ref: b7ff4dc23e6314fd09ee2c1e24cde96fc833164e
dir: /parser/pageparser/pageparser_shortcode_test.go/
// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package pageparser import ( "testing" ) var ( tstEOF = nti(tEOF, "") tstLeftNoMD = nti(tLeftDelimScNoMarkup, "{{<") tstRightNoMD = nti(tRightDelimScNoMarkup, ">}}") tstLeftMD = nti(tLeftDelimScWithMarkup, "{{%") tstRightMD = nti(tRightDelimScWithMarkup, "%}}") tstSCClose = nti(tScClose, "/") tstSC1 = nti(tScName, "sc1") tstSC1Inline = nti(tScNameInline, "sc1.inline") tstSC2Inline = nti(tScNameInline, "sc2.inline") tstSC2 = nti(tScName, "sc2") tstSC3 = nti(tScName, "sc3") tstSCSlash = nti(tScName, "sc/sub") tstParam1 = nti(tScParam, "param1") tstParam2 = nti(tScParam, "param2") tstParamBoolTrue = nti(tScParam, "true") tstParamBoolFalse = nti(tScParam, "false") tstParamInt = nti(tScParam, "32") tstParamFloat = nti(tScParam, "3.14") tstVal = nti(tScParamVal, "Hello World") tstText = nti(tText, "Hello World") ) var shortCodeLexerTests = []lexerTest{ {"empty", "", []Item{tstEOF}}, {"spaces", " \t\n", []Item{nti(tText, " \t\n"), tstEOF}}, {"text", `to be or not`, []Item{nti(tText, "to be or not"), tstEOF}}, {"no markup", `{{< sc1 >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"with EOL", "{{< sc1 \n >}}", []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"forward slash inside name", `{{< sc/sub >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSCSlash, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"simple with markup", `{{% sc1 %}}`, []Item{tstLeftMD, tstSC1, tstRightMD, tstEOF}}, {"with spaces", `{{< sc1 >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"mismatched rightDelim", `{{< sc1 %}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tError, "unrecognized character in shortcode action: U+0025 '%'. Note: Parameters with non-alphanumeric args must be quoted")}}, {"inner, markup", `{{% sc1 %}} inner {{% /sc1 %}}`, []Item{ tstLeftMD, tstSC1, tstRightMD, nti(tText, " inner "), tstLeftMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightMD, tstEOF, }}, {"close, but no open", `{{< /sc1 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, nti(tError, "got closing shortcode, but none is open")}}, {"close wrong", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< /another >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, nti(tError, "closing tag for shortcode 'another' does not match start tag")}}, {"close, but no open, more", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< /sc1 >}}{{< /another >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, nti(tError, "closing tag for shortcode 'another' does not match start tag")}}, {"close with extra keyword", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< /sc1 keyword>}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, nti(tError, "unclosed shortcode")}}, {"float param, positional", `{{< sc1 3.14 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "3.14"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"float param, named", `{{< sc1 param1=3.14 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tScParamVal, "3.14"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"named param, raw string", `{{< sc1 param1=` + "`" + "Hello World" + "`" + " >}}", []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tScParamVal, "Hello World"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"float param, named, space before", `{{< sc1 param1= 3.14 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tScParamVal, "3.14"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"Youtube id", `{{< sc1 -ziL-Q_456igdO-4 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "-ziL-Q_456igdO-4"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"non-alphanumerics param quoted", `{{< sc1 "-ziL-.%QigdO-4" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "-ziL-.%QigdO-4"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"raw string", `{{< sc1` + "`" + "Hello World" + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "Hello World"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"raw string with newline", `{{< sc1` + "`" + `Hello World` + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, `Hello World`), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"raw string with escape character", `{{< sc1` + "`" + `Hello \b World` + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, `Hello \b World`), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"two params", `{{< sc1 param1 param2 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstParam2, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, // issue #934 {"self-closing", `{{< sc1 />}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, // Issue 2498 {"multiple self-closing", `{{< sc1 />}}{{< sc1 />}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"self-closing with param", `{{< sc1 param1 />}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"multiple self-closing with param", `{{< sc1 param1 />}}{{< sc1 param1 />}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"multiple different self-closing with param", `{{< sc1 param1 />}}{{< sc2 param1 />}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC2, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"nested simple", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< sc2 >}}{{< /sc1 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC2, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"nested complex", `{{< sc1 >}}ab{{% sc2 param1 %}}cd{{< sc3 >}}ef{{< /sc3 >}}gh{{% /sc2 %}}ij{{< /sc1 >}}kl`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, nti(tText, "ab"), tstLeftMD, tstSC2, tstParam1, tstRightMD, nti(tText, "cd"), tstLeftNoMD, tstSC3, tstRightNoMD, nti(tText, "ef"), tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC3, tstRightNoMD, nti(tText, "gh"), tstLeftMD, tstSCClose, tstSC2, tstRightMD, nti(tText, "ij"), tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, nti(tText, "kl"), tstEOF, }}, {"two quoted params", `{{< sc1 "param nr. 1" "param nr. 2" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "param nr. 1"), nti(tScParam, "param nr. 2"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"two named params", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" param2="p2Val">}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, tstParam2, nti(tScParamVal, "p2Val"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"escaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1=\"Hello World\" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"escaped quotes, positional param", `{{< sc1 \"param1\" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"escaped quotes inside escaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1=\"Hello \"escaped\" World\" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tScParamVal, `Hello `), nti(tError, `got positional parameter 'escaped'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters`)}}, {"escaped quotes inside nonescaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello \"escaped\" World" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tScParamVal, `Hello "escaped" World`), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"escaped quotes inside nonescaped quotes in positional param", `{{< sc1 "Hello \"escaped\" World" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, `Hello "escaped" World`), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"escaped raw string, named param", `{{< sc1 param1=` + `\` + "`" + "Hello World" + `\` + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tError, "unrecognized escape character")}}, {"escaped raw string, positional param", `{{< sc1 param1 ` + `\` + "`" + "Hello World" + `\` + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tError, "unrecognized escape character")}}, {"two raw string params", `{{< sc1` + "`" + "Hello World" + "`" + "`" + "Second Param" + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "Hello World"), nti(tScParam, "Second Param"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"unterminated quote", `{{< sc1 param2="Hello World>}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam2, nti(tError, "unterminated quoted string in shortcode parameter-argument: 'Hello World>}}'")}}, {"unterminated raw string", `{{< sc1` + "`" + "Hello World" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tError, "unterminated raw string in shortcode parameter-argument: 'Hello World >}}'")}}, {"unterminated raw string in second argument", `{{< sc1` + "`" + "Hello World" + "`" + "`" + "Second Param" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "Hello World"), nti(tError, "unterminated raw string in shortcode parameter-argument: 'Second Param >}}'")}}, {"one named param, one not", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" p2 >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, nti(tError, "got positional parameter 'p2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}}, {"one named param, one quoted positional param, both raw strings", `{{< sc1 param1=` + "`" + "Hello World" + "`" + "`" + "Second Param" + "`" + ` >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, nti(tError, "got quoted positional parameter. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}}, {"one named param, one quoted positional param", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" "And Universe" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, nti(tError, "got quoted positional parameter. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}}, {"one quoted positional param, one named param", `{{< sc1 "param1" param2="And Universe" >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tError, "got named parameter 'param2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}}, {"ono positional param, one not", `{{< sc1 param1 param2="Hello World">}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tError, "got named parameter 'param2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}}, {"commented out", `{{</* sc1 */>}}`, []Item{ nti(tText, "{{<"), nti(tText, " sc1 "), nti(tText, ">}}"), tstEOF}}, {"commented out, with asterisk inside", `{{</* sc1 "**/*.pdf" */>}}`, []Item{ nti(tText, "{{<"), nti(tText, " sc1 \"**/*.pdf\" "), nti(tText, ">}}"), tstEOF}}, {"commented out, missing close", `{{</* sc1 >}}`, []Item{ nti(tError, "comment must be closed")}}, {"commented out, misplaced close", `{{</* sc1 >}}*/`, []Item{ nti(tError, "comment must be closed")}}, // Inline shortcodes {"basic inline", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"basic inline with space", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< / sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"inline self closing", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< sc1.inline />}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"inline self closing, then a new inline", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< sc1.inline />}}{{< sc2.inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc2.inline >}}`, []Item{ tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC2Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC2Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"inline with template syntax", `{{< sc1.inline >}}{{ .Get 0 }}{{ .Get 1 }}{{< /sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, nti(tText, "{{ .Get 0 }}"), nti(tText, "{{ .Get 1 }}"), tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}}, {"inline with nested shortcode (not supported)", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< sc1 >}}{{< /sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, nti(tError, "inline shortcodes do not support nesting")}}, {"inline case mismatch", `{{< sc1.Inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.Inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, nti(tError, "period in shortcode name only allowed for inline identifiers")}}, } func TestShortcodeLexer(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for i, test := range shortCodeLexerTests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { items := collect([]byte(test.input), true, lexMainSection) if !equal(items, test.items) { t.Errorf("[%d] %s: got\n\t%v\nexpected\n\t%v", i,, items, test.items) } }) } } func BenchmarkShortcodeLexer(b *testing.B) { testInputs := make([][]byte, len(shortCodeLexerTests)) for i, input := range shortCodeLexerTests { testInputs[i] = []byte(input.input) } var cfg Config b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { for _, input := range testInputs { items := collectWithConfig(input, true, lexMainSection, cfg) if len(items) == 0 { } } } }