ref: 19e12caf8c90516e3b803ae8a40b907bd89dc96c
dir: /hugolib/disableKinds_test.go/
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "testing" "fmt" qt "" "" ) func TestDisable(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) newSitesBuilder := func(c *qt.C, disableKind string) *sitesBuilder { config := fmt.Sprintf(` baseURL = "" enableRobotsTXT = true disableKinds = [%q] `, disableKind) b := newTestSitesBuilder(c) b.WithConfigFile("toml", config).WithContent("sect/", ` --- title: Page categories: ["mycat"] tags: ["mytag"] --- `, "sect/", ` --- title: No List _build: list: false --- `, "sect/", ` --- title: No List _build: render: false --- `, "sect/no-publishresources/", ` --- title: No Publish Resources _build: publishResources: false --- `, "sect/headlessbundle/", ` --- title: Headless headless: true --- `) b.WithSourceFile("content/sect/headlessbundle/data.json", "DATA") b.WithSourceFile("content/sect/no-publishresources/data.json", "DATA") return b } getPage := func(b *sitesBuilder, ref string) page.Page { b.Helper() p, err := b.H.Sites[0].getPageNew(nil, ref) b.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) return p } getPageInSitePages := func(b *sitesBuilder, ref string) page.Page { b.Helper() for _, pages := range []page.Pages{b.H.Sites[0].Pages(), b.H.Sites[0].RegularPages()} { for _, p := range pages { if ref == p.(*pageState).sourceRef() { return p } } } return nil } getPageInPagePages := func(p page.Page, ref string) page.Page { for _, pages := range []page.Pages{p.Pages(), p.RegularPages(), p.Sections()} { for _, p := range pages { if ref == p.(*pageState).sourceRef() { return p } } } return nil } disableKind := page.KindPage c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) s := b.H.Sites[0] b.Assert(getPage(b, "/sect/"), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/page/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) b.Assert(getPageInSitePages(b, "/sect/"), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(getPage(b, "/"), "/sect/"), qt.IsNil) // Also check the side effects b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/categories/mycat/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) b.Assert(len(s.Taxonomies()["categories"]), qt.Equals, 0) }) disableKind = page.KindTaxonomy c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) s := b.H.Sites[0] b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/categories/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/categories/mycat/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) b.Assert(len(s.Taxonomies()["categories"]), qt.Equals, 0) b.Assert(getPage(b, "/categories"), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(getPage(b, "/categories/mycat"), qt.IsNil) }) disableKind = page.KindTaxonomyTerm c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) s := b.H.Sites[0] b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/categories/mycat/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/categories/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) b.Assert(len(s.Taxonomies()["categories"]), qt.Equals, 1) b.Assert(getPage(b, "/categories/mycat"), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) categories := getPage(b, "/categories") b.Assert(categories, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(categories.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "") b.Assert(getPageInSitePages(b, "/categories"), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(getPage(b, "/"), "/categories"), qt.IsNil) }) disableKind = page.KindHome c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) home := getPage(b, "/") b.Assert(home, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(home.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "") b.Assert(getPageInSitePages(b, "/"), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(home, "/"), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(getPage(b, "/sect/"), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) }) disableKind = page.KindSection c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) sect := getPage(b, "/sect") b.Assert(sect, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(sect.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "") b.Assert(getPageInSitePages(b, "/sect"), qt.IsNil) home := getPage(b, "/") b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(home, "/sect"), qt.IsNil) b.Assert(home.OutputFormats(), qt.HasLen, 2) page := getPage(b, "/sect/") b.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(page.CurrentSection(), qt.Equals, sect) b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(sect, "/sect/"), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.AssertFileContent("public/sitemap.xml", "sitemap") b.AssertFileContent("public/index.xml", "rss") }) disableKind = kindRSS c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/index.xml"), qt.Equals, false) home := getPage(b, "/") b.Assert(home.OutputFormats(), qt.HasLen, 1) }) disableKind = kindSitemap c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sitemap.xml"), qt.Equals, false) }) disableKind = kind404 c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/404.html"), qt.Equals, false) }) disableKind = kindRobotsTXT c.Run("Disable "+disableKind, func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.WithTemplatesAdded("robots.txt", "myrobots") b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/robots.txt"), qt.Equals, false) }) c.Run("Headless bundle", func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/headlessbundle/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/headlessbundle/data.json"), qt.Equals, true) bundle := getPage(b, "/sect/headlessbundle/") b.Assert(bundle, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(bundle.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "") resource := bundle.Resources()[0] b.Assert(resource.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/blog/sect/headlessbundle/data.json") b.Assert(bundle.OutputFormats(), qt.HasLen, 0) b.Assert(bundle.AlternativeOutputFormats(), qt.HasLen, 0) }) c.Run("Build config, no list", func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) ref := "/sect/" b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/no-list/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) p := getPage(b, ref) b.Assert(p, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(p.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/blog/sect/no-list/") b.Assert(getPageInSitePages(b, ref), qt.IsNil) sect := getPage(b, "/sect") b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(sect, ref), qt.IsNil) }) c.Run("Build config, no render", func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) ref := "/sect/" b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/no-render/index.html"), qt.Equals, false) p := getPage(b, ref) b.Assert(p, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(p.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "") b.Assert(p.OutputFormats(), qt.HasLen, 0) b.Assert(getPageInSitePages(b, ref), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) sect := getPage(b, "/sect") b.Assert(getPageInPagePages(sect, ref), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) }) c.Run("Build config, no publish resources", func(c *qt.C) { b := newSitesBuilder(c, disableKind) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/no-publishresources/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) b.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/sect/no-publishresources/data.json"), qt.Equals, false) bundle := getPage(b, "/sect/no-publishresources/") b.Assert(bundle, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) b.Assert(bundle.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/blog/sect/no-publishresources/") b.Assert(bundle.Resources(), qt.HasLen, 1) resource := bundle.Resources()[0] b.Assert(resource.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/blog/sect/no-publishresources/data.json") }) }