ref: 19084eaf74246feac61d618c55031369520dfa8e
dir: /docs/themes/gohugoioTheme/layouts/partials/site-footer.html/
<footer class="bg-primary-color-dark ph4-ns pt4 relative w-100" role="contentinfo"> <div class="center flex-ns flex-wrap justify-between mw9 w-90"> <div class="pb3 pt4 w-100 w-50-ns"> <div class="b f3 light-gray mb3 nested-links tc"> By the <a href="" class="link">Hugo Authors</a><br /> </div> <div class="center w4"> {{ partialCached "svg/hugo-logo-wide.svg" . }} </div> <ul class="center f6 list ma0 mv3 pa0 tc"> {{- with .Site.Params.github_repo -}}<li class="dib mr3"><a href="{{ . }}" class="dim link light-gray pv2">File an Issue</a></li>{{- end -}} {{- with -}}<li class="dib mr3"><a href="{{ . }}" class="dim link light-gray pv2">Get Help</a></li>{{- end -}} {{- with .Site.Params.gitter -}}<li class="dib"><a href="{{ . }}" class="dim link light-gray pv2">Discuss Source Code</a></li>{{- end -}} </ul> <ul class="center f6 list ma0 mv4 pa0 tc"> <li class="dib mr3"><a href="" class="dim link light-gray pv2">@GoHugoIO</a></li> <li class="dib mr3"><a href="" class="dim link light-gray pv2">@spf13</a></li> <li class="dib"><a href="" class="dim link light-gray pv2">@bepsays</a></li> </ul> {{ with getenv "REPOSITORY_URL" -}} <p class="center f6 tc w-70"><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p> {{- end }} </div> <div class="w-100 w-50-l"> {{ partial "home-page-sections/sponsors.html" (dict "cx" . "gtag" "footer" "classes_section" "pb3 w-100" "classes_copy" "f7 w-90-ns") }} </div> </div> <div class="f7 gray mb5 mb0-ns ph3 w-100"> <p class="dib mr4">The Hugo logos are copyright © Steve Francia 2013–{{ now.Year }}.</p> <p class="dib">The Hugo Gopher is based on an original work by Renée French.</p> </div> <img src="/images/gopher-side_color.svg" class="absolute-l bottom-0 dn db-l h4 right-0 z-999"/> <div class="bg-primary-color-dark bottom-0 left-0 right-0 dn-l fixed pb3 ph3 w-100"> {{- partial "nav-mobile.html" . -}} </div> </footer>