shithub: hugo

ref: 71b8d8b6a4127acacda8ada08cd61d7bfb18e962
dir: /helpers/path.go/

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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package helpers

import (


	_errors ""

var (
	// ErrThemeUndefined is returned when a theme has not be defined by the user.
	ErrThemeUndefined = errors.New("no theme set")

// filepathPathBridge is a bridge for common functionality in filepath vs path
type filepathPathBridge interface {
	Base(in string) string
	Clean(in string) string
	Dir(in string) string
	Ext(in string) string
	Join(elem ...string) string
	Separator() string

type filepathBridge struct {

func (filepathBridge) Base(in string) string {
	return filepath.Base(in)

func (filepathBridge) Clean(in string) string {
	return filepath.Clean(in)

func (filepathBridge) Dir(in string) string {
	return filepath.Dir(in)

func (filepathBridge) Ext(in string) string {
	return filepath.Ext(in)

func (filepathBridge) Join(elem ...string) string {
	return filepath.Join(elem...)

func (filepathBridge) Separator() string {
	return FilePathSeparator

var fpb filepathBridge

// MakePath takes a string with any characters and replace it
// so the string could be used in a path.
// It does so by creating a Unicode-sanitized string, with the spaces replaced,
// whilst preserving the original casing of the string.
// E.g. Social Media -> Social-Media
func (p *PathSpec) MakePath(s string) string {
	return p.UnicodeSanitize(s)

// MakePathsSanitized applies MakePathSanitized on every item in the slice
func (p *PathSpec) MakePathsSanitized(paths []string) {
	for i, path := range paths {
		paths[i] = p.MakePathSanitized(path)

// MakePathSanitized creates a Unicode-sanitized string, with the spaces replaced
func (p *PathSpec) MakePathSanitized(s string) string {
	if p.DisablePathToLower {
		return p.MakePath(s)
	return strings.ToLower(p.MakePath(s))

// ToSlashTrimLeading is just a filepath.ToSlaas with an added / prefix trimmer.
func ToSlashTrimLeading(s string) string {
	return strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(s), "/")

// MakeTitle converts the path given to a suitable title, trimming whitespace
// and replacing hyphens with whitespace.
func MakeTitle(inpath string) string {
	return strings.Replace(strings.TrimSpace(inpath), "-", " ", -1)

// From
func ishex(c rune) bool {
	switch {
	case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
		return true
	case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
		return true
	case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
		return true
	return false

// UnicodeSanitize sanitizes string to be used in Hugo URL's, allowing only
// a predefined set of special Unicode characters.
// If RemovePathAccents configuration flag is enabled, Uniccode accents
// are also removed.
// Spaces will be replaced with a single hyphen, and sequential hyphens will be reduced to one.
func (p *PathSpec) UnicodeSanitize(s string) string {
	source := []rune(s)
	target := make([]rune, 0, len(source))
	var prependHyphen bool

	for i, r := range source {
		isAllowed := r == '.' || r == '/' || r == '\\' || r == '_' || r == '#' || r == '+' || r == '~'
		isAllowed = isAllowed || unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) || unicode.IsMark(r)
		isAllowed = isAllowed || (r == '%' && i+2 < len(source) && ishex(source[i+1]) && ishex(source[i+2]))

		if isAllowed {
			if prependHyphen {
				target = append(target, '-')
				prependHyphen = false
			target = append(target, r)
		} else if len(target) > 0 && (r == '-' || unicode.IsSpace(r)) {
			prependHyphen = true

	var result string

	if p.RemovePathAccents {
		// remove accents - see
		t := transform.Chain(norm.NFD, runes.Remove(runes.In(unicode.Mn)), norm.NFC)
		result, _, _ = transform.String(t, string(target))
	} else {
		result = string(target)

	return result

// ReplaceExtension takes a path and an extension, strips the old extension
// and returns the path with the new extension.
func ReplaceExtension(path string, newExt string) string {
	f, _ := fileAndExt(path, fpb)
	return f + "." + newExt

// GetFirstThemeDir gets the root directory of the first theme, if there is one.
// If there is no theme, returns the empty string.
func (p *PathSpec) GetFirstThemeDir() string {
	if p.ThemeSet() {
		return p.AbsPathify(filepath.Join(p.ThemesDir, p.Themes()[0]))
	return ""

