shithub: hugo

ref: 1b46d2cfeed781d5197ce56134c4a9107b45fcc9
dir: /hugolib/page.go/

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// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package hugolib

import (




	bp ""
	jww ""

var (
	cjk = regexp.MustCompile(`\p{Han}|\p{Hangul}|\p{Hiragana}|\p{Katakana}`)

const (
	KindPage = "page"

	// The rest are node types; home page, sections etc.
	KindHome         = "home"
	KindSection      = "section"
	KindTaxonomy     = "taxonomy"
	KindTaxonomyTerm = "taxonomyTerm"

	// Temporary state.
	kindUnknown = "unknown"

	// The following are (currently) temporary nodes,
	// i.e. nodes we create just to render in isolation.
	kindRSS       = "RSS"
	kindSitemap   = "sitemap"
	kindRobotsTXT = "robotsTXT"
	kind404       = "404"

type Page struct {

	// Kind is the discriminator that identifies the different page types
	// in the different page collections. This can, as an example, be used
	// to to filter regular pages, find sections etc.
	// Kind will, for the pages available to the templates, be one of:
	// page, home, section, taxonomy and taxonomyTerm.
	// It is of string type to make it easy to reason about in
	// the templates.
	Kind string

	// Since Hugo 0.18 we got rid of the Node type. So now all pages are ...
	// pages (regular pages, home page, sections etc.).
	// Sections etc. will have child pages. These were earlier placed in .Data.Pages,
	// but can now be more intuitively also be fetched directly from .Pages.
	// This collection will be nil for regular pages.
	Pages Pages

	// translations will contain references to this page in other language
	// if available.
	translations Pages

	// Params contains configuration defined in the params section of page frontmatter.
	Params map[string]interface{}

	// Content sections
	Content         template.HTML
	Summary         template.HTML
	TableOfContents template.HTML

	Aliases []string

	Images []Image
	Videos []Video

	Truncated bool
	Draft     bool
	Status    string

	PublishDate time.Time
	ExpiryDate  time.Time

	// PageMeta contains page stats such as word count etc.

	// Markup contains the markup type for the content.
	Markup string

	extension   string
	contentType string
	renderable  bool

	Layout            string
	layoutsCalculated []string

	linkTitle string

	frontmatter []byte

	// rawContent is the raw content read from the content file.
	rawContent []byte

	// workContent is a copy of rawContent that may be mutated during site build.
	workContent []byte

	// state telling if this is a "new page" or if we have rendered it previously.
	rendered bool

	// whether the content is in a CJK language.
	isCJKLanguage bool

	// shortcode state
	contentShortCodes map[string]func() (string, error)
	shortcodes        map[string]shortcode

	// the content stripped for HTML
	plain      string // TODO should be []byte
	plainWords []string

	// rendering configuration
	renderingConfig *helpers.Blackfriday

	// menus
	pageMenus PageMenus


	Position `json:"-"`

	GitInfo *gitmap.GitInfo

	// This was added as part of getting the Nodes (taxonomies etc.) to work as
	// Pages in Hugo 0.18.
	// It is deliberately named similar to Section, but not exported (for now).
	// We currently have only one level of section in Hugo, but the page can live
	// any number of levels down the file path.
	// To support taxonomies like /categories/hugo etc. we will need to keep track
	// of that information in a general way.
	// So, sections represents the path to the content, i.e. a content file or a
	// virtual content file in the situations where a taxonomy or a section etc.
	// isn't accomanied by one.
	sections []string

	site *Site

	// Pulled over from old Node. TODO(bep) reorg and group (embed)

	Site *SiteInfo `json:"-"`

	Title       string
	Description string
	Keywords    []string
	Data        map[string]interface{}

	Date    time.Time
	Lastmod time.Time

	Sitemap Sitemap

	RSSLink template.HTML

	permalink *url.URL

	paginator *Pager

	scratch *Scratch

	language *helpers.Language
	lang     string

// pageInit lazy initializes different parts of the page. It is extracted
// into its own type so we can easily create a copy of a given page.
type pageInit struct {
	languageInit        sync.Once
	pageMenusInit       sync.Once
	pageMetaInit        sync.Once
	paginatorInit       sync.Once
	plainInit           sync.Once
	plainWordsInit      sync.Once
	renderingConfigInit sync.Once
	pageURLInit         sync.Once

// IsNode returns whether this is an item of one of the list types in Hugo,
// i.e. not a regular content page.
func (p *Page) IsNode() bool {
	return p.Kind != KindPage

// IsHome returns whether this is the home page.
func (p *Page) IsHome() bool {
	return p.Kind == KindHome

// IsPage returns whether this is a regular content page.
func (p *Page) IsPage() bool {
	return p.Kind == KindPage

type Source struct {
	Frontmatter []byte
	Content     []byte
type PageMeta struct {
	wordCount      int
	fuzzyWordCount int
	readingTime    int
	Weight         int

func (*PageMeta) WordCount() int {
	// Remove in Hugo 0.19
	helpers.Deprecated("PageMeta", "WordCount", ".WordCount (on Page)", true)
	return 0

func (*PageMeta) FuzzyWordCount() int {
	// Remove in Hugo 0.19
	helpers.Deprecated("PageMeta", "FuzzyWordCount", ".FuzzyWordCount (on Page)", true)
	return 0


func (*PageMeta) ReadingTime() int {
	// Remove in Hugo 0.19
	helpers.Deprecated("PageMeta", "ReadingTime", ".ReadingTime (on Page)", true)
	return 0

type Position struct {
	Prev          *Page
	Next          *Page
	PrevInSection *Page
	NextInSection *Page

type Pages []*Page

func (p Pages) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Pages(%d)", len(p))

func (ps Pages) FindPagePosByFilePath(inPath string) int {
	for i, x := range ps {
		if x.Source.Path() == inPath {
			return i
	return -1

