ref: 2e77cc07a28228b5f4caa08a34e9b44bde140914
dir: /docs/themes/gohugoioTheme/layouts/partials/home-page-sections/features-icons.html/
<div class="w-90-l center"> {{ if .Params.features }} <div class=" flex-ns flex-wrap justify-center center mw9"> {{ $features := .Params.features }} {{ range $i, $e := $features }} {{ $features_count := $e | len }} <div class="w-100{{ if and (eq $i $features_count) (ne (modBool $features_count 2) true) }} w-70-ns {{ else }} w-50-ns {{ end }}ph5-l pv5-l nested-copy-line-height"> <!-- NOTE: "if eq $i $features_count" makes the last item a bit wider for balance. If we use an even number of items, we'll want to remove this --> <div class="flex-l flex-wrap justify-between"> <div class="flex-auto w-100 w-20-ns pt1 "> {{ with .image_path }} <img src="{{ . }}" alt="icon depicting {{ $e.heading }}" class="h3 o-80 v-mid center w-100"> {{ end }} </div> <div class="flex-auto tc tl-ns w-100 w-80-ns"> <h3 class="lh-title gray o-80 f4 f5-ns mb2 fw8 bmt1 mt0-l"> {{ .heading }} </h3> <div class="db v-mid w-100 gray measure-wide mb5 mb0-l"> <p class="f3 primary-color mt0 mb2">{{.tagline}}</p> <div class="lh-copy"> {{ .copy }} </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> {{ end }} </div> {{ end }} </div>