Edits on aliases, comments, theme customizing
Edit docs extras syntax highlighting.md
Add support for URLs relative to context root
Edits to templates/404.md
Set s.Info.LastChange to Lastmod
Add Lastmod field
Remove old baseline.txt with no current relevance
Add convenience script to run benchmarks
Add data-no-instant to livereload script tag
Allow to reverse taxonomy entries.
Allow forward slashes in Hugo new on Windows
docs: Use ToC length to pick the compact version
Add absURL and relURL to release notes
Add docs for Section Menu for “the Lazy Blogger”
Add list of deprecated names to release notes
Fix IsMenuCurrent for SectionPagesMenu
Make sure that complete server URL is logged on startup
Added in set PATH and new site output.
Update test logs for uniformity and consistency
IsMenuCurrent now resolving correctly when baseUrl is not at the root path
add undraft command
Very experimental support for mmark
Section menu for the lazy blogger
Add RSSUri to specify the name of the RSS file
Make server bind interface configurable.
Fix multilingual styling with small screen.
Added missing files, make the site look better.
Fix multilingual site layouts/templates.
Add blackfriday/ExtensionsMask option.
Allow 'classprefix' pygments options.
Add shortcode support for HTML files
Do not add trailing slash to baseURL
Rename field i to the more descriptive idx
absurlreplacer: remove superfluous code, take 2
absurlreplacer: remove superfluous code
Add benchmark tests for srcset handling
Fix testdata: srcset items should be comma separated, according to spec
Disable faulty range validation in apply
Try to make it more visible that you have to set baseUrl
tpl: check that types in args match the target func's type
absurl: export a base url var for testing
shortcodeparser: fix panic on slash following opening shortcode comment
tpl: add sanity check to prevent panic in seq on big nums
tpl: check for too many arguments in apply
tpl: avoid panic on too few args to apply
doc: move the index func reference to where it's used
Add index reference to go template primer doc page
Print ERROR on theme vs Hugo version mismatch
Clarify partials folder subfolders
Single rather than double backticks in types.md
Clarify hugo new command in types.md
Do not fail on unknown files in /data
pagination: export pager to make Golint happy
Add shortcut to Scratch from shortcode
doc: clarify Scratch usage in shortcodes
Check spelling and some minor additions to Ace doc
Expand the ACE base template lookup pattern
Polish func naming in shortcode handling
Remove unused types Shortcode and ShortcodeFunc
Only write highlight to cache when CacheDir is set
Fix potential Windows path issue with Pygments cache
Added isso as a Disqus alternative to the docs
Add "Google Cloud Storage" article to docs Press page
Typo in mathjax.md
Add Google Cloud Storage to doc
Add custom Windows mousestrap message
Remove section about the buildDate being configurable
Fix README part about missing Windows tests
Document getenv template function
Add a section comparing the 'build' and 'server'
Sort function names in templates documentation
docs: how to compile on mac, fix minor errors
helpers: add some missing documentation