// FindPagePos Given a page, it will find the position in Pages
// will return -1 if not found
func (ps Pages) FindPagePos(page *Page) int {
	for i, x := range ps {
		if x.Source.Path() == page.Source.Path() {
			return i
	return -1

func (p *Page) createWorkContentCopy() {
	p.workContent = make([]byte, len(p.rawContent))
	copy(p.workContent, p.rawContent)

func (p *Page) Plain() string {
	return p.plain

func (p *Page) PlainWords() []string {
	return p.plainWords

func (p *Page) initPlain() {
	p.plainInit.Do(func() {
		p.plain = helpers.StripHTML(string(p.Content))

func (p *Page) initPlainWords() {
	p.plainWordsInit.Do(func() {
		p.plainWords = strings.Fields(p.Plain())

// Param is a convenience method to do lookups in Page's and Site's Params map,
// in that order.
// This method is also implemented on Node and SiteInfo.
func (p *Page) Param(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	keyStr, err := cast.ToStringE(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	keyStr = strings.ToLower(keyStr)
	if val, ok := p.Params[keyStr]; ok {
		return val, nil
	return p.Site.Params[keyStr], nil

func (p *Page) Author() Author {
	authors := p.Authors()

	for _, author := range authors {
		return author
	return Author{}

func (p *Page) Authors() AuthorList {
	authorKeys, ok := p.Params["authors"]
	if !ok {
		return AuthorList{}
	authors := authorKeys.([]string)
	if len(authors) < 1 || len(p.Site.Authors) < 1 {
		return AuthorList{}

	al := make(AuthorList)
	for _, author := range authors {
		a, ok := p.Site.Authors[author]
		if ok {
			al[author] = a
	return al

func (p *Page) UniqueID() string {
	return p.Source.UniqueID()

// for logging
func (p *Page) lineNumRawContentStart() int {
	return bytes.Count(p.frontmatter, []byte("\n")) + 1

var (
	internalSummaryDivider = []byte("HUGOMORE42")

// Returns the page as summary and main if a user defined split is provided.
func (p *Page) setUserDefinedSummaryIfProvided(rawContentCopy []byte) (*summaryContent, error) {

	sc, err := splitUserDefinedSummaryAndContent(p.Markup, rawContentCopy)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if sc == nil {
		// No divider found
		return nil, nil

	p.Truncated = true
	if len(sc.content) < 20 {
		// only whitespace?
		p.Truncated = len(bytes.Trim(sc.content, " \n\r")) > 0

	p.Summary = helpers.BytesToHTML(sc.summary)

	return sc, nil

// Make this explicit so there is no doubt about what is what.
type summaryContent struct {
	summary               []byte
	content               []byte
	contentWithoutSummary []byte

func splitUserDefinedSummaryAndContent(markup string, c []byte) (sc *summaryContent, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("summary split failed: %s", r)

	c = bytes.TrimSpace(c)
	startDivider := bytes.Index(c, internalSummaryDivider)

	if startDivider == -1 {

	endDivider := startDivider + len(internalSummaryDivider)
	endSummary := startDivider

	var (
		startMarkup []byte
		endMarkup   []byte
		addDiv      bool
		divStart    = []byte("<div class=\"document\">")

	switch markup {
		startMarkup = []byte("<p>")
		endMarkup = []byte("</p>")
	case "asciidoc":
		startMarkup = []byte("<div class=\"paragraph\">")
		endMarkup = []byte("</div>")
	case "rst":
		startMarkup = []byte("<p>")
		endMarkup = []byte("</p>")
		addDiv = true

	// Find the closest end/start markup string to the divider
	fromStart := -1
	fromIdx := bytes.LastIndex(c[:startDivider], startMarkup)
	if fromIdx != -1 {
		fromStart = startDivider - fromIdx - len(startMarkup)
	fromEnd := bytes.Index(c[endDivider:], endMarkup)

	if fromEnd != -1 && fromEnd <= fromStart {
		endSummary = startDivider + fromEnd + len(endMarkup)
	} else if fromStart != -1 && fromEnd != -1 {
		endSummary = startDivider - fromStart - len(startMarkup)

	withoutDivider := bytes.TrimSpace(append(c[:startDivider], c[endDivider:]...))
	var (
		contentWithoutSummary []byte
		summary               []byte

	if len(withoutDivider) > 0 {
		contentWithoutSummary = bytes.TrimSpace(withoutDivider[endSummary:])
		summary = bytes.TrimSpace(withoutDivider[:endSummary])

	if addDiv {
		// For the rst
		summary = append(append([]byte(nil), summary...), []byte("</div>")...)
		// TODO(bep) include the document class, maybe
		contentWithoutSummary = append(divStart, contentWithoutSummary...)

