shithub: hugo

ref: 76b2afe642c37aedc7269b41d6fca5b78f467ce4
dir: /docs/content/en/functions/

View raw version
title: merge
description: "`merge` deep merges two maps and returns the resulting map."
date: 2019-08-08
categories: [functions]
    parent: "functions"
keywords: [dictionary]
signature: ["$params :=  merge $default_params $user_params"]
workson: []
hugoversion: "0.56.0"
relatedfuncs: [dict, append, reflect.IsMap, reflect.IsSlice]
aliases: []

An example merging two maps.

{{ $default_params := dict "color" "blue" "width" "50%" "height" "25%" }}
{{ $user_params := dict "color" "red" "extra" (dict "duration" 2) }}
{{ $params := merge $default_params $user_params }}

Resulting __$params__:

"color": "red"
  "duration": 2
"height": "25%"
"icon": "mail"
"width": "50%"

{{% note %}}
  Regardless of depth, merging only applies to maps. For slices, use [append]({{< ref "functions/append" >}})
{{% /note %}}