shithub: hugo

ref: 028b356787426dbc190ce9868fbc9a6400c2996e
dir: /hugolib/page__per_output.go/

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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package hugolib

import (





	bp ""


var (
	nopTargetPath    = targetPathsHolder{}
	nopPagePerOutput = struct {


var pageContentOutputDependenciesID = identity.KeyValueIdentity{Key: "pageOutput", Value: "dependencies"}

func newPageContentOutput(p *pageState, po *pageOutput) (*pageContentOutput, error) {

	parent := p.init

	var dependencyTracker identity.Manager
	if p.s.running() {
		dependencyTracker = identity.NewManager(pageContentOutputDependenciesID)

	cp := &pageContentOutput{
		dependencyTracker: dependencyTracker,
		p:                 p,
		f:                 po.f,
		renderHooks:       &renderHooks{},

	initContent := func() (err error) {

		if p.cmap == nil {
			// Nothing to do.
			return nil
		defer func() {
			// See
			if r := recover(); r != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("%s", r)
				p.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("[BUG] Got panic:\n%s\n%s", r, string(debug.Stack()))

		if err := po.initRenderHooks(); err != nil {
			return err

		var hasShortcodeVariants bool

		f := po.f
		cp.contentPlaceholders, hasShortcodeVariants, err = p.shortcodeState.renderShortcodesForPage(p, f)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		enableReuse := !(hasShortcodeVariants || cp.renderHooksHaveVariants)

		if enableReuse {
			// Reuse this for the other output formats.
			// We may improve on this, but we really want to avoid re-rendering the content
			// to all output formats.
			// The current rule is that if you need output format-aware shortcodes or
			// content rendering hooks, create a output format-specific template, e.g.
			// myshortcode.amp.html.

		cp.workContent = p.contentToRender(cp.contentPlaceholders)

		isHTML := cp.p.m.markup == "html"

		if !isHTML {
			r, err := cp.renderContent(cp.workContent, true)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			cp.workContent = r.Bytes()

			if tocProvider, ok := r.(converter.TableOfContentsProvider); ok {
				cfg := p.s.ContentSpec.Converters.GetMarkupConfig()
				cp.tableOfContents = template.HTML(
			} else {
				tmpContent, tmpTableOfContents := helpers.ExtractTOC(cp.workContent)
				cp.tableOfContents = helpers.BytesToHTML(tmpTableOfContents)
				cp.workContent = tmpContent

		if cp.placeholdersEnabled {
			// ToC was accessed via .Page.TableOfContents in the shortcode,
			// at a time when the ToC wasn't ready.
			cp.contentPlaceholders[tocShortcodePlaceholder] = string(cp.tableOfContents)

		if p.cmap.hasNonMarkdownShortcode || cp.placeholdersEnabled {
			// There are one or more replacement tokens to be replaced.
			cp.workContent, err = replaceShortcodeTokens(cp.workContent, cp.contentPlaceholders)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		if cp.p.source.hasSummaryDivider {
			if isHTML {
				src := p.source.parsed.Input()

				// Use the summary sections as they are provided by the user.
				if p.source.posSummaryEnd != -1 {
					cp.summary = helpers.BytesToHTML(src[p.source.posMainContent:p.source.posSummaryEnd])

				if cp.p.source.posBodyStart != -1 {
					cp.workContent = src[cp.p.source.posBodyStart:]

			} else {
				summary, content, err := splitUserDefinedSummaryAndContent(cp.p.m.markup, cp.workContent)
				if err != nil {
					cp.p.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Failed to set user defined summary for page %q: %s", cp.p.pathOrTitle(), err)
				} else {
					cp.workContent = content
					cp.summary = helpers.BytesToHTML(summary)
		} else if cp.p.m.summary != "" {
			b, err := cp.renderContent([]byte(cp.p.m.summary), false)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			html := cp.p.s.ContentSpec.TrimShortHTML(b.Bytes())
			cp.summary = helpers.BytesToHTML(html)

		cp.content = helpers.BytesToHTML(cp.workContent)

		return nil


	// Recursive loops can only happen in content files with template code (shortcodes etc.)
	// Avoid creating new goroutines if we don't have to.
	needTimeout := p.shortcodeState.hasShortcodes() || cp.renderHooks != nil

	if needTimeout {
		cp.initMain = parent.BranchWithTimeout(p.s.siteCfg.timeout, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
			return nil, initContent()
	} else {
		cp.initMain = parent.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
			return nil, initContent()

	cp.initPlain = cp.initMain.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		cp.plain = helpers.StripHTML(string(cp.content))
		cp.plainWords = strings.Fields(cp.plain)

		if err := cp.setAutoSummary(); err != nil {
			return err, nil

		return nil, nil

	return cp, nil


type renderHooks struct {
	hooks *hooks.Renderers
	init  sync.Once

// pageContentOutput represents the Page content for a given output format.
type pageContentOutput struct {
	f output.Format

	// If we can reuse this for other output formats.
	reuse     bool
	reuseInit sync.Once

	p *pageState

	// Lazy load dependencies
	initMain  *lazy.Init
	initPlain *lazy.Init

	placeholdersEnabled     bool
	placeholdersEnabledInit sync.Once

	renderHooks *renderHooks

	// Set if there are more than one output format variant
	renderHooksHaveVariants bool // TODO(bep) reimplement this in another way, consolidate with shortcodes

	// Content state

	workContent       []byte
	dependencyTracker identity.Manager // Set in server mode.

