shithub: hugo

ref: b5d906e31e716328e2c0fbbdbfe6fc5b2ff98886
dir: /docs/content/en/content-management/image-processing/

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title: "Image Processing"
description: "Image Page resources can be resized and cropped."
date: 2018-01-24T13:10:00-05:00
linktitle: "Image Processing"
categories: ["content management"]
keywords: [resources, images]
weight: 4004
draft: false
toc: true
    parent: "content-management"
    weight: 32

## The Image Page Resource

The `image` is a [Page Resource]({{< relref "/content-management/page-resources" >}}), and the processing methods listed below do not work on images inside your `/static` folder.

To print all images paths in a [Page Bundle]({{< relref "/content-management/organization#page-bundles" >}}):

{{ with .Resources.ByType "image" }}
{{ range . }}
{{ .RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


## The Image Resource

The `image` resource can also be retrieved from a [global resource]({{< relref "/hugo-pipes/introduction#from-file-to-resource" >}})

{{- $image := resources.Get "images/logo.jpg" -}}

## Image Processing Methods

The `image` resource implements the methods `Resize`, `Fit` and `Fill`, each returning the transformed image using the specified dimensions and processing options. The `image` resource also, since Hugo 0.58, implements the method `Exif` and `Filter`.

### Resize

Resizes the image to the specified width and height.

// Resize to a width of 600px and preserve ratio
{{ $image := $resource.Resize "600x" }}

// Resize to a height of 400px and preserve ratio
{{ $image := $resource.Resize "x400" }}

// Resize to a width 600px and a height of 400px
{{ $image := $resource.Resize "600x400" }}

### Fit

Scale down the image to fit the given dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio. Both height and width are required.

{{ $image := $resource.Fit "600x400" }}

### Fill

Resize and crop the image to match the given dimensions. Both height and width are required.

{{ $image := $resource.Fill "600x400" }}

### Filter

Apply one or more filters to your image. See [Image Filters](/functions/images/#image-filters) for a full list.

{{ $img = $img.Filter (images.GaussianBlur 6) (images.Pixelate 8) }}

The above can also be written in a more functional style using pipes:

{{ $img = $img | images.Filter (images.GaussianBlur 6) (images.Pixelate 8) }}

The filters will be applied in the given order.

Sometimes it can be useful to create the filter chain once and then reuse it:

{{ $filters := slice  (images.GaussianBlur 6) (images.Pixelate 8) }}
{{ $img1 = $img1.Filter $filters }}
{{ $img2 = $img2.Filter $filters }}

### Exif

Provides an [Exif]( object with metadata about the image.

Note that this is only supported for JPEG and TIFF images, so it's recommended to wrap the access with a `with`, e.g.:

{{ with $img.Exif }}
Date: {{ .Date }}
Lat/Long: {{ .Lat}}/{{ .Long }}
{{ range $k, $v := .Tags }}
TAG: {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Or individually access EXIF data with dot access, e.g.:

{{ with $src.Exif }}
      {{ with .Date }}<li>Date: {{ .Format "January 02, 2006" }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.ApertureValue }}<li>Aperture: {{ lang.NumFmt 2 . }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.BrightnessValue }}<li>Brightness: {{ lang.NumFmt 2 . }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.ExposureTime }}<li>Exposure Time: {{ . }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.FNumber }}<li>F Number: {{ . }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.FocalLength }}<li>Focal Length: {{ . }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.ISOSpeedRatings }}<li>ISO Speed Ratings: {{ . }}</li>{{ end }}
      {{ with .Tags.LensModel }}<li>Lens Model: {{ . }}</li>{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Some fields may need to be formatted with [`lang.NumFmt`]({{< relref "functions/numfmt" >}}) function to prevent display like `Aperture: 2.278934289` instead of `Aperture: 2.28`.

#### Exif fields

: "photo taken" date/time

: "photo taken where", GPS latitude

: "photo taken where", GPS longitude

See [Image Processing Config](#image-processing-config) for how to configure what gets included in Exif.

## Image Processing Options

In addition to the dimensions (e.g. `600x400`), Hugo supports a set of additional image options.

### Background Color

The background color to fill into the transparency layer. This is mostly useful when converting to a format that does not support transparency, e.g. `JPEG`.

You can set the background color to use with a 3 or 6 digit hex code starting with `#`.

{{ $image.Resize "600x jpg #b31280" }}

For color codes, see

**Note** that you also set a default background color to use, see [Image Processing Config](#image-processing-config).

### JPEG Quality

Only relevant for JPEG images, values 1 to 100 inclusive, higher is better. Default is 75.

