: This is mainly used in single site tests.
func NewSiteForCfg(cfg deps.DepsCfg) (*Site, error) {
	h, err := NewHugoSites(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return h.Sites[0], nil


type SiteInfo struct {
	Authors page.AuthorList
	Social  SiteSocial

	hugoInfo     hugo.Info
	title        string
	RSSLink      string
	Author       map[string]interface{}
	LanguageCode string
	Copyright    string

	permalinks map[string]string

	LanguagePrefix string
	Languages      langs.Languages

	BuildDrafts bool

	canonifyURLs bool
	relativeURLs bool
	uglyURLs     func(p page.Page) bool

	owner                          *HugoSites
	s                              *Site
	language                       *langs.Language
	defaultContentLanguageInSubdir bool
	sectionPagesMenu               string

func (s *SiteInfo) Pages() page.Pages {
	return s.s.Pages()


func (s *SiteInfo) RegularPages() page.Pages {
	return s.s.RegularPages()


func (s *SiteInfo) AllPages() page.Pages {
	return s.s.AllPages()

func (s *SiteInfo) AllRegularPages() page.Pages {
	return s.s.AllRegularPages()

func (s *SiteInfo) Permalinks() map[string]string {
	// Remove in 0.61
	helpers.Deprecated(".Site.Permalinks", "", true)
	return s.permalinks

func (s *SiteInfo) LastChange() time.Time {
	return s.s.lastmod

func (s *SiteInfo) Title() string {
	return s.title

func (s *SiteInfo) Site() page.Site {
	return s

func (s *SiteInfo) Menus() navigation.Menus {
	return s.s.Menus()

// TODO(bep) type
func (s *SiteInfo) Taxonomies() interface{} {
	return s.s.Taxonomies()

func (s *SiteInfo) Params() maps.Params {
	return s.s.Language().Params()

func (s *SiteInfo) Data() map[string]interface{} {
	return s.s.h.Data()

func (s *SiteInfo) Language() *langs.Language {
	return s.language

func (s *SiteInfo) Config() SiteConfig {
	return s.s.siteConfigConfig

func (s *SiteInfo) Hugo() hugo.Info {
	return s.hugoInfo

// Sites is a convenience method to get all the Hugo sites/languages configured.
func (s *SiteInfo) Sites() page.Sites {
	return s.s.h.siteInfos()

func (s *SiteInfo) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Site(%q)", s.title)

func (s *SiteInfo) BaseURL() template.URL {
	return template.URL(s.s.PathSpec.BaseURL.String())

// ServerPort returns the port part of the BaseURL, 0 if none found.
func (s *SiteInfo) ServerPort() int {
	ps := s.s.PathSpec.BaseURL.URL().Port()
	if ps == "" {
		return 0
	p, err := strconv.Atoi(ps)
	if err != nil {
		return 0
	return p

// GoogleAnalytics is kept here for historic reasons.
func (s *SiteInfo) GoogleAnalytics() string {
	return s.Config().Services.GoogleAnalytics.ID


// DisqusShortname is kept here for historic reasons.
func (s *SiteInfo) DisqusShortname() string {
	return s.Config().Services.Disqus.Shortname

// SiteSocial is a place to put social details on a site level. These are the
// standard keys that themes will expect to have available, but can be
// expanded to any others on a per site basis
// github
// facebook
// facebook_admin
// twitter
// twitter_domain
// pinterest
// instagram
// youtube
// linkedin
type SiteSocial map[string]string

// Param is a convenience method to do lookups in SiteInfo's Params map.
// This method is also implemented on Page.
func (s *SiteInfo) Param(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	return resource.Param(s, nil, key)

func (s *SiteInfo) IsMultiLingual() bool {
	return len(s.Languages) > 1

func (s *SiteInfo) IsServer() bool {
	return s.owner.running

type siteRefLinker struct {
	s *Site

	errorLogger *log.Logger
	notFoundURL string

func newSiteRefLinker(cfg config.Provider, s *Site) (siteRefLinker, error) {
	logger := s.Log.ERROR

	notFoundURL := cfg.GetString("refLinksNotFoundURL")
	errLevel := cfg.GetString("refLinksErrorLevel")
	if strings.EqualFold(errLevel, "warning") {
		logger = s.Log.WARN
	return siteRefLinker{s: s, errorLogger: logger, notFoundURL: notFoundURL}, nil

