ref: 4dac1781e3436ddc5eefc6a9c62588e4335d8c71
dir: /hugolib/config.go/
// Copyright 2016-present The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "errors" "fmt" "io" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // LoadConfig loads Hugo configuration into a new Viper and then adds // a set of defaults. func LoadConfig(fs afero.Fs, relativeSourcePath, configFilename string) (*viper.Viper, error) { v := viper.New() v.SetFs(fs) if relativeSourcePath == "" { relativeSourcePath = "." } configFilenames := strings.Split(configFilename, ",") v.AutomaticEnv() v.SetEnvPrefix("hugo") v.SetConfigFile(configFilenames[0]) // See if relativeSourcePath == "" { v.AddConfigPath(".") } else { v.AddConfigPath(relativeSourcePath) } err := v.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigParseError); ok { return nil, err } return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.\n Run `hugo help new` for details. (%s)\n", err) } for _, configFile := range configFilenames[1:] { var r io.Reader var err error if r, err = fs.Open(configFile); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to open Config file.\n (%s)\n", err) } if err = v.MergeConfig(r); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse/merge Config file (%s).\n (%s)\n", configFile, err) } } v.RegisterAlias("indexes", "taxonomies") // Remove these in Hugo 0.33. if v.IsSet("disable404") { helpers.Deprecated("site config", "disable404", "Use disableKinds=[\"404\"]", true) } if v.IsSet("disableRSS") { helpers.Deprecated("site config", "disableRSS", "Use disableKinds=[\"RSS\"]", true) } if v.IsSet("disableSitemap") { helpers.Deprecated("site config", "disableSitemap", "Use disableKinds= [\"sitemap\"]", true) } if v.IsSet("disableRobotsTXT") { helpers.Deprecated("site config", "disableRobotsTXT", "Use disableKinds= [\"robotsTXT\"]", true) } if err := loadDefaultSettingsFor(v); err != nil { return v, err } return v, nil } func loadLanguageSettings(cfg config.Provider, oldLangs helpers.Languages) error { multilingual := cfg.GetStringMap("languages") var ( langs helpers.Languages err error ) if len(multilingual) == 0 { langs = append(langs, helpers.NewDefaultLanguage(cfg)) } else { langs, err = toSortedLanguages(cfg, multilingual) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse multilingual config: %s", err) } } if oldLangs != nil { // When in multihost mode, the languages are mapped to a server, so // some structural language changes will need a restart of the dev server. // The validation below isn't complete, but should cover the most // important cases. var invalid bool if langs.IsMultihost() != oldLangs.IsMultihost() { invalid = true } else { if langs.IsMultihost() && len(langs) != len(oldLangs) { invalid = true } } if invalid { return errors.New("language change needing a server restart detected") } if langs.IsMultihost() { // We need to transfer any server baseURL to the new language for i, ol := range oldLangs { nl := langs[i] nl.Set("baseURL", ol.GetString("baseURL")) } } } cfg.Set("languagesSorted", langs) cfg.Set("multilingual", len(langs) > 1) multihost := langs.IsMultihost() if multihost { cfg.Set("defaultContentLanguageInSubdir", true) cfg.Set("multihost", true) } if multihost { // The baseURL may be provided at the language level. If that is true, // then every language must have a baseURL. In this case we always render // to a language sub folder, which is then stripped from all the Permalink URLs etc. for _, l := range langs { burl := l.GetLocal("baseURL") if burl == nil { return errors.New("baseURL must be set on all or none of the languages") } } } return nil } func loadDefaultSettingsFor(v *viper.Viper) error { c, err := helpers.NewContentSpec(v) if err != nil { return err } v.SetDefault("cleanDestinationDir", false) v.SetDefault("watch", false) v.SetDefault("metaDataFormat", "toml") v.SetDefault("disable404", false) v.SetDefault("disableRSS", false) v.SetDefault("disableSitemap", false) v.SetDefault("disableRobotsTXT", false) v.SetDefault("contentDir", "content") v.SetDefault("layoutDir", "layouts") v.SetDefault("staticDir", "static") v.SetDefault("resourceDir", "resources") v.SetDefault("archetypeDir", "archetypes") v.SetDefault("publishDir", "public") v.SetDefault("dataDir", "data") v.SetDefault("i18nDir", "i18n") v.SetDefault("themesDir", "themes") v.SetDefault("defaultLayout", "post") v.SetDefault("buildDrafts", false) v.SetDefault("buildFuture", false) v.SetDefault("buildExpired", false) v.SetDefault("uglyURLs", false) v.SetDefault("verbose", false) v.SetDefault("ignoreCache", false) v.SetDefault("canonifyURLs", false) v.SetDefault("relativeURLs", false) v.SetDefault("removePathAccents", false) v.SetDefault("titleCaseStyle", "AP") v.SetDefault("taxonomies", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"}) v.SetDefault("permalinks", make(PermalinkOverrides, 0)) v.SetDefault("sitemap", Sitemap{Priority: -1, Filename: "sitemap.xml"}) v.SetDefault("pygmentsStyle", "monokai") v.SetDefault("pygmentsUseClasses", false) v.SetDefault("pygmentsCodeFences", false) v.SetDefault("pygmentsUseClassic", false) v.SetDefault("pygmentsOptions", "") v.SetDefault("disableLiveReload", false) v.SetDefault("pluralizeListTitles", true) v.SetDefault("preserveTaxonomyNames", false) v.SetDefault("forceSyncStatic", false) v.SetDefault("footnoteAnchorPrefix", "") v.SetDefault("footnoteReturnLinkContents", "") v.SetDefault("newContentEditor", "") v.SetDefault("paginate", 10) v.SetDefault("paginatePath", "page") v.SetDefault("summaryLength", 70) v.SetDefault("blackfriday", c.BlackFriday) v.SetDefault("rSSUri", "index.xml") v.SetDefault("rssLimit", -1) v.SetDefault("sectionPagesMenu", "") v.SetDefault("disablePathToLower", false) v.SetDefault("hasCJKLanguage", false) v.SetDefault("enableEmoji", false) v.SetDefault("pygmentsCodeFencesGuessSyntax", false) v.SetDefault("useModTimeAsFallback", false) v.SetDefault("defaultContentLanguage", "en") v.SetDefault("defaultContentLanguageInSubdir", false) v.SetDefault("enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders", false) v.SetDefault("enableGitInfo", false) v.SetDefault("ignoreFiles", make([]string, 0)) v.SetDefault("disableAliases", false) v.SetDefault("debug", false) v.SetDefault("disableFastRender", false) return loadLanguageSettings(v, nil) }