	if err != nil {

	sc = &summaryContent{
		summary:               summary,
		content:               withoutDivider,
		contentWithoutSummary: contentWithoutSummary,


func (p *Page) setAutoSummary() error {
	var summary string
	var truncated bool
	if p.isCJKLanguage {
		summary, truncated = helpers.TruncateWordsByRune(p.PlainWords(), helpers.SummaryLength)
	} else {
		summary, truncated = helpers.TruncateWordsToWholeSentence(p.Plain(), helpers.SummaryLength)
	p.Summary = template.HTML(summary)
	p.Truncated = truncated

	return nil

func (p *Page) renderContent(content []byte) []byte {
	var fn helpers.LinkResolverFunc
	var fileFn helpers.FileResolverFunc
	if p.getRenderingConfig().SourceRelativeLinksEval {
		fn = func(ref string) (string, error) {
			return p.Site.SourceRelativeLink(ref, p)
		fileFn = func(ref string) (string, error) {
			return p.Site.SourceRelativeLinkFile(ref, p)
	return helpers.RenderBytes(&helpers.RenderingContext{
		Content: content, RenderTOC: true, PageFmt: p.determineMarkupType(),
		ConfigProvider: p.Language(),
		DocumentID:     p.UniqueID(), DocumentName: p.Path(),
		Config: p.getRenderingConfig(), LinkResolver: fn, FileResolver: fileFn})

func (p *Page) getRenderingConfig() *helpers.Blackfriday {

	p.renderingConfigInit.Do(func() {
		pageParam := cast.ToStringMap(p.GetParam("blackfriday"))
		if p.Language() == nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("nil language for %s with source lang %s", p.BaseFileName(), p.lang))
		p.renderingConfig = helpers.NewBlackfriday(p.Language())

		if err := mapstructure.Decode(pageParam, p.renderingConfig); err != nil {
			jww.FATAL.Printf("Failed to get rendering config for %s:\n%s", p.BaseFileName(), err.Error())


	return p.renderingConfig

func newPage(filename string) *Page {
	page := Page{
		pageInit:    &pageInit{},
		Kind:        kindFromFilename(filename),
		contentType: "",
		Source:      Source{File: *source.NewFile(filename)},
		Keywords:    []string{}, Sitemap: Sitemap{Priority: -1},
		Params:       make(map[string]interface{}),
		translations: make(Pages, 0),
		sections:     sectionsFromFilename(filename),

	jww.DEBUG.Println("Reading from", page.File.Path())
	return &page

func (p *Page) IsRenderable() bool {
	return p.renderable

func (p *Page) Type() string {
	if p.contentType != "" {
		return p.contentType

	if x := p.Section(); x != "" {
		return x

	return "page"

func (p *Page) Section() string {
	return p.Source.Section()

func (p *Page) layouts(l ...string) []string {
	if len(p.layoutsCalculated) > 0 {
		return p.layoutsCalculated

	switch p.Kind {
	case KindHome:
		return[]string{"index.html", "_default/list.html"})
	case KindSection:
		section := p.sections[0]
		return[]string{"section/" + section + ".html", "_default/section.html", "_default/list.html", "indexes/" + section + ".html", "_default/indexes.html"})
	case KindTaxonomy:
		singular :=[p.sections[0]]
		return[]string{"taxonomy/" + singular + ".html", "indexes/" + singular + ".html", "_default/taxonomy.html", "_default/list.html"})
	case KindTaxonomyTerm:
		singular :=[p.sections[0]]
		return[]string{"taxonomy/" + singular + ".terms.html", "_default/terms.html", "indexes/indexes.html"})

	// Regular Page handled below

	if p.Layout != "" {
		return layouts(p.Type(), p.Layout)

	layout := ""
	if len(l) == 0 {
		layout = "single"
	} else {
		layout = l[0]

	return layouts(p.Type(), layout)

// TODO(bep) consolidate and test these KindHome switches (see other layouts methods)s
// rssLayouts returns RSS layouts to use for the RSS version of this page, nil
// if no RSS should be rendered.
func (p *Page) rssLayouts() []string {
	switch p.Kind {
	case KindHome:
		return []string{"rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
	case KindSection:
		section := p.sections[0]
		return []string{"section/" + section + ".rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
	case KindTaxonomy:
		singular :=[p.sections[0]]
		return []string{"taxonomy/" + singular + ".rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
	case KindTaxonomyTerm:
	// No RSS for taxonomy terms
	case KindPage:
		// No RSS for regular pages

	return nil

func layouts(types string, layout string) (layouts []string) {
	t := strings.Split(types, "/")

	// Add type/layout.html
	for i := range t {
		search := t[:len(t)-i]
		layouts = append(layouts, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.html", strings.ToLower(path.Join(search...)), layout))

	// Add _default/layout.html
	layouts = append(layouts, fmt.Sprintf("_default/%s.html", layout))

	// Add theme/type/layout.html & theme/_default/layout.html
	for _, l := range layouts {
		layouts = append(layouts, "theme/"+l)


func NewPageFrom(buf io.Reader, name string) (*Page, error) {
	p, err := NewPage(name)
	if err != nil {
		return p, err
	_, err = p.ReadFrom(buf)

	return p, err

func NewPage(name string) (*Page, error) {
	if len(name) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("Zero length page name")