func (s siteRefLinker) logNotFound(ref, what string, p page.Page, position text.Position) {
	if position.IsValid() {
		s.errorLogger.Printf("[%s] REF_NOT_FOUND: Ref %q: %s: %s", s.s.Lang(), ref, position.String(), what)
	} else if p == nil {
		s.errorLogger.Printf("[%s] REF_NOT_FOUND: Ref %q: %s", s.s.Lang(), ref, what)
	} else {
		s.errorLogger.Printf("[%s] REF_NOT_FOUND: Ref %q from page %q: %s", s.s.Lang(), ref, p.Path(), what)

func (s *siteRefLinker) refLink(ref string, source interface{}, relative bool, outputFormat string) (string, error) {
	p, err := unwrapPage(source)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	var refURL *url.URL

	ref = filepath.ToSlash(ref)

	refURL, err = url.Parse(ref)

	if err != nil {
		return s.notFoundURL, err

	var target page.Page
	var link string

	if refURL.Path != "" {
		var err error
		target, err = s.s.getPageRef(p, refURL.Path)
		var pos text.Position
		if err != nil || target == nil {
			if p, ok := source.(text.Positioner); ok {
				pos = p.Position()

		if err != nil {
			s.logNotFound(refURL.Path, err.Error(), p, pos)
			return s.notFoundURL, nil

		if target == nil {
			s.logNotFound(refURL.Path, "page not found", p, pos)
			return s.notFoundURL, nil

		var permalinker Permalinker = target

		if outputFormat != "" {
			o := target.OutputFormats().Get(outputFormat)

			if o == nil {
				s.logNotFound(refURL.Path, fmt.Sprintf("output format %q", outputFormat), p, pos)
				return s.notFoundURL, nil
			permalinker = o

		if relative {
			link = permalinker.RelPermalink()
		} else {
			link = permalinker.Permalink()

	if refURL.Fragment != "" {
		_ = target
		link = link + "#" + refURL.Fragment

		if pctx, ok := target.(pageContext); ok {
			if refURL.Path != "" {
				if di, ok := pctx.getContentConverter().(converter.DocumentInfo); ok {
					link = link + di.AnchorSuffix()
		} else if pctx, ok := p.(pageContext); ok {
			if di, ok := pctx.getContentConverter().(converter.DocumentInfo); ok {
				link = link + di.AnchorSuffix()


	return link, nil

func (s *Site) running() bool {
	return s.h != nil && s.h.running

func (s *Site) multilingual() *Multilingual {
	return s.h.multilingual

type whatChanged struct {
	source bool
	files  map[string]bool

// RegisterMediaTypes will register the Site's media types in the mime
// package, so it will behave correctly with Hugo's built-in server.
func (s *Site) RegisterMediaTypes() {
	for _, mt := range s.mediaTypesConfig {
		for _, suffix := range mt.Suffixes {
			_ = mime.AddExtensionType(mt.Delimiter+suffix, mt.Type()+"; charset=utf-8")

func (s *Site) filterFileEvents(events []fsnotify.Event) []fsnotify.Event {
	var filtered []fsnotify.Event
	seen := make(map[fsnotify.Event]bool)

	for _, ev := range events {
		// Avoid processing the same event twice.
		if seen[ev] {
		seen[ev] = true

		if s.SourceSpec.IgnoreFile(ev.Name) {

		// Throw away any directories
		isRegular, err := s.SourceSpec.IsRegularSourceFile(ev.Name)
		if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) && (ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove || ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename) {
			// Force keep of event
			isRegular = true
		if !isRegular {

		filtered = append(filtered, ev)

	return filtered

func (s *Site) translateFileEvents(events []fsnotify.Event) []fsnotify.Event {
	var filtered []fsnotify.Event

	eventMap := make(map[string][]fsnotify.Event)

	// We often get a Remove etc. followed by a Create, a Create followed by a Write.
	// Remove the superflous events to mage the update logic simpler.
	for _, ev := range events {
		eventMap[ev.Name] = append(eventMap[ev.Name], ev)

	for _, ev := range events {
		mapped := eventMap[ev.Name]