	// Temporary storage of placeholders mapped to their content.
	// These are shortcodes etc. Some of these will need to be replaced
	// after any markup is rendered, so they share a common prefix.
	contentPlaceholders map[string]string

	// Content sections
	content         template.HTML
	summary         template.HTML
	tableOfContents template.HTML

	truncated bool

	plainWords     []string
	plain          string
	fuzzyWordCount int
	wordCount      int
	readingTime    int

func (p *pageContentOutput) trackDependency(id identity.Provider) {
	if p.dependencyTracker != nil {

func (p *pageContentOutput) Reset() {
	if p.dependencyTracker != nil {
	p.renderHooks = &renderHooks{}

func (p *pageContentOutput) Content() (interface{}, error) {
	if p.p.s.initInit(p.initMain, p.p) {
		return p.content, nil
	return nil, nil

func (p *pageContentOutput) FuzzyWordCount() int {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.fuzzyWordCount

func (p *pageContentOutput) Len() int {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initMain, p.p)
	return len(p.content)

func (p *pageContentOutput) Plain() string {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.plain

func (p *pageContentOutput) PlainWords() []string {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.plainWords

func (p *pageContentOutput) ReadingTime() int {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.readingTime

func (p *pageContentOutput) Summary() template.HTML {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initMain, p.p)
	if !p.p.source.hasSummaryDivider {
		p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.summary

func (p *pageContentOutput) TableOfContents() template.HTML {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initMain, p.p)
	return p.tableOfContents

func (p *pageContentOutput) Truncated() bool {
	if p.p.truncated {
		return true
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.truncated

func (p *pageContentOutput) WordCount() int {
	p.p.s.initInit(p.initPlain, p.p)
	return p.wordCount

func (p *pageContentOutput) setAutoSummary() error {
	if p.p.source.hasSummaryDivider || p.p.m.summary != "" {
		return nil

	var summary string
	var truncated bool

	if p.p.m.isCJKLanguage {
		summary, truncated = p.p.s.ContentSpec.TruncateWordsByRune(p.plainWords)
	} else {
		summary, truncated = p.p.s.ContentSpec.TruncateWordsToWholeSentence(p.plain)
	p.summary = template.HTML(summary)

	p.truncated = truncated

	return nil


func (cp *pageContentOutput) renderContent(content []byte, renderTOC bool) (converter.Result, error) {
	c := cp.p.getContentConverter()
	return cp.renderContentWithConverter(c, content, renderTOC)

func (cp *pageContentOutput) renderContentWithConverter(c converter.Converter, content []byte, renderTOC bool) (converter.Result, error) {

	r, err := c.Convert(
			Src:         content,
			RenderTOC:   renderTOC,
			RenderHooks: cp.renderHooks.hooks,

	if err == nil {
		if ids, ok := r.(identity.IdentitiesProvider); ok {
			for _, v := range ids.GetIdentities() {

	return r, err


func (p *pageContentOutput) setWordCounts(isCJKLanguage bool) {
	if isCJKLanguage {
		p.wordCount = 0
		for _, word := range p.plainWords {
			runeCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(word)
			if len(word) == runeCount {
			} else {
				p.wordCount += runeCount
	} else {
		p.wordCount = helpers.TotalWords(p.plain)

	// TODO(bep) is set in a test. Fix that.
	if p.fuzzyWordCount == 0 {
		p.fuzzyWordCount = (p.wordCount + 100) / 100 * 100

	if isCJKLanguage {
		p.readingTime = (p.wordCount + 500) / 501
	} else {
		p.readingTime = (p.wordCount + 212) / 213

// A callback to signal that we have inserted a placeholder into the rendered
// content. This avoids doing extra replacement work.
func (p *pageContentOutput) enablePlaceholders() {
	p.placeholdersEnabledInit.Do(func() {
		p.placeholdersEnabled = true

func (p *pageContentOutput) enableReuse() {
	p.reuseInit.Do(func() {
		p.reuse = true

// these will be shifted out when rendering a given output format.
type pagePerOutputProviders interface {

type targetPather interface {
	targetPaths() page.TargetPaths

type targetPathsHolder struct {
	paths page.TargetPaths

func (t targetPathsHolder) targetPaths() page.TargetPaths {
	return t.paths

func executeToString(h tpl.TemplateHandler, templ tpl.Template, data interface{}) (string, error) {
	b := bp.GetBuffer()
	defer bp.PutBuffer(b)
	if err := h.Execute(templ, b, data); err != nil {
		return "", err
	return b.String(), nil


func splitUserDefinedSummaryAndContent(markup string, c []byte) (summary []byte, content []byte, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("summary split failed: %s", r)

	startDivider := bytes.Index(c, internalSummaryDividerBaseBytes)

	if startDivider == -1 {

	startTag := "p"
	switch markup {
	case "asciidocext":
		startTag = "div"


	// Walk back and forward to the surrounding tags.
	start := bytes.LastIndex(c[:startDivider], []byte("<"+startTag))
	end := bytes.Index(c[startDivider:], []byte("</"+startTag))

	if start == -1 {
		start = startDivider
	} else {
		start = startDivider - (startDivider - start)

	if end == -1 {
		end = startDivider + len(internalSummaryDividerBase)
	} else {
		end = startDivider + end + len(startTag) + 3

	var addDiv bool

	switch markup {
	case "rst":
		addDiv = true

	withoutDivider := append(c[:start], bytes.Trim(c[end:], "\n")...)

	if len(withoutDivider) > 0 {
		summary = bytes.TrimSpace(withoutDivider[:start])

	if addDiv {
		// For the rst
		summary = append(append([]byte(nil), summary...), []byte("</div>")...)

	if err != nil {

	content = bytes.TrimSpace(withoutDivider)