	// Create new page
	p := newPage(name)

	return p, nil

func (p *Page) ReadFrom(buf io.Reader) (int64, error) {
	// Parse for metadata & body
	if err := p.parse(buf); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return int64(len(p.rawContent)), nil

func (p *Page) WordCount() int {
	return p.wordCount

func (p *Page) ReadingTime() int {
	return p.readingTime

func (p *Page) FuzzyWordCount() int {
	return p.fuzzyWordCount

func (p *Page) analyzePage() {
	p.pageMetaInit.Do(func() {
		if p.isCJKLanguage {
			p.wordCount = 0
			for _, word := range p.PlainWords() {
				runeCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(word)
				if len(word) == runeCount {
				} else {
					p.wordCount += runeCount
		} else {
			p.wordCount = helpers.TotalWords(p.Plain())

		// TODO(bep) is set in a test. Fix that.
		if p.fuzzyWordCount == 0 {
			p.fuzzyWordCount = (p.wordCount + 100) / 100 * 100

		if p.isCJKLanguage {
			p.readingTime = (p.wordCount + 500) / 501
		} else {
			p.readingTime = (p.wordCount + 212) / 213

func (p *Page) getPermalink() *url.URL {
	p.pageURLInit.Do(func() {
		u, err := p.createPermalink()
		if err != nil {
			jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to create permalink for page %q: %s", p.FullFilePath(), err)
			p.permalink = new(url.URL)

		p.permalink = u

	// The link may be modified by the receiver, so create a copy.
	l := *p.permalink

	return &l

func (p *Page) createPermalink() (*url.URL, error) {
	// TODO(bep) this should probably be set once during build. Maybe.
	// And simplified.
	baseURL := string(p.Site.BaseURL)

	if p.IsNode() {
		// No permalink config for nodes (currently)
		pURL := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.URLize(p.URLPath.URL))
		pURL = p.addLangPathPrefix(pURL)
		pURL = p.Site.pathSpec.URLPrep(pURL)
		url := helpers.MakePermalink(baseURL, pURL)
		return url, nil

	dir := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.MakePath(filepath.ToSlash(strings.ToLower(p.Source.Dir()))))
	pSlug := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.URLize(p.Slug))
	pURL := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.URLize(p.URLPath.URL))
	var permalink string
	var err error

	if len(pURL) > 0 {
		return helpers.MakePermalink(baseURL, pURL), nil

	if override, ok := p.Site.Permalinks[p.Section()]; ok {
		permalink, err = override.Expand(p)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		if len(pSlug) > 0 {
			permalink = p.Site.pathSpec.URLPrep(path.Join(dir, p.Slug+"."+p.Extension()))
		} else {
			t := p.Source.TranslationBaseName()
			permalink = p.Site.pathSpec.URLPrep(path.Join(dir, (strings.TrimSpace(t) + "." + p.Extension())))

	permalink = p.addLangPathPrefix(permalink)

	return helpers.MakePermalink(baseURL, permalink), nil

func (p *Page) Extension() string {
	if p.extension != "" {
		return p.extension
	return viper.GetString("defaultExtension")

// AllTranslations returns all translations, including the current Page.
func (p *Page) AllTranslations() Pages {
	return p.translations

// IsTranslated returns whether this content file is translated to
// other language(s).
func (p *Page) IsTranslated() bool {
	return len(p.translations) > 1

// Translations returns the translations excluding the current Page.
func (p *Page) Translations() Pages {
	translations := make(Pages, 0)
	for _, t := range p.translations {
		if t != p {
			translations = append(translations, t)
	return translations

func (p *Page) LinkTitle() string {
	if len(p.linkTitle) > 0 {
		return p.linkTitle
	return p.Title

func (p *Page) shouldBuild() bool {
	return shouldBuild(viper.GetBool("buildFuture"), viper.GetBool("buildExpired"),
		viper.GetBool("buildDrafts"), p.Draft, p.PublishDate, p.ExpiryDate)

func shouldBuild(buildFuture bool, buildExpired bool, buildDrafts bool, Draft bool,
	publishDate time.Time, expiryDate time.Time) bool {
	if !(buildDrafts || !Draft) {
		return false
	if !buildFuture && !publishDate.IsZero() && publishDate.After(time.Now()) {
		return false
	if !buildExpired && !expiryDate.IsZero() && expiryDate.Before(time.Now()) {
		return false
	return true

func (p *Page) IsDraft() bool {
	return p.Draft

func (p *Page) IsFuture() bool {
	if p.PublishDate.IsZero() {
		return false
	return p.PublishDate.After(time.Now())

func (p *Page) IsExpired() bool {
	if p.ExpiryDate.IsZero() {
		return false
	return p.ExpiryDate.Before(time.Now())

func (p *Page) Permalink() string {
	return p.getPermalink().String()

func (p *Page) URL() string {

	if p.IsPage() && p.URLPath.URL != "" {
		// This is the url set in front matter
		return p.URLPath.URL
	// Fall back to the relative permalink.
	u := p.RelPermalink()
	return u

func (p *Page) RelPermalink() string {
	link := p.getPermalink()

	if viper.GetBool("canonifyURLs") {
		// replacements for relpermalink with baseURL on the form will fail later on
		// have to return the URL relative from baseURL
		relpath, err := helpers.GetRelativePath(link.String(), string(p.Site.BaseURL))
		if err != nil {
			return ""

