Switch .Data to .Pages in the PageGroup functionality for increased consistency.
Making the term "Term" more consistent with Taxonomy usage.
Making the Pages Sorting methods available within a taxonomy term.
Adding a page listing the different methods available to Taxonomies.
More taxonomy examples in templates.
Fixing the taxonomy example. Fixed #318.
Be more specific about .Params content
Shortcodes are content files specific.
Add document about page grouping functions
Inner Shortcodes now treated as markdown. fixed #185
Compressed showcase thumbnails further
fixed #389 . Added alias for missing page.
Creating a showcase archetype to make for easier showcase additions
Adding a bunch of new sites to the showcase
Adding a bunch of new press to the Press page.
Bumping Travis to test Go 1.2 & tip (1.3)
LiveReloadDisabled works with Watching properly. Fixed #335.
Fix #302. Links now have trailing slashes.
Support subdir in baseurl.
added functionality to check the error message returned from Cobra, if any. for uage message text. If its present, the usage message gets truncated and the resulting message is returned to be used for the rest of the error message. If the resulting error is blank, no error message is printed
preserve alias case while lowercasing taxonomy
Update 404 to be compiled to .html instead of directory
Add page grouping functions
Add link for learning more about static directory
support for futre/draft summary info output
Cleaning up a ton of CSS.. Removing unused selectors. Eliminated over 80% of CSS. Upgrading jQuery & FA
Fixing the docs sidebar interactions
fix issue 411, /path/to/site/archetypes : is a directory error
Changing the docs template partials to be able to be used to render a section
Adding IsNode & IsPage functions to Page & Node
added evaluation for toml for metadataformat date handling
Added a note after the script adding potential issues per @franklinwise's feedback
errors not propagating
switch to new location of goyaml
Add 'where' template function
Added yaml menu example
Config changes and Live Reload
Fix #394 - Docs: add a missing link to the livereload page in the intro
hugo builds no site if there are only drafts
Docs-removed bullet and broken link for catagetories. Included category text in bullet for taxonomies
Fix #363 - Docs: make the fixed menu on the left scrollable
update docs for permalinks with all fields
make type-or-section more obvious
Merge pull request #388 from GraemeCaldwell/patch-2
Merge pull request #370 from kevinburke/its
Fixed #328. Config file set appropriately.
allow site to be built with empty content
report errors
Allows 404 templates from themes/THEME directories.
Add shortcode template loading from themes directory.
Add PluralizeListTitles option (default true) to allow disabling use of the inflect package
fix link to template primer
taxonomies -> Taxonomies
Fix minor typo in file docs/content/templates/overview.md
do not use angle brackets in hyperlink labels
switch back to master blackfriday; enable footnotes
Included instructions for omitting disqus comments on localhost.
Fix #263, document HTML comments & IE conditionals
Centralizing the template execution logic in one place
Adding 'partial' template function to add theme / local awareness to the partials directory.
Adding proper error message when view is not found.. fixing #303
fixed #303. Adding theme support to views
Support embedding <script> tags in markdown pages
Add empty line to correctly render a list
Fix docs script and css references to refer to the correct location
Update menu documentation to be accurate
Updating Convert to handle dates properly for yaml and json
Add future details to documentation
Add handling for publishDates (which will be ignored if in the future). Fixed #260
Include Section Taxonomy into SiteInfo
SiteInfo is now a pointer on the Node
Fixed #301. LiveReload works on any port now.
Fix Viperized .Site.Params
Allow to use filename in permalinks
Adding TechMadePlain to showcase
Fix links to GitHub repo for spencerlyon2/hugo_gh_blog
More doc site improvements. Added documentation's new layout
Fixing bug with Live Reload where it broadcast instead of sending the handshake