		// Keep one
		found := false
		var kept fsnotify.Event
		for i, ev2 := range mapped {
			if i == 0 {
				kept = ev2

			if ev2.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write {
				kept = ev2
				found = true

			if !found && ev2.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create {
				kept = ev2

		filtered = append(filtered, kept)

	return filtered

// reBuild partially rebuilds a site given the filesystem events.
// It returns whetever the content source was changed.
// TODO(bep) clean up/rewrite this method.
func (s *Site) processPartial(config *BuildCfg, init func(config *BuildCfg) error, events []fsnotify.Event) error {
	events = s.filterFileEvents(events)
	events = s.translateFileEvents(events)

	changeIdentities := make(identity.Identities)

	s.Log.DEBUG.Printf("Rebuild for events %q", events)

	h := s.h

	// First we need to determine what changed

	var (
		sourceChanged       = []fsnotify.Event{}
		sourceReallyChanged = []fsnotify.Event{}
		contentFilesChanged []string

		tmplChanged bool
		tmplAdded   bool
		dataChanged bool
		i18nChanged bool

		sourceFilesChanged = make(map[string]bool)

		// prevent spamming the log on changes
		logger = helpers.NewDistinctFeedbackLogger()

	var cachePartitions []string

	for _, ev := range events {
		if assetsFilename := s.BaseFs.Assets.MakePathRelative(ev.Name); assetsFilename != "" {
			cachePartitions = append(cachePartitions, resources.ResourceKeyPartitions(assetsFilename)...)

		id, found := s.eventToIdentity(ev)
		if found {
			changeIdentities[id] = id

			switch id.Type {
			case files.ComponentFolderContent:
				logger.Println("Source changed", ev)
				sourceChanged = append(sourceChanged, ev)
			case files.ComponentFolderLayouts:
				tmplChanged = true
				if !s.Tmpl().HasTemplate(id.Path) {
					tmplAdded = true
				if tmplAdded {
					logger.Println("Template added", ev)
				} else {
					logger.Println("Template changed", ev)

			case files.ComponentFolderData:
				logger.Println("Data changed", ev)
				dataChanged = true
			case files.ComponentFolderI18n:
				logger.Println("i18n changed", ev)
				i18nChanged = true


	changed := &whatChanged{
		source: len(sourceChanged) > 0,
		files:  sourceFilesChanged,

	config.whatChanged = changed

	if err := init(config); err != nil {
		return err

	// These in memory resource caches will be rebuilt on demand.
	for _, s := range s.h.Sites {

	if tmplChanged || i18nChanged {
		sites := s.h.Sites
		first := sites[0]


		// TOD(bep) globals clean
		if err := first.Deps.LoadResources(); err != nil {
			return err

		for i := 1; i < len(sites); i++ {
			site := sites[i]
			var err error
			depsCfg := deps.DepsCfg{
				Language:      site.language,
				MediaTypes:    site.mediaTypesConfig,
				OutputFormats: site.outputFormatsConfig,
			site.Deps, err = first.Deps.ForLanguage(depsCfg, func(d *deps.Deps) error {
				d.Site = site.Info
				return nil
			if err != nil {
				return err

	if dataChanged {

	for _, ev := range sourceChanged {
		removed := false

		if ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
			removed = true

		// Some editors (Vim) sometimes issue only a Rename operation when writing an existing file
		// Sometimes a rename operation means that file has been renamed other times it means
		// it's been updated
		if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename {
			// If the file is still on disk, it's only been updated, if it's not, it's been moved
			if ex, err := afero.Exists(s.Fs.Source, ev.Name); !ex || err != nil {
				removed = true

		if removed && files.IsContentFile(ev.Name) {

		sourceReallyChanged = append(sourceReallyChanged, ev)
		sourceFilesChanged[ev.Name] = true

	if config.ErrRecovery || tmplAdded || dataChanged {
	} else {

	if len(sourceReallyChanged) > 0 || len(contentFilesChanged) > 0 {
		var filenamesChanged []string
		for _, e := range sourceReallyChanged {
			filenamesChanged = append(filenamesChanged, e.Name)
		if len(contentFilesChanged) > 0 {
			filenamesChanged = append(filenamesChanged, contentFilesChanged...)

