ref: 018494f363a32b9e4d3622da6842bc3e59b420b2
dir: /hugolib/menu_test.go/
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "testing" "fmt" qt "" ) const ( menuPageTemplate = `--- title: %q weight: %d menu: %s: title: %s weight: %d --- # Doc Menu ` ) func TestSectionPagesMenu(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() siteConfig := ` baseurl = "" title = "Section Menu" sectionPagesMenu = "sect" ` b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", siteConfig) b.WithTemplates( "partials/menu.html", `{{- $p := .page -}} {{- $m := .menu -}} {{ range (index $p.Site.Menus $m) -}} {{- .URL }}|{{ .Name }}|{{ .Title }}|{{ .Weight -}}| {{- if $p.IsMenuCurrent $m . }}IsMenuCurrent{{ else }}-{{ end -}}| {{- if $p.HasMenuCurrent $m . }}HasMenuCurrent{{ else }}-{{ end -}}| {{- end -}} `, "_default/single.html", `Single|{{ .Title }} Menu Sect: {{ partial "menu.html" (dict "page" . "menu" "sect") }} Menu Main: {{ partial "menu.html" (dict "page" . "menu" "main") }}`, "_default/list.html", "List|{{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}", ) b.WithContent( "sect1/", fmt.Sprintf(menuPageTemplate, "p1", 1, "main", "atitle1", 40), "sect1/", fmt.Sprintf(menuPageTemplate, "p2", 2, "main", "atitle2", 30), "sect2/", fmt.Sprintf(menuPageTemplate, "p3", 3, "main", "atitle3", 20), "sect2/", fmt.Sprintf(menuPageTemplate, "p4", 4, "main", "atitle4", 10), "sect3/", fmt.Sprintf(menuPageTemplate, "p5", 5, "main", "atitle5", 5), "sect1/", newTestPage("Section One", "2017-01-01", 100), "sect5/", newTestPage("Section Five", "2017-01-01", 10), ) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) h := b.H s := h.Sites[0] b.Assert(len(s.Menus()), qt.Equals, 2) p1 := s.RegularPages()[0].Menus() // There is only one menu in the page, but it is "member of" 2 b.Assert(len(p1), qt.Equals, 1) b.AssertFileContent("public/sect1/p1/index.html", "Single", "Menu Sect: "+ "/sect5/|Section Five|Section Five|10|-|-|"+ "/sect1/|Section One|Section One|100|-|HasMenuCurrent|"+ "/sect2/|Sect2s|Sect2s|0|-|-|"+ "/sect3/|Sect3s|Sect3s|0|-|-|", "Menu Main: "+ "/sect3/p5/|p5|atitle5|5|-|-|"+ "/sect2/p4/|p4|atitle4|10|-|-|"+ "/sect2/p3/|p3|atitle3|20|-|-|"+ "/sect1/p2/|p2|atitle2|30|-|-|"+ "/sect1/p1/|p1|atitle1|40|IsMenuCurrent|-|", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/sect2/p3/index.html", "Single", "Menu Sect: "+ "/sect5/|Section Five|Section Five|10|-|-|"+ "/sect1/|Section One|Section One|100|-|-|"+ "/sect2/|Sect2s|Sect2s|0|-|HasMenuCurrent|"+ "/sect3/|Sect3s|Sect3s|0|-|-|") } func TestMenuFrontMatter(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile() b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", ` Main: {{ len .Site.Menus.main }} Other: {{ len .Site.Menus.other }} {{ range .Site.Menus.main }} * Main|{{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }} {{ end }} {{ range .Site.Menus.other }} * Other|{{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }} {{ end }} `) // Issue #5828 b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- title: "P1" menu: main --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- title: "P2" menu: [main,other] --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- title: "P3" menu: main: weight: 30 --- `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Main: 3", "Other: 1", "Main|P1: /blog/page1/", "Other|P2: /blog/page2/", ) } // func TestMenuPageMultipleOutputFormats(t *testing.T) { config := ` baseURL = "" # DAMP is similar to AMP, but not permalinkable. [outputFormats] [outputFormats.damp] mediaType = "text/html" path = "damp" ` b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", config) b.WithContent("", ` --- Title: Home Sweet Home outputs: [ "html", "amp" ] menu: "main" --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- Title: AMP and HTML outputs: [ "html", "amp" ] menu: "main" --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- Title: HTML only outputs: [ "html" ] menu: "main" --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- Title: AMP only outputs: [ "amp" ] menu: "main" --- `) b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", `{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}{{ .Title }}|{{ .URL }}|{{ end }}`) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "AMP and HTML|/blog/html-amp/|AMP only|/amp/blog/amp/|Home Sweet Home|/|HTML only|/blog/html/|") b.AssertFileContent("public/amp/index.html", "AMP and HTML|/amp/blog/html-amp/|AMP only|/amp/blog/amp/|Home Sweet Home|/amp/|HTML only|/blog/html/|") } // func TestMenuPageSortByDate(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile() b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- Title: A date: 2019-01-01 menu: main: identifier: "a" weight: 1 --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- Title: B date: 2018-01-02 menu: main: parent: "a" weight: 100 --- `) b.WithContent("blog/", ` --- Title: C date: 2019-01-03 menu: main: parent: "a" weight: 10 --- `) b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", `{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}{{ .Title }}|Children: {{- $children := sort .Children ".Page.Date" "desc" }}{{ range $children }}{{ .Title }}|{{ end }}{{ end }} `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "A|Children:C|B|") }