ref: 50be4370b0c46c6c34430eb45bdc53d1926dd800
dir: /docs/config.toml/
baseURL = "" paginate = 100 defaultContentLanguage = "en" enableEmoji = true # Set the unicode character used for the "return" link in page footnotes. footnotereturnlinkcontents = "↩" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Hugo" ignoreErrors = ["error-remote-getjson"] googleAnalytics = "UA-7131036-4" pluralizeListTitles = false # We do redirects via Netlify's _redirects file, generated by Hugo (see "outputs" below). disableAliases = true [module] [module.hugoVersion] min = "0.56.0" [[module.imports]] path = "" [outputs] home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "REDIR", "HEADERS" ] section = [ "HTML", "RSS"] [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."text/netlify"] delimiter = "" [outputFormats] [outputFormats.REDIR] mediatype = "text/netlify" baseName = "_redirects" isPlainText = true notAlternative = true [outputFormats.HEADERS] mediatype = "text/netlify" baseName = "_headers" isPlainText = true notAlternative = true [related] threshold = 80 includeNewer = true toLower = false [[related.indices]] name = "keywords" weight = 100 [[related.indices]] name = "date" weight = 10 pattern = "2006" [social] twitter = "GoHugoIO" [imaging] # See # CatmullRom is a sharp bicubic filter which should fit the docs site well with its many screenshots. # Note that you can also set this per image processing. resampleFilter = "CatmullRom" # Default JPEG quality setting. Default is 75. quality = 75 anchor = "smart"