		relpath = filepath.ToSlash(relpath)

		if relpath[0] == '.' {
			relpath = relpath[1:]

		if !strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "/") {
			relpath = "/" + relpath

		return relpath

	link.Scheme = ""
	link.Host = ""
	link.User = nil
	link.Opaque = ""
	return link.String()

var ErrHasDraftAndPublished = errors.New("both draft and published parameters were found in page's frontmatter")

func (p *Page) update(f interface{}) error {
	if f == nil {
		return errors.New("no metadata found")
	m := f.(map[string]interface{})
	// Needed for case insensitive fetching of params values

	var err error
	var draft, published, isCJKLanguage *bool
	for k, v := range m {
		loki := strings.ToLower(k)
		switch loki {
		case "title":
			p.Title = cast.ToString(v)
		case "linktitle":
			p.linkTitle = cast.ToString(v)
		case "description":
			p.Description = cast.ToString(v)
			p.Params["description"] = p.Description
		case "slug":
			p.Slug = cast.ToString(v)
		case "url":
			if url := cast.ToString(v); strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") {
				return fmt.Errorf("Only relative URLs are supported, %v provided", url)
			p.URLPath.URL = cast.ToString(v)
		case "type":
			p.contentType = cast.ToString(v)
		case "extension", "ext":
			p.extension = cast.ToString(v)
		case "keywords":
			p.Keywords = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
		case "date":
			p.Date, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse date '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "lastmod":
			p.Lastmod, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse lastmod '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "publishdate", "pubdate":
			p.PublishDate, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse publishdate '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "expirydate", "unpublishdate":
			p.ExpiryDate, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse expirydate '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "draft":
			draft = new(bool)
			*draft = cast.ToBool(v)
		case "published": // Intentionally undocumented
			published = new(bool)
			*published = cast.ToBool(v)
		case "layout":
			p.Layout = cast.ToString(v)
		case "markup":
			p.Markup = cast.ToString(v)
		case "weight":
			p.Weight = cast.ToInt(v)
		case "aliases":
			p.Aliases = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
			for _, alias := range p.Aliases {
				if strings.HasPrefix(alias, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(alias, "https://") {
					return fmt.Errorf("Only relative aliases are supported, %v provided", alias)
		case "status":
			p.Status = cast.ToString(v)
		case "sitemap":
			p.Sitemap = parseSitemap(cast.ToStringMap(v))
		case "iscjklanguage":
			isCJKLanguage = new(bool)
			*isCJKLanguage = cast.ToBool(v)
			// If not one of the explicit values, store in Params
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case bool:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case string:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case float64, float32:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case time.Time:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			default: // handle array of strings as well
				switch vvv := vv.(type) {
				case []interface{}:
					if len(vvv) > 0 {
						switch vvv[0].(type) {
						case map[interface{}]interface{}: // Proper parsing structured array from YAML based FrontMatter
							p.Params[loki] = vvv
						case map[string]interface{}: // Proper parsing structured array from JSON based FrontMatter
							p.Params[loki] = vvv
							a := make([]string, len(vvv))
							for i, u := range vvv {
								a[i] = cast.ToString(u)

							p.Params[loki] = a
					} else {
						p.Params[loki] = []string{}
					p.Params[loki] = vv

	if draft != nil && published != nil {
		p.Draft = *draft
		jww.ERROR.Printf("page %s has both draft and published settings in its frontmatter. Using draft.", p.File.Path())
		return ErrHasDraftAndPublished
	} else if draft != nil {
		p.Draft = *draft
	} else if published != nil {
		p.Draft = !*published

	if p.Date.IsZero() && viper.GetBool("useModTimeAsFallback") {
		fi, err := hugofs.Source().Stat(filepath.Join(helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("contentDir")), p.File.Path()))
		if err == nil {
			p.Date = fi.ModTime()

	if p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
		p.Lastmod = p.Date

	if isCJKLanguage != nil {
		p.isCJKLanguage = *isCJKLanguage
	} else if viper.GetBool("hasCJKLanguage") {
		if cjk.Match(p.rawContent) {
			p.isCJKLanguage = true
		} else {
			p.isCJKLanguage = false

	return nil


func (p *Page) GetParam(key string) interface{} {
	return p.getParam(key, true)

func (p *Page) getParam(key string, stringToLower bool) interface{} {
	v := p.Params[strings.ToLower(key)]

	if v == nil {
		return nil

	switch val := v.(type) {
	case bool:
		return val
	case string:
		if stringToLower {
			return strings.ToLower(val)
		return val
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(v)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(v)
	case time.Time:
		return val
	case []string:
		if stringToLower {
			return helpers.SliceToLower(val)
		return v
	case map[string]interface{}: // JSON and TOML
		return v
	case map[interface{}]interface{}: // YAML
		return v

	jww.ERROR.Printf("GetParam(\"%s\"): Unknown type %s\n", key, reflect.TypeOf(v))
	return nil

func (p *Page) HasMenuCurrent(menuID string, me *MenuEntry) bool {

	sectionPagesMenu := p.Site.sectionPagesMenu

	// page is labeled as "shadow-member" of the menu with the same identifier as the section
	if sectionPagesMenu != "" && p.Section() != "" && sectionPagesMenu == menuID && p.Section() == me.Identifier {
		return true

