ref: be6a92c8b6ff968488d2396d954ed892d0bb18fc
dir: /hugolib/shortcode_test.go/
package hugolib import ( "fmt" "reflect" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" ) func pageFromString(in, filename string) (*Page, error) { return NewPageFrom(strings.NewReader(in), filename) } func CheckShortCodeMatch(t *testing.T, input, expected string, template tpl.Template) { p, _ := pageFromString(SIMPLE_PAGE, "") output := ShortcodesHandle(input, p, template) if output != expected { t.Fatalf("Shortcode render didn't match. Expected: %q, Got: %q", expected, output) } } func TestNonSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() // notice the syntax diff from 0.12, now comment delims must be added CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{%/* movie 47238zzb */%}}", "{{% movie 47238zzb %}}", tem) } // Issue #929 func TestHyphenatedSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("hyphenated-video.html", `Playing Video {{ .Get 0 }}`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< hyphenated-video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem) } func TestPositionalParamSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("video.html", `Playing Video {{ .Get 0 }}`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb 132 >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{<video 47238zzb>}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{<video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem) } func TestNamedParamSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("img.html", `<img{{ with .Get "src" }} src="{{.}}"{{end}}{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src="one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img class="aspen" >}}`, `<img class="aspen">`, tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src= "one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src ="one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src = "one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src = "one" class = "aspen grove" >}}`, `<img src="one" class="aspen grove">`, tem) } func TestInnerSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside class="aspen" >}}`, `<div class="aspen"></div>`, tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside class="aspen" >}}More Here{{< /inside >}}`, "<div class=\"aspen\">More Here</div>", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside >}}More Here{{< /inside >}}`, "<div>More Here</div>", tem) } func TestInnerSCWithMarkdown(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% inside %}} # More Here [link]( and text {{% /inside %}}`, "<div><h1 id=\"more-here:bec3ed8ba720b9073ab75abcf3ba5d97\">More Here</h1>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">link</a> and text</p>\n</div>", tem) } func TestInnerSCWithAndWithoutMarkdown(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% inside %}} # More Here [link]( and text {{% /inside %}} And then: {{< inside >}} # More Here This is **plain** text. {{< /inside >}} `, "<div><h1 id=\"more-here:bec3ed8ba720b9073ab75abcf3ba5d97\">More Here</h1>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">link</a> and text</p>\n</div>\n\nAnd then:\n\n<div>\n# More Here\n\nThis is **plain** text.\n\n</div>\n", tem) } func TestEmbeddedSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{% test %}}", "This is a simple Test", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" %}}`, "\n<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n \n <img src=\"/found/here\" />\n \n \n</figure>\n", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" caption="This is a caption" %}}`, "\n<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n \n <img src=\"/found/here\" alt=\"This is a caption\" />\n \n \n <figcaption>\n <p>\n This is a caption\n \n \n \n </p> \n </figcaption>\n \n</figure>\n", tem) } func TestNestedSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("scn1.html", `<div>Outer, inner is {{ .Inner }}</div>`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("scn2.html", `<div>SC2</div>`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% scn1 %}}{{% scn2 %}}{{% /scn1 %}}`, "<div>Outer, inner is <div>SC2</div>\n</div>", tem) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< scn1 >}}{{% scn2 %}}{{< /scn1 >}}`, "<div>Outer, inner is <div>SC2</div></div>", tem) } func TestNestedComplexSC(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("row.html", `-row-{{ .Inner}}-rowStop-`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("column.html", `-col-{{.Inner }}-colStop-`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("aside.html", `-aside-{{ .Inner }}-asideStop-`) CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< row >}}1-s{{% column %}}2-**s**{{< aside >}}3-**s**{{< /aside >}}4-s{{% /column %}}5-s{{< /row >}}6-s`, "-row-1-s-col-2-<strong>s</strong>-aside-3-<strong>s</strong>-asideStop-4-s-colStop-5-s-rowStop-6-s", tem) // turn around the markup flag CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% row %}}1-s{{< column >}}2-**s**{{% aside %}}3-**s**{{% /aside %}}4-s{{< /column >}}5-s{{% /row %}}6-s`, "-row-1-s-col-2-<strong>s</strong>-aside-3-<strong>s</strong>-asideStop-4-s-colStop-5-s-rowStop-6-s", tem) } func TestFigureImgWidth(t *testing.T) { tem := tpl.New() CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" alt="apple" width="100px" %}}`, "\n<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n \n <img src=\"/found/here\" alt=\"apple\" width=\"100px\" />\n \n \n</figure>\n", tem) } // TODO(bep) func _TestHighlight(t *testing.T) { if !helpers.HasPygments() { t.Skip("Skip test as Pygments is not installed") } defer viper.Set("PygmentsStyle", viper.Get("PygmentsStyle")) viper.Set("PygmentsStyle", "bw") tem := tpl.New() code := ` {{< highlight java >}} void do(); {{< /highlight >}}` CheckShortCodeMatch(t, code, "\n<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff\"><pre style=\"line-height: 125%\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold\">void</span> do();\n</pre></div>\n", tem) } const testScPlaceholderRegexp = "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-\\d+@}@}" func TestExtractShortcodes(t *testing.T) { for i, this := range []struct { name string input string expectShortCodes string expect interface{} expectErrorMsg string }{ {"text", "Some text.", "map[]", "Some text.", ""}, {"invalid right delim", "{{< tag }}", "", false, "simple:4:.*unrecognized character.*}"}, {"invalid close", "\n{{< /tag >}}", "", false, "simple:5:.*got closing shortcode, but none is open"}, {"invalid close2", "\n\n{{< tag >}}{{< /anotherTag >}}", "", false, "simple:6: closing tag for shortcode 'anotherTag' does not match start tag"}, {"unterminated quote 1", `{{< figure src="im caption="S" >}}`, "", false, " pos.*"}, {"unterminated quote 1", `{{< figure src="im" caption="S >}}`, "", false, "simple:4:.*unterm.*}"}, {"one shortcode, no markup", "{{< tag >}}", "", testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"one shortcode, markup", "{{% tag %}}", "", testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"one pos param", "{{% tag param1 %}}", `tag([\"param1\"], true){[]}"]`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"two pos params", "{{< tag param1 param2>}}", `tag([\"param1\" \"param2\"], false){[]}"]`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"one named param", `{{% tag param1="value" %}}`, `tag([\"param1:value\"], true){[]}`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"two named params", `{{< tag param1="value1" param2="value2" >}}`, `tag([\"param1:value1\" \"param2:value2\"], false){[]}"]`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"inner", `Some text. {{< inner >}}Inner Content{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`, `inner([], false){[Inner Content]}`, fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, // issue #934 {"inner self-closing", `Some text. {{< inner />}}. Some more text.`, `inner([], false){[]}`, fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, {"close, but not inner", "{{< tag >}}foo{{< /tag >}}", "", false, "Shortcode 'tag' in page '' has no .Inner.*"}, {"nested inner", `Inner->{{< inner >}}Inner Content->{{% inner2 param1 %}}inner2txt{{% /inner2 %}}Inner close->{{< / inner >}}<-done`, `inner([], false){[Inner Content-> inner2([\"param1\"], true){[inner2txt]} Inner close->]}`, fmt.Sprintf("Inner->%s<-done", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, {"nested, nested inner", `Inner->{{< inner >}}inner2->{{% inner2 param1 %}}inner2txt->inner3{{< inner3>}}inner3txt{{</ inner3 >}}{{% /inner2 %}}final close->{{< / inner >}}<-done`, `inner([], false){[inner2-> inner2([\"param1\"], true){[inner2txt->inner3 inner3(%!q(<nil>), false){[inner3txt]}]} final close->`, fmt.Sprintf("Inner->%s<-done", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, {"two inner", `Some text. {{% inner %}}First **Inner** Content{{% / inner %}} {{< inner >}}Inner **Content**{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`, `map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:inner([], true){[First **Inner** Content]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:inner([], false){[Inner **Content**]}"]`, fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, {"closed without content", `Some text. {{< inner param1 >}}{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`, `inner([\"param1\"], false){[]}`, fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, {"two shortcodes", "{{< sc1 >}}{{< sc2 >}}", `map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:sc2([], false){[]}"]`, testScPlaceholderRegexp + testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""}, {"mix of shortcodes", `Hello {{< sc1 >}}world{{% sc2 p2="2"%}}. And that's it.`, `map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:sc2([\"p2:2\"]`, fmt.Sprintf("Hello %sworld%s. And that's it.