ref: 50be4370b0c46c6c34430eb45bdc53d1926dd800
dir: /commands/import_jekyll.go/
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package commands import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" jww "" ) var _ cmder = (*importCmd)(nil) type importCmd struct { *baseCmd } func newImportCmd() *importCmd { cc := &importCmd{} cc.baseCmd = newBaseCmd(&cobra.Command{ Use: "import", Short: "Import your site from others.", Long: `Import your site from other web site generators like Jekyll. Import requires a subcommand, e.g. ` + "`hugo import jekyll jekyll_root_path target_path`.", RunE: nil, }) importJekyllCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "jekyll", Short: "hugo import from Jekyll", Long: `hugo import from Jekyll. Import from Jekyll requires two paths, e.g. ` + "`hugo import jekyll jekyll_root_path target_path`.", RunE: cc.importFromJekyll, } importJekyllCmd.Flags().Bool("force", false, "allow import into non-empty target directory") cc.cmd.AddCommand(importJekyllCmd) return cc } func (i *importCmd) importFromJekyll(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if len(args) < 2 { return newUserError(`import from jekyll requires two paths, e.g. ` + "`hugo import jekyll jekyll_root_path target_path`.") } jekyllRoot, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(args[0])) if err != nil { return newUserError("path error:", args[0]) } targetDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Clean(args[1])) if err != nil { return newUserError("path error:", args[1]) } jww.INFO.Println("Import Jekyll from:", jekyllRoot, "to:", targetDir) if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Dir(targetDir), jekyllRoot) { return newUserError("abort: target path should not be inside the Jekyll root") } forceImport, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("force") fs := afero.NewOsFs() jekyllPostDirs, hasAnyPost := i.getJekyllDirInfo(fs, jekyllRoot) if !hasAnyPost { return errors.New("abort: jekyll root contains neither posts nor drafts") } err = i.createSiteFromJekyll(jekyllRoot, targetDir, jekyllPostDirs, forceImport) if err != nil { return newUserError(err) } jww.FEEDBACK.Println("Importing...") fileCount := 0 callback := func(path string, fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if fi.IsDir() { return nil } relPath, err := filepath.Rel(jekyllRoot, path) if err != nil { return newUserError("get rel path error:", path) } relPath = filepath.ToSlash(relPath) draft := false switch { case strings.Contains(relPath, "_posts/"): relPath = filepath.Join("content/post", strings.Replace(relPath, "_posts/", "", -1)) case strings.Contains(relPath, "_drafts/"): relPath = filepath.Join("content/draft", strings.Replace(relPath, "_drafts/", "", -1)) draft = true default: return nil } fileCount++ return convertJekyllPost(path, relPath, targetDir, draft) } for jekyllPostDir, hasAnyPostInDir := range jekyllPostDirs { if hasAnyPostInDir { if err = helpers.SymbolicWalk(hugofs.Os, filepath.Join(jekyllRoot, jekyllPostDir), callback); err != nil { return err } } } jww.FEEDBACK.Println("Congratulations!", fileCount, "post(s) imported!") jww.FEEDBACK.Println("Now, start Hugo by yourself:\n" + "$ git clone " + args[1] + "/themes/herring-cove") jww.FEEDBACK.Println("$ cd " + args[1] + "\n$ hugo server --theme=herring-cove") return nil } func (i *importCmd) getJekyllDirInfo(fs afero.Fs, jekyllRoot string) (map[string]bool, bool) { postDirs := make(map[string]bool) hasAnyPost := false if entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(jekyllRoot); err == nil { for _, entry := range entries { if entry.IsDir() { subDir := filepath.Join(jekyllRoot, entry.Name()) if isPostDir, hasAnyPostInDir := i.retrieveJekyllPostDir(fs, subDir); isPostDir { postDirs[entry.Name()] = hasAnyPostInDir if hasAnyPostInDir { hasAnyPost = true } } } } } return postDirs, hasAnyPost } func (i *importCmd) retrieveJekyllPostDir(fs afero.Fs, dir string) (bool, bool) { if strings.HasSuffix(dir, "_posts") || strings.HasSuffix(dir, "_drafts") { isEmpty, _ := helpers.IsEmpty(dir, fs) return true, !isEmpty } if entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir); err == nil { for _, entry := range entries { if entry.IsDir() { subDir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name()) if isPostDir, hasAnyPost := i.retrieveJekyllPostDir(fs, subDir); isPostDir { return isPostDir, hasAnyPost } } } } return false, true } func (i *importCmd) createSiteFromJekyll(jekyllRoot, targetDir string, jekyllPostDirs map[string]bool, force bool) error { s, err := hugolib.NewSiteDefaultLang() if err != nil { return err } fs := s.Fs.Source if exists, _ := helpers.Exists(targetDir, fs); exists { if isDir, _ := helpers.IsDir(targetDir, fs); !isDir { return errors.New("target path \"" + targetDir + "\" exists but is not a directory") } isEmpty, _ := helpers.IsEmpty(targetDir, fs) if !isEmpty && !force { return errors.New("target path \"" + targetDir + "\" exists and is not empty") } } jekyllConfig := i.loadJekyllConfig(fs, jekyllRoot) mkdir(targetDir, "layouts") mkdir(targetDir, "content") mkdir(targetDir, "archetypes") mkdir(targetDir, "static") mkdir(targetDir, "data") mkdir(targetDir, "themes") i.createConfigFromJekyll(fs, targetDir, "yaml", jekyllConfig) i.copyJekyllFilesAndFolders(jekyllRoot, filepath.Join(targetDir, "static"), jekyllPostDirs) return nil } func (i *importCmd) loadJekyllConfig(fs afero.Fs, jekyllRoot string) map[string]interface{} { path := filepath.Join(jekyllRoot, "_config.yml") exists, err := helpers.Exists(path, fs) if err != nil || !exists { jww.WARN.Println("_config.yaml not found: Is the specified Jekyll root correct?") return nil } f, err := fs.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil } defer f.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f) if err != nil { return nil } c, err := metadecoders.Default.UnmarshalToMap(b, metadecoders.YAML) if err != nil { return nil } return c } func (i *importCmd) createConfigFromJekyll(fs afero.Fs, inpath string, kind metadecoders.Format, jekyllConfig map[string]interface{}) (err error) { title := "My New Hugo Site" baseURL := "" for key, value := range jekyllConfig { lowerKey := strings.ToLower(key) switch lowerKey { case "title": if str, ok := value.(string); ok { title = str } case "url": if str, ok := value.(string); ok { baseURL = str } } } in := map[string]interface{}{ "baseURL": baseURL, "title": title, "languageCode": "en-us", "disablePathToLower": true, } var buf bytes.Buffer err = parser.InterfaceToConfig(in, kind, &buf) if err != nil { return err } return helpers.WriteToDisk(filepath.Join(inpath, "config."+string(kind)), &buf, fs) } func (i *importCmd) copyJekyllFilesAndFolders(jekyllRoot, dest string, jekyllPostDirs map[string]bool) (err error) { fs := hugofs.Os fi, err := fs.Stat(jekyllRoot) if err != nil { return err } if !fi.IsDir() { return errors.New(jekyllRoot + " is not a directory") } err = os.MkdirAll(dest, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return err } entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(jekyllRoot) if err != nil { return err } for _, entry := range entries { sfp := filepath.Join(jekyllRoot, entry.Name()) dfp := filepath.Join(dest, entry.Name()) if entry.IsDir() { if entry.Name()[0] != '_' && entry.Name()[0] != '.' { if _, ok := jekyllPostDirs[entry.Name()]; !ok { err = hugio.CopyDir(fs, sfp, dfp, nil) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println(err) } } } } else { lowerEntryName := strings.ToLower(entry.Name()) exceptSuffix := []string{".md", ".markdown", ".html", ".htm", ".xml", ".textile", "rakefile", "gemfile", ".lock"} isExcept := false for _, suffix := range exceptSuffix { if strings.HasSuffix(lowerEntryName, suffix) { isExcept = true break } } if !isExcept && entry.Name()[0] != '.' && entry.Name()[0] != '_' { err = hugio.CopyFile(fs, sfp, dfp) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println(err) } } } } return nil } func parseJekyllFilename(filename string) (time.Time, string, error) { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+-\d+-\d+)-(.+)\..*`) r := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(filename, -1) if len(r) == 0 { return time.Now(), "", errors.New("filename not match") } postDate, err := time.Parse("2006-1-2", r[0][1]) if err != nil { return time.Now(), "", err } postName := r[0][2] return postDate, postName, nil } func convertJekyllPost(path, relPath, targetDir string, draft bool) error { jww.TRACE.Println("Converting", path) filename := filepath.Base(path) postDate, postName, err := parseJekyllFilename(filename) if err != nil { jww.WARN.Printf("Failed to parse filename '%s': %s. Skipping.", filename, err) return nil } jww.TRACE.Println(filename, postDate, postName) targetFile := filepath.Join(targetDir, relPath) targetParentDir := filepath.Dir(targetFile) os.MkdirAll(targetParentDir, 0777) contentBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Read file error:", path) return err } pf, err := pageparser.ParseFrontMatterAndContent(bytes.NewReader(contentBytes)) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Parse file error:", path) return err } newmetadata, err := convertJekyllMetaData(pf.FrontMatter, postName, postDate, draft) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Convert metadata error:", path) return err } content, err := convertJekyllContent(newmetadata, string(pf.Content)) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Println("Converting Jekyll error:", path) return err } fs := hugofs.Os if err := helpers.WriteToDisk(targetFile, strings.NewReader(content), fs); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to save file %q: %s", filename, err) } return nil } func convertJekyllMetaData(m interface{}, postName string, postDate time.Time, draft bool) (interface{}, error) { metadata, err := maps.ToStringMapE(m) if err != nil { return nil, err } if draft { metadata["draft"] = true } for key, value := range metadata { lowerKey := strings.ToLower(key) switch lowerKey { case "layout": delete(metadata, key) case "permalink": if str, ok := value.