ref: a6d22bcf7dd96a8dd30e7ce27cb88b45f85c2407
dir: /docs/content/taxonomies/
--- date: 2014-05-26 linktitle: Usage menu: main: parent: taxonomy next: /taxonomies/displaying prev: /taxonomies/overview title: Using Taxonomies weight: 15 --- ## Defining taxonomies for a site Taxonomies must be defined in the site configuration before they can be used throughout the site. You need to provide both the plural and singular labels for each taxonomy. Here is an example configuration in YAML that specifies three taxonomies (the default two, plus `series`). Notice the format is **singular key** : *plural value*. ### config.yaml --- Taxonomies: tag: "tags" category: "categories" series: "series" --- ## Assigning taxonomy values to content Once an taxonomy is defined at the site level, any piece of content can be assigned to it regardless of content type or section. Assigning content to an taxonomy is done in the front matter. Simply create a variable with the *plural* name of the taxonomy and assign all terms you want to apply to this content. **taxonomy values are case insensitive** ### Front Matter Example (in TOML) +++ title = "Hugo: A fast and flexible static site generator" tags = [ "Development", "Go", "fast", "Blogging" ] categories = [ "Development" ] series = [ "Go Web Dev" ] slug = "hugo" project_url = "" +++ ### Front Matter Example (in JSON) { "title": "Hugo: A fast and flexible static site generator", "tags": [ "Development", "Go", "fast", "Blogging" ], "categories" : [ "Development" ], "series" : [ "Go Web Dev" ], "slug": "hugo", "project_url": "" }