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, {"mix with inner", `Hello {{< sc1 >}}world{{% inner p2="2"%}}Inner{{%/ inner %}}. And that's it.`, `map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:inner([\"p2:2\"], true){[Inner]}"]`, fmt.Sprintf("Hello %sworld%s. And that's it.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""}, } { p, _ := pageFromString(SIMPLE_PAGE, "") tem := tpl.New() tem.AddInternalShortcode("tag.html", `tag`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("sc1.html", `sc1`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("sc2.html", `sc2`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("inner.html", `{{with .Inner }}{{ . }}{{ end }}`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("inner2.html", `{{.Inner}}`) tem.AddInternalShortcode("inner3.html", `{{.Inner}}`) content, shortCodes, err := extractShortcodes(this.input, p, tem) if b, ok := this.expect.(bool); ok && !b { if err == nil { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: ExtractShortcodes didn't return an expected error", i, } else { r, _ := regexp.Compile(this.expectErrorMsg) if !r.MatchString(err.Error()) { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: ExtractShortcodes didn't return an expected error message, expected %s got %s", i,, this.expectErrorMsg, err.Error()) } } continue } else { if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: failed: %q", i,, err) } } var expected string av := reflect.ValueOf(this.expect) switch av.Kind() { case reflect.String: expected = av.String() } r, err := regexp.Compile(expected) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Failed to compile regexp %q: %q", i,, expected, err) } if strings.Count(content, shortcodePlaceholderPrefix) != len(shortCodes) { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Not enough placeholders, found %d", i,, len(shortCodes)) } if !r.MatchString(content) { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Shortcode extract didn't match. Expected: %q, Got: %q", i,, expected, content) } for placeHolder, sc := range shortCodes { if !strings.Contains(content, placeHolder) { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Output does not contain placeholder %q", i,, placeHolder) } if sc.params == nil { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Params is nil for shortcode '%s'", i,, } } if this.expectShortCodes != "" { shortCodesAsStr := fmt.Sprintf("map%q", collectAndShortShortcodes(shortCodes)) if !strings.Contains(shortCodesAsStr, this.expectShortCodes) { t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Short codes not as expected, got %s - expected to contain %s", i,, shortCodesAsStr, this.expectShortCodes) } } } } func collectAndShortShortcodes(shortcodes map[string]shortcode) []string { var asArray []string for key, sc := range shortcodes { asArray = append(asArray, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", key, sc)) } sort.Strings(asArray) return asArray } func TestReplaceShortcodeTokens(t *testing.T) { for i, this := range []struct { input string prefix string replacements map[string]string wrappedInDiv bool expect interface{} }{ {"Hello PREFIX-1.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "World"}, false, "Hello World."}, {"A {@{@A-1@}@} asdf {@{@A-2@}@}.", "A", map[string]string{"{@{@A-1@}@}": "v1", "{@{@A-2@}@}": "v2"}, true, "A v1 asdf v2."}, {"Hello PREFIX2-1. Go PREFIX2-2, Go, Go PREFIX2-3 Go Go!.", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"PREFIX2-1": "Europe", "PREFIX2-2": "Jonny", "PREFIX2-3": "Johnny"}, false, "Hello Europe. Go Jonny, Go, Go Johnny Go Go!."}, {"A PREFIX-2 PREFIX-1.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "A B A."}, {"A PREFIX-1 PREFIX-2", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A"}, false, false}, {"A PREFIX-1 but not the second.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "A A but not the second."}, {"An PREFIX-1.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "An A."}, {"An PREFIX-1 PREFIX-2.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "An A B."}, {"A PREFIX-1 PREFIX-2 PREFIX-3 PREFIX-1 PREFIX-3.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B", "PREFIX-3": "C"}, false, "A A B C A C."}, {"A {@{@PREFIX-1@}@} {@{@PREFIX-2@}@} {@{@PREFIX-3@}@} {@{@PREFIX-1@}@} {@{@PREFIX-3@}@}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{@{@PREFIX-1@}@}": "A", "{@{@PREFIX-2@}@}": "B", "{@{@PREFIX-3@}@}": "C"}, true, "A A B C A C."}, } { results, err := replaceShortcodeTokens([]byte(this.input), this.prefix, this.wrappedInDiv, this.replacements) if b, ok := this.expect.(bool); ok && !b { if err == nil { t.Errorf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens didn't return an expected error", i) } } else { if err != nil { t.Errorf("[%d] failed: %s", i, err) continue } if !reflect.DeepEqual(results, []byte(this.expect.(string))) { t.Errorf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens, got %q but expected %q", i, results, this.expect) } } } }