ref: 9c88a8a55adf7779039504fa77d74ec80d658c40
dir: /goreleaser.yml/
project_name: hugo build: main: main.go binary: hugo ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - darwin - linux - windows - freebsd - netbsd - openbsd - dragonfly goarch: - amd64 - 386 - arm - arm64 goarm: - 7 nfpm: formats: - deb vendor: "" homepage: "" maintainer: "Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>" description: "A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang." license: "Apache 2.0" name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}" replacements: amd64: 64bit 386: 32bit arm: ARM arm64: ARM64 darwin: macOS linux: Linux windows: Windows openbsd: OpenBSD netbsd: NetBSD freebsd: FreeBSD dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD archive: format: tar.gz format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}" replacements: amd64: 64bit 386: 32bit arm: ARM arm64: ARM64 darwin: macOS linux: Linux windows: Windows openbsd: OpenBSD netbsd: NetBSD freebsd: FreeBSD dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD files: - - LICENSE release: draft: true