		filenamesChanged = helpers.UniqueStringsReuse(filenamesChanged)

		if err := s.readAndProcessContent(filenamesChanged...); err != nil {
			return err


	return nil


func (s *Site) process(config BuildCfg) (err error) {
	if err = s.initialize(); err != nil {
		err = errors.Wrap(err, "initialize")
	if err = s.readAndProcessContent(); err != nil {
		err = errors.Wrap(err, "readAndProcessContent")
	return err


func (s *Site) render(ctx *siteRenderContext) (err error) {

	if err := page.Clear(); err != nil {
		return err

	if ctx.outIdx == 0 {
		// Note that even if disableAliases is set, the aliases themselves are
		// preserved on page. The motivation with this is to be able to generate
		// 301 redirects in a .htacess file and similar using a custom output format.
		if !s.Cfg.GetBool("disableAliases") {
			// Aliases must be rendered before pages.
			// Some sites, Hugo docs included, have faulty alias definitions that point
			// to itself or another real page. These will be overwritten in the next
			// step.
			if err = s.renderAliases(); err != nil {


	if err = s.renderPages(ctx); err != nil {

	if ctx.outIdx == 0 {
		if err = s.renderSitemap(); err != nil {

		if ctx.multihost {
			if err = s.renderRobotsTXT(); err != nil {

		if err = s.render404(); err != nil {

	if !ctx.renderSingletonPages() {

	if err = s.renderMainLanguageRedirect(); err != nil {


func (s *Site) Initialise() (err error) {
	return s.initialize()

func (s *Site) initialize() (err error) {
	return s.initializeSiteInfo()

// HomeAbsURL is a convenience method giving the absolute URL to the home page.
func (s *SiteInfo) HomeAbsURL() string {
	base := ""
	if s.IsMultiLingual() {
		base = s.Language().Lang
	return s.owner.AbsURL(base, false)

// SitemapAbsURL is a convenience method giving the absolute URL to the sitemap.
func (s *SiteInfo) SitemapAbsURL() string {
	p := s.HomeAbsURL()
	if !strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
		p += "/"
	p += s.s.siteCfg.sitemap.Filename
	return p

func (s *Site) initializeSiteInfo() error {
	var (
		lang      = s.language
		languages langs.Languages

	if s.h != nil && s.h.multilingual != nil {
		languages = s.h.multilingual.Languages

	permalinks := s.Cfg.GetStringMapString("permalinks")

	defaultContentInSubDir := s.Cfg.GetBool("defaultContentLanguageInSubdir")
	defaultContentLanguage := s.Cfg.GetString("defaultContentLanguage")

	languagePrefix := ""
	if s.multilingualEnabled() && (defaultContentInSubDir || lang.Lang != defaultContentLanguage) {
		languagePrefix = "/" + lang.Lang

	var uglyURLs = func(p page.Page) bool {
		return false

	v := s.Cfg.Get("uglyURLs")
	if v != nil {
		switch vv := v.(type) {
		case bool:
			uglyURLs = func(p page.Page) bool {
				return vv
		case string:
			// Is what be get from CLI (--uglyURLs)
			vvv := cast.ToBool(vv)
			uglyURLs = func(p page.Page) bool {
				return vvv
			m := cast.ToStringMapBool(v)
			uglyURLs = func(p page.Page) bool {
				return m[p.Section()]

	s.Info = &SiteInfo{
		title:                          lang.GetString("title"),
		Author:                         lang.GetStringMap("author"),
		Social:                         lang.GetStringMapString("social"),
		LanguageCode:                   lang.GetString("languageCode"),
		Copyright:                      lang.GetString("copyright"),
		language:                       lang,
		LanguagePrefix:                 languagePrefix,
		Languages:                      languages,
		defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: defaultContentInSubDir,
		sectionPagesMenu:               lang.GetString("sectionPagesMenu"),
		BuildDrafts:                    s.Cfg.GetBool("buildDrafts"),
		canonifyURLs:                   s.Cfg.GetBool("canonifyURLs"),
		relativeURLs:                   s.Cfg.GetBool("relativeURLs"),
		uglyURLs:                       uglyURLs,
		permalinks:                     permalinks,
		owner:                          s.h,
		s:                              s,
		hugoInfo:                       hugo.NewInfo(s.Cfg.GetString("environment")),

	rssOutputFormat, found := s.outputFormats[page.KindHome].GetByName(output.RSSFormat.Name)

	if found {
		s.Info.RSSLink = s.permalink(rssOutputFormat.BaseFilename())

	return nil

func (s *Site) eventToIdentity(e fsnotify.Event) (identity.PathIdentity, bool) {
	for _, fs := range s.BaseFs.SourceFilesystems.FileSystems() {
		if p := fs.Path(e.Name); p != "" {
			return identity.NewPathIdentity(fs.Name, filepath.ToSlash(p)), true
	return identity.PathIdentity{}, false

func (s *Site) readAndProcessContent(filenames ...string) error {
	sourceSpec := source.NewSourceSpec(s.PathSpec, s.BaseFs.Content.Fs)

	proc := newPagesProcessor(s.h, sourceSpec)

	c := newPagesCollector(sourceSpec, s.h.getContentMaps(), s.Log, s.h.ContentChanges, proc, filenames...)

