shithub: hugo

ref: b8b91f550646b2620649c3504e14a441975bea9f
dir: /docs/themes/gohugoioTheme/layouts/showcase/single.html/

View raw version
{{ define "title" }}
Showcase: {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}

{{ define "main" }}
  <article class="center ph3 ph4-ns pv3 pv5-ns mw9">

    <!-- header spans the full width -->
    <div class="flex flex-wrap">

      <div class="w-100 w-20-l order-1 order-0-l">
        {{template "sc-details" .}}

      <div class="w-100 w-60-l order-0 order-1-l ph4-l">
        {{template "sc-main-column" .}}

      <aside class="dn mid-gray w-100 w-20-ns flex-l justify-center order-2">
        {{template "sc-navigation" .}}


    <div class="f6 gray mv6">{{/* bottom row */}}
      Last Update: {{ .Lastmod.Format "January 2, 2006" }} <br>
      {{ partial "page-edit.html" . }}
    <div class="b">The Showcase articles are copyright the content authors. Any open source license will be attached.</div>
{{ end }}

{{define "sc-main-column"}}
  {{ $img := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*featured*" }}
  {{ with $img }}
     {{ $big := .Fill "1024x512 top" }}
     {{ $small := $big.Resize "512x" }}
      <img srcset="{{ $small.RelPermalink }} 1x, {{ $big.RelPermalink }} 2x" alt="{{ $img.Title }}" width="{{ $big.Width }}"  class="mw-100 b--light-gray ba">
  {{ end }}
   <div class="mid-gray nested-copy-line-height nested-img nested-links">
  {{with .Params.byline }}
     <div style="margin-top: 20px; font-style: italic;">By {{ . | markdownify -}}</div>
  {{ end }}
  {{with .Content}}
      {{- . -}}


{{define "sc-details"}}
  <div class="mt4 mt0-ns nested-links">
    <div class="ba b--light-gray bg-white pa3">
      <h1 class="f2-fluid mt0">{{.Title}}</h1>
      {{ with .Params.siteURL }}
      <a href="{{ . }}" class="db f5 mb1">{{ . | replaceRE "^https?://(www\\.)?([^/]+).*" "$2"}} {{ partial "svg/link-ext.svg" (dict "size" "10") }}</a>
      {{ end }}
      {{ with .Params.siteSource }}
      <a href="{{ . }}" class="db mb4">source {{ partial "svg/link-ext.svg" (dict "size" "10") }}</a>
      {{ end }}
      {{ $bio := (.Resources.ByType "page").GetMatch "bio*" }}
      {{ with $bio }}
        <div class="f6 mid-gray nested-copy-line-height nested-links">
          {{- .Content -}}
      {{ end }}
    <div class="b--light-gray bt dn-l pt3">
      <div class="f6 gray mb2">Previous/Next</div>
      {{- partial "previous-next-links-in-section-with-title.html" . -}}

{{define "sc-navigation"}}
  {{$section := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" .Section}}
  {{$number_of_entries := $section | len}}
  <ul class="pa0 list">
  <li class="b f5 blTK b--light-gray pb2 pl2">
      More Sites
    {{range first 20 $section}}
      <li class="bl b--light-gray pl2 f6 hover-bg-light-gray hover-accent-color-light {{if eq $ .}} bg-light-gray{{end}}">
        <a href="{{.RelPermalink}}" class="db link w-100 pv1 ph1 {{ if eq $ . }} b  primary-color{{else}} mid-gray {{end}}">
          {{- .Title -}}
    {{if ge $number_of_entries 20}}
      <li class="mt3">
        <a href="/showcase/page/2/" class="link blue">
          See More &raquo;