ref: 23f69efb3914946b39ce673fcc0f2e3a9ed9d878
dir: /magefile.go/
// +build mage package main import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "time" "" "" ) const ( packageName = "" noGitLdflags = "-X $PACKAGE/hugolib.BuildDate=$BUILD_DATE" ) var ldflags = "-X $PACKAGE/hugolib.CommitHash=$COMMIT_HASH -X $PACKAGE/hugolib.BuildDate=$BUILD_DATE" // allow user to override go executable by running as GOEXE=xxx make ... on unix-like systems var goexe = "go" func init() { if exe := os.Getenv("GOEXE"); exe != "" { goexe = exe } } func getDep() error { return sh.Run(goexe, "get", "-u", "") } // Install Go Dep and sync Hugo's vendored dependencies func Vendor() error { mg.Deps(getDep) return sh.Run("dep", "ensure") } // Build hugo binary func Hugo() error { mg.Deps(Vendor) return sh.RunWith(flagEnv(), goexe, "build", "-ldflags", ldflags, packageName) } // Build hugo binary with race detector enabled func HugoRace() error { mg.Deps(Vendor) return sh.RunWith(flagEnv(), goexe, "build", "-race", "-ldflags", ldflags, packageName) } // Install hugo binary func Install() error { mg.Deps(Vendor) return sh.RunWith(flagEnv(), goexe, "install", "-ldflags", ldflags, packageName) } func flagEnv() map[string]string { hash, _ := sh.Output("git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD") return map[string]string{ "PACKAGE": packageName, "COMMIT_HASH": hash, "BUILD_DATE": time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z0700"), } } // Build hugo without git info func HugoNoGitInfo() error { ldflags = noGitLdflags return Hugo() } var docker = sh.RunCmd("docker") // Build hugo Docker container func Docker() error { if err := docker("build", "-t", "hugo", "."); err != nil { return err } // yes ignore errors here docker("rm", "-f", "hugo-build") if err := docker("run", "--name", "hugo-build", "hugo ls /go/bin"); err != nil { return err } if err := docker("cp", "hugo-build:/go/bin/hugo", "."); err != nil { return err } return docker("rm", "hugo-build") } // Run tests and linters func Check() { if strings.Contains(runtime.Version(), "1.8") { // Go 1.8 doesn't play along with go test ./... and /vendor. // We could fix that, but that would take time. fmt.Printf("Skip Check on %s\n", runtime.Version()) return } mg.Deps(Test386, Fmt, Vet) // don't run two tests in parallel, they saturate the CPUs anyway, and running two // causes memory issues in CI. mg.Deps(TestRace) } // Run tests in 32-bit mode func Test386() error { return sh.RunWith(map[string]string{"GOARCH": "386"}, goexe, "test", "./...") } // Run tests func Test() error { mg.Deps(getDep) return sh.Run(goexe, "test", "./...") } // Run tests with race detector func TestRace() error { mg.Deps(getDep) return sh.Run(goexe, "test", "-race", "./...") } // Run gofmt linter func Fmt() error { pkgs, err := hugoPackages() if err != nil { return err } failed := false first := true for _, pkg := range pkgs { files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(pkg, "*.go")) if err != nil { return nil } for _, f := range files { // gofmt doesn't exit with non-zero when it finds unformatted code // so we have to explicitly look for output, and if we find any, we // should fail this target. s, err := sh.Output("gofmt", "-l", f) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("ERROR: running gofmt on %q: %v\n", f, err) failed = true } if s != "" { if first { fmt.Println("The following files are not gofmt'ed:") first = false } failed = true fmt.Println(s) } } } if failed { return errors.New("improperly formatted go files") } return nil } var pkgPrefixLen = len("") func hugoPackages() ([]string, error) { mg.Deps(getDep) s, err := sh.Output(goexe, "list", "./...") if err != nil { return nil, err } pkgs := strings.Split(s, "\n") for i := range pkgs { pkgs[i] = "." + pkgs[i][pkgPrefixLen:] } return pkgs, nil } // Run golint linter func Lint() error { pkgs, err := hugoPackages() if err != nil { return err } failed := false for _, pkg := range pkgs { // We don't actually want to fail this target if we find golint errors, // so we don't pass -set_exit_status, but we still print out any failures. if _, err := sh.Exec(nil, os.Stderr, nil, "golint", pkg); err != nil { fmt.Printf("ERROR: running go lint on %q: %v\n", pkg, err) failed = true } } if failed { return errors.New("errors running golint") } return nil } // Run go vet linter func Vet() error { mg.Deps(getDep) if err := sh.Run(goexe, "vet", "./..."); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error running govendor: %v", err) } return nil } // Generate test coverage report func TestCoverHTML() error { mg.Deps(getDep) const ( coverAll = "coverage-all.out" cover = "coverage.out" ) f, err := os.Create(coverAll) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() if _, err := f.Write([]byte("mode: count")); err != nil { return err } pkgs, err := hugoPackages() if err != nil { return err } for _, pkg := range pkgs { if err := sh.Run(goexe, "test", "-coverprofile="+cover, "-covermode=count", pkg); err != nil { return err } b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cover) if err != nil { return err } idx := bytes.Index(b, []byte{'\n'}) b = b[idx+1:] if _, err := f.Write(b); err != nil { return err } } if err := f.Close(); err != nil { return err } return sh.Run(goexe, "tool", "cover", "-html="+coverAll) } // Verify that vendored packages match git HEAD func CheckVendor() error { if err := sh.Run("git", "diff-index", "--quiet", "HEAD", "vendor/"); err != nil { // yes, ignore errors from this, not much we can do. sh.Exec(nil, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, "git", "diff", "vendor/") return errors.New("check-vendor target failed: vendored packages out of sync") } return nil }