	if err := c.Collect(); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func (s *Site) getMenusFromConfig() navigation.Menus {

	ret := navigation.Menus{}

	if menus := s.language.GetStringMap("menus"); menus != nil {
		for name, menu := range menus {
			m, err := cast.ToSliceE(menu)
			if err != nil {
				s.Log.ERROR.Printf("unable to process menus in site config\n")
			} else {
				for _, entry := range m {
					s.Log.DEBUG.Printf("found menu: %q, in site config\n", name)

					menuEntry := navigation.MenuEntry{Menu: name}
					ime, err := maps.ToStringMapE(entry)
					if err != nil {
						s.Log.ERROR.Printf("unable to process menus in site config\n")

					// TODO(bep) clean up all of this
					menuEntry.ConfiguredURL = s.Info.createNodeMenuEntryURL(menuEntry.ConfiguredURL)

					if ret[name] == nil {
						ret[name] = navigation.Menu{}
					ret[name] = ret[name].Add(&menuEntry)
		return ret
	return ret

func (s *SiteInfo) createNodeMenuEntryURL(in string) string {

	if !strings.HasPrefix(in, "/") {
		return in
	// make it match the nodes
	menuEntryURL := in
	menuEntryURL = helpers.SanitizeURLKeepTrailingSlash(s.s.PathSpec.URLize(menuEntryURL))
	if !s.canonifyURLs {
		menuEntryURL = helpers.AddContextRoot(s.s.PathSpec.BaseURL.String(), menuEntryURL)
	return menuEntryURL

func (s *Site) assembleMenus() {
	s.menus = make(navigation.Menus)

	type twoD struct {
		MenuName, EntryName string
	flat := map[twoD]*navigation.MenuEntry{}
	children := map[twoD]navigation.Menu{}

	// add menu entries from config to flat hash
	menuConfig := s.getMenusFromConfig()
	for name, menu := range menuConfig {
		for _, me := range menu {
			flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}] = me

	sectionPagesMenu := s.Info.sectionPagesMenu

	if sectionPagesMenu != "" {
		s.pageMap.sections.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
			p := v.(*contentNode).p
			if p.IsHome() {
				return false
			// From Hugo 0.22 we have nested sections, but until we get a
			// feel of how that would work in this setting, let us keep
			// this menu for the top level only.
			id := p.Section()
			if _, ok := flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, id}]; ok {
				return false

			me := navigation.MenuEntry{Identifier: id,
				Name:   p.LinkTitle(),
				Weight: p.Weight(),
				Page:   p}
			flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, me.KeyName()}] = &me

			return false


	// Add menu entries provided by pages
	s.pageMap.pageTrees.WalkRenderable(func(ss string, n *contentNode) bool {
		p := n.p

		for name, me := range p.pageMenus.menus() {
			if _, ok := flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}]; ok {
				err := p.wrapError(errors.Errorf("duplicate menu entry with identifier %q in menu %q", me.KeyName(), name))
			flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}] = me

		return false

	// Create Children Menus First
	for _, e := range flat {
		if e.Parent != "" {
			children[twoD{e.Menu, e.Parent}] = children[twoD{e.Menu, e.Parent}].Add(e)

	// Placing Children in Parents (in flat)
	for p, childmenu := range children {
		_, ok := flat[twoD{p.MenuName, p.EntryName}]
		if !ok {
			// if parent does not exist, create one without a URL
			flat[twoD{p.MenuName, p.EntryName}] = &navigation.MenuEntry{Name: p.EntryName}
		flat[twoD{p.MenuName, p.EntryName}].Children = childmenu

	// Assembling Top Level of Tree
	for menu, e := range flat {
		if e.Parent == "" {
			_, ok := s.menus[menu.MenuName]
			if !ok {
				s.menus[menu.MenuName] = navigation.Menu{}
			s.menus[menu.MenuName] = s.menus[menu.MenuName].Add(e)