// GetThemesDir gets the absolute root theme dir path.
func (p *PathSpec) GetThemesDir() string {
	if p.ThemeSet() {
		return p.AbsPathify(p.ThemesDir)
	return ""

// GetRelativeThemeDir gets the relative root directory of the current theme, if there is one.
// If there is no theme, returns the empty string.
func (p *PathSpec) GetRelativeThemeDir() string {
	if p.ThemeSet() {
		return strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Join(p.ThemesDir, p.Themes()[0]), FilePathSeparator)
	return ""

func makePathRelative(inPath string, possibleDirectories ...string) (string, error) {

	for _, currentPath := range possibleDirectories {
		if strings.HasPrefix(inPath, currentPath) {
			return strings.TrimPrefix(inPath, currentPath), nil
	return inPath, errors.New("can't extract relative path, unknown prefix")

// Should be good enough for Hugo.
var isFileRe = regexp.MustCompile(`.*\..{1,6}$`)

// GetDottedRelativePath expects a relative path starting after the content directory.
// It returns a relative path with dots ("..") navigating up the path structure.
func GetDottedRelativePath(inPath string) string {
	inPath = filepath.Clean(filepath.FromSlash(inPath))

	if inPath == "." {
		return "./"

	if !isFileRe.MatchString(inPath) && !strings.HasSuffix(inPath, FilePathSeparator) {
		inPath += FilePathSeparator

	if !strings.HasPrefix(inPath, FilePathSeparator) {
		inPath = FilePathSeparator + inPath

	dir, _ := filepath.Split(inPath)

	sectionCount := strings.Count(dir, FilePathSeparator)

	if sectionCount == 0 || dir == FilePathSeparator {
		return "./"

	var dottedPath string

	for i := 1; i < sectionCount; i++ {
		dottedPath += "../"

	return dottedPath

// ExtNoDelimiter takes a path and returns the extension, excluding the delmiter, i.e. "md".
func ExtNoDelimiter(in string) string {
	return strings.TrimPrefix(Ext(in), ".")

// Ext takes a path and returns the extension, including the delmiter, i.e. ".md".
func Ext(in string) string {
	_, ext := fileAndExt(in, fpb)
	return ext

// PathAndExt is the same as FileAndExt, but it uses the path package.
func PathAndExt(in string) (string, string) {
	return fileAndExt(in, pb)

// FileAndExt takes a path and returns the file and extension separated,
// the extension including the delmiter, i.e. ".md".
func FileAndExt(in string) (string, string) {
	return fileAndExt(in, fpb)

// FileAndExtNoDelimiter takes a path and returns the file and extension separated,
// the extension excluding the delmiter, e.g "md".
func FileAndExtNoDelimiter(in string) (string, string) {
	file, ext := fileAndExt(in, fpb)
	return file, strings.TrimPrefix(ext, ".")

// Filename takes a path, strips out the extension,
// and returns the name of the file.
func Filename(in string) (name string) {
	name, _ = fileAndExt(in, fpb)

// FileAndExt returns the filename and any extension of a file path as
// two separate strings.
// If the path, in, contains a directory name ending in a slash,
// then both name and ext will be empty strings.
// If the path, in, is either the current directory, the parent
// directory or the root directory, or an empty string,
// then both name and ext will be empty strings.
// If the path, in, represents the path of a file without an extension,
// then name will be the name of the file and ext will be an empty string.
// If the path, in, represents a filename with an extension,
// then name will be the filename minus any extension - including the dot
// and ext will contain the extension - minus the dot.
func fileAndExt(in string, b filepathPathBridge) (name string, ext string) {
	ext = b.Ext(in)
	base := b.Base(in)

	return extractFilename(in, ext, base, b.Separator()), ext

func extractFilename(in, ext, base, pathSeparator string) (name string) {

	// No file name cases. These are defined as:
	// 1. any "in" path that ends in a pathSeparator
	// 2. any "base" consisting of just an pathSeparator
	// 3. any "base" consisting of just an empty string
	// 4. any "base" consisting of just the current directory i.e. "."
	// 5. any "base" consisting of just the parent directory i.e. ".."
	if (strings.LastIndex(in, pathSeparator) == len(in)-1) || base == "" || base == "." || base == ".." || base == pathSeparator {
		name = "" // there is NO filename
	} else if ext != "" { // there was an Extension
		// return the filename minus the extension (and the ".")
		name = base[:strings.LastIndex(base, ".")]
	} else {
		// no extension case so just return base, which willi
		// be the filename
		name = base


