ref: 959724f0e001adaff15bb0270ccfac6c0d1453ef
dir: /scripts/fork_go_templates/main.go/
package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "" "" ) func main() { // TODO(bep) git checkout tag // The current is built with Go version b68fa57c599720d33a2d735782969ce95eabf794 / go1.15dev fmt.Println("Forking ...") defer fmt.Println("Done ...") cleanFork() htmlRoot := filepath.Join(forkRoot, "htmltemplate") for _, pkg := range goPackages { copyGoPackage(pkg.dstPkg, pkg.srcPkg) } for _, pkg := range goPackages { doWithGoFiles(pkg.dstPkg, pkg.rewriter, pkg.replacer) } goimports(htmlRoot) gofmt(forkRoot) } const ( // TODO(bep) goSource = "/Users/bep/dev/go/dump/go/src" forkRoot = "../../tpl/internal/go_templates" ) type goPackage struct { srcPkg string dstPkg string replacer func(name, content string) string rewriter func(name string) } var ( textTemplateReplacers = strings.NewReplacer( `"text/template/`, `"`, `"internal/fmtsort"`, `""`, `"internal/testenv"`, `""`, "TestLinkerGC", "_TestLinkerGC", // Rename types and function that we want to overload. "type state struct", "type stateOld struct", "func (s *state) evalFunction", "func (s *state) evalFunctionOld", "func (s *state) evalField(", "func (s *state) evalFieldOld(", "func (s *state) evalCall(", "func (s *state) evalCallOld(", "func isTrue(val reflect.Value) (truth, ok bool) {", "func isTrueOld(val reflect.Value) (truth, ok bool) {", ) testEnvReplacers = strings.NewReplacer( `"internal/cfg"`, `""`, ) htmlTemplateReplacers = strings.NewReplacer( `. "html/template"`, `. ""`, `"html/template"`, `template ""`, "\"text/template\"\n", "template \"\"\n", `"html/template"`, `htmltemplate "html/template"`, `"fmt"`, `htmltemplate "html/template"`, ) ) func commonReplace(name, content string) string { if strings.HasSuffix(name, "_test.go") { content = strings.Replace(content, "package template\n", `// +build go1.13,!windows package template `, 1) content = strings.Replace(content, "package template_test\n", `// +build go1.13 package template_test `, 1) content = strings.Replace(content, "package parse\n", `// +build go1.13 package parse `, 1) } return content } var goPackages = []goPackage{ goPackage{srcPkg: "text/template", dstPkg: "texttemplate", replacer: func(name, content string) string { return textTemplateReplacers.Replace(commonReplace(name, content)) }}, goPackage{srcPkg: "html/template", dstPkg: "htmltemplate", replacer: func(name, content string) string { if strings.HasSuffix(name, "content.go") { // Remove template.HTML types. We need to use the Go types. content = removeAll(`(?s)// Strings of content.*?\)\n`, content) } content = commonReplace(name, content) return htmlTemplateReplacers.Replace(content) }, rewriter: func(name string) { for _, s := range []string{"CSS", "HTML", "HTMLAttr", "JS", "JSStr", "URL", "Srcset"} { rewrite(name, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> htmltemplate.%s", s, s)) } rewrite(name, `"text/template/parse" -> ""`) }}, goPackage{srcPkg: "internal/fmtsort", dstPkg: "fmtsort", rewriter: func(name string) { rewrite(name, `"internal/fmtsort" -> ""`) }}, goPackage{srcPkg: "internal/testenv", dstPkg: "testenv", replacer: func(name, content string) string { return testEnvReplacers.Replace(content) }, rewriter: func(name string) { rewrite(name, `"internal/testenv" -> ""`) }}, goPackage{srcPkg: "internal/cfg", dstPkg: "cfg", rewriter: func(name string) { rewrite(name, `"internal/cfg" -> ""`) }}, } var fs = afero.NewOsFs() // Removes all non-Hugo files in the go_templates folder. func cleanFork() { must(filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(forkRoot), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if !info.IsDir() && len(path) > 10 && !strings.Contains(path, "hugo") { must(fs.Remove(path)) } return nil })) } func must(err error, what ...string) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(what, " ERROR: ", err) } } func copyGoPackage(dst, src string) { from := filepath.Join(goSource, src) to := filepath.Join(forkRoot, dst) fmt.Println("Copy", from, "to", to) must(hugio.CopyDir(fs, from, to, func(s string) bool { return true })) } func doWithGoFiles(dir string, rewrite func(name string), transform func(name, in string) string) { if rewrite == nil && transform == nil { return } must(filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(forkRoot, dir), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if info.IsDir() { return nil } if !strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") || strings.Contains(path, "hugo_") { return nil } fmt.Println("Handle", path) if rewrite != nil { rewrite(path) } if transform == nil { return nil } data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) must(err) f, err := os.Create(path) must(err) defer f.Close() _, err = f.WriteString(transform(path, string(data))) must(err) return nil })) } func removeAll(expression, content string) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(expression) return re.ReplaceAllString(content, "") } func rewrite(filename, rule string) { cmf := exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", "-r", rule, filename) out, err := cmf.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Fatal("gofmt failed:", string(out)) } } func goimports(dir string) { cmf := exec.Command("goimports", "-w", dir) out, err := cmf.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Fatal("goimports failed:", string(out)) } } func gofmt(dir string) { cmf := exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", dir) out, err := cmf.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Fatal("gofmt failed:", string(out)) } }