ref: 6a986b7c075823ad5255fa0b1d611faa25e8fbef
dir: /docs/content/about/
--- title: Roadmap linktitle: Roadmap description: Take a look at what's in the pipeline for future versions of the Hugo project. date: 2017-02-01 publishdate: 2017-02-01 lastmod: 2017-02-01 categories: [about hugo] keywords: [about,contribute,roadmap] menu: docs: parent: "about" weight: 50 weight: 50 sections_weight: 50 draft: false aliases: [/meta/roadmap] toc: false --- To track Hugo's progress, see our [GitHub Milestones][milestones]. In no particular order, here are some other features currently being worked on: * Even easier deployment to S3, SSH, GitHub, rsync. Give the [hosting and deployment][] section a shot. * Import from other website systems. There are already [existing migration tools][migrate], but they don’t cover all major platforms. * An interactive web-based editor (See the [related forum thread][]) * Additional [themes][], which are always ongoing and [contributions are welcome][themescontrib]! * Dynamic image resizing via shortcodes ({{< gh 1014 >}}) * Native support for additional content formats (AsciiDoc {{< gh 1435>}}, reST {{< gh 1436 >}}) * And, last but not least, [***your*** best ideas!][] ## Contributions Welcome Feel free to [contribute to Hugo's development][devcontribute], [improve Hugo's documentation][doccontribute], or [open a new issue][newissue] if you have an idea for a new feature. [#98]: [#1014]: [#1435]: [#1436]: [devcontribute]: /contribute/development/ [doccontribute]: /contribute/documentation/ [hosting and deployment]: /hosting-and-deployment/ [migrate]: /tools/migrations/ [milestones]: [newissue]: [related forum thread]: [themes]: /themes/ [themescontrib]: /contribute/themes/ [tutorials]: /tutorials [***your*** best ideas!]: /contribute/