// GetRelativePath returns the relative path of a given path.
func GetRelativePath(path, base string) (final string, err error) {
	if filepath.IsAbs(path) && base == "" {
		return "", errors.New("source: missing base directory")
	name := filepath.Clean(path)
	base = filepath.Clean(base)

	name, err = filepath.Rel(base, name)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if strings.HasSuffix(filepath.FromSlash(path), FilePathSeparator) && !strings.HasSuffix(name, FilePathSeparator) {
		name += FilePathSeparator
	return name, nil

// PathPrep prepares the path using the uglify setting to create paths on
// either the form /section/name/index.html or /section/name.html.
func PathPrep(ugly bool, in string) string {
	if ugly {
		return Uglify(in)
	return PrettifyPath(in)

// PrettifyPath is the same as PrettifyURLPath but for file paths.
//     /section/name.html       becomes /section/name/index.html
//     /section/name/           becomes /section/name/index.html
//     /section/name/index.html becomes /section/name/index.html
func PrettifyPath(in string) string {
	return prettifyPath(in, fpb)

func prettifyPath(in string, b filepathPathBridge) string {
	if filepath.Ext(in) == "" {
		// /section/name/  -> /section/name/index.html
		if len(in) < 2 {
			return b.Separator()
		return b.Join(in, "index.html")
	name, ext := fileAndExt(in, b)
	if name == "index" {
		// /section/name/index.html -> /section/name/index.html
		return b.Clean(in)
	// /section/name.html -> /section/name/index.html
	return b.Join(b.Dir(in), name, "index"+ext)

// ExtractRootPaths extracts the root paths from the supplied list of paths.
// The resulting root path will not contain any file separators, but there
// may be duplicates.
// So "/content/section/" becomes "content"
func ExtractRootPaths(paths []string) []string {
	r := make([]string, len(paths))
	for i, p := range paths {
		root := filepath.ToSlash(p)
		sections := strings.Split(root, "/")
		for _, section := range sections {
			if section != "" {
				root = section
		r[i] = root
	return r


// FindCWD returns the current working directory from where the Hugo
// executable is run.
func FindCWD() (string, error) {
	serverFile, err := filepath.Abs(os.Args[0])

	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("can't get absolute path for executable: %v", err)

	path := filepath.Dir(serverFile)
	realFile, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(serverFile)

	if err != nil {
		if _, err = os.Stat(serverFile + ".exe"); err == nil {
			realFile = filepath.Clean(serverFile + ".exe")

	if err == nil && realFile != serverFile {
		path = filepath.Dir(realFile)

	return path, nil

// SymbolicWalk is like filepath.Walk, but it supports the root being a
// symbolic link. It will still not follow symbolic links deeper down in
// the file structure.
func SymbolicWalk(fs afero.Fs, root string, walker filepath.WalkFunc) error {

	// Sanity check
	if root != "" && len(root) < 4 {
		return errors.New("path is too short")

	// Handle the root first
	fileInfo, realPath, err := getRealFileInfo(fs, root)

	if err != nil {
		return walker(root, nil, err)

	if !fileInfo.IsDir() {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot walk regular file %s", root)

	if err := walker(realPath, fileInfo, err); err != nil && err != filepath.SkipDir {
		return err

	// Some of Hugo's filesystems represents an ordered root folder, i.e. project first, then theme folders.
	// Make sure that order is preserved. afero.Walk will sort the directories down in the file tree,
	// but we don't care about that.
	rootContent, err := readDir(fs, root, false)

	if err != nil {
		return walker(root, nil, err)

	for _, fi := range rootContent {
		if err := afero.Walk(fs, filepath.Join(root, fi.Name()), walker); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil


func readDir(fs afero.Fs, dirname string, doSort bool) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
	f, err := fs.Open(dirname)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	list, err := f.Readdir(-1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if doSort {
		sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool { return list[i].Name() < list[j].Name() })
	return list, nil

func getRealFileInfo(fs afero.Fs, path string) (os.FileInfo, string, error) {
	fileInfo, err := LstatIfPossible(fs, path)
	realPath := path

	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err

	if fileInfo.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
		link, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", _errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot read symbolic link %q", path)
		fileInfo, err = LstatIfPossible(fs, link)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", _errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot stat %q", link)
		realPath = link
	return fileInfo, realPath, nil