{{ $image.Resize "600x q50" }}

### Rotate

Rotates an image by the given angle counter-clockwise. The rotation will be performed first to get the dimensions correct. The main use of this is to be able to manually correct for [EXIF orientation]( of JPEG images.

{{ $image.Resize "600x r90" }}

### Anchor

Only relevant for the `Fill` method. This is useful for thumbnail generation where the main motive is located in, say, the left corner.

Valid values are `Smart`, `Center`, `TopLeft`, `Top`, `TopRight`, `Left`, `Right`, `BottomLeft`, `Bottom`, `BottomRight`.

Default value is `Smart`, which uses [Smartcrop]( to determine the best crop.

{{ $image.Fill "300x200 BottomLeft" }}

### Resample Filter

Filter used in resizing. Default is `Box`, a simple and fast resampling filter appropriate for downscaling.

Examples are: `Box`, `NearestNeighbor`, `Linear`, `Gaussian`.

See for more. If you want to trade quality for faster processing, this may be a option to test.

{{ $image.Resize "600x400 Gaussian" }}

### Target Format

By default the images is encoded in the source format, but you can set the target format as an option.

Valid values are `jpg`, `png`, `tif`, `bmp`, and `gif`.

{{ $image.Resize "600x jpg" }}

## Image Processing Examples

_The photo of the sunset used in the examples below is Copyright [Bjørn Erik Pedersen]( (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license)_

{{< imgproc sunset Resize "300x" />}}

{{< imgproc sunset Fill "90x120 left" />}}

{{< imgproc sunset Fill "90x120 right" />}}

{{< imgproc sunset Fit "90x90" />}}

{{< imgproc sunset Resize "300x q10" />}}

This is the shortcode used in the examples above:

{{< code file="layouts/shortcodes/imgproc.html" >}}
{{< readfile file="layouts/shortcodes/imgproc.html" >}}  
{{< /code >}}

And it is used like this:

{{</* imgproc sunset Resize "300x" /*/>}}

{{% note %}}
**Tip:** Note the self-closing shortcode syntax above. The `imgproc` shortcode can be called both with and without **inner content**.
{{% /note %}}

## Image Processing Config

You can configure an `imaging` section in `config.toml` with default image processing options:

# Default resample filter used for resizing. Default is Box,
# a simple and fast averaging filter appropriate for downscaling.
# See
resampleFilter = "box"

# Default JPEG quality setting. Default is 75.
quality = 75

# Anchor used when cropping pictures.
# Default is "smart" which does Smart Cropping, using
# Smart Cropping is content aware and tries to find the best crop for each image.
# Valid values are Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight
anchor = "smart"

# Default background color.
# Hugo will preserve transparency for target formats that supports it,
# but will fall back to this color for JPEG.
# Expects a standard HEX color string with 3 or 6 digits.
# See
bgColor = "#ffffff"

 # Regexp matching the fields you want to Exclude from the (massive) set of Exif info
# available. As we cache this info to disk, this is for performance and
# disk space reasons more than anything.
# If you want it all, put ".*" in this config setting.
# Note that if neither this or ExcludeFields is set, Hugo will return a small
# default set.
includeFields = ""

# Regexp matching the Exif fields you want to exclude. This may be easier to use
# than IncludeFields above, depending on what you want.
excludeFields = ""

# Hugo extracts the "photo taken" date/time into .Date by default.
# Set this to true to turn it off.
disableDate = false

# Hugo extracts the "photo taken where" (GPS latitude and longitude) into
# .Long and .Lat. Set this to true to turn it off.
disableLatLong = false


## Smart Cropping of Images

By default, Hugo will use [Smartcrop](, a library created by [muesli](, when cropping images with `.Fill`. You can set the anchor point manually, but in most cases the smart option will make a good choice. And we will work with the library author to improve this in the future.

An example using the sunset image from above:

{{< imgproc sunset Fill "200x200 smart" />}}

## Image Processing Performance Consideration

Processed images are stored below `<project-dir>/resources` (can be set with `resourceDir` config setting). This folder is deliberately placed in the project, as it is recommended to check these into source control as part of the project. These images are not "Hugo fast" to generate, but once generated they can be reused.

If you change your image settings (e.g. size), remove or rename images etc., you will end up with unused images taking up space and cluttering your project.

To clean up, run:

hugo --gc

{{% note %}}
**GC** is short for **Garbage Collection**.
{{% /note %}}