// get any lanaguagecode to prefix the target file path with.
func (s *Site) getLanguageTargetPathLang(alwaysInSubDir bool) string {
	if s.h.IsMultihost() {
		return s.Language().Lang

	return s.getLanguagePermalinkLang(alwaysInSubDir)

// get any lanaguagecode to prefix the relative permalink with.
func (s *Site) getLanguagePermalinkLang(alwaysInSubDir bool) string {

	if !s.Info.IsMultiLingual() || s.h.IsMultihost() {
		return ""

	if alwaysInSubDir {
		return s.Language().Lang

	isDefault := s.Language().Lang == s.multilingual().DefaultLang.Lang

	if !isDefault || s.Info.defaultContentLanguageInSubdir {
		return s.Language().Lang

	return ""

func (s *Site) getTaxonomyKey(key string) string {
	if s.PathSpec.DisablePathToLower {
		return s.PathSpec.MakePath(key)
	return strings.ToLower(s.PathSpec.MakePath(key))

// Prepare site for a new full build.
func (s *Site) resetBuildState(sourceChanged bool) {
	s.relatedDocsHandler = s.relatedDocsHandler.Clone()

	if sourceChanged {
		s.PageCollections = newPageCollections(s.pageMap)
		s.pageMap.withEveryBundlePage(func(p *pageState) bool {
			p.pagePages = &pagePages{}
			if p.bucket != nil {
				p.bucket.pagesMapBucketPages = &pagesMapBucketPages{}
			p.parent = nil
			p.Scratcher = maps.NewScratcher()
			return false
	} else {
		s.pageMap.withEveryBundlePage(func(p *pageState) bool {
			p.Scratcher = maps.NewScratcher()
			return false

func (s *Site) errorCollator(results <-chan error, errs chan<- error) {
	var errors []error
	for e := range results {
		errors = append(errors, e)

	errs <- s.h.pickOneAndLogTheRest(errors)


// GetPage looks up a page of a given type for the given ref.
// In Hugo <= 0.44 you had to add Page Kind (section, home) etc. as the first
// argument and then either a unix styled path (with or without a leading slash))
// or path elements separated.
// When we now remove the Kind from this API, we need to make the transition as painless
// as possible for existing sites. Most sites will use {{ .Site.GetPage "section" "my/section" }},
// i.e. 2 arguments, so we test for that.
func (s *SiteInfo) GetPage(ref ...string) (page.Page, error) {
	p, err := s.s.getPageOldVersion(ref...)

	if p == nil {
		// The nil struct has meaning in some situations, mostly to avoid breaking
		// existing sites doing $nilpage.IsDescendant($p), which will always return
		// false.
		p = page.NilPage

	return p, err

func (s *Site) permalink(link string) string {
	return s.PathSpec.PermalinkForBaseURL(link, s.PathSpec.BaseURL.String())

func (s *Site) absURLPath(targetPath string) string {
	var path string
	if s.Info.relativeURLs {
		path = helpers.GetDottedRelativePath(targetPath)
	} else {
		url := s.PathSpec.BaseURL.String()
		if !strings.HasSuffix(url, "/") {
			url += "/"
		path = url

	return path

func (s *Site) lookupLayouts(layouts ...string) tpl.Template {
	for _, l := range layouts {
		if templ, found := s.Tmpl().Lookup(l); found {
			return templ

	return nil

func (s *Site) renderAndWriteXML(statCounter *uint64, name string, targetPath string, d interface{}, templ tpl.Template) error {
	s.Log.DEBUG.Printf("Render XML for %q to %q", name, targetPath)
	renderBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
	defer bp.PutBuffer(renderBuffer)

	if err := s.renderForTemplate(name, "", d, renderBuffer, templ); err != nil {
		return err

	pd := publisher.Descriptor{
		Src:         renderBuffer,
		TargetPath:  targetPath,
		StatCounter: statCounter,
		// For the minification part of XML,
		// we currently only use the MIME type.
		OutputFormat: output.RSSFormat,
		AbsURLPath:   s.absURLPath(targetPath),

	return s.publisher.Publish(pd)

func (s *Site) renderAndWritePage(statCounter *uint64, name string, targetPath string, p *pageState, templ tpl.Template) error {
	s.Log.DEBUG.Printf("Render %s to %q", name, targetPath)
	renderBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
	defer bp.PutBuffer(renderBuffer)

	of := p.outputFormat()