	if !me.HasChildren() {
		return false

	menus := p.Menus()

	if m, ok := menus[menuID]; ok {

		for _, child := range me.Children {
			if child.IsEqual(m) {
				return true
			if p.HasMenuCurrent(menuID, child) {
				return true


	if p.IsPage() {
		return false

	// The following logic is kept from back when Hugo had both Page and Node types.
	// TODO(bep) consolidate / clean
	nme := MenuEntry{Name: p.Title, URL: p.URL()}

	for _, child := range me.Children {
		if nme.IsSameResource(child) {
			return true
		if p.HasMenuCurrent(menuID, child) {
			return true

	return false


func (p *Page) IsMenuCurrent(menuID string, inme *MenuEntry) bool {

	menus := p.Menus()

	if me, ok := menus[menuID]; ok {
		if me.IsEqual(inme) {
			return true

	if p.IsPage() {
		return false

	// The following logic is kept from back when Hugo had both Page and Node types.
	// TODO(bep) consolidate / clean
	me := MenuEntry{Name: p.Title, URL: p.URL()}

	if !me.IsSameResource(inme) {
		return false

	// this resource may be included in several menus
	// search for it to make sure that it is in the menu with the given menuId
	if menu, ok := (*p.Site.Menus)[menuID]; ok {
		for _, menuEntry := range *menu {
			if menuEntry.IsSameResource(inme) {
				return true

			descendantFound := p.isSameAsDescendantMenu(inme, menuEntry)
			if descendantFound {
				return descendantFound


	return false

func (p *Page) isSameAsDescendantMenu(inme *MenuEntry, parent *MenuEntry) bool {
	if parent.HasChildren() {
		for _, child := range parent.Children {
			if child.IsSameResource(inme) {
				return true
			descendantFound := p.isSameAsDescendantMenu(inme, child)
			if descendantFound {
				return descendantFound
	return false

func (p *Page) Menus() PageMenus {
	p.pageMenusInit.Do(func() {
		p.pageMenus = PageMenus{}

		if ms, ok := p.Params["menu"]; ok {
			link := p.RelPermalink()

			me := MenuEntry{Name: p.LinkTitle(), Weight: p.Weight, URL: link}

			// Could be the name of the menu to attach it to
			mname, err := cast.ToStringE(ms)

			if err == nil {
				me.Menu = mname
				p.pageMenus[mname] = &me

			// Could be a slice of strings
			mnames, err := cast.ToStringSliceE(ms)

			if err == nil {
				for _, mname := range mnames {
					me.Menu = mname
					p.pageMenus[mname] = &me

			// Could be a structured menu entry
			menus, err := cast.ToStringMapE(ms)

			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("unable to process menus for %q\n", p.Title)

			for name, menu := range menus {
				menuEntry := MenuEntry{Name: p.LinkTitle(), URL: link, Weight: p.Weight, Menu: name}
				if menu != nil {
					jww.DEBUG.Printf("found menu: %q, in %q\n", name, p.Title)
					ime, err := cast.ToStringMapE(menu)
					if err != nil {
						jww.ERROR.Printf("unable to process menus for %q: %s", p.Title, err)

				p.pageMenus[name] = &menuEntry


	return p.pageMenus

func (p *Page) Render(layout ...string) template.HTML {
	var l []string

	if len(layout) > 0 {
		l = layouts(p.Type(), layout[0])
	} else {
		l = p.layouts()

	return tpl.ExecuteTemplateToHTML(p, l...)

func (p *Page) determineMarkupType() string {
	// Try markup explicitly set in the frontmatter
	p.Markup = helpers.GuessType(p.Markup)
	if p.Markup == "unknown" {
		// Fall back to file extension (might also return "unknown")
		p.Markup = helpers.GuessType(p.Source.Ext())

	return p.Markup

func (p *Page) parse(reader io.Reader) error {
	psr, err := parser.ReadFrom(reader)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	p.renderable = psr.IsRenderable()
	p.frontmatter = psr.FrontMatter()
	p.rawContent = psr.Content()
	p.lang = p.Source.File.Lang()

	meta, err := psr.Metadata()
	if meta != nil {
		if err != nil {
			jww.ERROR.Printf("Error parsing page meta data for %s", p.File.Path())
			return err
		if err = p.update(meta); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

func (p *Page) RawContent() string {
	return string(p.rawContent)

func (p *Page) SetSourceContent(content []byte) {
	p.Source.Content = content

func (p *Page) SetSourceMetaData(in interface{}, mark rune) (err error) {
	// See
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			var ok bool
			err, ok = r.(error)
			if !ok {
				err = fmt.Errorf("error from marshal: %v", r)

	var by []byte

	by, err = parser.InterfaceToFrontMatter(in, mark)
	if err != nil {
	by = append(by, '\n')

	p.Source.Frontmatter = by


func (p *Page) SafeSaveSourceAs(path string) error {
	return p.saveSourceAs(path, true)

func (p *Page) SaveSourceAs(path string) error {
	return p.saveSourceAs(path, false)

func (p *Page) saveSourceAs(path string, safe bool) error {
	b := bp.GetBuffer()
	defer bp.PutBuffer(b)


	bc := make([]byte, b.Len(), b.Len())
	copy(bc, b.Bytes())

