ref: 5792cc3a1a40072cc018c530acec025e6f86d259
dir: /docs/content/templates/
--- aliases: - /layout/functions/ date: 2013-07-01 linktitle: Functions menu: main: parent: layout next: /templates/variables prev: /templates/go-templates title: Hugo Template Functions weight: 20 --- Hugo uses the excellent Go html/template library for its template engine. It is an extremely lightweight engine that provides a very small amount of logic. In our experience it is just the right amount of logic to be able to create a good static website. Go templates are lightweight but extensible. Hugo has added the following functions to the basic template logic. (Go itself supplies built-in functions, including comparison operators and other basic tools; these are listed in the [Go template documentation]( ## General ### isset Return true if the parameter is set. Takes either a slice, array or channel and an index or a map and a key as input. e.g. `{{ if isset .Params "project_url" }} {{ index .Params "project_url" }}{{ end }}` ### echoParam If parameter is set, then echo it. e.g. `{{echoParam .Params "project_url" }}` ### eq Return true if the parameters are equal. e.g. {{ if eq .Section "blog" }}current{{ end }} ### first Slices an array to only the first X elements. Works on [lists](/templates/list/), [taxonomies](/taxonomies/displaying/), [terms](/templates/terms/), [groups](/templates/list/) e.g. {{ range first 10 .Data.Pages }} {{ .Render "summary" }} {{ end }} ### where Filters an array to only elements containing a matching value for a given field. Works on [lists](/templates/list/), [taxonomies](/taxonomies/displaying/), [terms](/templates/terms/), [groups](/templates/list/) e.g. {{ range where .Data.Pages "Section" "post" }} {{ .Content}} {{ end }} *where and first can be stacked* e.g. {{ range first 5 (where .Data.Pages "Section" "post") }} {{ .Content}} {{ end }} ### delimit Loops through any array, slice or map and returns a string of all the values separated by the delimiter. There is an optional third parameter that lets you choose a different delimiter to go between the last two values. Maps will be sorted by the keys, and only a slice of the values will be returned, keeping a consistent output order. Works on [lists](/templates/list/), [taxonomies](/taxonomies/displaying/), [terms](/templates/terms/), [groups](/templates/list/) e.g. // Front matter +++ tags: [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" ] +++ // Used anywhere in a template Tags: {{ delimit .Params.tags ", " }} // Outputs Tags: tag1, tag2, tag3 // Example with the optional "last" parameter Tags: {{ delimit .Params.tags ", " " and " }} // Outputs Tags: tag1, tag2 and tag3 ### sort Sorts maps, arrays and slices, returning a sorted slice. A sorted array of map values will be returned, with the keys eliminated. There are two optional arguments, which are `sortByField` and `sortAsc`. If left blank, sort will sort by keys (for maps) in ascending order. Works on [lists](/templates/list/), [taxonomies](/taxonomies/displaying/), [terms](/templates/terms/), [groups](/templates/list/) e.g. // Front matter +++ tags: [ "tag3", "tag1", "tag2" ] +++ // Site config +++ [params.authors] [params.authors.Derek] "firstName" = "Derek" "lastName" = "Perkins" [params.authors.Joe] "firstName" = "Joe" "lastName" = "Bergevin" [params.authors.Tanner] "firstName" = "Tanner" "lastName" = "Linsley" +++ // Use default sort options - sort by key / ascending Tags: {{ range sort .Params.tags }}{{ . }} {{ end }} // Outputs Tags: tag1 tag2 tag3 // Sort by value / descending Tags: {{ range sort .Params.tags "value" "desc" }}{{ . }} {{ end }} // Outputs Tags: tag3 tag2 tag1 // Use default sort options - sort by value / descending Authors: {{ range sort .Site.Params.authors }}{{ .firstName }} {{ end }} // Outputs Authors: Derek Joe Tanner // Use default sort options - sort by value / descending Authors: {{ range sort .Site.Params.authors "lastName" "desc" }}{{ .lastName }} {{ end }} // Outputs Authors: Perkins Linsley Bergevin ### in Checks if an element is in an array (or slice) and returns a boolean. The elements supported are strings, integers and floats (only float64 will match as expected). In addition, it can also check if a substring exists in a string. e.g. {{ if in .Params.tags "Git" }}Follow me on GitHub!{{ end }} or {{ if in "this string contains a substring" "substring" }}Substring found!{{ end }} ### intersect Given two arrays (or slices), this function will return the common elements in the arrays. The elements supported are strings, integers and floats (only float64). A useful example of this functionality is a 'similar posts' block. Create a list of links to posts where any of the tags in the current post match any tags in other posts. e.g. <ul> {{ $page_link := .Permalink }} {{ $tags := .Params.tags }} {{ range .Site.Recent }} {{ $page := . }} {{ $has_common_tags := intersect $tags .Params.tags | len | lt 0 }} {{ if and $has_common_tags (ne $page_link $page.Permalink) }} <li><a href="{{ $page.Permalink }}">{{ $page.Title }}</a></li> {{ end }} {{ end }} </ul> ## Math ### add Adds two integers. e.g. `{{add 1 2}}` → 3 ### sub Subtracts two integers. e.g. `{{sub 3 2}}` → 1 ### div Divides two integers. e.g. `{{div 6 3}}` → 2 ### mul Multiplies two integers. e.g. `{{mul 2 3}}` → 6 ### mod Modulus of two integers. e.g. `{{mod 15 3}}` → 0 ### modBool Boolean of modulus of two integers. true if modulus is 0. e.g. `{{modBool 15 3}}` → true ## Strings ### urlize Takes a string and sanitizes it for usage in URLs, converts spaces to "-". e.g. `<a href="/tags/{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>` ### safeHtml Declares the provided string as "safe" so Go templates will not filter it. e.g. `{{ .Params.CopyrightHTML | safeHtml }}` ### markdownify This will run the string through the Markdown processesor. The result will be declared as "safe" so Go templates will not filter it. e.g. `{{ .Title | markdownify }}` ### lower Convert all characters in string to lowercase. e.g. `{{lower "BatMan"}}` → "batman" ### upper Convert all characters in string to uppercase. e.g. `{{upper "BatMan"}}` → "BATMAN" ### title Convert all characters in string to titlecase. e.g. `{{title "BatMan"}}` → "Batman" ### highlight Take a string of code and a language, uses Pygments to return the syntax highlighted code in HTML. Used in the [highlight shortcode](/extras/highlighting). ### ref, relref Looks up a content page by relative path or logical name to return the permalink (`ref`) or relative permalink (`relref`). Requires a Node or Page object (usually satisfied with `.`). Used in the [`ref` and `relref` shortcodes]({{% ref "extras/" %}}). e.g. {{ ref . "" }}