// GetRealPath returns the real file path for the given path, whether it is a
// symlink or not.
func GetRealPath(fs afero.Fs, path string) (string, error) {
	_, realPath, err := getRealFileInfo(fs, path)

	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return realPath, nil

// LstatIfPossible can be used to call Lstat if possible, else Stat.
func LstatIfPossible(fs afero.Fs, path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
	if lstater, ok := fs.(afero.Lstater); ok {
		fi, _, err := lstater.LstatIfPossible(path)
		return fi, err

	return fs.Stat(path)

// SafeWriteToDisk is the same as WriteToDisk
// but it also checks to see if file/directory already exists.
func SafeWriteToDisk(inpath string, r io.Reader, fs afero.Fs) (err error) {
	return afero.SafeWriteReader(fs, inpath, r)

// WriteToDisk writes content to disk.
func WriteToDisk(inpath string, r io.Reader, fs afero.Fs) (err error) {
	return afero.WriteReader(fs, inpath, r)

// OpenFilesForWriting opens all the given filenames for writing.
func OpenFilesForWriting(fs afero.Fs, filenames ...string) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
	var writeClosers []io.WriteCloser
	for _, filename := range filenames {
		f, err := OpenFileForWriting(fs, filename)
		if err != nil {
			for _, wc := range writeClosers {
			return nil, err
		writeClosers = append(writeClosers, f)

	return hugio.NewMultiWriteCloser(writeClosers...), nil


// OpenFileForWriting opens or creates the given file. If the target directory
// does not exist, it gets created.
func OpenFileForWriting(fs afero.Fs, filename string) (afero.File, error) {
	filename = filepath.Clean(filename)
	// Create will truncate if file already exists.
	// os.Create will create any new files with mode 0666 (before umask).
	f, err := fs.Create(filename)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err
		if err = fs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0777); err != nil { //  before umask
			return nil, err
		f, err = fs.Create(filename)

	return f, err

// GetCacheDir returns a cache dir from the given filesystem and config.
// The dir will be created if it does not exist.
func GetCacheDir(fs afero.Fs, cfg config.Provider) (string, error) {
	cacheDir := getCacheDir(cfg)
	if cacheDir != "" {
		exists, err := DirExists(cacheDir, fs)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if !exists {
			err := fs.MkdirAll(cacheDir, 0777) // Before umask
			if err != nil {
				return "", _errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create cache dir")
		return cacheDir, nil

	// Fall back to a cache in /tmp.
	return GetTempDir("hugo_cache", fs), nil


func getCacheDir(cfg config.Provider) string {
	// Always use the cacheDir config if set.
	cacheDir := cfg.GetString("cacheDir")
	if len(cacheDir) > 1 {
		return addTrailingFileSeparator(cacheDir)

	// Both of these are fairly distinctive OS env keys used by Netlify.
	if os.Getenv("DEPLOY_PRIME_URL") != "" && os.Getenv("PULL_REQUEST") != "" {
		// Netlify's cache behaviour is not documented, the currently best example
		// is this project:
		return "/opt/build/cache/hugo_cache/"


	// This will fall back to an hugo_cache folder in the tmp dir, which should work fine for most CI
	// providers. See this for a working CircleCI setup:
	// If not, they can set the HUGO_CACHEDIR environment variable or cacheDir config key.
	return ""

func addTrailingFileSeparator(s string) string {
	if !strings.HasSuffix(s, FilePathSeparator) {
		s = s + FilePathSeparator
	return s

// GetTempDir returns a temporary directory with the given sub path.
func GetTempDir(subPath string, fs afero.Fs) string {
	return afero.GetTempDir(fs, subPath)

// DirExists checks if a path exists and is a directory.
func DirExists(path string, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
	return afero.DirExists(fs, path)

// IsDir checks if a given path is a directory.
func IsDir(path string, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
	return afero.IsDir(fs, path)

// IsEmpty checks if a given path is empty.
func IsEmpty(path string, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
	return afero.IsEmpty(fs, path)

// FileContains checks if a file contains a specified string.
func FileContains(filename string, subslice []byte, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
	return afero.FileContainsBytes(fs, filename, subslice)

// FileContainsAny checks if a file contains any of the specified strings.
func FileContainsAny(filename string, subslices [][]byte, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
	return afero.FileContainsAnyBytes(fs, filename, subslices)

// Exists checks if a file or directory exists.
func Exists(path string, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
	return afero.Exists(fs, path)