	return p.saveSource(bc, path, safe)

func (p *Page) saveSource(by []byte, inpath string, safe bool) (err error) {
	if !filepath.IsAbs(inpath) {
		inpath = helpers.AbsPathify(inpath)
	jww.INFO.Println("creating", inpath)

	if safe {
		err = helpers.SafeWriteToDisk(inpath, bytes.NewReader(by), hugofs.Source())
	} else {
		err = helpers.WriteToDisk(inpath, bytes.NewReader(by), hugofs.Source())
	if err != nil {
	return nil

func (p *Page) SaveSource() error {
	return p.SaveSourceAs(p.FullFilePath())

func (p *Page) ProcessShortcodes(t tpl.Template) {
	tmpContent, tmpContentShortCodes, _ := extractAndRenderShortcodes(string(p.workContent), p, t)
	p.workContent = []byte(tmpContent)
	p.contentShortCodes = tmpContentShortCodes

func (p *Page) FullFilePath() string {
	return filepath.Join(p.Dir(), p.LogicalName())

func (p *Page) TargetPath() (outfile string) {

	switch p.Kind {
	case KindHome:
		return p.addLangFilepathPrefix(helpers.FilePathSeparator)
	case KindSection:
		return p.addLangFilepathPrefix(p.sections[0])
	case KindTaxonomy:
		return p.addLangFilepathPrefix(filepath.Join(p.sections...))
	case KindTaxonomyTerm:
		return p.addLangFilepathPrefix(filepath.Join(p.sections...))

	// Always use URL if it's specified
	if len(strings.TrimSpace(p.URLPath.URL)) > 2 {
		outfile = strings.TrimSpace(p.URLPath.URL)

		if strings.HasSuffix(outfile, "/") {
			outfile = outfile + "index.html"
		outfile = filepath.FromSlash(outfile)

	// If there's a Permalink specification, we use that
	if override, ok := p.Site.Permalinks[p.Section()]; ok {
		var err error
		outfile, err = override.Expand(p)
		if err == nil {
			outfile, _ = url.QueryUnescape(outfile)
			if strings.HasSuffix(outfile, "/") {
				outfile += "index.html"
			outfile = filepath.FromSlash(outfile)
			outfile = p.addLangFilepathPrefix(outfile)

	if len(strings.TrimSpace(p.Slug)) > 0 {
		outfile = strings.TrimSpace(p.Slug) + "." + p.Extension()
	} else {
		// Fall back to filename
		outfile = (p.Source.TranslationBaseName() + "." + p.Extension())

	return p.addLangFilepathPrefix(filepath.Join(strings.ToLower(
		p.Site.pathSpec.MakePath(p.Source.Dir())), strings.TrimSpace(outfile)))

// Pre render prepare steps

func (p *Page) prepareLayouts() error {
	// TODO(bep): Check the IsRenderable logic.
	if p.Kind == KindPage {
		var layouts []string
		if !p.IsRenderable() {
			self := "__" + p.TargetPath()
			_, err := p.Site.owner.tmpl.GetClone().New(self).Parse(string(p.Content))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			layouts = append(layouts, self)
		} else {
			layouts = append(layouts, p.layouts()...)
			layouts = append(layouts, "_default/single.html")
		p.layoutsCalculated = layouts
	return nil

func (p *Page) prepareData(s *Site) error {

	var pages Pages

	p.Data = make(map[string]interface{})
	switch p.Kind {
	case KindPage:
	case KindHome:
		pages = s.RegularPages
	case KindSection:
		sectionData, ok := s.Sections[p.sections[0]]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("Data for section %s not found", p.Section())
		pages = sectionData.Pages()
	case KindTaxonomy:
		plural := p.sections[0]
		term := p.sections[1]

		if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
			if v, ok := s.taxonomiesOrigKey[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", plural, term)]; ok {
				term = v

		singular := s.taxonomiesPluralSingular[plural]
		taxonomy := s.Taxonomies[plural].Get(term)

		p.Data[singular] = taxonomy
		p.Data["Singular"] = singular
		p.Data["Plural"] = plural
		pages = taxonomy.Pages()
	case KindTaxonomyTerm:
		plural := p.sections[0]
		singular := s.taxonomiesPluralSingular[plural]

		p.Data["Singular"] = singular
		p.Data["Plural"] = plural
		p.Data["Terms"] = s.Taxonomies[plural]
		// keep the following just for legacy reasons
		p.Data["OrderedIndex"] = p.Data["Terms"]
		p.Data["Index"] = p.Data["Terms"]

	p.Data["Pages"] = pages
	p.Pages = pages

	// Now we know enough to set missing dates on home page etc.

	return nil

func (p *Page) updatePageDates() {
	// TODO(bep) there is a potential issue with page sorting for home pages
	// etc. without front matter dates set, but let us wrap the head around
	// that in another time.
	if !p.IsNode() {

	if !p.Date.IsZero() {
		if p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
			p.Lastmod = p.Date
	} else if !p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
		if p.Date.IsZero() {
			p.Date = p.Lastmod