(string); ok { metadata["url"] = str } delete(metadata, key) case "category": if str, ok := value.(string); ok { metadata["categories"] = []string{str} } delete(metadata, key) case "excerpt_separator": if key != lowerKey { delete(metadata, key) metadata[lowerKey] = value } case "date": if str, ok := value.(string); ok { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)`) r := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(str, -1) if len(r) > 0 { hour, _ := strconv.Atoi(r[0][1]) minute, _ := strconv.Atoi(r[0][2]) second, _ := strconv.Atoi(r[0][3]) postDate = time.Date(postDate.Year(), postDate.Month(), postDate.Day(), hour, minute, second, 0, time.UTC) } } delete(metadata, key) } } metadata["date"] = postDate.Format(time.RFC3339) return metadata, nil } func convertJekyllContent(m interface{}, content string) (string, error) { metadata, _ := maps.ToStringMapE(m) lines := strings.Split(content, "\n") var resultLines []string for _, line := range lines { resultLines = append(resultLines, strings.Trim(line, "\r\n")) } content = strings.Join(resultLines, "\n") excerptSep := "<!--more-->" if value, ok := metadata["excerpt_separator"]; ok { if str, strOk := value.(string); strOk { content = strings.Replace(content, strings.TrimSpace(str), excerptSep, -1) } } replaceList := []struct { re *regexp.Regexp replace string }{ {regexp.MustCompile("(?i)<!-- more -->"), "<!--more-->"}, {regexp.MustCompile(`\{%\s*raw\s*%\}\s*(.*?)\s*\{%\s*endraw\s*%\}`), "$1"}, {regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s*endhighlight\s*%}`), "{{< / highlight >}}"}, } for _, replace := range replaceList { content =, replace.replace) } replaceListFunc := []struct { re *regexp.Regexp replace func(string) string }{ // Octopress image tag: {regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s+img\s*(.*?)\s*%}`), replaceImageTag}, {regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s*highlight\s*(.*?)\s*%}`), replaceHighlightTag}, } for _, replace := range replaceListFunc { content =, replace.replace) } var buf bytes.Buffer if len(metadata) != 0 { err := parser.InterfaceToFrontMatter(m, metadecoders.YAML, &buf) if err != nil { return "", err } } buf.WriteString(content) return buf.String(), nil } func replaceHighlightTag(match string) string { r := regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s*highlight\s*(.*?)\s*%}`) parts := r.FindStringSubmatch(match) lastQuote := rune(0) f := func(c rune) bool { switch { case c == lastQuote: lastQuote = rune(0) return false case lastQuote != rune(0): return false case unicode.In(c, unicode.Quotation_Mark): lastQuote = c return false default: return unicode.IsSpace(c) } } // splitting string by space but considering quoted section items := strings.FieldsFunc(parts[1], f) result := bytes.NewBufferString("{{< highlight ") result.WriteString(items[0]) // language options := items[1:] for i, opt := range options { opt = strings.Replace(opt, "\"", "", -1) if opt == "linenos" { opt = "linenos=table" } if i == 0 { opt = " \"" + opt } if i < len(options)-1 { opt += "," } else if i == len(options)-1 { opt += "\"" } result.WriteString(opt) } result.WriteString(" >}}") return result.String() } func replaceImageTag(match string) string { r := regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s+img\s*(\p{L}*)\s+([\S]*/[\S]+)\s+(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(.*?)\s*%}`) result := bytes.NewBufferString("{{< figure ") parts := r.FindStringSubmatch(match) // Index 0 is the entire string, ignore replaceOptionalPart(result, "class", parts[1]) replaceOptionalPart(result, "src", parts[2]) replaceOptionalPart(result, "width", parts[3]) replaceOptionalPart(result, "height", parts[4]) // title + alt part := parts[5] if len(part) > 0 { splits := strings.Split(part, "'") lenSplits := len(splits) if lenSplits == 1 { replaceOptionalPart(result, "title", splits[0]) } else if lenSplits == 3 { replaceOptionalPart(result, "title", splits[1]) } else if lenSplits == 5 { replaceOptionalPart(result, "title", splits[1]) replaceOptionalPart(result, "alt", splits[3]) } } result.WriteString(">}}") return result.String() } func replaceOptionalPart(buffer *bytes.Buffer, partName string, part string) { if len(part) > 0 { buffer.WriteString(partName + "=\"" + part + "\" ") } }