Addition of an indexes section to the docs. Updated most of the existing index content.
Better mobile support on docs site
Big visual overhaul of the docs. Docs now using indexes for all menu generation.
Flipping around weight order. higher weight at the bottom. use negative to pin to top.
Docs menu now powered by indexes.. converting some of the content to use this.
Big index overhaul. Now supporting ordering tokens by count or alphabetically. Also made full indexes available to the Site variable.
Better error handling when rendering error found when in watch mode
Watching doesn't built site 2x on write (ignores rename events). Also ignores temporary files written by editors.
Adding support for ordering content in indexes by other than date (weighted indexes)
Adding support for date field in front matter as date (as TOML provides)
Adding support for more front matter types (int, float & date)
Adding preliminary support for weighted indexes (for ordering by other than date)
Adding a quick start guide to hugo docs
Adding support for MinRead. Closed #106
simplified buildSite & better error handling around it
Clean up server & build site logic. Fixed #94
server command now builds prior to serving
Permalink to include multiple directories levels
Test case for permalink functionality
Adding back the hugo homepage.
Refactor layout selection code
Add support for Relative Permalinks
Refactor Permalink to private function
Moving transformation on a per-page level
Better handle missing layouts
Use io.Pipe for chaning render tasks.
Move writing next to rendering
Reducing scope of RenderThing*
Move in memory target into target module.
Change the order of Apply to be more Unixy
Fixing up source code formatting.
Chain transformers and test cases
Move AbsURL into seperate file
Rename Transform to AbsURL
Set the name of the Nav attribute to select
Proper handling of 404 page return value
Fixing bug where RSS for site was rendered in wrong location
Fixing bug where only the first index list was created.
Summary can now contain short codes when using <!--more--> to define end of summary.
server defaults to localhost unless overridden by command line flags
Restoring former snippet behavior & adding test to ensure future behavior
Enabling Nitro ('--stepAnalysis') again. Fix #58
Switching to the rjson library which is more friendly to human generated json.
Updating usage documentation to new interface
Restoring build and watch functionality
minor documentation cleanup.
Update filesystem.go
Change the interface to use commands and flags instead of just flags.
Better error message when no source content is found.
Add the ability to set navbar li class to active
Support index.html indexes in content directory
Fixes #80 - Homepage now renders correctly
source: Fix failing build on windows
Fix breaking test cases on unix platform
Create a TargetPath() method that provides OutFile
Section is determined by the source, not the url
Fix fragments being AbsUrlified in final html
Allow non-markdown content in content directory
More expressive --check output
Add renderer information to --check
Fix parsing edge case of frontmatter
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/parser' into mrg_praser
Move AbUrlify to post content transformation
Initialize HTMLRedirectAlias before ShowPlan()
Add /index.html to unadorned alias paths
Remove RenderedContent from page.
Move alias logic to target module
Move alias rendering to target
Normalize paths within hugo
Added safeHtml template function
Homepage "/" respects PublishDir
Introduce source.Filesystem
Remove page module dependence on opening files
Expand the ShowPlan functionality
Add file reporting to planner
Code reorg, helpers.go has been decomposed.
Date rendering unit tests in pages
Remove hugolib.HTML and hugolib.URL types
Include building hugo docs as part of test.
Include building hugo docs as part of test.
Add support for amber files