	// Set it to the first non Zero date in children
	var foundDate, foundLastMod bool

	for _, child := range p.Pages {
		if !child.Date.IsZero() {
			p.Date = child.Date
			foundDate = true
		if !child.Lastmod.IsZero() {
			p.Lastmod = child.Lastmod
			foundLastMod = true

		if foundDate && foundLastMod {

// copy creates a copy of this page with the lazy sync.Once vars reset
// so they will be evaluated again, for word count calculations etc.
func (p *Page) copy() *Page {
	c := *p
	c.pageInit = &pageInit{}
	return &c

func (p *Page) Now() time.Time {
	// Delete in Hugo 0.21
	helpers.Deprecated("Page", "Now", "now (the template func)", false)
	return time.Now()

func (p *Page) Hugo() *HugoInfo {
	return hugoInfo

func (p *Page) RSSlink() template.HTML {
	// TODO(bep) we cannot have two of these
	// Remove in Hugo 0.20
	helpers.Deprecated(".Page", "RSSlink", "RSSLink", true)
	return p.RSSLink

func (p *Page) Ref(ref string) (string, error) {
	return p.Site.Ref(ref, nil)

func (p *Page) RelRef(ref string) (string, error) {
	return p.Site.RelRef(ref, nil)

func (p *Page) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Page(%q)", p.Title)

type URLPath struct {
	URL       string
	Permalink string
	Slug      string
	Section   string

// Scratch returns the writable context associated with this Page.
func (p *Page) Scratch() *Scratch {
	if p.scratch == nil {
		p.scratch = newScratch()
	return p.scratch

func (p *Page) Language() *helpers.Language {
	return p.language

func (p *Page) Lang() string {
	// When set, Language can be different from lang in the case where there is a
	// content file ( with language indicator, but there is no language
	// config for that language. Then the language will fall back on the site default.
	if p.Language() != nil {
		return p.Language().Lang
	return p.lang

func (p *Page) isNewTranslation(candidate *Page) bool {

	if p.Kind != candidate.Kind {
		return false

	if p.Kind == KindPage || p.Kind == kindUnknown {
		panic("Node type not currently supported for this op")

	// At this point, we know that this is a traditional Node (home page, section, taxonomy)
	// It represents the same node, but different language, if the sections is the same.
	if len(p.sections) != len(candidate.sections) {
		return false

	for i := 0; i < len(p.sections); i++ {
		if p.sections[i] != candidate.sections[i] {
			return false

	// Finally check that it is not already added.
	for _, translation := range p.translations {
		if candidate == translation {
			return false

	return true


func (p *Page) shouldAddLanguagePrefix() bool {
	if !p.Site.IsMultiLingual() {
		return false

	if p.Lang() == "" {
		return false

	if !p.Site.defaultContentLanguageInSubdir && p.Lang() == p.Site.multilingual.DefaultLang.Lang {
		return false

	return true

func (p *Page) initLanguage() {
	p.languageInit.Do(func() {
		if p.language != nil {
		pageLang := p.lang
		ml := p.Site.multilingual
		if ml == nil {
			panic("Multilanguage not set")
		if pageLang == "" {
			p.language = ml.DefaultLang

		language := ml.Language(pageLang)

		if language == nil {
			// It can be a file named
			jww.WARN.Printf("Page language (if it is that) not found in multilang setup: %s.", pageLang)
			language = ml.DefaultLang

		p.language = language

func (p *Page) LanguagePrefix() string {
	return p.Site.LanguagePrefix

func (p *Page) addLangPathPrefix(outfile string) string {
	return p.addLangPathPrefixIfFlagSet(outfile, p.shouldAddLanguagePrefix())

func (p *Page) addLangPathPrefixIfFlagSet(outfile string, should bool) string {
	if helpers.IsAbsURL(outfile) {
		return outfile

	if !should {
		return outfile

	hadSlashSuffix := strings.HasSuffix(outfile, "/")

	outfile = "/" + path.Join(p.Lang(), outfile)
	if hadSlashSuffix {
		outfile += "/"
	return outfile

func (p *Page) addLangFilepathPrefix(outfile string) string {
	if outfile == "" {
		outfile = helpers.FilePathSeparator
	if !p.shouldAddLanguagePrefix() {
		return outfile
	return helpers.FilePathSeparator + filepath.Join(p.Lang(), outfile)

func sectionsFromFilename(filename string) []string {
	var sections []string
	dir, _ := filepath.Split(filename)
	dir = strings.TrimSuffix(dir, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
	if dir == "" {
		return sections
	sections = strings.Split(dir, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
	return sections

func kindFromFilename(filename string) string {
	if !strings.Contains(filename, "_index") {
		return KindPage

	if strings.HasPrefix(filename, "_index") {
		return KindHome

	// We don't know enough yet to determine the type.
	return kindUnknown

func (p *Page) setValuesForKind(s *Site) {
	if p.Kind == kindUnknown {
		// This is either a taxonomy list, taxonomy term or a section
		nodeType := s.kindFromSections(p.sections)

		if nodeType == kindUnknown {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to determine page kind from %q", p.sections))

		p.Kind = nodeType

	switch p.Kind {
	case KindHome:
		p.URLPath.URL = "/"
	case KindSection:
		p.URLPath.URL = "/" + p.sections[0] + "/"
	case KindTaxonomy:
		p.URLPath.URL = "/" + path.Join(p.sections...) + "/"
	case KindTaxonomyTerm:
		p.URLPath.URL = "/" + path.Join(p.sections...) + "/"
	} = s