	if err := s.renderForTemplate(p.Kind(), of.Name, p, renderBuffer, templ); err != nil {
		return err

	if renderBuffer.Len() == 0 {
		return nil

	isHTML := of.IsHTML
	isRSS := of.Name == "RSS"

	pd := publisher.Descriptor{
		Src:          renderBuffer,
		TargetPath:   targetPath,
		StatCounter:  statCounter,
		OutputFormat: p.outputFormat(),

	if isRSS {
		// Always canonify URLs in RSS
		pd.AbsURLPath = s.absURLPath(targetPath)
	} else if isHTML {
		if s.Info.relativeURLs || s.Info.canonifyURLs {
			pd.AbsURLPath = s.absURLPath(targetPath)

		if s.running() && s.Cfg.GetBool("watch") && !s.Cfg.GetBool("disableLiveReload") {
			pd.LiveReloadPort = s.Cfg.GetInt("liveReloadPort")

		// For performance reasons we only inject the Hugo generator tag on the home page.
		if p.IsHome() {
			pd.AddHugoGeneratorTag = !s.Cfg.GetBool("disableHugoGeneratorInject")


	return s.publisher.Publish(pd)

var infoOnMissingLayout = map[string]bool{
	// The 404 layout is very much optional in Hugo, but we do look for it.
	"404": true,

// hookRenderer is the canonical implementation of all hooks.ITEMRenderer,
// where ITEM is the thing being hooked.
type hookRenderer struct {
	templateHandler tpl.TemplateHandler
	templ tpl.Template

func (hr hookRenderer) RenderLink(w io.Writer, ctx hooks.LinkContext) error {
	return hr.templateHandler.Execute(hr.templ, w, ctx)

func (hr hookRenderer) RenderHeading(w io.Writer, ctx hooks.HeadingContext) error {
	return hr.templateHandler.Execute(hr.templ, w, ctx)

func (s *Site) renderForTemplate(name, outputFormat string, d interface{}, w io.Writer, templ tpl.Template) (err error) {
	if templ == nil {
		s.logMissingLayout(name, "", outputFormat)
		return nil

	if err = s.Tmpl().Execute(templ, w, d); err != nil {
		return _errors.Wrapf(err, "render of %q failed", name)

func (s *Site) lookupTemplate(layouts ...string) (tpl.Template, bool) {
	for _, l := range layouts {
		if templ, found := s.Tmpl().Lookup(l); found {
			return templ, true

	return nil, false

func (s *Site) publish(statCounter *uint64, path string, r io.Reader) (err error) {

	return helpers.WriteToDisk(filepath.Clean(path), r, s.BaseFs.PublishFs)

func (s *Site) kindFromFileInfoOrSections(fi *fileInfo, sections []string) string {
	if fi.TranslationBaseName() == "_index" {
		if fi.Dir() == "" {
			return page.KindHome

		return s.kindFromSections(sections)


	return page.KindPage

func (s *Site) kindFromSections(sections []string) string {
	if len(sections) == 0 {
		return page.KindHome

	return s.kindFromSectionPath(path.Join(sections...))


func (s *Site) kindFromSectionPath(sectionPath string) string {
	for _, plural := range s.siteCfg.taxonomiesConfig {
		if plural == sectionPath {
			return page.KindTaxonomy

		if strings.HasPrefix(sectionPath, plural) {
			return page.KindTerm


	return page.KindSection

func (s *Site) newPage(
	n *contentNode,
	parentbBucket *pagesMapBucket,
	kind, title string,
	sections ...string) *pageState {

	m := map[string]interface{}{}
	if title != "" {
		m["title"] = title

	p, err := newPageFromMeta(
			s:        s,
			kind:     kind,
			sections: sections,

	if err != nil {

	return p

func (s *Site) shouldBuild(p page.Page) bool {
	return shouldBuild(s.BuildFuture, s.BuildExpired,
		s.BuildDrafts, p.Draft(), p.PublishDate(), p.ExpiryDate())

func shouldBuild(buildFuture bool, buildExpired bool, buildDrafts bool, Draft bool,
	publishDate time.Time, expiryDate time.Time) bool {
	if !(buildDrafts || !Draft) {
		return false
	if !buildFuture && !publishDate.IsZero() && publishDate.After(time.Now()) {
		return false
	if !buildExpired && !expiryDate.IsZero() && expiryDate.Before(time.Now()) {
		return false
	return true